Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  “Lead the way, I seem to remember a present I need to pull out of its hiding place.”

  Hearing her husband’s mention of the word present, Skye perked up. “What did you get me?”

  Noah threw back his head and laughed. “That sure got your attention.”

  Skye rose to hug her husband. “All I want for my birthday is another year with you.”

  “Oh, I think I might cry,” Libby whispered.

  Tricia wiped her cheek. Knowing Skye and Noah’s past, the sentiment was especially poignant.

  “Well, that goes without saying.” Noah kissed her gently. “I do have another small token of my appreciation for you. Just wait here.”

  As he left, Cady held up her hand. “I have time for one more palm reading before dinner. Who will it be?”

  “Tricia!” Avery called out. “Do Tricia!”

  Cassie pushed her forward. “Yes, maybe she’ll see a great fortune in your future from the sale of Circle C candles.”

  Tricia moved closer to Cady. “All right. Just don’t scare me.” She held out her hand. Everyone sat in rapt attention and waited to hear the verdict. When Cady smiled at her there was a collective gasp. “What do you see?”

  Looking around at everyone, Cady began to speak. “For each of us, there is a grand design. Our futures and fortunes were foretold and predestined before we were born. Decisions and circumstances can cause us to misstep our ordained paths, but there is a keeper of the stars. Isn’t that the name of your favorite song, Tricia?”

  “Yes, it is,” she whispered, shaking a little at what she was about to hear.

  “Your heart’s destiny will be fulfilled. What you long for will come to pass.” When Tricia started to pull back her hand, Cady gripped it, preventing her from moving. “There will be a storm before the calm, but you will get your happy-ever-after.” When Tricia stared into Cady’s eyes, she could see how serious she was. “Do you understand?”

  Tricia swallowed. No, she didn’t. Instead of admitting her confusion, she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Hey, don’t look now.” Skye leaned over and interrupted her intense moment. “He just walked up.”

  Tricia went tense, knowing she meant her brother. “Is he looking this way?”

  “Yes, and he’s coming this way too.”

  Unable to resist, she turned, seeing him before he saw her. In the light of Cady’s words, Tricia couldn’t help but feel like the moment was meaningful. She watched his dark head lift as he gazed over the crowd. When their eyes met, his nostrils flared and his powerful muscles bunched beneath the form-fitting western shirt he wore as he shouldered through the crowd. His short-cropped hair was the same midnight color as his shirt and his ice blue eyes smoldered with untamed spirit. The crow’s feet around his eyes and lines of experience around his mouth only added to his appeal. His features were so masculine, she especially loved the dark bloom on his jaw, it just added to his unbridled masculinity in Tricia’s eyes.

  To her utter joy, he came right to her and kissed her on the cheek. The touch of his warm, firm lips made frissons of delight bloom on her skin. “Hey, beautiful. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Tricia’s heart thrilled. “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”

  Only after placing a possessive hand on her lower back, did he turn his attention to his sister. “Happy Birthday, Princess, you look lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you, Brother.” Skye came to stand on the other side of Lance, her arms going around his waist. “The flowers you gave me are the centerpiece on the main table tonight. I love them.”

  “Good.” He kissed his sister on the forehead. “Tricia did a great job choosing and arranging them for you.”

  “Yea, she has good taste in flowers.” Skye poked Lance playfully in the chest. “And in other things too.”

  Tricia blushed, but was saved from commenting by Aron’s call that dinner was served.

  “Shall we?” Lance asked, entranced by the waterfall of golden hair hanging down her back. “I love your hair.” Visions of him wrapping the pale strands around his fist were so tantalizing that it was hard to get his feet moving in the right direction. “Those jeans you have on should come with a warning label.” He let his eyes skate down her back. If the creamy flesh exposed by the almost backless silk top she wore wasn’t enticing enough, the sight of her perfect ass molded by soft denim almost proved to be Lance’s undoing. There was no way he was going to be able to make nice with the McCoys for very long. “Let’s eat fast and cut loose. I want to be alone with you. What do you say?”

  “I say, yes.” Tricia shivered when she saw the heat in his eyes. “As soon as you think it’s polite to do so, this is your sister’s birthday party.”

  “Damn, you’re right.” He guided her to a table and pulled out a chair, helping her to sit. “We’ll stay a bit, at least until Noah gives her his gift. I do want to see her face when she sees what he’s done.”

  “What has he done?”

  Stepping behind her, Lance bent to whisper in her ear. “Moved heaven and earth to make his wife happy. I’ll fix you a plate and be right back. Don’t let anyone steal my seat.”

  His comment sounded exciting. Tricia shivered in anticipation of what the night might hold for herself as well as Skye Blue McCoy. As Lance made his way to the long, heavily laden buffet tables, Tricia enjoyed following his progress. She would be the first to admit that Tebow Ranch had its fair share of good looking men, but in her estimation, none could give Lance Rogers a run for his money. He was exceptional in every way. She’d often wished she was brave enough to snap a photo of him with her phone, something to gaze at when she hadn’t seen him for a while. Tonight, she wouldn’t have to fantasize, she was with him. The realization made her vibrate with excitement.

  While she waited for Lance to rejoin her, Tricia couldn’t help but admire her surroundings. These McCoy get-togethers were legendary, the family had gone all out to build a special facility especially for entertaining a large crowd of friends and neighbors. The setting was magical, the large wooden pavilion sat on a gently rolling hill, nestled between giant oaks. One of the creeks that fed the Guadalupe river ran just down the hill. All through the canopy of the trees, tiny white lights shone and lanterns hung from the branches, illuminating the expanse almost as clear as day.

  Despite the trappings of wealth, Tricia knew the McCoys were some of the most down-to-earth people anyone could ever meet. The day she’d run into Avery Sinclair at the church social was one of the luckiest moments of her life – because they’d run into one another – literally. Tricia had been looking down, carrying a basket of plastic Easter eggs and Avery had been heading in the opposite direction with an armload of stuffed animals, her attention captured by the dozens of children milling around with their gaily colored baskets, all waiting to be turned loose for the hunt. They collided, sending eggs and bunnies flying into the air. Midst the ensuing hilarity, a kinship was born. By the time the pair were on their feet again, the two women were friends. Between their going into business together and Avery marrying Isaac McCoy, the last couple of years had been hectic for them. But for Tricia, the highlight of it all had been meeting Lance Rogers.

  Looking back, Tricia couldn’t remember the reason for her initial visit to Tebow, this had been before Avery and Isaac got together. Whatever the circumstances, she’d been delivering flowers for a special occasion when a man had ridden up on a big black stallion. Tricia hadn’t been able to take her eyes off the magnetic cowboy. If he’d just galloped on by, she probably would’ve filed away his image for future daydreaming fodder and things would’ve continued as before. Instead, the man’s eyes met hers and he’d reined in his mount, coming to a full stop just a few feet away. Need any help? he’d asked.

  Hanging garland was a normal part of her job, but she’d neglected to bring a ladder and the places to be decorated were higher than she’d anticipated. With the help of the kind stranger, what would’ve been an hour’s task took onl
y minutes. To sweeten the deal, their bodies had brushed up against one another as they worked side by side. By the time the flowers were hung, Tricia was totally captivated by the handsome man who’d come to her rescue. Thank you for your gallant help, kind sir. My name is Tricia Yeager.

  Pleasure to meet you, Tricia. I’m Lance Rogers.

  What a perfect name for a knight in cowboy boots.

  My mother didn’t name me Lancelot, thank goodness, but I am always glad to come to the rescue of a fair maiden.

  His twinkling eyes and ready smile lingered in Tricia’s imagination. He became her ideal. From that day forward, Lance began asking her out. Each time she turned him down hurt more than the last. To her joy and frustration, he persisted in his wooing and time and time again, she was tempted to surrender. Only the chance of him witnessing a seizure prevented her from accepting. She couldn’t bear to see the disgust on his face. So she’d forced herself and him, without his knowledge, to wait until she was sure she was seizure free.

  Or…she thought she was seizure free. This not knowing was killing her.

  “Stop it, Tricia,” she whispered to herself. “This is your chance, take it. Tomorrow, if everything falls apart, you will have at least had tonight.”

  “Here you go, sweet. Did you miss me?”

  His teasing question made Tricia jump. “I did, yes. I was just thinking back to the first day we met, when you helped me decorate this very pavilion. Do you remember?” She edged over to give him room on the bench. When his big body settled next to hers, she basked in his warmth.

  “I certainly do, every second of it. I wanted to kiss you so bad that day I ached with it.” Lance stared into Tricia’s eyes and saw an answering desire. “I want to make up for lost time. Are you game?”

  Tricia felt like she was on the brink of a great discovery. All the pent-up longing she’d felt for Lance spiked her expectations sky-high. She’d waited long enough, trapped by ghosts from her past. Tricia was willing to take the risk, tonight was the night. “Where shall we start?”

  “With the basics.” He let his shoulder nudge hers. “I think we should get to know one another a little better. You’re not from Kerrville, originally, are you?”

  Tricia shook her head. “No. I was born north of Fredericksburg, near a little town called Doss. Do you know it?”

  Lance nodded. “I sure do. I was raised near Willow City, not far from Doss.”

  “Oh, the bluebonnets are beautiful there.”

  “I left when I was thirteen, so that’s probably why our paths didn’t cross.”

  Tricia nodded. “My parents divorced and I moved with my mother to a small town in northern Louisiana, Robeline. A few years later, she remarried.” The food was delicious, but she had little appetite. She tore off a piece of roll and chewed slowly, her attention completely focused on Lance. “From what Skye tells me, you spent some time in Oklahoma.”

  He used his fork to cut the tender brisket into bite size pieces. “Yea, I did. My dad got killed and my mother remarried again and Skye was born. I lived with them until I was seventeen, then I came to the Hill Country and worked for a series of ranches, ending up here at Tebow.”

  Tricia could tell by the tone of his voice that there was more to the story, but the night was young, there was plenty of time to discover more about one another. “The McCoys speak very highly of you. I’m sure you do a wonderful job for them.”

  “They’ve treated me well and my sister has found a home and a good man here.” Lance shrugged, sipping iced tea from a talk plastic glass. “As lucky as I’ve been, I still dream of having a place of my own. My family owned a ranch and by all rights, I should’ve inherited it, but…”

  Their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Noah and his brother, Aron. As they approached Skye, the smile on Noah’s face grew bigger and brighter with every step. Only when they were a few feet away, did Tricia realize Noah carried something in his arms. “Does he have a…?” Tricia’s whispered question was drowned by Skye’s excited cry.

  “Noah! A baby? You brought me a baby?”

  The surrounding crowd of friends and family were silent as the couple came together. Noah kissed his beloved wife’s forehead and placed a tiny baby in her arms. “Yes, sweetheart, this baby girl couldn’t ask for a more wonderful mother.”

  “How did you do this?” Skye began to cry as she gazed into the face of the little dark-haired girl.

  “She needed us as much as we needed her,” was Noah’s explanation as people began to move closer. Everyone wanted to see the newest member of the McCoy clan.

  Remembering what Lance had told her, she placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, “This is wonderful. How did he manage this miracle?”

  With a satisfied smile, he drew Tricia close, a hand around her waist. “This was one of those things that was just meant to be, I guess. A woman Skye had befriended when she was in prison became pregnant while still at Eddie Warrior Correctional Facility. Knowing she couldn’t care for it and remembering what had happened to Skye while she was incarcerated, Brooke contacted the lawyer who’d helped me gain Skye’s release. This lawyer called me and I told Noah. Zane Saucier was able to work through the red tape to make this happen for Skye.”

  She didn’t want to be nosy, but there was something she didn’t understand. “What do you mean, what happened to Skye?” Tricia thought she knew the whole story, but she had no idea what he was referring to.

  Lance’s face clouded. He glanced toward his sister, who was accepting congratulations from person after person. “She was given a hysterectomy in prison against her will. They took her in for an emergency appendectomy and she came out barren.”

  Tricia’s eyes widened. “How could something like that happen?” She was horrified. “That’s one of the worst things I’ve ever heard, so unfair! Criminal!”

  “I agree.” Lance rubbed her back. “Unfortunately, unfair things happen to people all the time,” he said, thinking of his own family’s situation. “But then,” he kissed her on the cheek, “there are days like today when something good comes to pass. A couple is given a chance to give a baby a home and I…I get the chance to spend time with a woman like you.”

  Tricia felt the world recede until it was just the two of them. “Would you mind if we congratulated the birthday girl and went some where we could talk?” Her new found boldness continued to surprise her. Oh well, if this didn’t work out, it wouldn’t be because she hadn’t given it her best shot.

  Lance pushed his plate back. “Yea, I’d like that.” He took her hand. “Very much.”

  Together they made their way to Noah and Skye, waiting for the opportunity to see the infant who suddenly found herself the center of attention. When they drew near, Tricia’s heart fluttered at the sight of Skye with tears running down her cheeks. Noah shook Lance’s hand. “Thanks for everything.”

  “Oh, I didn’t do anything,” Lance murmured, “Skye laid the foundation for this blessing a long time ago.”

  “What are you going to name her?” Tricia couldn’t resist reaching out and stroking a wee finger. “She looks enough like you to be your natural child.” High cheekbones, dark eyes, and a rosebud mouth were present in both the baby and Skye.

  Skye looked at Noah with adoring eyes. “The name we picked out, if we were ever fortunate enough to have a baby girl is Blue Dawn.”

  Tricia gasped. “How beautiful, I love it!”

  “I do too.” Lance leaned over to kiss his new niece. “I am so happy for the two of you. No one deserves a baby more than you, Sis.”

  “I expect you to do your share of babysitting,” she assured her brother.

  “Ah, I think that’s our cue to leave, Tricia.” Lance laughed. “Let’s get out of here before she enlists me to change the first diaper.” Grasping Tricia’s hand, Lance led her away from the excited congregation.

  Tricia followed him gladly. “I don’t have a vehicle here.” She offered no further expla
nation and he didn’t ask for one.

  “Good, that means you’re at my mercy.”

  Tricia liked the sound of that. “Where are we going?” she asked as he guided her toward his truck, parked near one of the outbuildings.

  “I thought we’d go to Hardbodies, then maybe take a walk down by the river. Isaac has commissioned a lot of work down there, it’s almost like a park with benches and picnic tables. Avery even supervised the planting of some flower beds.”

  “I knew about the flowers. We ordered them wholesale through the shop.”

  While they were talking, Lance was helping Tricia into her seat. The tires on his truck were unusually big and she couldn’t climb in without help. “Up you go.”

  “Thank…” His mouth layered over hers before she had a chance to finish the word.

  Tightening his arms around her sweet body, Lance could tell he was welcome from the way she melted against him. With a sweet sigh, she parted her lips, and before he could deepen the kiss, she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Lance almost went to his knees, her response to him blew his mind.

  Letting his hands rove up her back, he clasped the nape of her neck and pulled her closer, ravaging his way to control of the kiss.

  Honk! Honk!

  Car lights illuminated them and Lance drew away from her, their breaths coming in ragged pants. “I suppose we should go.”

  “To be continued?” she asked, with unabashed hope in her voice.

  Lance chuckled. “Don’t lose our place.” He hurried around to the driver’s side and climbed in beside her. “You go to my head, Miss Yeager.”

  “I do?” Tricia could scarcely believe his claim, but oh, how she wanted to.

  …Hardbodies Saloon was hopping when Lance pulled into the parking lot. “Don’t move, I’ll come around and help you out. I don’t want you taking a tumble.”

  Tricia waited, tingles of anticipation making her feel more alive than ever before. When Lance opened her door and she slipped into his arms, she wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “This is exciting, thank you for bringing me.”


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