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Gypsy Heat: A Gypsy Beach Novel

Page 17

by Jillian Neal

  Her body swayed against him as his tongue made hesitant exploration of her mouth. He coaxed hers inside his mouth and began to suck until she gasped for breath. Moving his tender, sucking kisses from her neck to her ear, he grabbed her ass and mimicked a thrust, not giving a damn who saw them in that parking lot. He was strung so tightly he was set to detonate. “I know you’re wet for me, angel.” He breathed in her ear. “I always know when you hurt for me. I need to feel it.”

  “Yes! God, Grady, yes. Take me home now. Please.”

  “There’s my angel, begging for me to make it better. You know I’ll make it better, don’t you?”

  “Now,” she whimpered against his collarbone. Clearly not caring who was around either, her hand trailed up his straining zipper-line.

  A possessive growl slid through his teeth. “I need you, angel, so damn bad.”

  When a police squad car circled the parking lot, some semblance of blood flow returned to his brain. He popped the door open and helped her inside. His mind and his body were thrumming with what he planned to do with her when he got her to the houseboat. He’d promised a few days before to fuck her through the mattress. It was high time he made good on his word.

  His old truck didn’t seem to understand the emanating need between them. He had to crank it three times to get it to go, and traffic downtown was thick. Sliding close to him in the seat, she traced the strained outline of his cock, taunting him.

  “Grab me, angel. Feel how fucking hard you hang me when you do as you’re told.”

  Her breaths panted rapidly as she grasped his denim-covered cock and proceeded to palm and rub him until he thought he’d lose his mind from desire. He throbbed for her, and a breathy moan shook from her lungs. She was so hungry it drove him wild.

  Deciding to simply slip into a much younger version of himself, Grady turned to see his fire dancing in her eyes. “Scoot that skirt up and spread those pretty legs, angel. Let me touch you. Let me feel how wet you are for me.”

  “Yes.” panted from her as she followed his command. She eased the loose fabric of the tiered skirt up to her thighs. Having done this very thing more times than he could count, he had no trouble steering the truck with his left hand while he traced the fingertips of his right hand under the crotch of her panties.

  A shudder of heat quaked through her. She scooted up on the bench seat and then leaned back, granting him better access and gave herself over to him. He dragged his fingers through the liquid desire of her sweet little pussy and circled his middle finger over her clit until it swelled and pulsed for him. “You’re needy again, aren’t you, angel? Swollen nice and tight for me. When I get you home, be ready. I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk and you don’t remember how to say anything but my name, and that will just be the first time I have you tonight.”

  Her moan of ardent approval echoed against the truck cab. Her body pitched as he moved from her clit to plunge his fingers deep inside of her. By the time he managed to park the truck in the Havens’ lot, she was grinding fiercely against his hand.

  He pulled his hand away and caressed her lips until she sucked her nectar from his fingers, and he leaned in to taste it from her mouth. A low, guttural groan reverberated from his lungs. “I’m either going to eat you out right here or leaned over my bed. You pick, but get wherever we’re going now.” he demanded. “I’m fucking hungry, angel.”

  With a breathy moan, she fumbled with the door handle and scooted from the truck. He followed in her wake, hot on her heels. His entire body was hotwired and craving her. Desperation to drown out his endless day, to feel her surrounding him, to reassure them both that they’d figure everything out and make it work this time, ran hot and thick in his blood.

  She stopped short, and he almost ran into her. Bracing her body with his hands he managed to stop before toppling her over.

  “Grady, look.” she gasped.

  Lifting his head, he felt his fierce erection fade as his pounding heart picked up speed. Lights were on in the houseboat, and someone was inside. Panic worked through him. He had to keep her safe. Nothing else mattered. His eyes tracked to the office, but he couldn’t be certain that no one was in there. Where could he make certain she was safe?

  “Do you want to call the police?” her frightened whisper sliced through his internal debate.

  “No,” he shook his head. “That could be Sinclair. Just stay right behind me, okay?”

  Swallowing down a visible case of nerves, she moved behind him as he edged closer to the houseboat and tried to see through the windows. Whoever was in his house hadn’t wanted to be seen. When they’d left, the blinds were open. Now, they’d been shut tight.

  “Grady, my stuff’s in there!” Impatience and panic swirled in the moonlight that lit her eyes.

  “I know, angel. Shh,” he held his index finger to his mouth and eased onto the dock. Instinctively, they stepped to the left side away from the boards along the middle that creaked.

  With a few quick steps, Grady eased along the side of the boathouse the way he’d seen cops in movies perform the task of busting in on a perpetrator. He didn’t own a gun, but pulled the decent sized pocket knife from his clip.

  “Grady, no! What if you get hurt?” she whispered frantically.

  “I’ll be fine. Just hush.” he matched her tone.

  She scowled at him as he delicately eased his hand to the doorknob. He tried to steady the cadence of his heart so that he could listen. The houseboat didn’t have great insulation. They’d proven that point the other day when Nate had heard he and Nadya going at it. He leaned in, eased the door open a centimeter, and listened intently.

  What he thought he heard couldn’t possibly be what he’d heard, but as he continued to listen. There was another female moan and a very recognizable voice.

  “I’ll kill him,” he huffed to Nadya. Grady shoved the knife back in its clip and threw open the door. “What the fucking hell, Beau?”

  “Grady!” bellowed from Beau. His shirt was off and his jeans were unbuttoned and hanging low enough to give Grady and Nadya a shot of his ass. He leapt and used his body to cover a naked woman in Grady’s bed, the one he’d just been going down on.

  Nadya’s hand flew over her mouth as Grady turned his back on the scene and shielded his eyes for good measure.

  “Get her dressed and get the hell out of my house!” he roared.

  “Uh …” Nadya choked back hysterical laughter. “We’ll just wait outside.” She took the hand Grady wasn’t using to cover his eyes and guided him back to the door. In his furious shock, he forgot to duck and clocked his head against the frame only adding to his ire.

  Rubbing his forehead, he paced the dock. “He wants me to buy him a boat, and let him help run the company, and he pulls shit like this after getting arrested.”

  “Grady, we used to sneak onto the houseboat and do it all the time.”

  Not appreciative of having his past mistakes thrown in his face, he huffed his disapproval. “In my bed!” He all but gagged a moment later. His acrimony gained ground as he recalled that he’d been planning on having Nadya in that bed several times over just moments before his brother decided to ruin their evening.

  Scooting in front of him and giving him her sweetest smile, the one only he ever got to see, Nadya halted his pacing. She drew him into her embrace. “Beau’s not a baby anymore, Grady. I think he’s a little tired of you treating him like he is.”

  “Then he needs to grow up, finish school, keep his women away from my house, and avoid making me view his ass crack when I walk in my front door!”

  “I don’t have women. I have a woman, and my ass is awesome. What the fuck are you complaining about?” Beau huffed as he slammed the door to the boathouse and appeared, alone but fully clothed.

  “Where’s … her?” Grady demanded.

  “Her name is Mia, and she’s my girlfriend.”

  Gulping in a hefty dose of salty ocean air, Grady tried to quell his temper. “Please, f
or the love of God, tell me you’re using protection.”

  “Grady, man, at some point you’re going to realize that I’m not sixteen anymore. I’m a senior in college, and I’ve been going for five damn years. I had to take a few semesters off to work, remember that? So, not that it’s any of your business, but she’s on the pill because that’s what we decided would work best in our relationship, which has been going on for two years now. And you fucked her on the boat while we had customers this morning.” He held his hands out to Nadya, as if that would help make his nonexistent point.

  “I own that boat. I own the boat you were just making use of, and I fucking own this company. I’ll fuck her on any boat I damn well please!” Grady bellowed. “So, why don’t you and Mia find somewhere else to work on your relationship?”

  “Where the hell else would you have us go? I have to live at home with Dad. Someone has to take care of him. Besides that, you won’t let me work enough hours to actually earn a living wage so I can get a place of my own. I’m not allowed to own anything. I have to go to school because that’s what you decided I needed to do. Did you ever think that I might want to plan my own damn life, Grady? Did you ever think that I might even have a fucking opinion on how I’d like to do that?”

  Nadya glanced up at Grady and lifted her eyebrows in challenge. Swallowing down equal doses of regret and gall, he wondered if maybe he had been ordering Beau around so long he’d forgotten how to stop. He rubbed his temples and debated how to proceed and how much to admit.

  “All right, fine. You wanna talk about quitting school? We’ll do that once we make damn certain you’re not going to jail.”

  “I’m not going to jail. I didn’t do anything illegal. Someone put that shit in my truck.”

  “Including the lock pick set?” Grady demanded vengefully.

  “No, not including that.” Beau narrowed his eyes defiantly. “Now, I thought if you’d like to consider acting like my brother instead of like a complete asshole, it’d be nice for Mia to meet you … you know, clothed.” He lost just a little of his steam.

  “We’d love to meet her, Beau.” Nadya spoke for Grady. Given that he was currently speechless, he allowed this.

  “And maybe don’t mention what you just saw.”

  “Oh, trust me, I never want to think about what I just saw ever again.” Grady’s voice returned to him quickly.

  “Grady.” This time Nadya spoke through her clenched teeth.

  Shaking his head, Beau made a return trip inside the houseboat and reappeared with an attractive girl with long blonde hair that was a year or two younger than him. Grady assumed her fair complexion wasn’t always the shade of a sunburned tomato.

  “Uh, Mia this is my oldest brother, Grady, and his girlfriend, Nadya.”

  Nadya extended her hand and offered Mia a very kind smile. “It’s so nice to meet you.” She shook Mia’s hand and elbowed Grady simultaneously.

  “Uh, yeah, hi. Nice to meet you. I guess,” Grady managed.

  “Hi.” Mia’s pale blue eyes reflected her extreme embarrassment. “I’m really sorry.” She pointed back to the boat.

  “It’s fine,” Beau assured her quickly. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Biting holes in his tongue, Grady did not inform his brother that it was far from fine.

  “Uh, we’re gonna get out of here for a little while. Is Nate still with Pops?”

  “Yeah, but don’t be out too late.” The automatic response flew from Grady’s lips without thought.

  Rolling his eyes, Beau huffed. “Not sixteen.” He took Mia’s hand and guided her off of the dock and down to the beach.

  Grady stormed into the houseboat to strip his bed.

  Nadya followed after him studying him closely. “What are you doing?” Her voice was soft and wary. It brought him up short. He wondered if she was afraid around him now that his temper had made a rapid appearance. He hated her ex all the more, but reminded himself that she hadn’t been afraid of him when he’d all but choked Sinclair on the boat. Maybe this was something else.

  “I only have one set of sheets, and I plan on making use of them tonight, angel.” He tried to modulate his tone to a less irritated plane.

  With a sexy smirk, she reached and pulled the sheet out of his hand. “We never used to need a bed.”


  All thoughts of Beau, and washing sheets, and every single thing in the world but her evaporated in the storm of her dark, hungry eyes. He arched his eyebrow in intrigue. “And where might my angel like to be taken? Because I need you, right now.”

  She spun and flew from the boat. Reminding himself that he would always take care of her and that he wouldn’t make his past mistakes over, he located the box of condoms and grasped one. With a smirk, he changed his mind and took two. He’d never know what kind of voodoo his Gypsy queen held over him, but if that wasn’t magic, he didn’t know what was.

  He kicked off his boots and flew out to the dock, not certain if she wanted to be taken in the water or if she wanted to do a little reminiscing on Wind Dancer. Scanning the beach first and coming up short, he turned and immediately spotted her backing away from him down the dock. He followed her towards the covered boat house.

  She was staring at him with abandon lit in the depths of her dark eyes. While she backed away, her hands slid to the hem of the tank-top she was wearing and began easing it upwards, revealing her slender waistline.

  He made it to her in four long strides. “Keep going, angel. It all belongs to me, every single part. Show me.”

  With a heady dose of Gypsy wildfire flowing in the humid salty air between them, she whipped the tank top off and threw it defiantly in his face. He caught it instinctively, but never took his eyes away from her luscious tits, swaying from the motion. Dropping the shirt to the dock, he backed her up to the boat house and pinned her hands above her head, listening to her moan her pleasure.

  “That’s it, angel. You know you need me to set you free, don’t you? Only I make everything feel better.”

  He popped the front clasp of the insubstantial bra she was wearing, lowered her arms enough to free her of its trappings, and tossed it away, as well. He grasped her wrists and pinned them back to the hard wood behind her. “All mine.” Leaning in, he spent one half second inhaling the delectable scent of Nadya aroused, then he devoured her lips with a groan of covetous need.

  Her body swayed against his. She rocked her mound against his strained erection. Every muscle in his body tensed as his breath caught on an exhale of desire. “You feel that, angel? You feel what you do to me?”

  “Take me, Grady. Make me feel it. I want it so bad.”

  “Get in the fucking boat, angel. I’m not taking you here. I want you loud. I want to set you free, bring you over and over. I’m gonna tear you up, and only I get to hear those sexy little sounds you make when I own you.” There was certainly no one in visual range of them on the dock. The beach was largely empty now that Beau and Mia were no longer on the shoreline. The crabs and the occasional sea turtle probably didn’t give a damn, but he wanted her to abandon every inhibition she might have. He wanted her raw. They needed to indulge in their wild, Gypsy hearts. His heritage had been a source of pain most of his life, but never with her. With her, their drive, their craving heat, that raging wildfire that drove them to the brink met its match and found its home.

  Doing as she was told, she spun out from the cage of his body, and headed through the opening that led to Wind Dancer. He helped her down into the boat, leapt in behind her, and had the engine cranked in a second flat. Flinging his shirt off, he guided her between his legs as he backed the boat from its slip. He wanted to feel the way their skin melded. He needed to feel her body to body and soul to soul.

  She leaned back against him as he groped her breasts. Wind Dancer flew them away from the beach. Squeezing her nipples, pebbled and pert all for him, he rolled them between his thumb and the side of his index finger and pinched. Her breath stuttered in a g
asped moan of relent. “Feels good when I touch you doesn’t it, angel? Feels so good when I’m rough with you.”

  “Oh, God, yes!” She twisted in anticipation. It drove him wild. He picked up speed, heading towards their hidden away cove, a place he could own her without interruption of all of the shit that awaited them back on that pier.

  In record time, he pulled into the shadows of the trees from a shoreline, inaccessible except by boat. The moonlight danced through the leaves over her skin in seductive shadows. She turned slowly in his arms as he lowered the anchor and wrapped his hands around her waist.

  “Need to be sucked, angel?” He spun his tongue over both of her nipples, one and then the other in rapid syncopation until she was trembling and he was holding her upright with the strength of his arms.

  She arched her back and he drew her left breast into the heat of his mouth and sucked with ferocity. Her hands grasped his shoulders, rasped down his biceps, and then joined his hands on her ribs supporting her breasts. She swayed as he sucked, whimpering out her craving need for more. She needed to be owned. He nipped her and then lapped away the slight pain. She gasped and groaned her relent only to him.

  Too anxious for finesse, he hoisted the long skirt and her panties down to her knees. She stood for him and he shoved them into a puddle of gauzy fabric and wet satin at her feet.

  “You are so fucking gorgeous, Nad. All for me.” He groaned in anticipation. Wrapping his hands around her ample ass, he turned in his seat and brought her pussy to his mouth. “I told you I was hungry for you, angel. Always my good girl. Always so wet for me.” He lapped at her saturated folds as she tunneled her fingers in his jet black hair, held his face to her pussy, and spread her legs, offering him a delectable feast.

  His tongue trailed between her folds and spun around her clit as it distended and wept for his affection. Using his thumbs, he spread her lips and drew her clitoris into his mouth. He suckled gently and teased her with his tongue.


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