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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

Page 23

by Sable Hunter

  The cry propelled Tricia and Skye to their feet. Tricia couldn’t be still, she began pushing her way to the front. “Lance! Lance!”

  Skye was right behind her. “Is he okay?”

  Jacob and Aron held them back until Tanner, Bowie, and Joseph could pull Lance to the surface. He was slumped over a harness, but his arms were full of bawling baby bull. “Lance!”

  As she worked her way through the ring of men surrounding him, she watched him stagger to his feet, relinquishing the calf to Denver. When he raised his head, his eyes found hers and he held out his arms.

  With a strangled cry, Tricia rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck. His face was covered in dirt, but he looked beautiful to her. “Oh, Lance, are you all right?”

  “I’ll be fine. Did you get my message?”

  “I did.” She kissed him repeatedly as applause broke out behind them. “I got your message and I have one of my own.” Tricia kissed him again. “The answer to last night’s question is ‘yes’.”

  * * *

  “I don’t want to wait,” Lance told her as they sat in the porch swing a few hours later. “I want to get married right away.” He held onto the chain supporting the swing with one hand and held onto Tricia with the other. “There’s nothing like a brush with death to help a man get his priorities straight.”

  Tricia was so thankful Lance was fine, she would’ve agreed to board a rocket to Mars. “Whenever you say.” She kissed him on the cheek. “We can have a small wedding, go to the JP, or elope. I would be happy with any of those things.”

  “I want to apologize.” Lance went to one knee at her feet.

  “No, get up. You’re hurt.” She tried to tug him back into the swing.

  He shook his head, covered his mouth and coughed. “I’m not hurt. I just got a little dust in my lungs.” Lance cleared his throat. “You said yes, and I’m holding you to it, but I didn’t do this right before.” Taking her hand, he looked deep into Tricia’s eyes. “I love you, Tricia Yeager. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?”

  Joy blazed up in Tricia’s heart. She clasped him close to her and buried her face in his neck. “Yes, I will. I love you too, Lance Rogers. So much.”

  “Thank you.” He kissed her long and deep. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me. You just gave me everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted too, Lance.” She went into his arms as he settled himself back into the swing and scooped her up into his lap. The way he looked at her made her body burn. She felt herself tremble and knew he could feel it too.

  “You haven’t had a seizure in a while, have you?”

  “No, the medicine is working and my diet helps.”

  “I’m glad. I worry about you anytime you’re out of my sight.”

  “How about me?” She frowned. “You’re the one who went down in a well and let the sides cave in on you.”

  “Oh, hush.” He grinned, capturing her lips with his warm, ardent mouth. She whimpered and sighed, closing her eyes, basking in his strength and masculinity. Lance made her feel vulnerable, yet safe and protected. Nothing bad could ever happen to her, not as long as he was around. When he lifted his lips from hers, he clasped her close. “You set me on fire so easily.”

  Her fingers went to the buttons of his shirt. “Let me see if I can help put out the blaze.”

  Lance captured her hand in his. “I want to wait.”

  Tricia didn’t think she’d heard him right. “You want to what?”

  “I want to wait until we’re married before we make love again.” He gave her a wicked grin. “Maybe the anticipation will spur you to hurry the preparations.”

  “Okay.” She eased herself off his lap and onto the cushion next to him. “Well, don’t expect me to sleep in the bed with you, I couldn’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  “Sleeping apart will be hard, I got a good dose of that last night.” He cupped the side of her face and made her look at him. “I want to do this right. This means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

  Her eyes searched his, trying to make sure she understood. Did he not want her? No, the heat was still there. She could see the longing in his face. “We haven’t done anything by the book, have we?”

  “No, but there’s no reason we can’t get married right away. With all the help we’ll have, we should be able to tie the knot in a few days. What do you say?”

  Tricia’s head was swimming. “Well, I’ve got the flowers covered and Lilibet will make the cake.” She turned her face up to look at him. “Do you think we could get married here at the ranch?”

  “I’m sure we can, I’ll run it by Aron.” He pulled her back into his lap. “Everyone I would invite is already here at the ranch, so it’s perfect.”

  “I don’t have too many people either. Mother won’t come, she hasn’t forgiven me for accepting the loan from…Grandmother.” She felt Lance’s body grow tense beneath her. “Can I invite her?”

  Lance’s answer took so long that Tricia regretted asking. “Don’t…”

  “Yes, ask her. If we’re going to start fresh, we need to banish all the ghosts.”

  Tricia was surprised, relieved, but surprised. “Thank you.”

  “Is the loan you have with your grandmother for your shop?”

  “Yes, I was desperate to leave Robeline.” Tricia held his hand in hers, tracing the length of his strong fingers. “I’ve paid quite a bit of the loan back already.”

  “I’ll finish paying it off as soon as we’re married.”

  “No, this is my debt. Not yours,” Tricia said emphatically.

  “But if you’re mine, everything you have is mine.”

  He made his argument in such a way that Tricia found it hard to argue. “We’ll see.”

  “We’ll see?” He laughed at her. “Don’t use that feminine jargon on me.”

  She shook her head, not wanting to spoil their evening. “There’s time to work all of that out.”

  “Just marry me quick, that’s all I ask.”

  …Tricia took him at his word. In the next few days, with the help of her friends, she pulled together a fairytale wedding. Just because it would be small, didn’t mean it couldn’t be magical.

  Sitting in her office at the shop, Tricia reviewed her list.

  The flowers were ordered. She’d chosen to keep it simple, white magnolias and white hydrangeas. Her bouquet would be white roses.

  Lilibet agreed to do the cake, as Tricia hoped. Since the guest list was limited to a little over fifty people, the cake would be just three layers. White cake with lemon curd filling and a white chocolate frosting. The grooms cake was German chocolate, Lance’s favorite.

  Avery’s father would marry them. Since David’s birth, Isaac’s in-laws were regular visitors to the ranch.

  Avery would be maid of honor, of course. Skye and Kristin would be bridesmaids. Jacob would be Lance’s best man. Noah and Denver would be groomsman. Nathan would seat guests and little B. T. would serve as Ring Bearer and Angel, Joseph and Cady’s daughter, would be the flower girl.

  Dresses were a different matter. Since the notice was so short, Tricia told Avery, Skye, and Kristen to wear something they already owned. As long as it was floor length and pastel, she would be fine with it. Angel would wear her Easter dress, which Tricia thought was beautiful.

  As far as her own dress was concerned, Tricia found something off the rack at the local bridal shop. The gown was a backless, off-white beauty covered in seed pearls. She loved it and hoped Lance would too.

  The pavilion would be decorated with magnolia swags. White lights and lanterns would be scattered through the trees. A rehearsal dinner would be casual the night before, a Texas BBQ with live music.

  The honeymoon…she would leave to the groom.


  “Tricia, Freddy’s here to pick you up for lunch!”

  “Thanks, Bryn. Be right there,” she called, making
one last note to ask Desiree Barron to sing at the wedding. She didn’t know if she would or not, but she’d promised Lance she would ask. Everything was such short notice, she couldn’t blame anyone if they couldn’t change their plans. “Just think, I’m getting married the day after tomorrow!” A thrill shot through Tricia and she wiggled with anticipation. The wedding couldn’t come soon enough for her. Sleeping in the same house with Lance, yet in different beds was no fun. She’d taken a cold shower last night to little avail, she’d still tossed and turned, her body craving his touch.

  When she closed her office door and entered the main part of the shop, Tricia found Freddy waiting on the inside watching Bryn, who was outside. “What’s she doing?”

  “I don’t know.” Freddy walked closer to the window. “I told her there was a dead bird outside. It flew into the window and broke its neck.”

  “Oh, no, poor thing,” Tricia moved closer. “I bet Bryn buries it, she’s so soft hearted.”

  When Tricia moved closer to the window, she saw Bryn stand up and hold her hands over her head. To her shock, her employee opened her hands and a bird took off for the sky.

  “Did you see that?” Freddy whispered.

  “The bird must’ve just been stunned.” Tricia covered her mouth and stared at the tiny creature winging its way heavenward.

  Freddy looked at Tricia with wide eyes. “No, the neck was obviously broken.”

  Tricia didn’t know what to say.

  When Bryn returned, Freddy eyed her like she would sprout horns at any minute. “Anything you want to tell us, Saint Bryn?”

  “No.” Bryn shrugged her shoulders. “I like animals.”

  This was her only explanation and Tricia had too much to do to push it. “Freddy and I are headed to the Grillhouse. Can we bring you anything back?”

  “No thanks. I’m good.”

  “She probably has a couple of stones she plans on turning into bread behind the counter.” Freddy kept on with his miracle comparisons.

  “Don’t be blasphemous, Freddy Danvers.” She shook her finger at him. “God will smite you!”

  Freddy stepped back a little and Tricia giggled. “Watch those lightning bolts, they sting.”

  Peering back over his shoulder to keep an eye on Bryn, Freddy followed Tricia out the door.

  …At the Grillhouse, Tricia made sure Pawnee received her wedding invitation, handing it to her personally. “I want you to come and bring a date if you’d like.”

  Pawnee shook her head. “No date, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She hugged Tricia, whispering in her ear, “No questions now, I’ll tell you the details when I can talk about it. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Tricia agreed, her heart breaking at the sight of Pawnee’s sad face. “Just remember, I’m your friend. I’ll do anything for you I can.”

  When she returned to their table, it was to find Freddy already munching on a basket of nachos. “I’ve been reading your notes, I think we’re on the right track. I just have one question for you.”

  “What’s that?” Tricia joined him, taking a long drink of tea as she waited for him to continue.

  “You suffered with epilepsy, thought you were cured, then found it was back. How did you feel when you discovered you were an epileptic once more?”

  Tricia shifted in her seat. “I felt betrayed by my body.” She picked up a French fry and dabbled it in ketchup. “I’d just connected with Lance and the idea of him seeing me have a seizure was devastating.”

  “Has he seen you?”

  “Yes.” She took another sip of tea.

  “How did he react?”

  Tricia smiled. “He was wonderful. He holds me tight. We made something special out of it by calling it a silly name.” She blushed.

  “So, all your fears were for nothing?”

  Tricia didn’t get a chance to answer because the loud screech of a guitar ripped through the air and a strobe light came on.

  “I didn’t know there was a band today.” Freddy leaned up to look over the divider between their table and the next. “I guess they’re rehearsing and checking their equipment.”

  Tricia covered her eyes. A cloud of doubt ascended over her. A cold wind seemed to blow in her face. An overpowering smell of burning garlic assailed her nose and a bolt of electricity hit her out of nowhere. Tricia began to jerk so hard, she fell from her chair.

  “Pawnee!” Freddy called, jumping from his chair. “Call Lance!”

  Tricia was helpless. She couldn’t get up. She couldn’t be still. Her body was out of control. She couldn’t even close her eyes to shut out the sight of all the people circled around her. The sense of déjà vu enveloping her wasn’t only part of the attack, she was swept back in time to the horrors of her childhood.

  As if in an out-of-body experience, Tricia watched the whole thing.

  “Look at her! Gross!” one woman whispered.

  “Somebody pull down her skirt, I can see her panties.”

  Tricia felt Pawnee straightening her dress, then telling everybody to get back.

  “Isn’t that Lance Roger’s girl?” a man asked, then another snickered.

  “Poor guy. Can you imagine? I don’t think I could…” More snickering.

  “Get back!” Freddy cried, getting up to scatter people left and right. “Show some respect!”

  …Lance was driving like a bat out of hell. He’d been at the main house when Pawnee called. The eight miles felt like a zillion.

  When he skidded to a stop in front of the Grillhouse, he sprang out, not even bothering to shut his truck door.

  “Move. Move.” He pushed people out of the way. “Tricia?”

  “Over here!” Freddy waved at him.

  Lance found Tricia on the floor, her head lying on somebody’s coat. She was quivering with light convulsions, her eyes closed, her face red. He went to his knees and gathered her into his arms. “I’ve got you, baby.” Drawing her closer, he turned Tricia so her face was nestled to his chest. Whispering in her ear, he said, “Texas Holdem. Texas Holdem. I’ve got you.”


  Lance’s head jerked up and he glared at the man who dared say something about his beloved. “Back off, fucker!”

  Freddy stood next to Pawnee, his whole outlook changed.

  Lance held her until she stilled, kissing her neck and the side of her face.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened,” Pawnee apologized.

  Lance nodded toward the band. “The strobe lights, I bet.”

  “Somebody tell them to turn those lights off!” Pawnee yelled.

  Lance rocked Tricia until her breathing was even. “Better, baby?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she apologized, her fingers clutching Lance’s shirt like a lifeline.

  “Don’t you apologize to me,” he chastised her. “I got a chance to hold my baby. I’m just sorry you had to go through that.”

  As he helped her up, Freddy pulled out her chair. “I didn’t fully understand until now, Tricia. I’ll write an article that will make people think, I promise you.”

  “I know. Thank you, Freddy. Thank you, Pawnee.” She smiled at her friends, then held her arms out to Lance. “Can I go home now?”


  “I was so embarrassed,” Tricia told Lance as they walked to the pavilion hand in hand.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could’ve gotten there sooner.”

  “No, that’s not it.” She hung her head, watching her shoes make impressions in the deep grass. “They brought your name up and they pitied you, because of me.”

  Lance couldn’t stand it. He stopped Tricia in her tracks and hugged her to his body. “I pity them for having so little sense.” Giving her a kiss, he shook his head. “Now, stop worrying about it. Tonight is our wedding rehearsal and BBQ. Let’s have a good time.”

  “You’re right.” Tricia resolved to set aside her upset. “Look at everything!” she exclaimed as they drew close enough to s
ee all the decorations. “How beautiful!”

  “Smells good too, Joseph sure knows how to cook a brisket.”

  “Tricia! Lance!” Skye called, coming toward them with Blue Dawn on her shoulder. “Come get something to drink. Everyone’s gathering in.”

  “How’s my sweet niece?” Lance asked as he took the baby from her.

  “She’s good.” Skye smiled, then did a little hop in place. “The Hughes family dropped their custody suit!”

  “Excellent!” Tricia clapped her hands. “I’m so glad!”

  “Are we going to eat first or practice first?” Lance asked, looking around for Avery’s father. “Is the preacher here?”

  “I’m sure the pastor would rather get the rehearsal over, that way he can leave when he gets ready.” Skye pointed to the gazebo. “Isaac is telling Bro. Sinclair about his newest project, a Charity Ride and Poker Run to benefit the homeless.”

  “He talked to me about helping him set up the poker games.” Lance chuckled, watching the pastor’s face as Isaac spoke animatedly to him. “The reverend doesn’t look too excited about the prospect. I’m guessing he doesn’t approve of motorcycles or poker.”

  “Well, considering Isaac and Avery’s other interests, I’m sure he can appreciate the lesser of the evils. In his mind, anyway.” Skye took Blue Dawn from Lance’s arms. “You two go on up and see everyone.” She sniffed the air. “I think someone needs a diaper change.”

  “Well…I wasn’t going to say anything.” Lance snorted. As soon as Skye was gone, he nudged Tricia. “Did you know what Skye meant about Isaac and Avery’s other interests?”

  She blushed. “Yes, Avery’s writing and his…dominating personality.”

  “Yea!” Lance laughed. “Do you think you’d ever be…interested?”

  “I think I could be persuaded.” She gave him a saucy little wink.

  “Lance!” Jacob called. “Head over here and let me show you where we’re going to stand.”

  “The best man calleth.” Lance kissed Tricia on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a minute or two, we’ll probably start the rehearsal soon.” Hurrying off, he patted the rings in his pocket. Tricia hadn’t seen them yet, he was planning on surprising her with the engagement ring tonight.


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