All the Great Prizes
Page 83
Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), 365, 505–9, 512, 521–22, 532–34
Roosevelt’s mediation in, 540–41, 549
Rutledge, Ann, 36, 181, 236, 250
Sagamore Hill, 437–38, 464–65, 477
St. Augustine, Fla., 67–68, 80–81
St. Croix, 372, 422
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 250–51, 439, 483–84, 504, 520, 531
St. Helena, 277
St. John, 372, 422
St. Louis, Mo., 34, 48–49, 523
Hay’s speech in, 510–11
Republican Convention in (1896), 296, 300, 301
St. Petersburg, 362, 363, 380, 453, 462, 508
Bloody Sunday in, 533
St. Pierre, 433
St. Thomas, 372, 422
Salem, Ind., 15–17, 19
Salisbury, Lord, 305, 323, 347, 348, 352, 373, 391
Samoa, 327, 328, 352, 353, 517
Sanclemente, Manuel Antonio, 429
Sandburg, Carl, 95
Sanders, George, 87–88
San Francisco, Cal., 399–400
Sangamon County, Ill., 15, 33
Santo Domingo, 143, 528–29, 540
Saratoga, N.Y., 166
Sargent, John Singer, 234, 265, 303, 324, 456–58, 504, 539
Saturday Club, 133, 134
Saturday Evening Post, 260
Saturday Review, 226
Savannah, Ga., 67, 91, 97
Scammon, J. Young, 145
Schiff, Jacob, 462–63
Schurman, Jacob, 358
Schurz, Carl, 143, 340
Scotland, 261, 280, 283, 393
Clarks in, 214, 221, 251, 284, 288
Scott, Sir Walter, 145, 318
Scott, Winfield, 49
Scribner’s, 267
Scudder, Charles S., 542
sculpture, 483–84, 504, 520
Sears, Barnas, 25
secession, 39, 44, 77, 98
Sedan, 127
Senate, U.S., 97, 114, 119, 158, 196, 260, 391–94, 515, 527–30, 550
appointment approval and, 113, 201, 203
Camerons in, 187
canals committee of, see Interoceanic Canals Committee
Central America canal and, 345–46, 366–71, 383, 391–93, 396–97, 425–28, 432–36, 472
Choate’s run for, 349
election of 1858 and, 29, 30, 93
Foreign Relations Committee of, 338, 342, 368–70, 472
Hepburn bill and, 425–26, 428, 431
N.Y. legislature’s selection for, 207
Ohio seats for, 258, 309–10
Platt’s withdrawal as candidate for, 204
resignations from, 203, 205
Santo Domingo and, 528–29, 540
treaties and, 343, 344, 366–71, 383, 391–93, 396–97, 411, 412, 421–22, 432, 441, 442, 454–55, 494–95, 498, 500–503, 527–29
Sergei, Grand Duke of Russia, 533
Seward, Frederick, 176, 184
Seward, William, 49–50, 108, 184, 185
Alabama claims and, 142
assassination attempt against, 2, 104, 248
death of, 176
emancipation and, 56–57, 59, 62
in Gettysburg, 75–76
Hay’s admiration for, 101–2, 113
Hay’s correspondence with, 101–2, 114, 118–19
Hay’s job seeking and, 101, 113–14, 116, 119–20, 121
Seymour, Truman, 81
Shakespeare, William, 51, 52, 73
Shaler, James, 487–91
Shanghai, 353, 355, 379, 521, 522
Shantung Province, 377
Shasta, Mount, 148
Shaw, Albert, 479, 480
Shaw, Leslie, 496, 509
Shaw, Robert Gould, 78
Shaw Memorial (Saint-Gaudens), 483–84
“Shelby Cabell” (Hay), 115
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 411
Shenandoah Valley, 91
Sheridan, Philip, 91
Sherman, Cecilia, 187
Sherman, Charles Taylor, 187, 188
Sherman, John, 11, 187, 192, 252, 258, 310, 340
as secretary of state, 310, 312, 318, 326, 332, 338
Sherman, Lizzie, see Cameron, Elizabeth Sherman “Lizzie”
Sherman, Mrs. Charles, 188, 291
Sherman, Thomas, 65
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 11, 185, 187, 484
in Civil War, 64, 68, 83, 91–92
Sherman Silver Purchase Act, 280
Shiloh, Tenn., 55–56, 130
short stories, 216
of Harte, 134
of Hay, 18, 110, 115, 125, 140, 225, 228, 402
Siberia, 458
Sickles, Daniel, 121–24, 248, 323
Sickles, Mrs. Daniel, 121, 248
silver, 301, 302, 304
silverites, 301, 302, 317
Silver Spring, Md., 85
Sinclair, Samuel, 158
slavery, slaves, 14, 16, 54–59, 61, 86, 154, 515
army’s recruitment of, 78
border states and, 48, 54, 56, 59, 62
constitutional amendment for prohibition of, 84, 97–99
debate on, 24, 25, 30
election of 1864 and, 84, 85, 92
Lincoln’s promise of noninterference in, 39
peace talks and, 86–90
runaway, 22, 57
secession and, 39, 44
see also abolitionists, abolition; emancipation; Emancipation Proclamation
Slocomb, A. H., 513
Smalley, George, 131, 132, 234, 269, 423, 424, 465, 527
on Hay as ambassador, 314–15, 317–18
Smith, Charles Emory, 398
Smith, Hyrum, 21
Smith, Joseph, 20–21, 121
Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, 550
Soldiers’ Home, 5, 51, 52, 73, 85
Solomon Islands, 353
South, 57, 60, 71, 77, 88, 100, 193
emancipation and, 59, 64
Grant administration and, 153
Johnson administration and, 112, 113
secession in, 39, 44, 77
see also Confederacy; Confederate Army
South Africa, 9, 317
Boer War in, 353, 361–62, 367, 372–74, 401, 424
Del Hay in, 373–74, 391, 401, 403
South America, 349, 400, 443, 445, 446
South Atlantic Squadron, 512
South Carolina, 170, 422
Camerons in, 277, 278, 291, 293
forts in, 39, 65, 66, 68, 78–79
Hay in, 65–68, 72, 78–79, 277, 523
Spain, 8, 121–25, 133, 141, 284, 322–32, 339
Cuba and, 122, 123–24, 141, 294, 322, 323, 326–27, 340
Hohenzollern dynasty in, 127
navy of, 459
Spanish-American War, 8, 322–35, 338–41, 354, 364, 375, 444, 518, 524
end of, 329–30, 337
Maine and, 325, 326
peace commissioners and, 332–35, 339, 340
transportation issues in, 345
treaty in, 334, 340, 341, 343–44, 350
spas, 179, 532, 536–39, 546
Spectator, 451
speculation, 17
financial, 163
land, 15, 16, 68, 79, 82, 112, 116
“spheres of influence” (spheres of interest), 9, 353–54, 356–60, 362, 363, 365, 381
in Caribbean, 446
use of term, 327, 360
spoils system, 7, 131, 192, 259
Spooner, John, 425–26, 472, 592
Spooner Act, 436, 442, 473, 474, 498
Spooner amendment, 425–26, 428, 430, 431, 434, 435
Spotsylvania, Battle of (1864), 83
Sprague, Kate, 189
Springfield, Ill., 15, 17, 22, 29–37, 39, 44, 57, 68, 516
Hay’s education in, 23–24
Hay’s returns to, 4, 99, 107, 120–21, 167
Lincoln’s body in, 4, 15, 408
Republican state convention in (1858), 54
sp; social life in, 31, 32
Springfield Republic, 226
Spring-Rice, Cecil, 417, 539
Standard Oil, 156–57, 302, 422
Standing Lincoln (Saint-Gaudens), 483
Stanton, Edwin, Jr., 76
Stanton, Edwin, Sr., 2, 52, 69, 85, 92, 105, 107
attempted firing of, 119
emancipation and, 59, 61–62
Stanton, Theodore, 327
State Department, U.S., 119, 184–86, 188–91, 194–98, 332, 344–542
Alaska-Canada border and, 9, 346–49, 352, 367, 393, 423–25
anti-Semitism and, 117, 461–67
authors honored with overseas assignments by, 190
Central America canal and, 344–49, 366–71, 383, 391–93, 400, 405, 410–13, 421, 423–36, 440–43, 468–82, 484, 493–503
China policy and, 349, 352–66, 376–90, 458–62, 464–68, 477, 530
Diplomatic Bureau of, 125, 185
dress recommended by, 316
employees of, 185, 336
Guiteau’s visits to, 204–5
Hay’s attempts to resign from, 370–71, 395, 417
Hay’s managerial problems and, 336–37
Hay’s salary from, 315
Hay’s satisfactions at, 189–90
Lodge’s relations with, 342
McKinley appointments to, 304, 308–14
Rockhill and, 326
Russo-Japanese War and, 505–9, 512, 521–22, 532–34, 540–41, 549
Santo Domingo and, 528–29, 540
Tangier situation and, 511–15
Venezuela and, 443, 446–54
steamboats, 17, 18
steel, 220, 280, 354, 422
Sternburg, Speck von, 448–49, 451, 453
Stickney, Lyman, 79–82
Stifler, Dr., 535–36
Stoddard, Richard Henry, 139
Stoddard, William, 46, 52, 53, 61, 94, 237, 336
Stoker, Bram, 303, 403
Stone, Adelbert, 156, 165, 169, 220, 223, 403, 405
Stone, Amasa, 7, 110, 152, 155–58, 162–67, 213, 219
Ashtabula disaster and, 172–74, 220, 230
business career of, 156–57
in fiction, 230–32
Hay’s attending to business affairs of, 174–75
Hay’s correspondence with, 175, 220–22
Hay’s engagement and marriage and, 162, 163, 164
Hay’s relationship with, 164–67
health problems and death of, 220–24, 232, 288, 402, 403
Panic of 1873 and, 163–64
philanthropy of, 220, 422
as Presbyterian, 157, 164–65
Stone, Andros, 110, 151, 156, 160, 219
Stone, Clara Louise, see Hay, Clara Stone
Stone, Flora, see Mather, Flora Stone
Stone, Julia, 152, 155, 156, 157, 166, 174, 213, 223
Clara’s correspondence with, 215, 251, 315, 320
death of, 395
Hay’s correspondence with, 217
Money-Makers and, 231, 232
Stone, Mrs. Andros, 101, 151, 160, 163
Stone family, 228–32
Strachey, John St. Loe, 448–49, 451, 539, 548
Straus, Oscar, 462
Strauss, Johann, 117, 152
strikes, 219, 280, 289, 299, 300, 424, 440
railroad, 174–75
Stuart, J. E. B., 59
Suez Canal, 190, 344–45, 357
Sumner, Charles, 97, 104
Sunapee, Lake, 239, 249, 256–57, 267, 272–74, 278, 295, 352
launch for, 273–74
“Sunrise in the Place de la Concorde” (Hay), 140
Supreme Court, U.S., 114
Dred Scott decision of, 57–58
Nicolay as marshal of, 160, 169
Surrenden Dering, 333–34
Sweden, 114, 409
Symington, Evelyn Wadsworth, 465, 523, 550
Symington, James, 550
Symington, Stuart, 550
Syracuse Standard, 146
Taft, William Howard, 518, 536
Taiwan, 353, 355
Takahira, Kogoro, 505–9, 512, 533
Taku forts, 379
Talienwan, 354
Tammany Hall, 142, 159
Tangier, 511–15
tariffs, 258, 280, 281, 338, 406
China and, 353, 357, 359, 360, 363, 365, 460
election of 1896 and, 294, 300–301, 303, 306, 308
Ta-tung-kou, 466
Taylor, Benjamin, 248
telegraph, 70, 85, 92, 144, 156, 336, 383, 407, 431
Ten Percent Plan, 78–82
territories, slavery in, 54, 55
Teutonic, 303
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 25
Thaddeus of Warsaw (Porter), 17, 18
Thayer, William Roscoe, 450, 501, 551
in New York, 209
in Washington, 2, 45, 51, 75, 102–5, 248, 268
Theta Delta Chi, 25, 53
Thirteenth Amendment, 97–99
Thomasville, Ga., 505
Thucydides, 238
Tibet, 326
Tientsin, 355, 377, 379, 380, 383
Tilden, Samuel, 170
Tillypronie, 214
Times (London), 303, 314–15, 366
tin, 281, 306
Tiphereth Zion Society, 545
Tirpitz, Alfred von, 536
Todd, Mary, see Lincoln, Mary Todd
Tokyo, 363, 380
Tolstoy, Leo, 533
Tonga, 353
Torres, Eliseo, 490, 491
Tovar, Juan, 487–91
Tower, Charlemagne, 362, 363, 453, 537
Trans-Siberian Railway, 354, 355, 365
Transvaal, 362, 372–74
Trevelyan, George, 288, 534
Trinidad, 446
trolley accident, 438–40
Trumbull, Lyman, 97
Tsarevich (Russian ship), 506
Tsingtao, 353, 355
Tsushima, Strait of, 355, 540
Turgenev, Ivan, 216
Turkey, 521
Turner, George, 454–55
Turner, J.M.W., 116, 284–85, 457
Tutuila, 353
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), 340, 403, 412, 532
American Academy of Arts and Letters and, 520, 530
on Hay, 191
Hay’s correspondence with, 138
Hay’s meeting of, 134, 147
hometown of, 19, 135
writing of, 131, 134, 210–11, 212, 214, 228, 262
Tweed, William M. “Boss,” 141, 159
Tweed Ring, 142, 154, 170
“Two on the Terrace” (Hay), 266–67, 541
Tzu Hsi, 376, 384
unemployment, 289, 300
Union, 44, 50, 58, 67–72, 94, 98
benefits of Florida’s return to, 79
emancipation and, 59
flag of, 102, 104
restoration and preservation of, 6, 9, 55, 84, 86–88, 90, 99, 131
setbacks of, 46–49, 55–56, 59–60, 65, 68–69
squandering victory of, 113
Union Iron & Steel Company, 222
Union Pacific Railroad, 196
United Mine Workers, 424
United States:
British relations with, 9, 322–24, 328–29, 338, 346–48, 352–53, 358–62, 386, 539, 548
British tensions with, 304–5, 317, 449, 452, 454
Cuban interests of, 122, 123–24, 301, 317, 322, 323, 325–30, 343, 361
exceptionalism of, 330–31
national unity in, 337
Panama’s independence and, 476–82, 484–94, 497, 498–99, 502, 549
as role model, 142
sea power vision for, 445, 512
territorial expansion of, 322, 326, 327, 331, 338–41, 343–44, 356, 361, 364–65, 517, 529
Usher, John, 75
Vampires Club, 175
Van Buren, Martin, 247
Vanderbilt, William, 167, 427
> Velásquez, Diego, 123
Venetian Life (Howells), 133
Venezuela, 304–5, 317, 429, 446–54
arbitration agreement and, 452–53
Castro’s arbitration proposal and, 451, 452
debt of, 446–53
German blockade of, 443, 447–48
Venice, 133, 190, 286–87
Versailles, 128
Vicksburg, Miss., 64, 69, 71, 72–73
Victoria, Queen of England, 121, 221, 222, 251, 287–88, 316–20, 445
death of, 393–94
Diamond Jubilee of, 318–20
Hay’s meetings with, 323–24, 325
Vienna, 204
Hay in, 6, 116–19, 122, 129, 328
Jewish quarter in, 117–18, 462
Stone family in, 152
Villard, Henry, 131
vineyards, 112, 115, 132
Virginia, 104
Civil War and, 44, 47, 56, 58, 59, 68–69, 83–84, 86
Virgin Islands, 422
Vladivostok, 355, 540
in Martinique, 433
in Nicaragua, 427, 433–34, 435
voting rights, 57, 121
Wade, Jeptha, 156
Wadsworth, Alice Evelyn Hay, 401, 403, 523, 534, 550
birth of, 186
childbirths of, 46, 464, 540
in Colorado, 257
education of, 264, 286, 287
father’s relationship with, 273
foreign travel of, 213, 214, 217, 251, 286, 287, 304, 324, 332, 335
in New Hampshire, 272, 273, 279, 295, 402, 422
wedding of, 422, 439, 545
Wadsworth, Evelyn, see Symington, Evelyn Wadsworth
Wadsworth, James, Jr., 540
Wadsworth, James, Sr., 401, 422, 523, 534, 540, 550
wages, 174–75, 289
Wales, 215, 221, 251
Walker, John, 392, 425, 428
Walker, Robert, 281–82
Wall Street, 143, 163–64, 375
Ward, Artemus, 61
War Department, U.S., 95, 339, 344
Telegraph Office of, 53, 92–93, 336
Warner, Charles Dudley, 131, 214
War of 1812, 17, 259
Warsaw, Ill., 4, 17–22, 308, 383, 526
anti-Mormonism in, 20–22, 121
blacks in, 58
growth stunted in, 18
Hay’s memories of, 18–19, 21, 39, 112–13
Hay’s returns to, 4, 26–27, 32, 39, 49, 99, 115–16, 119, 120, 132, 155, 158, 162, 179, 183, 194, 272
as literary setting, 140
naming of, 17
as Spunky Point, 18
Warsaw Signal, 20
Washington, D.C., 1–7, 9–10, 11, 41–65, 68–78, 82–87, 92–107, 176–78, 183–99, 238–49, 251–55, 258–69, 275–77, 289–93, 298, 309, 335–54, 397–401, 407–11, 482–84, 523–34, 540–42, 544
Adams’s views on, 177–78, 247
Baltimore and Potomac Depot in, 205
Beresford in, 357
Bunau-Varilla in, 478–81, 486, 492–97
Capitol in, 41, 100, 289, 290, 408, 541
Concha in, 430–32, 436, 441
Confederate advance on, 84–85, 238