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Golden Paradise (Vincente 1)

Page 42

by Constance O'Banyon

  Marquis was bigger than life as he stood in the doorway, smiling at her. Her heart caught in her throat, and she could not breathe. She had never stopped loving him for one minute. His pull on her was as strong as it had always been. Unable to speak, she stepped aside and allowed him entrance.

  "I thought your performance was the best ever, Jordanna. If it is possible to improve on perfection, you have done so."

  "Thank you," she said, remembering to use her French accent.

  Marquis's eyes were drawn to the baby who lay on the bed. His heart was drumming in his throat as he walked slowly forward. It was dark in the room, and he knelt down to get a better look at the child. Soft, fatherly feelings enveloped him. Carefully he picked up a tiny hand and watched it curl around his finger. Rosebud lips gurgled and cooed. Curly black hair covered the tiny head, and he thought her the most beautiful baby he had ever seen.

  "What is her name?" he asked, glancing up at Jordanna.

  "I have named her Jordanna."

  His eyes moved over the child's face. "I am glad. I always thought your name unusually beautiful."

  Valentina said nothing. For the longest time he stared at her. Finally, breaking the silence, he spoke. "I wonder if you would mind if I held her?" he asked softly.

  "You may hold her if you like," Valentina said, watching him carefully. Was he playing some kind of trick on her? Was he pretending an interest in the baby?

  Marquis lifted the child, finding she weighed hardly anything. How little and helpless she was. She smiled at him and his heart melted. "Is she a good baby?" he wanted to know.

  "Yes. She hardly ever cries."

  Marquis turned his attention to Valentina. "I wonder if you would consider allowing me to take the baby home with me."

  With fear in her eyes, Valentina took a hesitant step forward, wanting to take the child from him. "No, you cannot have my baby! You have no right to her!"

  "I meant to include you in my invitation also, Jordanna. You have my word that if you will both come home with me I will take care of you. I will endeavor to be the kind of father my daughter deserves. I have so much to make up to you both. I have been a blind fool and am asking you to forgive me if you can."

  Valentina saw tears in Marquis's eyes and shook her head skeptically. How could this be? Was it possible that Marquis was feeling regret for his past actions? She had always thought him to be so strong and decisive, but at the moment he was humble and repentant.

  "I cannot go home with you, Marquis. You have a wife. What role would I play—that of your mistress?"

  He placed the baby on the bed and turned to her. "I know I once asked you to be my mistress, but I was a fool then."

  "What role then, Marquis?"

  "I love you," he whispered. "I would like you to be my wife." His eyes were shining as he captured her hand.

  Her heart was racing madly. "As I just said, you have a wife."

  "Let me tell you a few truths about myself, Jordanna. You are right about my having a wife. Valentina was everything a man could want in a wife, but I was too blind to see it. I would fly into jealous rages for no reason. While I worshiped her beauty, I was envious of every look she gave to others. I was unworthy of her."

  His voice caught in his throat and he had to wait a moment before he could continue. "You see ... I love Valentina. She is the only woman I have ever loved. I realize she may never love me, but if she would come back, I would do anything to make amends. I have lived through hell, searching for her."

  Valentina jerked her hand free and wiped the tears from her eyes. Turning her back, she whispered, "If you love your wife, how can you also claim to love me? Why would you want me and my baby?"

  He clasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. "I have searched for both you and Valentina with no success. No one would tell me where either of you had disappeared to. I had heard that the famous Jordanna was giving her farewell performance at the Crystal Palace. I had to see you dance one last time. As I watched you tonight, I realized what a blind fool I had been. I must have been out of my mind not to have seen the obvious. There could never be two women like you . . . Valentina!"

  Reaching up, he unhooked her veil and stared at the face that had haunted him for so long. "It is hard to fool a husband when it comes to his wife's body, Valentina. I knew your body so well that the moment you stepped onto stage tonight I realized you and Jordanna were one and the same. No one could be as beautiful and as graceful as you."

  He placed his hand on her lips. "Shh, let me finish. When the truth hit me, I began to tie all the loose ends together, Valentina. Can you imagine how I felt as I watched you dance tonight, knowing the truth at last? I was remembering that Jordanna had given birth to my baby, therefore making the baby Valentina was carrying mine!" He passed his hand over his face. "God, what a tangle! I recalled the envy I had felt for the man who had fathered my wife's baby—all along I was my own rival."

  "I know I should have told you the truth, Marquis. I tried to when we were trapped in the mine, but you chose to misunderstand me."

  "Did you?"


  He looked puzzled for a moment. "That time is so vague in my memory ... I do not recall much that happened. Why did you not tell me later?"

  "I couldn't."

  He sighed. "Why should you have told me? I had done nothing to win your trust."

  He reached out to her with a trembling hand. Valentina saw the haggard look on his face and wanted to soothe him. "Oh God, Valentina, come home with me," he pleaded. "I love you."

  Her sobs were smothered against his shoulder, and his hands were comforting as they ran up and down her back in a caressing motion. She was almost afraid to believe he loved her. How did she know he would not hurt her again?

  Raising her head, she looked into soft brown eyes. "What about Isabel?"

  He smiled. "I am told she was sent back to Spain, but I do not know for sure. Isabel never meant anything to me. It pains me to confess that I used her to hurt you, but it was only because I thought you loved Tyree."

  "You implied that . . . Isabel said . . ."

  "I know what Isabel said. My mother told me. I admit I kissed her that day, but it was done in an attempt to drive my demons away. You have my word I did no more than kiss her. My heart was too full of love for you—there is no room for anyone else in my bed or in my heart."

  Valentina was still afraid to trust him. "You are not mad because I tricked you?"

  "I wish I had inspired your trust from the beginning so you would not have felt the need to keep secrets from me. I will strive to win your trust and your love in the future." He touched her face so softly, and his eyes looked deeply into hers. "Give me another chance, Valentina. I promise you will not regret it." His eyes moved across her face lovingly. "I seem to remember one thing that gives me reason to hope."

  "What is that?" she asked shyly.

  "I recall your telling me that you loved the father of your child. Is that true, Valentina? Did you love me?"

  She looked into his dark eyes, knowing that the time for lies had passed. "Yes, Marquis. I've always loved you.

  His hand trembled as it brushed her cheek, then moved to softly touch her lips. "My own little Silver Eyes," he whispered. "I have been to hell and back searching for you. Tonight I will be in paradise. I've discovered I had your love all along but was too blind to see it."

  "Oh, Marquis, if only there were hope for us. We have hurt each other so deeply. I don't know if we will ever trust each other."

  "I would trust you with my life, Valentina. You admitted that you loved me in the past. Do you still have feelings for me?"

  Tears ran unchecked down her face. "It was always you, Marquis. Why else do you think I would have married you? I was afraid that you would find out that I was Jordanna and despise me."

  Tenderly he brushed her tears away with his fingertips. "My dearest love, we have wasted so much time. Could we start all over again? Will you give me a chance to
make everything up to you?"

  "If you are sure you want me."

  He picked her up in his arms and swung her around the room, his face bright with happiness. "If I want you? God knows I want you, Valentina. Why do you not know? I cannot wait to take you home. I want the world to know that we have a daughter. I want the world to know that I am loved by Valentina Barrett Vincente."

  Suddenly his face became serious and he dipped his head to taste the lips that had given him so much pleasure in the past. He now knew why he had felt so alive with the dancer, Jordanna. His body had known that she was his love, even if his head had not.

  "Will you come home with me, Valentina?"

  "Yes, my love—oh yes!"

  "I will not expect you to forgive me right away, Valentina. I know I will have to win your trust."

  She was crying and could do no more than nod her head. When she could speak, her voice was a soft whisper. "We both have much to think about, Marquis."

  "I would like to start for Paraiso del Norte tomorrow. Will you be ready by then?"

  "Yes. I will have to tell Tyree."

  Marquis held Valentina tightly for a moment before releasing her. "I do not want to let you out of my sight. Even now I half fear you will vanish again."

  She smiled. "I ran away from you before, my Spaniard, but be warned; you will not get rid of me so easily the next time."

  His laughter was deep, and his eyes kept darting to the baby who was gurgling happily. "I am happy, Valentina. I feel like I own the world."

  Suddenly Valentina felt shy before this darkly handsome man who was her husband and the father of her daughter. "I should take the baby to the hotel now, Marquis. She needs to be in her bed."

  He stood looking down at her tensely, as if he were waiting for an invitation to go with her. Valentina could read the question in his eyes. "I can't rush this, Marquis. Will you be willing to give me time?"

  He nodded. "How much time would you need, Valentina?"

  A mischievous light danced in her eyes. "I will need the time it will take me to change out of my costume. Is that too long?"

  He grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. "So you think to torture me, Valentina. You know I have ached for you for months. I do not know if I can wait another night."

  Tyree heard the laughter coming from Valentina's dressing room and realized he had lost his dancer again. Smiling sadly, he walked away, wishing his two friends the best of everything.

  Clapping his hat on his head, he walked out into the street. San Francisco was growing. She was no longer the sleepy little town that the Spaniards had first established. Nor was she just another bustling gold-rush town. She was becoming respectable. Husbands were bringing their wives and children to California. Schools were being built. This was a city of the future, a place to raise a family.

  Tyree's eyes moved up the hill and focused on the site of the church he had had built. He thought of the new pastor's lovely blue-eyed daughter, Molly. Perhaps it was time he sold the Crystal Palace and settled into an acceptable job as a storekeeper, or perhaps a rancher. Then again, he mused, he had always wanted to be in the banking business.

  His footsteps quickened and he found himself anxious to see Molly. He could tell she liked him. She was just a little frightened of him because of his reputation, but he would court her in the proper manner and she would soon get over her fear.

  "Yep," he said under his breath, "it's time to settle down."


  It was a strange procession that moved toward Paraiso del Norte. Salamar sat in the buggy with Jordanna, while Marquis and Valentina rode horseback.

  There was little chance to talk, but Valentina could feel Marquis watching her. The previous night she had been disappointed when Marquis had stayed in a hotel room down the hall from hers. She had wanted him to stay with her, but she had been too shy to ask.

  As the sun rose high, her heart soared with it. She was on her way home to Paraiso del Norte, the only real home she had ever known. There had been bitterness and mistrust between her and Marquis, but that was behind them now.

  Late in the morning, they stopped so Valentina could feed her daughter, and Marquis rode away to give her privacy. He seemed distant, as though something was bothering him.

  It was almost sundown and dark clouds were gathering in the west when they reached Paraiso del Norte. Marquis helped Valentina dismount, then turned to Salamar, taking the baby from her.

  Valentina's heart filled with dread when she saw Dona Anna coming slowly down the stairs toward them. As she drew near, Valentina saw before her a changed Dona Anna. Her dark eyes were dull and lifeless. There was no sign of her usual airiness.

  Marquis's mother met Valentina's eyes. "I hope you will believe me when I say I am glad my son has found you.

  Valentina was tempted to say that, based on past experiences, she doubted the truthfulness of her statement, but she held her tongue. She saw sincerity and a certain humbleness in Dona Anna. "I am glad to be home," Valentina replied instead. "Thank you for making me feel welcome."

  Dona Anna glanced at her son, and her mouth gaped open in surprise. "What is this? Whose is this baby?"

  Marquis proudly held out the child to his mother. "This is a new generation of Vincentes, Mother. Welcome your new granddaughter, Jordanna Vincente."

  The old woman's eyes filled with tears as she pulled aside the blanket and stared at the child. There was disbelief and shame in her eyes as she looked at Valentina. "I am so sorry. I did not know you were with child. Can you forgive me?"

  "There is nothing to forgive," Valentina answered, glad the battle between her and Dona Anna was over.

  "May I hold her?" she asked hopefully, glancing at Valentina for permission. Being a grandmother was a new experience for Dona Anna. She could hardly wait to get her hands on the child.

  "Of course. She is your grandchild," Valentina told her.

  Dona Anna carefully lifted the child from Marquis's arms and held her as if she were the most precious jewel. "Let us get her out of this night air. It is not good for a baby's lungs."

  Valentina and Marquis smiled at each other as his mother took charge of the child. Salamar was directing the unloading of the trunks, and Marquis led Valentina up the steps.

  "I dreamed of your return," he whispered near her ear. "I cannot believe you are really here with me."

  Her eyes moved across his dark face and she felt her heart melt with love. "This is where I will always want to be, Marquis."

  Valentina was surprised when she was led up the main stairway. "I am head of the family now," Marquis explained sadly. "These are the quarters always occupied by the grandee."

  Valentina and Marquis were right behind Dona Anna as she entered the bedroom. Even with the darkness of the coming storm, it seemed a bright, cheerful room where yellows and cream colors blended together. The room was twice the size of the bedroom Marquis had occupied in the other wing.

  "After grandfather died, I had this part of the house redecorated in colors I thought you would like, Valentina," Marquis said, pulling her into his arms. "I always hoped I would find you and bring you home."

  Dona Anna was happily changing her new granddaughter. She was giggling and smiling at the child, her eyes dancing with joy. "It is so good to have a child in this house again, Valentina. You and this baby will chase the gloom away that has been hanging over our heads lately," Dona Anna declared. "I cannot wait to tell Dona Carmela Lopez about my granddaughter. Her two daughters and one son have been married far longer than you and have yet to produce a grandchild."

  Suddenly Dona Anna fell silent. She stared at the child and fresh tears filled her eyes. "Look, Marquis, the child has the Vincente mark. She is blessed as you are!"

  Marquis looked at the child and there, on her upper leg, he saw the red heart-shaped birthmark. His eyes caught and held Valentina's. Dona Anna smiled, knowing there would never be a question in anyone’s mind as to whether or not Jordanna was Marquis's daughter.r />
  Dona Anna wrapped the child in a blanket and picked her up. "Do you mind if I take Jordanna with me?" she asked hesitantly, as if fearing Valentina would refuse her request. "I would like to show her to everyone."

  Valentina nodded. "You can keep her until she needs to be fed; then bring her to me."

  Marquis's mother hurried across the room with her precious bundle clasped to her breast. Her spirits were lighter than they had been in months. There had been so much grief hanging over this house with don Alonso's death and Rosalia's running away and disgracing the family. Now happiness, in the shape of a precious granddaughter, had come to chase away all the gloom.

  A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the room. Marquis walked to the door, then looked back at Valentina. "I need to see about something. If you are hungry, ring for a maid."

  "Shouldn't I wait for you?" Valentina asked, feeling out of place in the huge bedroom and wondering why Marquis was acting so distant.

  "No, do not wait for me. I have many things to do and may be late."

  Valentina watched him leave, hoping he had not withdrawn from her again. Salamar was directing the men with Valentina's trunks. When they were placed to her satisfaction, she left. Valentina stood in the middle of the empty room feeling abandoned.

  The rain pattering against the window did nothing to soothe Valentina's frayed nerves. Marquis had been gone for over an hour. His mother had already brought Jordanna back and the child was now asleep at the foot of the bed in a cradle that had been in the Vincente family for generations.

  Valentina removed her riding habit, slipped on a pale pink nightgown, and pulled on her robe. The rain had stopped moments ago, and now Valentina thought she heard the sound of soft Spanish music below in the garden. It was too late at night for a party, she thought. Her footsteps were cushioned by the thick yellow rug as she moved to the balcony and glanced down.

  She drew in her breath as she saw several troubadours strumming guitars. When they saw Valentina, they broke into a beautiful old Spanish ballad.


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