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Grey: The Infatuation (Spectrum Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Allison White

  “Good girl.” He kisses the top of my head, and I smile warmly. I look up at him, and he cups my face and looks at me with an intense expression. I want to know what is going through his mind. I do ninety-nine percent of the time, but more so now than ever.

  His lips capture mine, and I hold onto his tatted forearms. His kiss is sensual and holds millions of emotions. It leaves me overwhelmed but giddy overall. I smile into it the exact time he does. I giggle softly as he slowly pushes me back onto the rug. I stop when I feel him against my inner thigh.

  I am suddenly very aware of what is about to happen. But I’m not scared. Nervous? Hell yes. But not scared.

  “Are you really sure about this?” he asks gently as he cups my cheek, softly running his thumb over the red skin. “I don’t want to do anything you don’t want.”

  I nod, my heart beating like a drum against my throat. “I’m sure. I want you.” I reach up and twirl a piece of his now curly hair. “Now make love to me…” The moment the words leave my mouth, I realize just how much I want this. With him.

  His eyes grow cold as a warm smile takes up his face. “It’d be my pleasure, princess.” I smile and grip his shoulders as he pushes my legs to the side. I lift them and wrap them around his lower back. “I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt. But I promise to go slow. Okay? I swear it’ll get better as we do it more.” He looks at me expectantly as I nod and whisper for him to do it.

  Slowly and gently, he pushes himself into me. I gasp and feel my stomach do a double take. Whoa, that’s new. I can feel something break inside me; knowing it’s my virginity makes this much more real. He doesn’t move, letting me get adjusted to his impossible length. It’s like he’s filling me with a damn rocket.

  After a while, I nod my head and, watching me intently, he pulls out and then enters me again, this time a little further in. I let my head fall onto the rug beneath me and close my eyes.

  The feeling is foreign and painful, but I know it’ll be over soon. He was right; after a few more times my body will get used to this, to him. I just have to ride this one out, but I don’t mind anyway. I have never felt more connected to a person before in my life. And I don’t think I ever will unless it’s with him…

  “Holy fuck.” He groans, and I watch in fascination as sweat forms at his temples as he moves in and out of me, still gentle and slow. “You are really tight.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” I ask quickly.

  He laughs, but it’s cut off by a sharp grunt on his behalf. “No, of course not. It’s fucking—fucking—perfect.”

  This pace, my…tightness, it’s all killing him, because he’s truly enjoying this. It’s not like I’m not; I’m just too pained and uncomfortable to feel the kind of pleasure he is. But in due time.

  “Are you…shit…a-are you okay?” His words are strained, and I reach up and push back a strand of his dark hair behind his ear. He looks so beautiful, moving like this. So captivating and focused…

  “Liv,” he inquires, lifting his eyebrows. “Do you want me to stop? Are you in too much—pain?” My chest sparks in reaction to his obvious concern over me. But I am okay.

  “I’m fine. Th-thanks for asking.” I stutter when I begin to feel a familiar pinch in my stomach. The smallest one I’ve felt yet. He curses in Spanish. He leans down and kisses my neck, my chin, my nose—all over. I revel in the feel of his honeysuckle lips leaving marks, big and small and red, across my chest, tattering over my delicate skin.

  He rests one elbow on the rug and continues to thrust in and out of me, at a slightly faster pace. “Fuck, you are so fucking tight. I won’t be able to last long…shit.”

  He cups one of my cheeks and pries my lip out of my mouth. Our eyes connect as I let out a single breath before he tugs gently and then devours my mouth with his. The kiss is sloppy and slightly out of sync, but the passionate fire that lingers between our sweat-sheened bodies lies in our wake. I rake my hands up his back and arch my back, a small moan leaving my lips.

  “I love you so much. So, so fucking much.” His voice is raspy, and a smile dances across my lips.

  “I love you too, Grey,” I tell him, sighing in satisfaction. We haven’t said it together like that before. It felt good. It felt really damn good. I have never felt love this raw and consuming before. But he consumes me, and he consumes every centimeter his tatted hands can get. I fucking love it.

  I have never felt so electric and alive than in this moment. I want it to last forever. Time is an illusion. It feels as though he has been on top of me forever, whispering dirty things in his language and marking my skin as if I were his. And I am. Every single inch of me belongs to him now.

  I gently kiss his sweaty skin, taste the saltiness, and relish in the effect I have on him. I dig my nails deeper into his back. He curses and holds me closer. I let out a small breath and close my eyes in bliss when he reaches between us and begins rubbing me.

  “Oh, Grey,” I moan his name and kiss his tender spot. He tenses and moves faster. I jolt up and down with him. Skin to skin. Chest to chest. He and I are one in this moment.

  He leans back and connects his perfect pink lips with mine. Again, we are kissing, exploring, and conquering. I press my palms into his muscular back and listen to him ramble about “how tight” and “how beautiful” I am. I could not be any redder from his words, even if I tried.

  “I-I’m going to come now, okay?” he warns me, and I nod and tilt his chin back. His eyes are clenched shut, and I smile before arching my back and drawing my nails up his back. He lets his head hang over my palm, and my charms jiggle, making the purest enchanting sound. That and his shallow breathing convinces me I’ve teleported to another planet. A planet as dark as his eyes but as bright as his smile.

  His body tenses, and he lets out a guttural sound and long strings of curses before reaching his high. I watch him and kiss his bicep, taking in how much he is affected. His muscles clench, and his eyes droop open lazily.

  Slowly, he retracts from me. I feel very open and empty without him, but it goes away the moment I feel it. Wow, do I feel weird.

  I smile from ear to ear, and before I can say anything, he leans down and crashes his lips onto mine. Electricity sparks between us and sets me on fire. I press into him and descend back onto the ground. He grinds into me, and I moan but keep kissing him. I tilt my head to the side and play with his dampened hair, smelling the raw release that lingers around him.

  When we part, I blush and ask, “Was it…you know, good for you?” I know it’s uncommon for a girl to experience an orgasm the first time because she still has to get used to her body in this way, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him. I want him to have had a good experience, even if I can’t feel it the way he does.

  He chuckles and, with closed eyes, whispers, “That was fucking perfect. You are perfect.” He kisses me again, and I laugh in between the pecks. I finally cup his cheeks, and he falls onto the rug beside me; I straddle his lap. I lean over one side and steadily mold my lips with his. He holds my hips and grabs my bare ass, making my wet sex rub against his semi-hard member.

  “Grey!” I shout but laugh when he winks at me. “I’m cold.” I frown and get off, sitting next to him. “There’s a blanket over there. Go get it?” I point to one of the leather chairs in the corner. He nods.

  “I have to throw out the condom. I’ll be back,” he tells me and kisses my cheek before leaving the room. I bite my lip and try to control my rapid breathing. He comes back a few seconds later, grabs the blanket, and comes back to me. He places it around my arms and lets the rest of the large portion fall on his sweaty, hard chest. I lay my head against him and listen to the steady beat of his heartbeat. I count each beat and yawn. Man, I didn’t know sex could tire you out.

  I still can’t believe we just did it—I just did it. I never thought I’d lose my virginity so soon. I always thought it’d be with my husband or my fiancé or someone I knew for a fact I was spending the rest of my life wi
th. Not with Grey, a rude boy with dark eyes and an even darker past. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Liv, will you—I don’t know…be my girlfriend?” he says, surprising me. My heart does a double take, no, a triple take. I did not expect him to ask that.

  “I thought you didn’t date,” I say and trace my finger over the script on his lower ribs.

  “True, but I want you. As mine. Officially.” He tips my head up by my chin and stares longingly into my eyes. “So will you be mine?”

  “Yes,” I say without hesitation. “I will be your girlfriend, if you’ll be my boyfriend.” God, why do I sound like such a dork? He’s right, the title does sound childish. But it just seems right, like it’s the next important step in our relationship—our official relationship.

  He grins from ear to ear like I told him he has unlimited wishes. He sighs deeply and pulls me as close as I can get into his chest, wraps his large shiny arms around me, and whispers, “Te amo, princesa.” Then he presses a tender kiss on top of my forehead and closes his eyes. Looks like he’s tired too. I yawn and rub my eyes before wrapping an arm around him and letting out a similar sigh.

  I stare at the fire and glance down before nodding and whispering back, “Yo también te amo, mi Grey.” (I love you too, my Grey.)

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I awake to the sound of loud music. I press my palm to my heavy eyelids and roll over to find Grey not next to me. And I’m lying in a bed…strange. How did I get here? I look around and come to the conclusion that he moved me here during the night. I’m extremely glad he did; I can only imagine the backache if I had stayed on that floor. Even if we were on a rug.

  I make the mistake of trying to sit up. An indescribable pain rips through my abdomen. It feels like someone stabbed me in the gut with a pair of scissors and then piled a ton of cotton balls over the wound in a ridiculous attempt to stop the bleeding. I look around for Grey but don’t find him. Where the heck is he? I use every bit of strength in my bones and turn around, laying my head against the pillows.

  If I’m being honest, I would have liked to wake up to him. It’s amusing watching the way his plush lips squish to the side, how his tongue peeks out, hair sticking up everywhere.

  Instead I’m paralyzed with pain. Alone. How great.

  Letting out a sigh, I look around again in hopes of finding some clue as to where he is. Now that I’m looking for something, I spot a small silver bell with a ripped-out piece of paper under it on the night table on my left. I reach out and grab both the bell and paper. I read the note out loud, smiling from ear to ear.

  Ring me when you’re awake.

  P.S. Stay still, don’t want my princess hurting too much.

  I do as told and, thirty seconds later, Grey slides into the room. Literally. Where the heck did he find those socks? I guess from my father’s dresser. All of the closets are equipped with clothes even though we only visit this place every few summers.

  “Good morning, princess,” he croons with a wide grin. I admire the light in his eyes as he looks me up and down. I blush and pull the sheet closer to my body.

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” I laugh when he saunters over to me. He’s shirtless, baring his tattoos and deep V-line that plunges into the hideous plaid pajamas that actually look good on him. He could wear a ratty t-shirt with holes, and he’d still look like a complete sex god.

  “Of course I am, after last night…” He stops and gives me a wicked wink that sends ice down my spine. “Speaking of which, are you okay?”

  I nod with a frown. “I’m fine, but I’m really sore. And I have to pee, but I can barely sit up.” I feel weak and beaten up, but it’s just consequences of the best night of my life. Surely, I can live through it.

  “I’m sorry, but I think I can make it bearable,” he says.

  “How do you plan to—” I begin.

  He cuts me off by swiftly reaching under my thighs and standing with me in his arms, bridal style. He looks down at my bewildered expression, my bare body, and lets out a snort.

  “Grey! What are you doing?” I gasp and clutch my fingers around his neck, toying with a tendril of his midnight hair.

  “I am not letting you walk,” he says and enters the massive ensuite. “I knew my gigantic snake would affect you like this, so I’ll be taking care of you.”

  “First of all, don’t call your…thing a snake, because it isn’t one—”

  “Yes, it is,” he sing songs. I laugh and pinch his arm. He looks at me and groans in faux pain. I narrow my eyes at him and do it again. He just laughs. He sets me down on the counter, and I shiver at the coldness and glare at him. “Whoops?” He smiles at me before walking over to the tub and turning the faucet on.

  “This isn’t sanitary, Grey,” I whine and cover my chest, clenching my thighs together. Even after last night and all that we have done, I’m still a little shy about my body. It’s not like I’m used to being seen naked all the time.

  “So? We’re the only ones here. Who cares? And you don’t have to hide your body, babe. I’ve already seen and been in it last night.” He passes me a look over his shoulder, one of mischief, and I look away and blush. I hear him laugh before turning back around to the tub, turning on the faucet. “But please, finish what you were saying about my massive snake, whom I call Rico.”

  I open my mouth to talk, but laughter is all that escapes me. “Rico? That’s your name for it?” He’s so crazy, but I love it. And him. I smile openly as he turns around and begins to saunter over. He looks so sexy…

  “It’s either that or big fat co—”

  I clasp my hand over his mouth and laugh into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and chuckles too. “I’m fine with Rico,” I say, and he shrugs. “But earlier I was saying: There is no need for you to carry me around. I’m sure I can walk.”

  He arches his eyebrows. “Oh, really?” I hum and nod in reply. He takes a step back, hands behind his back. “You said you have to pee, right?” Again, I nod but slower. “Then go and use the toilet.” He points to the porcelain toilet a few feet away. I look at it, puff my cheeks, and nod.

  “Okay,” I say and casually hop off the counter. I take one step forward, and the pain strikes my core, making me double over. I nearly bust my bare ass, but he luckily catches me before I can land on my face.

  “Told you so,” he sing-songs annoyingly.

  I roll my eyes, and he laughs at my expense. “Just—take me to the toilet, please,” I mumble, lifting my arms up, beaming at him with a grin. I waggle my fingers and cock an eyebrow. “Now.” May as well take advantage of it.

  He scowls at me, and I laugh as he abruptly picks me up again. “Anything for you, princesa.” I smile at the sense of annoyance in his voice. He shouldn’t offer to do something he’ll quickly grow tired of. But I do see a ghost of a smile resting on his lips as he holds me. I lay my head against his firm chest and smile right back.

  He takes me to the toilet, and I do my business. As I do, he stops the water and picks me up again. I can’t help but feel like a vulnerable baby. Vulnerable because I’m stark naked and he isn’t. And I feel like a baby because, well, he’s carrying me like I don’t know how to walk. I do; I’m just kind of incapable of doing so at this moment in time. But I’m sure a nice, fizzing bubble bath will help tremendously.

  The water is warm and rises up to my neck as I lay back. I reach for the bath soap a few feet away on the metal ledge attached to the porcelain tub, but he literally smacks my hand away and grabs it for me.

  “Don’t strain yourself, princess.” He hands me the vanilla soap and, with a rueful smirk, says, “I’ve worn you so thin, I need to take care of you.” He runs the back of his hand gently down my cheek.

  I smack his hand away. “And you’re wearing your ego out pretty thin, because I can take care of myself. You didn’t wear me out.”

  “Is that why you’re falling down like a newborn deer?” he inquires in a condescending tone, tapping his chin wit
h a nauseating smirk.

  “Jerk!” I blush and splash him with water. He gasps as I laugh, reaching in to splash me even though I am already wet. “Okay, okay! I wave the white flag.” He stops splashing me and snorts.

  “Certainly not the bedsheet. That isn’t white anymore,” he mutters.

  I feel myself pale. “What?” I croak.

  His eyes widen, and he waves a hand at me. “Nothing, just a little blood, but it’s normal.”

  “Oh…” How embarrassing. He’s right, it’s normal. But still, I can’t help but feel a little…flushed.

  He tilts my head back and graces me with a grin. “That’s why I’m doing this,” he says, “helping out my poor, bleeding little Bambi.” I growl at him as he laughs and shrugs. “But really. I even went as far as cooking breakfast for you, though I can usually only prepare mac and cheese…but I tried for you, I really did!” His eyes shine with light, and those baby dimples pop into his cheeks like firecrackers. I chuckle and place my hand over his. I love how he is showing me how much he cares for me. It’s beyond endearing.

  “Thank you, Grey. It really means a lot,” I tell him in all honesty. But something dawns on me. The air kind of smells smoky…“Did you turn off the stove?” I raise my eyebrows in bemusement.

  His smile slowly dissipates, and he clicks his tongue in his cheek. “Fuck! I’ll be right back. Don’t move, m’kay? M’kay.” He swiftly kisses my temple, then speeds out of the room. I laugh and bring my soapy hands up to my chin. I blow the soap away and sigh in content.


  After I am squeaky clean and dressed in a loose strapless floral dress and a pair of beige flats, I find Grey in the kitchen. He’s in front of the stove, shimmying a frying pan over the fire. I lean against the door frame and watch him in fascination. And I also, maybe, am sort of checking him out. He makes it hard not to. His defined back muscles constrict each time he jerks the pan back. I pinch my bottom lip and shift my legs slightly. Why is this turning me on so much?


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