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The Tranquil Hunters Pride

Page 9

by T. Cobbin

  The evening was spent filled with laughter and family. Maddy let it fill her heart to be stored for a bad day.

  * * * *

  Grey was meeting the morning sun as he stood on the porch outside the cabin with a mug of coffee in his hand. Yesterday had nearly blown his mind when he’d first learned the women had gone off without telling anyone. His enforcers were pretty fucking lucky they were on the ball and had followed them.

  When he’d received a phone call saying they were entering pride land he rushed outside to meet them. He was more pleased they were back than angry, but he didn’t let on. When he’d gone to run his hand down his face and Rainy had pushed Maddy behind her, he’d been startled then angry that she might think he would hurt Maddy. When he finally realized what Rainy was doing he was even more stunned.

  While Maddy napped he and Rainy had sat down and chatted like old times. It seemed she needed the extra push to fully let her shields down. He had seen the difference in her that evening. It pleased him that she held no ill will toward his family.

  He told her he thought of her as the sister he’d never had, and if he had known what she’d been going through, he would have rescued and protected her. He also told her she was family now, and he would make sure she never went through anything like that again. Finally, he warned her that if her so-called father did turn up, he wouldn’t stop until he was dead. That seemed to please her immensely. At the end of the evening before she went to bed she even went far enough to hug him.

  “Morning, boss,” Mace said, walking toward him holding onto his own coffee mug.

  Grey nodded. “Any news?” he asked.

  “That’s why I came to see you. Some of our enforcers have picked up strange lion scents about ten miles north of here.”

  “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, boss. Patrols have been doubled. Your cabin is now patrolled constantly too, as well as Amier’s.”

  “We need to keep the women inside today.”

  “Yeah, what you gonna do, ask nicely?” Mace guffawed.

  He turned stern eyes to his beta, as if to say no more joking around. “If I have to, I’ll order them. Go get Amier. Tell her trouble is coming and I need her here.”

  Putting his mug down on the porch, Mace nodded. He stripped, shifted to his lion, then ran off through the woods.

  Ordering his mate to stay inside out of the way wasn’t going to work. He knew the headstrong female would fight him all the way. Even with a cub nestling inside her she would still try to take part. There was only one way to tire that female out!

  Chapter 17

  Maddy was sure something was going on, but with Grey between her legs—nibbling, sucking, and tonguing—her brain wouldn’t function properly. How long ago had he entered their room and taken her over and over? Her boneless body said hours, but her brain...that was a huge bowl of jelly. He’d licked and nibbled at his mark over and over. Who knew that could feel so good? She felt as if it was connected straight to her clit.

  “I love your taste. Come for me, princess.”

  Again? “I can’t,” she whined. Her pussy and clit were now so sensitive it was bordering on pain.

  Grey gently pinched her clit, bringing on another explosive orgasm. She arched off the bed, seeing stars. He moved to stand at the end of the bed and then pulled on her legs, sliding her down until her core hit his groin and his hard shaft was placed again at her entrance.

  Looking up at the mirrors above her, she watched Grey slowly enter her. He was so hard she felt the thumping of his heartbeat, the ridges of each bump of his cock. He pushed in bit by bit, seeming to relish the feeling. The last few times he’d fucked her stupid, but this time he made love to her sweet and slow. His kisses were more gentle.

  She saw and felt Grey collecting their combined juices with a finger, drawing it to her back passage. He rimmed her dark place and then slipped a finger just inside. Her muscles tightened at first, trying to keep the offending item out.

  “Relax,” he cooed.

  He pushed deeper as she did. It felt different from being penetrated vaginally, but as he slipped in and out, building up a pace to match his own, she found it just as thrilling.

  “One day I’m going to take you here,” he said as he filled her tightness once again.

  His strokes became faster, more intense. The pressure deep inside was building. Oh God, she couldn’t come again surely. She didn’t have the energy. As if reading her mind, he encouraged her and rode her harder.

  “Yes, you can. One more time, princess.”

  Grey shifted his hips, hitting the hidden nerves inside of her, and everything tightened for a second before she was rocketed into subspace. Even as Grey followed her with a roar it seemed to come from a distance. All she could do was feel. Thinking was now definitely out of the question. She was sure if she wanted to move she couldn’t. Her body felt like a boneless shell.

  Grey withdrew from her and turned her over on her side. As she lay there with his seed seeping over her thighs she remembered thinking something was up and it wasn’t his long length, but at the moment she couldn’t care less, sleep was all she wanted right now. She would deal with her wanton lion later.

  The bed bounced a little when Grey moved and climbed off it. She heard the tap running in the bathroom, and a few seconds later she felt a warm cloth wipe between her legs as he cleaned her. The bed dipped again a few seconds later, and one of his arms wrapped around her and their babe.

  She managed to utter, “I know, you know” before slipping into a deep, sated sleep.

  * * * *

  Maddy’s heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened out, and Grey knew she was finally resting. It had been an enjoyable way to keep her safe for a couple of hours. He knew he would pay for it later, but it would be worthwhile if she and their cub made it through the day unharmed. He had no doubt she could take care of herself with magic, but what if something did go wrong, or... He couldn’t think about that right now.

  He lay there for a few more minutes with her in his arms, knowing he was putting off the inevitable. Rainy had certainly shown she could be trusted to protect his mate if needed, but what if her father came? Would she be able to stand up to the man? Would she take his side out of fear? Would she run? So many questions he didn’t have the answer to.

  When he’d been on the way to wake his mate and keep her tired enough to be out of the way, Rainy had woken up and had on the clothes Maddy had predicted. A luminous green boob tube with a very short, bright pink skirt that showed the curves of her arse cheeks. He had nearly told her to change but carried on to his mate before she came out and saw it. Thankfully, the prediction she had about himself climbing into the van to search for Jerrick hadn’t happened.

  A week ago he had received news from a wolf pack about thirty miles away informing him that a group of stray lions had been seen and scented in their area but passed by with no trouble. They were heading south toward his pride. Normally, he would have headed off, taking a few enforcers with him to track them down. Remembering what Maddy had said, he hoped he’d changed things by not going.

  Taking one final inhale of his mate’s sweet scent, Grey slipped from their bed. He put on a pair of shorts and headed toward the living area where several lions were waiting.

  “Tommy safe?” Grey asked when he walked in to see only Mace and Vista sitting together.

  “We put him in preschool with the other kids like you suggested. The place is well protected. Today’s the day, huh?” Mace asked, nodding toward Rainy in the kitchen.

  “You told her?” Grey asked.

  Mace nodded.

  “Rainy,” he called, turning toward Jerrick’s daughter.

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Can we trust you?” Grey asked gruffly.

  Rainy walked over to him and knelt before his feet. “I won’t let anyone hurt her, not even my father. I couldn’t go back to what was after all that she and you guys have shown me. I’m not my father.”

  Grey placed a hand on her head and growled deeply. “You are family now, Rainy. Trust goes both ways. Trust me to make sure your father won’t ever get his hands on you or another living female.”

  Rainy looked up at him with her bright green eyes. He saw what he needed to. She trusted him.

  “Go sit with Maddy, but don’t wake her.”

  “She’s going to be mighty pissed you didn’t tell her,” Amier said, looking at him.

  “I know, but I’ll deal with that later. Mace, go see how our enforcers are doing. Vista, stay in the house but keep a listen out with Amier,” he ordered.

  Both females nodded their heads.

  “The wards?” he asked Amier.

  “Won’t keep Jerrick out, because he was pride at one time. If he has other lions with him, they will have to be mentally strong to enter without permission.”

  “Thanks.” He paused, walking over to Amier and taking her hand. “I know you don’t enjoy being around others, but I’m glad you and Maddy get on as well as you do. It’s been pretty nice having you around again.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ve kinda grown on me too.” She shrugged.

  Grey nodded and walked outside with Mace.

  Chapter 18

  It was quiet. Too quiet, Maddy thought, but something had disturbed her nap. As her mind became less sleepy she cursed Grey so thoroughly she would need to wash her brain out with soap let alone her mouth.

  “Thatunderhandedfleabagofalionsonofabitch ahhh...” Sitting up, she threw the quilt off her and got to her feet.

  A small female gasp made her realize someone else was in the room. Turning and grabbing the quilt to wrap around her, she found Rainy sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the corner.

  “Where is he?” Maddy growled at the poor woman.


  The bedroom door flew open, on the other side was a panting Vista. “You okay?” She entered the room, her gaze searching every corner.

  “You knew too?”

  “Knew?” she asked, all fake innocence.

  “Get out!” Maddy screamed at them both. “Let me get dressed.”

  “But...but I was told to...”

  “I don’t care. Get. Out. Before I freeze, burn, or disintegrate something.” Maddy stood there knowing her face was beetroot red with anger.

  She was panting through gritted teeth as she watched them slink off, pulling the bedroom door closed behind them.

  “Just need a fucking swinging door on the bedroom and all will be well. More frigging people have slammed it open than leaving it closed in this place,” she ranted, pulling on her silk robe and heading for the shower.

  The water rained down on her, cooling her temper a little, when shock made her freeze. Looking down at herself, she smoothed her hands over her bump and measured it in her head against the one in her premonition. Rainy was wearing the boob tube and skirt! Last night she had laid out a pink summer dress along with her bedazzled trainers she loved as well.

  Shit! Today was the day.

  Climbing out of the shower and quickly drying herself, she hollered for Vista as she dressed.

  The female warily entered her room. “Sorry, Maddy. I told Grey you would be pissed. He was just trying...”

  “He’s got wind of Jerrick coming, hasn’t he? That’s why he kept me so fucking busy this morning that left me tired.”

  Vista nodded. Guilt was written all over her face.

  Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and sighed. “I can’t be angry at you. It’s not your fault he’s an overprotective Alpha arse.” Maddy walked over to her best friend and hugged her as much as her bump would allow. “Who else is here?” she asked as they walked to the living area.

  “Me,” Amier called, turning from the window she was staring out.

  “Me too.”

  “I know you’re here, plonker.” Maddy chuckled at Rainy who was making a pot of tea in the kitchen. “So just us chickies then?”

  “And a shed load of enforcers out there somewhere,” Amier added.

  Looking around for Vista’s son, she asked, “Where’s Tommy?”

  “He’s safe. Grey had all the pregnant females and the kids placed in the day care building today. He has most of the males out patrolling the borders and around the day care. The elderly are there too—well, those who aren’t able to stand and fight.”

  “Why are we here then and not with them?”

  “He didn’t want to put them in more danger. Jerrick is after you. His warped brain thinks it’s your entire fault for ruining me not being Grey’s mate.” Rainy kept her gaze on the tray she was loading with cups. Maddy didn’t know what to say to that.

  “So the only person who didn’t know today was today was me? I’m going to kill him. Then I’ll chop his balls off and fry them up for the birds.” She huffed.

  “Tea?” Rainy asked, setting a tray on the table, which held a pot and several cups. She had even added a jar of pickles and some slices of ham on it too.

  “Thank you, and sorry.” Maddy patted Rainy’s hand. “I have a right to be pissed though.” She nodded and rolled a gherkin up in a piece of ham and started chomping on it.

  Looking at the clock, she saw it was three PM. She had slept most of the day away. That sly frigging male. Ooh, he was going to get something when he got back.

  Suddenly, she jumping up, toppling the chair she was sitting on. “Help me put a block of ice in front of the patio windows,” she shouted to Amier.

  Amier turned from the window near the front door and gave her a questioning look.

  “A lion will break through the patio windows just after three.” She motioned to the big glass doors. “If we put a thick block of ice there, it will be harder to break, right?”

  “I’m not sure, but we can try.”

  With dancing fingers they both started calling up the elements, summoning a spell. Droplets of water formed from the air to be immediately frozen in clumps, leading to one huge, thick block of ice cooling in the warm air of the cottage. Just as they were finishing, two fuzzy lion forms could be seen moving toward the house, fighting.

  “Mace.” Vista came to stand beside them both, white as a sheet, her mate’s name slipping from her lips.

  “How can you tell?” Maddy asked, pushing the other females back away from the ice and patio doors.

  “I caught a glimpse through the kitchen window as they went past.”

  The vicious snarls and growling were hard to miss. It seemed they were actually coming from inside the house. Standing beside her friends, Maddy heard the glass shatter and wood splinter and snap. The full body of a lion could be seen sliding down the block to lie on the floor. The ice itself still stood in one huge lump, but it now had a crack down the middle. Not being able to see through it clearly, she wasn’t sure which lion was currently not moving. She hoped with all her might it wasn’t Mace.

  Where is Grey and is he okay?

  A weak but audible thump sounded at the front door, then it opened and the answer to which lion it was stood in the doorway. Vista gasped and ran toward a naked Mace who had just finished shifting. He landed in her arms. Maddy watched them engulf each other but also saw the blood Mace left behind on Vista as he did. Maddy looked at Amier, and they both walked over to the pair as they came in the house and shut the door.

  “Oh God, he’s bleeding,” Vista cried out, taking Mace’s weight as his knees buckled beneath him.

  “The fucker managed to get a good swipe in across my thigh.”

  Between the three of them they lay Mace on the couch, belly down. There were four huge slices bleeding profusely on the back of his thigh. Vista sat by his head whispering soft, soothing words while she and Amier went to work on his wound.

  “Not too much, Maddy. I can do most of it. I promised Grey I’d watch you,” Amier whispered before they started.

  “But...” When Amier looked down at her bump Maddy closed her mouth and nodded. Now, while a war was being fought outside, wasn’t the ti
me to fight with Amier.

  “That is some fucking cool shit,” Rainy declared in surprise, looking over the back of the couch.

  Maddy had to admit seeing the skin and muscle knit together was pretty cool. After a nudge and nod from Amier, Maddy backed off, leaving Amier to finish up. Taking the elements from the air didn’t involve much effort, but the deep concentration and energy required from herself to draw and knit everything together into the final result drew quite a bit from her.

  “He actually has a nice butt.” Maddy sighed dramatically, wanting to lighten the oppressing mood. “But not as nice as Grey’s, his makes me want to bite it.”

  Vista looked at her with a frown. Her lips parted as if she were about to say something, but she stopped then started giggling, and Maddy joined in. Mace lifted himself up on his elbows, looking between them both, then shook his head.

  He turned to look across the room. “What the fuck is in front of that door?”

  “Ice,” she announced proudly. “I asked Amier to help, hoping it would change things from what I first saw.”

  “Well, it certainly helped. The bastard got a lucky swipe at me, putting me down for a few precious seconds, then he took a running leap and smashed into that.” He pointed at the ice. “Fucking knocked himself out.” He chuckled.

  “He’s just knocked out?” Vista gasped.

  “Don’t worry.” He kissed Vista’s forehead. “He won’t be getting up again.”

  Maddy asked the question that had been burning at her. “Where’s Grey?”

  Chapter 19

  “Get behind me,” Mace growled.

  Jumping from the couch and shifting to his lion, Mace proceeded to prowl toward the back door. A deep, rumbled growl came from the other side of it just before it was slammed off its hinges, a huge arse gray lion riding on it as it slid across the wooden floor.

  Rainy dived in front of the sofa and shifted too. Tattered luminous clothes flew in all directions, revealing her lioness. She was less blond and smaller but looked just as fierce when she started snarling, standing beside Mace.


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