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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  “Is that bad?” Lance chuckled as he kissed her neck, easing his way down her body until he was nibbling on her collarbone.

  “The worst.” Her whole body was humming. “I kept thinking about how it felt.”

  “How what felt?” He was lower now, his mouth nearing the place where she longed for him to be.

  “When you kissed my nipples, it felt amazing.”

  Lance groaned. He’d been hard, now he was throbbing. “Let me see if I can live up to your expectations.” His hand cupped the firm mound of her breast, plumping it for his mouth. Her breath hitched in her throat as his fingers played with her nipple, tweaking the hard nubbin.

  “Lance, please.” She cradled his head in her hand as he nuzzled one breast, drawing a circle of fire around the nipple with his tongue. “Please.” Her plea earned her his mouth, open wide, taking her whole areola deep, massaging the nipple with the flat of his tongue. She whimpered and gasped, bucking her hips beneath him as he took the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing and milking the tender peak. Tricia bowed her back as fire surged from her nipple to her pussy. “Suck me, suck me,” she keened and Lance doubled his efforts, moving back and forth between her breasts. Nursing. Suckling. Tonguing her nipples and scraping them with his teeth. He wasn’t gentle. He devoured her.

  Easing to his side, he continued to suck her breast, moving a hand down to her mound. A growl of delight burst from his lips when his finger brushed a little landing strip of fuzz. “You’re so sexy.” Dipping his fingers into her slit, he found her wet and creamy. “God, you feel good.”

  “I’d feel better if you were inside me.”

  He couldn’t argue with her. Lying on his back, he pulled Tricia on top of him. “Ride me, I want to play with your breasts.”

  Unsure of herself, Tricia hesitated. “I’ve never done this before.”

  Her admission made him shiver. Of course, she hadn’t done it before, she’d only been with him – just that one time. She belonged to him. “I’ll help. Trust me.”

  Trust him. She wanted to. Taking his hand, she straddled his hips. Right in front of her was proof of his desire, as big around as her wrist and longer than her palm. With one finger, she tenderly traced the prominent vein that ran from the root to just under the head. When he jerked at her touch, her sheathe rippled with need, the muscles of her pussy clenching in anticipation. “I’m ready.”

  He could tell, there was creamy evidence of her arousal on his thighs. “You’re wet for me.”

  Locking her gaze with his, Tricia told him the truth. “Anytime I see you, I’m wet for you. If I hear your name, I’m wet. You’ve been the focus of my dreams and fantasies for years.”

  “Move up.”

  Tricia was confused. “I thought I was in the right place.”

  “Too low. Sit on my face. I want to bury my lips between your legs.”

  Gulping back surprise, she gave him her hands and he helped her ease forward until she was holding onto the headboard, a knee on either side of his head. “Oh, God,” she whimpered. “I may not survive this.”

  “Oh, yes you will. I’m gonna make you scream.” Holding onto her thighs, he pulled her down to his mouth, pressing kisses from the top of her slit to the bottom, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Tricia bucked up, crying out, dropping a hand to tangle in his hair. “You taste so good, baby.” Using his fingers to spread the wet folds, his tongue stroked her, licking and sucking, burying itself repeatedly deep within her channel.

  “Lance, oh Lance, I can’t…” She wailed her need as he flicked her clit with his tongue, circling the little bundle of nerves, drawing it between his lips. “Please, oh, please,” she begged as he hummed against her, her need for him only growing. When he took it into his mouth and sucked, she did scream, fireworks exploding behind her eyes.

  “Good girl. Good girl,” he crooned to her as he adjusted her position. “Lift up.”

  Tricia was trembling, but she held onto his hands, her heart missing a beat when the thick head of his cock pressed against her throbbing opening. She welcomed him, needing Lance to fill the aching, empty place within her. She looked down, mesmerized at his thick, hard cock strained to work its way into her body. “I needed this so much.”

  “Me too.” Lance’s eyes crossed with pleasure as the sensitive head disappeared inside her and the sweet muscles of her pussy caressed him, bathing him in her arousal. “Now ride me, beautiful.” Bracing her hands on his chest, she sank down on him, impaling herself on his hard length. “Perfect, now move like this.”

  His hands grasped her hips and showed her the rhythm, helping her move up and down and back and forth until they were both awash with pleasure. Tricia closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feel of him deep in her body – the fullness was intoxicating and when he covered her breasts with his hands and massaged them, she felt her womb clench, demanding satisfaction. Placing herself into his hands, reality slipped away and sent her sailing through a haze of mindless rapture. Rising and falling, she rode his hard cock, loving how it stroked the sensitive tissues, escalating the tension to a level that Tricia didn’t think she could stand. “Help me, Lance.”

  Needing to give her whatever she desired, he held her waist and began bucking his hips up, hard and fast. Thrusts designed to push her over the edge. “There, that’s it, baby. Let go.”

  His voice surrounded her, warmed her, assured her. She could let go and he’d catch her. She wasn’t alone. The ecstasy of his touch and the thrill of his promise gave Tricia the freedom to yield, to submit to the white hot, all-consuming fire.

  Lance held on - filling her, claiming her, giving her all he possessed - until he felt her shatter. And when she came, her body claimed him - clenching and holding - capturing his heart and giving him more pleasure than he knew existed. With a cry of triumph, he wrapped her in his arms and drove deep, burying himself one last time before he let himself fly, coming so hard he thought the pleasure would never end.


  Comfort. Warmth. Contentment.

  Tricia sighed. She felt wonderful. All was right with the world.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Tricia’s eyes popped open. This morning was different from every other morning she’d experienced in her life.

  She wasn’t alone.

  “Morning,” she answered softly.

  Tricia didn’t move. She didn’t want to break the spell.

  Sunlight filtered through the window, showcasing tiny dust particles dancing in the rays. A strong steady heart beat beneath her cheek. Her head rested, not on a pillow, but on a firm, male chest. Tricia’s body was draped over his, her arm around his waist, her leg nestled across his thighs.

  Unlike the morning-after when Lance left her alone and everything fell apart, this awakening was different. Just like in her fantasy, he was here. She was wrapped in his arms and her doubts and fears seemed faraway.

  “Rest well?” His voice was husky from sleep.

  Tricia couldn’t resist peeping up at him. “Yea, did you?” Her breath caught in her throat. He looked so sexy, all sleepy-eyed with dark scruff on his jaw.

  “Better than I can ever remember. I like snuggling with you.” He dipped his head for a sweet kiss.

  Tricia melted against him, heat infusing her body. They were both deliciously naked, having fallen asleep after making love the night before. Her hand slid up his chest to find his shoulder. “Aren’t you going to be late?”

  “I have time for this.” He whispered the words into her perfect little ear, “No red-blooded man could resist you.” The brush of her hair across his cheek was all it took to take him from morning wood to morning steel. “What a shame it would be to wake up with you in my arms and not take delicious advantage.” He rolled over to face her, still feathering kisses all over her face. “May I?” He tugged her to him, loving how her exquisite curves fit against his body.

  “Yes, you may.” In for a penny, in for a pound. Tricia couldn’t have turned
him down if her life depended on it. She’d wanted him too much for too long. “Being here with you like this seems like a dream.”

  Lance knew the feeling. He planned on fulfilling a lot of dreams with Tricia. He’d lain awake in the predawn hours and made a mental to-do list: Tricia bent over the back of the couch, him taking her from behind, Tricia perched on the counter, legs spread open, him on his knees with his head buried between her thighs, Tricia straddling him in the porch swing as he worshiped her tits. “I’m up for making all these wishes come true. Starting with this…” Taking her knee, he pulled her leg over his, giving him room to bring their most intimate areas into close contact. “Are you wet for me?”

  Tricia shuddered. “Probably.” His frank comment made her blush.

  “Let’s see.” Taking his cock in hand, he slid it between her legs, moaning when her cream bathed him in sweet heat. “Oh, yea. You want me as much as I want you. Don’t you?”

  “More.” There was no use pretending, she was totally at his mercy. As he pressed the wide crest of his cock into her body, she buried her head in his lightly furred chest. His sheer size would intimidate most people, but it made Tricia feel completely secure.

  Holding her gaze, he flexed his hips, burying himself an inch or two deeper. “There are so many enticing parts of you, I don’t know where to begin.” He brought a hand between them to trace an erotic path down the valley of her breasts, then over to outline one nipple with the tip of his finger. “No man ever laid eyes on a more perfect sight.”

  Tricia shivered at his attention, unable to catch her breath. The sweet burn and stretch of his possession vied with the thrill of his touch as he teased her breasts. Her nipples hardened in anticipation, her blood ran thick, her pulse quickened. “You excite me so much.”

  “I’m relieved,” he growled, surrendering to the power she held over him. Crushing his mouth to hers, Lance kissed her hard, his greedy tongue hot and wet as it darted between her lips, tangling with hers, soothing, thrusting. When she teased back, he captured her tongue and sucked on it, causing her body to press forward, impaling her more securely on his cock.

  “Lance!” she exclaimed as he seated himself fully, filling her up, making them one. His mouth branded hers, his teeth scraping her bottom lip. She swooned as his fingers on her breast added to the pleasure – milking and rubbing the tender, swollen peaks.

  What they were doing couldn’t be defined as a quickie, because Lance took great care to show her - with every move, every thrust – how he valued her pleasure over his own. His kisses turned soft, yet more insistent, more potent, plumbing the depths of her mouth with pure sensuality. Tricia trembled in his arms.

  Lance hissed his pleasure as he moved in and out of her perfect body. The snug walls of her pussy clamped down greedily around him. She was so hot, so tight, so perfect as she rocked into him, moaning his name. He buried his face against her neck, giving over to the need to thrust harder, deeper.

  “Oh, God, Lance!” she cried, as he repeatedly speared her to the hilt. Sure, steady strokes fed the aching, throbbing need to be taken and possessed by the man she loved more than life.

  Lance lost himself, indulging in the paradise of plunging in and pulling out, reveling in the purpose of his creation, enjoying what every man lived for. “Tricia, Tricia,” he whispered, knowing he couldn’t hold out much longer. He was almost there. Almost. He could feel the fever building, knew she was ascending her pinnacle, loving how she keened and whimpered, her drenched sex convulsing and pulsing around him.

  “Oh, fuck,” he panted as his balls drew up, every muscle tensing, pleasure crawling up his spine like hot, molten lava. He was undone, helpless in her arms. The thundering wave built and built, piling higher and higher until it crashed over his head. His vision faded as blinding white ecstasy roared through his blood stream and a ball of pure fire exploded between his legs. Lance bellowed, every muscle freezing, as he let go, pumping his essence deep within the woman of his dreams.

  The clock ticked.

  Outside, birds chirped.

  Inside, their breaths were harsh, their bodies slick with sweat.

  Completely sated, Lance cradled her to him, his cock still embedded within her, still enjoying the tiny clenches of her sex as the electric storm of their loving died slowly down.

  “See, this is the best way to start the day.” He kissed her temple, his heart still hammering in his chest.

  “The best,” she agreed. “I’m not sure we should even move. The day can only go downhill from here.”

  He chuckled, tilting up her head so he could gaze into her beautiful eyes. “Maybe not. I have a surprise for you after work. Then, who knows? I might be able to top this.”

  She raised up and smiled, so happy that it scared her. “I’d really like to see you try.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Lance grasped her head and pulled her close for one more kiss. “Get dressed and I’ll take you to work.”

  * * *

  “Your grandmother called, I told her you’d call back.” Bryn announced as she held a Mylar balloon to the helium tank, filling it until GET WELL SOON spread out smooth enough to read. “If you’d take your cell phone with you, you wouldn’t miss anything.”

  Tricia accepted the phone, slipping it into her pocket. “Sorry, my mind has been elsewhere. I’ll phone her later.” Maybe.

  “By that smile on your face, I think I can guess where your mind has been.” She tied a ribbon to the balloon and tied it off. “How are things with Lance?”



  “Yea, too good.”

  “Too good to be true?” Bryn asked with wide eyes and a pursed mouth.

  “No, I wouldn’t say that.” Tricia shook her head. “Lance is doing everything he can to be…what I need.”


  Grateful for the interruption, Tricia left Bryn to her balloon bouquet making as she went to wait on Jaya Starr. “Good…” She was about to add the word morning, when she saw the tears on the young woman’s face. Hurrying to her, she drew Jaya into her office. “What’s wrong?”

  “My mother just died.”

  “Oh, Jaya.” Tricia enfolded the slight woman in her arms. “I’m so sorry. What happened?”

  “She collapsed on stage, they said she had a heart attack.” Jaya wept so hard, she quaked in Tricia’s arms. “She lives in Paris. I can’t go to her. We can’t afford it.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Tricia wished she could spare the money. “Can I help you send some flowers?”

  Jaya looked stricken. “I don’t know if I can. Wiring flowers is expensive, isn’t it?”

  “You let me worry about that,” Tricia patted Jaya’s shoulder.

  “I came to see if you’d let me work a few hours in trade or if I could make you some potpourri for your shop in exchange.”

  “Let me do this for you and we’ll work something out later.” Tricia took Jaya to the counter and they picked out a tribute of white roses to wire to her mother’s funeral in France.

  Once they were through, Jaya collapsed in Tricia’s arms. “Do you want me to call Nolan to come to you?”

  “No.” Jaya shook her head. “I don’t want to bother him.”

  “I’m sure it wouldn’t be a bother.” Tricia couldn’t imagine Nolan not wanting to be here with Jaya.

  “Tricia!” Bryn called from the rear of the store. “I’m running down the street to the nursing home to deliver these to Mrs. Astor.” She held out the balloons tied to a pink metal bucket full of lotions and candles.

  “Great. Be careful,” Tricia called, keeping her eye on the fragile woman in front of her.

  Once Bryn was gone, Jaya broke down completely. “Nolan and I are having problems.”

  “I’m so sorry!” Tricia was shocked. “What’s wrong?” Maybe she shouldn’t have probed, but Jaya seemed to want to talk.

  “We’ve grown apart,” Jaya hiccupped and laughed sadly, “which is funny, because we grew u
p together. Inseparable. Best friends since kindergarten.” She hugged herself as if she were freezing.

  “How romantic.” Tricia couldn’t imagine anything better.

  “We got married because I was pregnant.” Jaya’s face crumpled. “He wouldn’t have asked me otherwise.”

  “Why would you think that?” Tricia couldn’t imagine one without the other. “You two seem so perfect together.”

  “He is perfect,” Jaya agreed softly. “He’s so perfect that he gave up everything to marry me for the baby’s sake…and then I lost it. And he was too good, too noble to leave me afterward.”

  Hearing the woman pour out her worries and sorrows broke Tricia’s heart. “I’m sure he loves you, I can see it on his face when he talks about you.”

  Jaya didn’t seem convinced, but Tricia did her best to console her, walking her out when she’d calmed down enough to go home.

  “Thanks for what you did, sending the flowers for my mother.” Standing next to a half-whiskey barrel planted full of marigolds, Jaya promised, “I’ll come back and help you anyway I can, you let me know when and where.”

  “Of course, don’t worry about it for a moment. You just take care of yourself.” Tricia watched her go, her heart hurting for Jaya. She placed a protective hand over her middle, hoping against hope that nothing would happen to her child. One day soon, she’d be able to feel it move. Tricia couldn’t wait for that miracle. As she stood there, a thought occurred to Tricia, a thought that caused her pain.

  Lance was good and kind, like Nolan. She hoped he wasn’t trying to be noble too.

  Pushing aside the disturbing idea, Tricia turned to go, almost running over a mother and her little boy who were about to enter the shop. “Oh, hello, welcome. How can I help you?”

  “Cecil is the ring bearer in the Worthy wedding,” the mother said, pushing the reluctant looking toddler inside.

  He kept rolling his eyes and muttering that he, “Didn’t want to be no ring bear, Mama.”


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