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Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)

Page 36

by Constance O'Banyon

  "Not just yet, Valentina," came his whispered reply.

  "I want to make love to you here, where two other lovers

  once found delight in each other's arms."

  Wild excitement throbbed through her body as his hands slowly moved across the contours of her face. His touch was so soft, so gentle, and the look in his eyes so disturbing, that it evoked a physical pain in her heart. She did not pull back when he began removing the pins from her hair. As the golden curtain cascaded across her shoulders and down her back, his eyes worshiped her beauty.

  "You set my blood on fire and take my breath away, Valentina." He spoke against her ear. "I cannot think of anything else but you when you are near me." His hand slipped inside her gown and with a velvet-soft touch he caressed her breasts. He drew in a tight breath. "I can feel your heart beating against my hand. Admit that you want me as much as I want you."

  Wave after wave of delight passed through her body. Raising her head, she met his eyes. "Yes, Marquis admit it."

  He pulled her toward him and his mouth descended to lightly brush against hers. As the fire smoldered in his blood and his passion ignited, the kiss deepened. Their breaths mingled and their heartbeats became as one

  Valentina pressed herself tightly against Marquis, craving a closeness that was denied her by their clothing. She was weak with desire when he pushed her riding habit from her shoulders. A tremor shook her as he dropped to his knees and pulled her down with him. Clasping her hands behind his back, she raided her head in ecstasy when he buried his face against her soft breasts, his breath gently teasing the rosy nipples into hard peaks.

  Valentina sucked in her breath and felt her lungs fill with air. Naked to the waist, she boldly allowed her hands to wander down the front of Marquis's shirt, then pulled it free of his trousers. Pushing his snow-white shirt aside she moved her fingers to glide across his smooth chest.

  Marquis, breathing deeply of her sweet scent, raised his head to stare at her lovely face. Taking her hands, he kissed each fingertip. "There is magic in your touch, Valentina. You have the ability to reach inside a man with the brush of your hands. Did Salamar teach you some ancient ritual on how to drive me out of m mind?"

  She shook her head in confusion. "No ... I ... no, Salamar wouldn't do that."

  "No." He smiled slightly. "You needed no one to teach you how to please a man, Valentina. Some women are born with that knowledge—you are one of them." Gently he lowered her back onto the soft sand that covered the floor of the cave. "You came into this world knowing how to flirt with a man and steal his heart."

  She blinked her eyes, not understanding his teasing. "I never flirt."

  His finger traced the outline of her lips. "No?" He held her gaze and she saw the fire burning in his eyes. "You are not even aware that you have me where you want me, are you, Valentina?"

  "I am never sure where you want me, Marquis."

  "Oh Lord, I am tempted to tell you. I wonder what you would do if you really knew how I felt about you?"

  "I'm not sure I want to know."

  His lips twitched in a smile, but when his eyes moved over her creamy flesh, the smile left his face. He felt his body tremble when Valentina's gaze shifted to his tight-fitting trousers and she saw evidence of his arousal and his need for her. Slowly reaching up, she laced her fingers through his dark hair, parting her lips enticingly.

  "Vixen," he moaned. His lips burned into hers as his hands deftly removed her remaining clothing. Valentina was so caught up in his kiss that she was only vaguely aware that he was removing his own clothing.

  A fine mist from the waterfall sprayed gently over their bodies, while bright rainbow hues reflecting from the cascading water seemed to encase them in magnificent color.

  In awe and reverence, Marquis allowed his eyes to roam over her soft curves. A streak of red was slashed across her face; a kaleidoscope of colors softly touched her mist-covered body. He held his breath. "Oh God," he cried, looking deeply into her eyes, "how can anyone be so beautiful?"

  He wanted to tell her how his heart sang when he made love to her. He wanted to let her know how she filled his heart. He ached to speak of the love that burned within him. Instead he said, "Since first I saw you, your beauty has touched my heart. I knew then that I wanted to possess you. Little did I know it would be you who would possess me."

  Each word he spoke fired her blood; every time he touched her with his dark gaze it was like a caress on her tingling skin. She ran her fingertips over his mist-covered face, brushing a damp lock of hair from his forehead. She felt joy when he trembled at her soft touch. She was dizzy with desire when Marquis pulled her tightly to him, kissing and caressing her until she thought she would die of need.

  Valentina was almost mindless when he pushed her back against the damp sand that covered the cave floor and nudged her thighs apart. She gasped when she felt the heat of his spear as he buried it deep inside her. Biting her lips, she threw her head back, allowing pleasure to wash over her like a tidal wave of desire.

  Gently he nipped and teased the pink crests of her breasts, swirling his tongue around the nipples, licking the moisture from her skin, while he moved slowly within her body, carrying her away in a storm of glorious feelings. Her love for this man was boundless. He was her life—her reason for being. As he filled her emptiness, she was engulfed in a soft, unexplainable, languorous feeling.

  Clasping Valentina's hips, Marquis drove deeply inside of her, caressingly arousing her with sensuous feelings. He was soothing the aching need that burned within her, making her giddy and faint with desire. He was thankful for the mist that sprinkled his face and ran down his cheeks, for it disguised the tears of love that filled his eyes. His body had never burned as it burned now. He had never felt the joy of fulfillment so strongly as he did at that moment.

  With the roar of the waterfall echoing in their ears, amid the spraying mist, with the colors of the rainbow reflecting off their bodies, Marquis and Valentina reached for—and found—perfection. As they emitted soft gasps of delight and moans of pleasure, their love took on a dreamlike quality. Valentina's body found a release at the same time that Marquis's body reached a trembling climax.

  Wrapped tightly in his arms, her face softened by lovemaking, Valentina wished this magical moment would never pass. She wished she could stay close to Marquis, have him hold her like this forever. Sadly she realized that even though she was wife to this hot-blooded Spaniard, their worlds could sometimes touch, but she would never be anything to him but a woman he would use when the mood struck him.

  "Today I have touched the morning mist and held a rainbow in my arms," he said with feeling. Raising her face to him and giving her a smile that melted her heart, he added, "No man could say as much, except perhaps the ancient Indian warrior to his lover."

  Oh yes, Valentina thought to herself. Today I, too, have held a rainbow. But like all rainbows, this one will fade into nothingness with the setting of the sun.

  In that moment she could almost feel the spirits of the long dead lovers who had once occupied this cave. Looking into Marquis's eyes, she knew he felt them also.

  As if a curtain had fallen across Marquis's face, he frowned and then stood up, offering Valentina his hand. "It is getting late. We should return home now," he told her. His voice sounded so dull, and the look in his eyes was so cold and distant. It was as if he had again shut her out completely.

  Valentina drew on her gown and wound her hair in a tight knot, pinning it at the nape of her neck and trying all the while to hide her hurt. She had reached the heights of glory today; she was now descending into the bowels of hell. Marquis had a way of putting her in her place with a single glance. And, for the moment, she did not know where her place was.

  As they rode back to the house, there was a tense silence between them. Gone was the lightheartedness they had started out with that morning. Gone was the desire and closeness they had shared in the waterfall cavern.


nbsp; After the morning Marquis had taken Valentina to the cave, he had not asked her to accompany him again. Every day he would ride out on his midnight black stallion, and she would not see him until that evening. At night Marquis would still take her in his arms and their passion would ignite into flames. She fell more in love with her husband, and he grew farther away from her.

  Now that Marquis could walk, he ate most of his meals with his family, but Valentina was never invited. Although she tried not to feel hurt by the obvious insult, she was.

  Valentina was sitting in the garden with her sewing in her lap when she heard the jingle of spurs. Turning around, she watched Marquis approach. He walked with only a slight limp now, and she had not ceased to be amazed at his speedy recovery once he had started walking.

  "You enjoy the garden, do you not?" he asked, stopping just in front of her.

  "Yes. It is my favorite spot in the house."

  "How is your mother, Valentina?" he asked, sitting down on a bench, watching with interest as she made tiny stitches in her tapestry.

  Marquis had not inquired about her mother until now, and his question took her by surprise. "She is growing stronger. I believe she would recover completely if we could find out about my father. She hasn't been bothered by the fever lately."

  "You do not see much of my mother, do you, Valentina?"

  "No," she stated flatly, not feeling inclined to criticize Marquis's mother.

  "I realize you have not been treated with the respect that you should receive as my wife. My mother is set in her ways and does not adjust readily to new ideas."

  "Meaning I am a new idea?"

  "Yes, to her you are. I would like to tell you that, given time, she would come around, but I just do not know. I do not want you to be hurt because of her coldness toward you.

  Valentina gave him a sideways glance. "I have accepted your mother's coldness, Marquis. I know I will never sit at her table or be high in her regard. It is your neglect that I find hard to live with. I am your wife, but you don't wish to treat me like it."

  He reached for her hand and laced his fingers through it. "I know I have not been the ideal husband. While you have been here, you have suffered much from the Vincente family. I have found you to be steadfast and loyal, with many qualities to admire. You are a good wife, Valentina. You have not complained, though you have had much cause. I wish I could tell you that everything will be better, but I do not know if it will or not."

  She felt warm inside from his generous praise. Still, she did not know why he chose today to say these things to her. "Sometimes, Marquis, I believe we should never have gotten married. We are too different, and there is too much standing in our way."

  He watched as a golden curl blew across her mouth and he reached up, pushing it aside. "At night it is good with us, Valentina. It is just when the sun comes up—when we face reality—that we drift apart."

  "Yes, but we cannot live in the dark for the rest of our lives, Marquis. We have to come out in the sunshine sometimes. There are some realities that we are going to have to face soon."

  "Are you referring to your baby?"

  "Yes, my baby. It will not be long until everyone will know that I am with child."

  His face grew grim. "I do not like to think about the child."

  "I have tried not to think about it myself, Marquis. But it is becoming harder and harder to ignore with each passing day."

  "I do not want to talk about the baby," he said, drawing in a deep breath. "I want my baby to fill your belly, not. . ." His voice trailed off.

  "You knew when you married me that I was with child, Marquis. I don't know what you want from me. I will tell you this. I was born a fighter. I will take whatever I have to, as long as I can endure it. But be warned: I can take care of myself if need be. I do not intend spending the rest of my life as just your bed partner. I am a person—my baby is a person. You cannot make us go away by ignoring us.

  Valentina and Marquis were so deep in their conversation that they did not hear Tyree approach until he called out, "What would a man have to do to get himself invited to dinner around here?"

  Valentina came quickly to her feet, laughing up at Tyree. "For a dear friend like yourself, I'm sure no invitation is necessary."

  He held her at arm's length. "You are radiant. Is that healthy glow the latest style this year?"

  She hugged him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "It is for me. You see before you a contentedly married matron."

  Tyree did not miss the fact that Valentina had said "contented," not "happy." His eyes clouded for the briefest moment, then he smiled at Marquis. "I don't have to ask you how you are doing. It shows on your face as well. Don Alonso tells me you are walking with only a slight limp."

  Marquis was not at all pleased by the overly friendly way in which Valentina had greeted Tyree. As he came to his feet, his voice was cutting. "What brings you to Paraiso del Norte, Tyree? Did you take a wrong turn on your way to the Crystal Palace?"

  Tyree caught the possessive way Marquis pulled Valentina against him. "As it happens"—he laughed— "I have a surprise for your wife that I believe will add to her happiness."

  "Not a wedding present, Tyree. You didn't need to get us anything. You have given so much already," Valentina said, linking her arm with his.

  "Ah, but you see, this is something I believe you will like very much. It comes to you by way of a South Sea island. If you don't want it, I'll send it away."

  She looked at him, puzzled. "What can it be?"

  Tyree's face beamed as he called to someone standing in the arched doorway. "Come out and see if Valentina wants to keep you or throw you back."

  Valentina held her breath as a tall man stepped into the sunshine. Marquis did not take his eyes off Valentina, who seemed rooted to the spot. He saw the sob catch in her throat. The man was handsome, with golden hair and dancing blue eyes. For a moment Marquis felt bitter jealousy, wondering who this stranger could be. Was he some man from Valentina's past? Could he be the father of her baby?

  "Father!" Valentina cried at last, running into the man's outstretched arms. "Father, you are alive!"

  Ward Barrett clasped his daughter in his arms as tears sparkled in his eyes. She touched his face to make sure he was real and not a figment of her imagination.

  "Where did you find him?" Marquis asked, wishing he had been the one to bring Valentina such joy.

  "I kept checking the ships as they came into dock, until I got lucky. "He had been shanghaied all right, but not on the Southern Cross, as you were told, but the Tradewind, out of Jamaica."

  "How did you secure his freedom?"

  "With enough money, you can buy almost anything."

  "I will pay you whatever it cost to buy his freedom, my friend. Thank you for this."

  "Neither thanks nor money is necessary—this is my wedding present to your wife. My satisfaction comes from seeing this story end happily."

  "You are a good friend, Tyree. I know how you feel about Valentina. I do not want it to come between the two of us." A hint of threat ran through his words and a glint of bitterness clouded his eyes.

  "It won't come between us unless you let it, Marquis. I know she is your wife."

  Both men fell silent as Valentina led her father over to Marquis, proudly introducing the two of them. "Marquis, this is my father. Father, my husband, Marquis Vincente."

  Ward Barrett extended his hand and gripped the young Spaniard's. "I'm pleased to meet you, Marquis. Tyree filled me in on all you have done on my behalf. I have only to look at my little girl's face to see that she is happy."

  "I am happier than you know, sir, that you are reunited with your family," Marquis declared earnestly.

  Ward looked into the face of the young man who had married his daughter. He was struck by the dark, foreign looks of his new son-in-law. Marquis Vincente was the exact opposite of the husband he would have chosen for Valentina. But being a firm believer in love, Ward smiled. If his daughter was ha
ppy, what else mattered?

  "Valentina," her father said, holding out his hand to her, "take me to your mother. I understand she has been ill, and I am impatient to see her."

  Valentina brushed a tear from her cheek and turned to Marquis. "If you and Tyree will excuse me, I won't be long."

  “Go," Marquis told her, smiling. "Be with your family. I will see you at dinner."

  Valentina looked at him questioningly. "Where will we be dining tonight?"

  He smiled. "When Tyree comes to visit, we always have a big family dinner." He lowered his voice. "Tyree would think it strange if you did not dine with us."

  "Are we to put on a show of family tranquility for Tyree?" Valentina asked. "I have not been invited to your mother's table before now."

  Marquis frowned. "That will all change soon."

  "Not on my account, Marquis. I am just as happy with the present arrangement."

  "Will you come to my mother's table tonight, Valentina?"

  Seeing how much it meant to him, she did not hesitate with her answer. "Yes, I will come."

  He smiled. "Good. Now run along with your father while I talk to Tyree."

  "Would you like to come with me and Father?" Valentina asked. "You would be most welcome."

  "No. I will stay here with Tyree. Go and be with your family. You have been too long separated."

  Valentina felt her father's arm go around her. Happiness danced in her eyes, and she had to touch him again and again to make sure he was really there. As they walked away, Marquis and Tyree stared after them.

  "Here's a happy ending," Tyree said, leisurely stretching out his long legs.

  "Yes, it would appear so," Marquis said, turning his gaze on his friend. "You seem to deal in happy endings. Have you taken to arranging everyone's happiness?"

  "God forbid," Tyree retorted with a grin. "I would much rather find my own happiness."

  "Do you ever think of settling down to a wife?" Marquis asked.

  "Not me. What woman would want a scoundrel like me? I would rather spread myself around, so I can reach as many ladies as possible."


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