Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  “My pleasure.” He set her on her feet and took her by the hand. “Let’s get a drink from the bar and go out back. Okay?”

  “Yea, sounds good.” She happily went with him, having to curb her enthusiasm to keep from skipping the last few feet as they approached Isaac McCoy’s business establishment. This was familiar territory for them both and Tricia felt completely at home here. Avery and Isaac kept an apartment in the back and her friend had even shown Tricia their private BDSM playroom. She didn’t know if Lance was aware of the couple’s kinky side and she didn’t feel like it was her place to spill the beans. Although…the thought of having her wicked way with Lance in such a setting was very tempting. “I know you work most of the time, but what do you do for fun?”

  By the time she finished the question, they were inside and the noise prevented him from answering. Leading her through the crowd, a man raised his hand in greeting as Lance acknowledged several people who knew them.

  “How about giving me some poker tips, Rogers?” a bewhiskered man hollered, waving his hat in the air from across the room.

  “No, thanks, Rob.” He held up his and Tricia’s joined hands. “Got something a helluva lot better to do.”

  Rob held up his thumb, showing he understood. “Don’t blame you, partner. Maybe later.”

  “I guess that answered my question,” Tricia remarked, leaning against him as they moved through the crowded room.

  Arriving at the bar, he sat on a stool, then pulled her between his knees. “I have been known to play a little Texas Holdem.” Whispering in her ear, he added, “And I’m good at it.”

  Tricia grinned. “I bet you are. Will you teach me how?”

  “Sure.” Turning her around, he eased Tricia into his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist and clasping her legs tightly with his knees, Lance secured her in his embrace. “See, this is how it’s done. Texas Holdem.”

  “Funny.” She giggled, then let out a contented sigh. “You make me feel safe. I like your version better than the card game.”

  “Lance. Tricia. What can I get the two of you?” Emma Long asked for their order.

  “What will it be, beautiful?” Lance asked his date.

  “Margarita, I think.”

  “A margarita and a Shiner beer, Emma,” Lance told the pretty redhead.

  “Coming right up.” Emma told them, then held a framed photograph out to Tricia. “Look, isn’t this amazing?”

  Tricia took the photograph and saw it was Emma and Josh’s wedding portrait, taken in a field of lavender. “Oh, Emma, this is beautiful!”

  “I know,” Emma said with tears in her eyes. “I’ve been staring at it and staring at it.” She laughed, wiping her face. “Isn’t that silly? I’m legally blind and I stare at my wedding picture.”

  Tricia was touched more than she could say. “It’s not silly at all, I think it’s perfect. You love Josh so much and I can tell you this, after seeing the look on his face in this photo, you mean the whole world to him.”

  “I know I do,” she whispered happily, pouring the makings of Tricia’s margarita in the blender and deftly flipping the switch. Everyone was always shocked at how well Emma could handle herself and her job with sightless eyes. “So, you two are here together?”

  “Yes, Emma,” Lance answered, “aren’t I lucky?”

  “You sure are.” Emma beamed as she placed the beer and mixed drink in front of them. “Everyone has been expecting this. I’m glad you two finally got with the program.”

  Tricia blushed at the bartender’s words. “This is just our first…date, Emma.”

  Lance squeezed her, kissing Tricia on the neck. “Doesn’t feel like it, though, does it?”

  “No. I guess we’ve been engaging in foreplay for quite a while.”

  Tricia’s analogy went straight to Lance’s cock. He bent close so only she could hear what he was saying. “Our chance meetings have been fun, but I can guaran-damn-tee that you’ll know the difference when we engage in foreplay.”

  Flushed with desire, Tricia sipped her drink. She didn’t really know what to say. Something told her that she was in way over her head. It was easy to flirt, she’d been practicing that part for years. But no amount of fantasizing could serve as a prerequisite to the reality of being in his arms. “Are you ready for that walk? It’s hot in here.” She fanned herself with a napkin.

  “Yea, let’s go. Here’s for the drinks, Emma. This is a twenty, keep the change.” He put the bill in Emma’s hand.

  With determined steps, Lance led her through the crowd, speaking to people along the way. A live band was playing and, like normal, the bar was full of bikers and cowboys. Several individuals tried to snag their attention, but Lance was anxious to get her alone. Soon they had exited the rear of the saloon and made their way onto the boardwalk built by the Guadalupe, where the lazy river reflected the bright stars hanging heavily in the night sky. The silence between them wasn’t unpleasant, she enjoyed walking next to him and just reveling in the press of her body to his. “I probably know more about you than you realize, Lance.” She gave him a mischievous smile.

  “Oh, has someone I know been talking?” He tapped her on the end of the nose as they stood beneath a gas lamp.

  “Something like that,” she agreed. “We’re friends with many of the same people and we frequent the same places. We just haven’t spent much time one on one.”

  One on one. Her words morphed into an image of her beneath him in bed. Clearing his throat, he tried to keep his mind on the conversation. “True. Well, let’s see what I know about you….” He picked up a lock of hair from her shoulder, winding the silky strand around one finger. “From the clothes you wear, I know your favorite color is purple.”

  She smiled and touched the blouse she wore. “True, if purple is an option, I’m drawn to it like a bee to a flower. What else do you know?”

  “Hmmm, let me see…” He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close as they sipped their drinks. Their footsteps echoed on the wooden walkway meandering by the river, “I know you go out of your way to be kind to the elderly. You have a soft spot for them, don’t you?”

  Tricia shrugged. “I didn’t have a relationship with any of my grandparents growing up, so I began to visit a senior care facility in my home town to see what I was missing. I realized how lonely many of them were and I tried to do something to help.”

  Lance slowed his steps, rubbing his hand up and down her arm as he guided her along. They stopped at a bench beneath a spreading oak. “I’m sure you’ve made a big difference in those lucky people’s lives.” He took her drink and set it next to his on the nearby railing. “So, tell me something about Tricia Yeager that I don’t know.”

  Settling down beside him, sitting close enough so their bodies were pressed against one another in a most delicious way, she considered her answer. Nothing heavy. Nothing too personal. “I have a potter’s wheel and I throw a pot when I need to unwind.”

  “Remind me to stay out of your way when you’re stressed.”

  Tricia giggled. “I don’t literally chunk a pot at people, that’s what it’s called when I put clay on the wheel to form a new pottery piece.”

  “Oh, I get it.” Lance pushed her hair from her shoulder, his fingers grazing the soft skin. “Like in the movie Ghost, that was a hot scene.”

  She reached down to pick up his right hand in hers and began to rub it with slow strokes, concentrating on the sensitive skin of his palm. “I love to touch. The clay feels so good between my fingers.”

  Lance shuddered at the tactile pleasure. “Lucky clay.” The thought of her hands on his cock blew his mind.

  “Now, let me tell you some things I know about you,” she spoke as she continued to touch him, tracing his lifeline, entwining their fingers, sliding their palms together in a sensual caress. “You have a soft spot for animals. I saw you pick up a stray kitten off the sidewalk one day.” She’d been on her way to rescue it herself, when she’d witnessed
the big cowboy tenderly scoop the small cat up to cradle it close.

  “Well, I didn’t keep it, but I did find the little tom a good home. One of these days, if I ever have a place of my own, I’d love to have a pet or two.”

  “I think a man who is tender with animals is so sexy.”

  Lance swallowed at the sultry tone of her voice. “What else do you know about me?”

  “I know you like walking in the rain. When everyone else runs for cover, you turn your face up into the storm and invite the downpour. I like that, I love storms myself, the power is very exciting.” She continued making love to his hand with hers, the act was as exciting to her as she hoped it was for him.

  “Storms are so primal, they get my blood pumping,” he muttered, super-aware that this woman was creating a sexy storm of her own. “What else?”

  Tricia gazed into his face, his countenance illuminated by the near full moon lighting up the night sky. “You’re the heartthrob of most of the eligible women in town. Did you know that?”

  Lance snorted. “Yea, right. I don’t think so.” He knew he attracted some attention, but it was usually from women who were too young or in a relationship and wanted to use him as a distraction. “If I’m attracting any attention, it’s only because eligible bachelors in this town are becoming a rare species.”

  “Oh, yea, it’s true.” Tricia drew his hand, the one she’d been holding, over and pressed it to her heart. “See, my heart is throbbing because I’m with you.”

  Lance couldn’t have looked anywhere else if his life depended on it. He could see her hard nipples clearly outlined, straining against the silk. She was right, he could feel the hammering of her heart beneath his palm. When he lifted his eyes to her face, she licked her lips and he almost came in his jeans. “Good God, woman, come here.” He moved to throw a leg over the bench, so he could face her, urging her to do the same. “You’re dangerous. Did you know that?” He took one finger and traced her sexy bottom lip. When she slipped her tongue out to lick his finger, he groaned, “Tricia, baby.” Leaning over, he nuzzled her neck and she tilted her head to allow him total access.

  Reveling in his touch, Tricia wound her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers into the longer strands of hair at his neck. When he raised up, she could see the strain on his face. His eyes were hooded, his body tense. She glanced down to his lap and saw his huge erection bulging behind his zipper. Seeing how much he wanted her was thrilling. “Do you remember me telling you how I fantasize?” Tricia wanted him, there was no shame in this, they were friends, maybe more. She didn’t want to wait any longer. Who knows where the future would lead? She was all for grabbing all the happiness every moment could hold.

  “I haven’t been able to think of much else,” Lance confided.

  Having him right there in front of her, within touching distance was too good to resist. Unable to keep her hands to herself, she ran her palms up and down his strong, beautifully veined forearms. She was so excited; a hunger had formed between her thighs and she wanted to move her hips to assuage the ache. “I think about us together, how I would unbutton your shirt...” She slid a hand up his chest to finger the button just above his pecs. “You have hair on your chest. I can’t wait to see how it feels…against me.”

  Lance looked over his shoulder, back toward the bar. There was no one in sight, but that was no guarantee. For all extents and purposes, they were out in public. “If we were behind closed doors, I’d strip you naked and beg you to rub those pretty breasts all over my chest. But we’re not, and I want no eyes on your beautiful body but mine.”

  Tricia swallowed and just decided to go for it. “Would you like to go to my place? We’re only a few blocks away. I live over my shop.”

  “I know where you live, baby. Like I said, I know a lot about you.” He leaned over to give her a long, slow drugging kiss. “I just want to know you a whole lot better.” Standing up, he pulled her to her feet. “Come on, I’d love to go home with you.”


  The journey from the banks of the Guadalupe to the sidewalk in front of Tricia’s Treasures took about ten minutes and not one moment during that time did Lance leave her untouched; he kept a hand on her arm, her back, or her knee as he drove. It was as if he feared she’d disappear if he wasn’t touching her.

  “Don’t look at my house really close,” Tricia said as she fumbled for her keys. “My home isn’t dirty, but it’s a little cluttered.”

  “Believe me, I’m not here to check out your housekeeping skills.” Lance wrapped his arms around her, his hands skating up under her shirt, teasing the smooth flesh at her waist.

  With shaking hands, she finally managed to get the key in the lock. Once they were inside, she refastened the door, but didn’t flip on the light. The front of the store was made entirely of glass and she didn’t really feel like it was anyone’s business if she had company or not. “This way.” She grabbed Lance by the belt buckle and led him toward the stairs.

  Bling, bling, bling…

  Tricia giggled. “Watch out for the wind chimes.”

  “I’m like a big bull in a china shop,” Lance mumbled. “I hope I don’t break anything, lumbering around in the dark.”

  “You’re fine, I’m thrilled you’re here.” Making her way to the back of the store, she opened the door to the stairs. Flipping on a light, she closed the hall door behind them. “Now, we can see.”

  “Yea, and what I’m looking at is fine.”

  As she ascended the narrow staircase, Tricia glanced over her shoulder and realized he was referring to her butt. “Oh, thanks, but that’s something else you shouldn’t look at really close.” She couldn’t help but smile as he answered with a fondle to her hip. “I can’t believe we’re going to do this.”

  Choosing to answer with actions rather than words, he swept her up in his arms and continued to the second floor. On the top landing, he set Tricia on her feet and lifted her delicate hand to his lips, dropping a kiss into the center of her palm. To Lance’s surprise, his lips tingled from just that simple kiss. Tingled, by damn. “I want to do everything with you.”

  Tricia paused, a bit in a daze. “Yea, I must be dreaming.” She whirled around and opened the door to her apartment. “Quick. Come on, let’s do this before I wake up.”

  Lance caught up with her as she switched on a lamp. His surroundings barely registered, he saw a big, soft couch with lots of pillows and there were plants everywhere. “Not so fast, I don’t want to get lost in this jungle.” He snagged her by the arm and pulled her back against him. Covering her mouth with his, Lance’s lips stretched into a smile when he felt her nimble little fingers unbuttoning his shirt. “You are an impatient little minx,” he said, drawing back a fraction so he could see her face.

  “I am.” There was no use being coy when what she wanted more than oxygen was within her reach. Grasping both sides of his now open shirt, she stood on tiptoe and layered her lips to his once more, and this time she held nothing back. Tricia was hungry for him and not ashamed to show it. With one skim of her tongue across the seam of his lips, they parted for her, but he was fast to take command. She almost swooned as his tongue swept into her mouth, ravenously demanding everything she possessed. Melting against him, she moaned as Lance walked her backward until she was pressed to the wall. Folding his body around her, he enveloped her completely. As aroused and excited as she was, Tricia couldn’t ignore how his hardness and warmth made her feel safe. “Now, I can touch you all I want.” She slid her hands up between them and played in the sexy mat of dark hair on his chest.

  Lance was almost at the end of his rope; his control was slipping. He’d been cocked and primed for this moment for months and when he felt her fingers massaging his pecs, her unabashed need felled him. “Let me see you, baby.” He slipped his hands under her shirt and began pushing it up.

  See her? And just like that, she was nervous.

  “Can we go lay down? My knees feel weak. And there are cove
rs in there…to cover me up.” She’d been fine until he said something about seeing her naked. This was what she wanted, Tricia had no idea why she was feeling so inadequate.

  “Horizontal is one of my favorite positions.” Anything she wanted was fine by him, just as long as they didn’t stop. “You aren’t the only one with fantasies, you know,” he said as he followed her down the hall, anxious to get her out of those clothes. “I’ve been dreaming about your breasts.” Her blouse was low cut enough to show some cleavage. Just the thought enflamed him, he was itching to get his hands on those soft, pretty mounds, to make them quiver and beg for his touch. “I can think of all kinds of things I want to do to them.” Like kissing. Licking. Sucking. God, he was walking bowlegged, his cock harder than a brickbat.

  Tricia was glad she’d straightened her bedroom, usually it was littered with dozens of items of clothing. They weren’t dirty, she just had a mental block about hanging things on clothes racks and putting them in a closet. “Do you want to sit on the bed while I put on something sexy?” She had this little outfit put back for such an occasion. “I have a black shorty gown with matching panties, they have little bows on the sides.”

  “Sounds amazing, but I’m more interested in the gift than the wrapping,” Lance growled. The woman had no idea how she was affecting him. She was this intriguing mix of femme fatale and naïve innocent, he had no idea which was the real Tricia – but he looked forward to finding out.


  Why did she sound surprised? “Hell, yes, but you can model it for me some other time.” She’d led him into a room so purple that he felt like the cartoon character who’d dropped his glasses in a bucket of purple dye. The curtains were purple, the bedspread was purple, the pillows were purple, even the walls were purple. “Love your color scheme.”

  Tricia giggled. Dang it. “Does my lack of decorative imagination kill the mood?”

  Lance let his eyes rove over her, taking in her angel face, the cloud of blonde silk haloing around her head, and a centerfold body so perfect he wanted to go to his knees in awe. As sexy as she was, part of her allure was the way she looked at him, how she always seemed so interested in anything he had to say. Tricia made him feel like more than just a man who worked someone else’s ranch. “Honey, not even a nuclear bomb could distract me from loving on you.”


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