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Sapphire of the Fairies, Book 1 of Sword of Heavens

Page 33

by Richard S. Tuttle

  As the Rangers prepared to make camp the day before reaching the fairy village, Midge flew up to Alex’s shoulder.

  “The village is not far from here,” Midge stated. “I think we should continue on tonight.”

  “Returning the Crown of Light is important to your people,” Alex protested. “We should arrive in the daytime so everyone can see it.”

  “It is important enough that everyone will forgo sleep to see it,” Midge pushed. “We should arrive there in a few hours and you must entrust the Crown of Light to Arik. He must be the one to present it to Queen Mita. He is the Bringer. It is to the Bringer that the Sapphire of the Fairies will be presented.”

  Alex looked to Jenneva for her comments and she nodded. “Very well,” Alex agreed. “We shall ride on tonight. Take the Crown of Light to Arik and ask him to guard it well.”

  Midge delivered the Crown of Light and explained to Arik what he must do with it. Several hours later, the Rangers rode into the fairy village. Midge must have flown on ahead because the entire village was awake and fairy lights lined the approach from the edge of the orchard to the Father Tree. Arik dismounted in front of the Father Tree and approached the platform where Queen Mita and Prince Midge waited. Queen Mita’s blue body was adorned with a blue robe with a silver lining. Arik bowed and held out his hand with the Crown of Light resting on his palm. Prince Midge gently lifted the Crown of Light and the entire fairy village erupted into a solemn song, the words of which were unknown to the Rangers.

  Prince Midge gently approached Queen Mita and placed the Crown of Light gently on her head. The song ended and every fairy in the village dropped to their knees and bowed to the Queen. The Queen stepped to the edge of the platform and recited the Fairy Prophecy:

  Your blood will flow til none is left

  While darkness around you descends

  On Holy Sapphire all you have

  Fate of the Fairies do depend.

  The Crown of Light the Fairies’ Life

  Without it all are doomed to die

  The Holy Sapphire just a patch

  Redemption only just a lie.

  The Bringer knows not what he does

  But fate has chosen only he

  Who bears the mark upon his chest

  The Winged Serpent death doth flee.

  From darkest night the Bringer comes

  Restores the precious Crown of Light

  The Holy Sapphire shall he own

  Fairy fealty his due and right.

  The Queen raised her hand and the fairies rose from their kneeling position. Prince Midge entered the Queen’s chambers and came out holding the large Sapphire of the Fairies. The Sapphire was very large for a fairy to carry, but Midge showed no sign of distress in carrying it. He brought it to Queen Mita and she accepted it from her son.

  Holding the large Sapphire in her tiny hands, she stood while Arik approached the platform. Arik stretched out his hand and the Queen placed the Sapphire of the Fairies in his palm.

  “Arik Clava,” the Queen declared regally, “you are the Bringer of the Crown of Light. Into your hands, we trust the Sapphire of the Fairies. Into your hands, we trust the Queen of the Fairies. Into your hands, we trust the very existence of the Fairy People. From this day forward, the Fairy People exist for your service. I, Queen Mita, and my successors, exist for your service.”

  The Queen dropped to her knees and bowed to Arik, the Bringer, and the whole fairy village fell to its knees and repeated the pledge. Prince Midge had not told this last part to Arik because it was forbidden to speak of the Fairy Prophecy to outsiders without leave of the Queen. Arik blushed deeply, but refused to let it spoil the fairy ritual.

  “Queen Mita,” he stated solemnly, “I accept your pledge of fealty. Rise.” Turning to face the villagers he continued, “Fairy People, I accept your pledge of fealty. Rise.”

  Feeling foolish, Arik pretended he was one of the kings he often dreamed about and tried to act accordingly. He stepped back from the platform and retrieved the Sword of Heavens from its sheath. He held its point in the dirt and laid the Sapphire of the Fairies in the spot that was made for it. The Sapphire snapped into place firmly and sparkled brilliantly. The Sword started to vibrate and Arik held it with both hands. Forcing against his considerable strength, the Sword swung upward. His attempts to hold it level with the ground were futile and the Sword kept moving upward until Arik’s hands were stretched over his head and the Sword was pointing straight up.

  A brilliant streak of lightning erupted from the tip of the Sword and arced high into the sky, piercing the Darkness created by the Dark One. In a blinding flash, the lightning exploded into the Darkness and created a hole. Like a wave upon the ocean, the Darkness rolled outward in a circle revealing a black sky encrusted with thousands of stars and still it continued rolling until there was no sign of the Darkness at all. Hanging in the eastern sky was a large ball of pale light and Arik heard someone mention the word “Moon.” Arik stood transfixed staring at a night sky, which he never imagined he would live to see.


  Other titles by Richard S. Tuttle

  The Khadora Collection

  Forgotten Legacy

  Ages ago the peaceful continent was invaded by savage conquerors. The invading army sought not only to rule and own the land, but to exterminate the indigenous peoples. Survivors of the peace-loving inhabitants of the continent escaped the slaughter and reformed their meager civilizations to learn the arts of war and magic awaiting word from the gods to extract their revenge and retake their homelands.

  The series starts in the country of Khadora with Young Lord of Khadora in which the son of a slave seeks to reform a government bent on feudal wars and disrespect for mages and the indigenous peoples.

  Star of Sakova takes place in Omunga, a neighboring country to Khadora and features a young female mage student who is suddenly and brutally thrust into a position of leadership of a strange indigenous people.

  Web of Deceit is centered in Fakara the third country of the continent and features a young man whose destiny is to create a financial empire that will aid in overthrowing the invaders.

  Aakuta: the Dark Mage introduces a mysterious male mage as the series returns to Khadora. Lord Marak undertakes battling thousands of Jiadin warriors invading Khadora as members of the Lords Council try to assassinate him.

  Island of Darkness returns to the Sakova as an evil mage takes over the government of Omunga declares war on the Sakovans. Complicating the war is the need to preserve the armies of both countries if the coming invasion is to be defeated. Two young women on a sea voyage happen upon the Island of Darkness where Vand is assembling his massive army to invade Omunga and Sakova. If they manage to escape the island to tell their story, their tales will chill the citizens of both countries.

  Elvangar introduces the land of the elves and the chaos that reigns there. The line of Kieran which has ruled the elves for a thousand years appears to be at an end. Marak, in an attempt to enlist the aid of the elves in the coming struggle, sanctions a trip to the secret land of Elvangar. Meanwhile the drums of war continue to beat loudly on the Island of Darkness.

  In Winged Warrior, the world teeters on the brink of war, but Marak’s allies are not prepared to defend their homelands. The god-like Vand has inserted spies into the forces on the mainland, and each country is beset with troubles that threaten to destroy mankind.

  Army of the Dead concludes the series as Vand’s massive minions invade in several different locations. Worst of all for Marak and his allies, Vand has an additional army that no one has planned for; it is an army that died a thousand years ago.

  The series is comprised of eight volumes alternating between the three countries with the final volumes drawing them all together.

  Young Lord of Khadora

  Young Lord of Khadora features Marak, a young soldier in the service of one of the smaller clans of Khadora who is chosen as a sacrifice for the benefit of his lord. Recognizing
his promotion as the sacrifice it is intended to be, Marak uses every trick available to thwart the plans of his lord and change the very fabric of society.

  Star of Sakova

  Star of Sakova is the tale of Lyra, a young woman who survives a deadly attack on the magic academy run by her parents. Her flight from the army of assassins following her, forces Lyra to enter the dreaded Sakova, a land of magic and strange beasts, a land that nobody returns from.

  Web of Deceit

  Web of Deceit is the story of Rejji, a young man from a small village in a barren wasteland. When his village is destroyed, Rejji heads off into the world in the company of a small, female thief, only to discover that he is being chased by bandits, slavers, and evil magicians. The future of Fakara rests on the shoulders of a man barely past his boy-years.

  Aakuta: the Dark Mage

  Aakuta: the Dark Mage Lord Marak tries to gain support from the lords of Khadora as the Jiadin invasion begins. Complicating the situation is the arrival of a male mage, something unheard of in Khadora.

  Island of Darkness

  Just as peace between Omunga and Sakova appears to be a certainty, an evil mage steals the body of the newly chosen Katana, leader of the Omungan people. As the new Katana plots the destruction of the Sakova, a strange mystical disease ravages the country producing widespread famine. Both countries stand poised to annihilate each other, but the Star of Sakova fears a greater threat, which is brewing unseen across the ocean. To confront that new threat, she must preserve the armies of her Omungan enemy. Against all odds, she embarks upon a path towards a peaceful solution to the war, a path that could likely imperil the very existence of her own people.

  Meanwhile, two young orphans discover that they are sisters and set out from the Sakova on an ocean voyage to discovery their roots. What they discover is enough to terrorize both the Omungans and the Sakovans, if the young sisters manage to escape the Island of Darkness to tell their story.


  Thousands of years ago, humans attacked Elvangar, the land of the elves. The elves responded with a devastating attack, which ended with the sealing of the human city of Angragar. Sealed by the hand of Kaltara and hidden in an impenetrable jungle, Angragar has remained dormant waiting for the prophesized Astor to arrive and reopen the gates.

  Now that the Time of Calling has arrived, Angragar has awakened, and the elves of Elvangar prepare for a human invasion. Caught in the middle are four elves who have escaped from the Island of Darkness. Eltor, Caldal, Mistake, and MistyTrail tread carefully in both lands as the world prepares for a war unlike any other in history.

  Winged Warrior

  In ancient days, the mightiest of dragons were fearless in battle against the foes of Kaltara. Those special dragons were called Winged Warriors, and they were revered by the elves. In Winged Warrior, the Torak meets a Winged Warrior and learns that she is to become his battle steed.

  The Time of Cleansing fast approaches as the Motangans plant a spy deep within the ruling circle of the Sakovans. The mage-spy Aakuta is discovered on the Island of Darkness and condemned to death, while rebellious Khadoran lords conspire to overthrow Emperor Marak. The elven nation is beset by plotting from antiwar factions, while the Jiadin of Fakara threaten to abandon their defensive positions.

  The world teeters on the brink of new war, a war in which there will be no surrenders, no prisoners, and no negotiations, only total annihilation. Life itself hangs in the balance as Vand's minions prepare to launch the final invasion and sow seeds of deceit and destruction in the camps of the defenders.

  Army of the Dead

  Massive armies are poised to invade the three main countries of the mainland. The Khadorans, Sakovans, and Fakarans are badly outnumbered as a thousand huge warships set sail from the Island of Darkness to exterminate all life on the mainland. Led by an ageless mage, the forces of evil appeared assured of success.

  The Torak, the Star of Sakova, and the Astor rally their forces to meet the onslaught and preserve humanity, but can their outnumbered forces stave off the murderous rampage that is about to descend upon them?

  The Alcea Collection

  The Alcea Collection consists of three series. The Targa Trilogy is the beginning of an epic fantasy adventure centered around a boy destined to become the ultimate warrior and a girl whose magic will shape the future.

  The Alcea Collection continues with a seven volume series, the Sword of Heavens. The Sword of Heavens presents the next generation of heroes as five emerging adults are thrust into a world of darkness, treachery, and deceit. Only the efforts of these young heroes can change the destiny of the world and restore the heavens above the Darkness.

  Demonstone Chronicles is the third series in the Alcea Collection. Alutar, the Great Demon, has made plans against the defeat of his Chosen One, and he rallies an entire continent to destroy Alcea.

  Targa Trilogy

  Prepare for a journey into a world of might and magic, elves and dwarves, goblins and yaki, a realm where three human youngsters are thrust into saving their world from an evil magician bent on destruction. Discover parallel universes and the mystery of the origins of the races.

  The son of a humble lumberman, an orphaned girl abandoned into the care of an old sick man, and the cunning son of a border guard are the only people to stand in the way of the destruction of all that people cherish and love. The Targa Trilogy details the trials and perils of Alexander, Jenneva, and Oscar as these special, gifted young Targans take on the diabolical Sarac and his minions.

  Origin Scroll

  Origin Scroll starts the series with three 15-year-olds who are thrust onto the world stage as the only hope to stop the evil Sarac.

  Alexander is burdened with saving his village from an attack of yaki, while Jenneva enters a cave that will change her life. Oscar, a boy with no future in a small border town, learns the truth meaning of persuasion.

  Dark Quest

  Dark Quest, the second volume, finds our young heroes challenged by Mordac, Sarac's assistant. Mordac unveils a plan to capture the knowledge of the world in his bid to restore his master, Sarac.

  His plans include pitting the nations of the world against one another to prepare for the destruction he knows Sarac will unleash.

  Ancient Prophecy

  Ancient Prophecy, the third and final volume in the series, forces our fearless trio to face a renewed and more powerful foe as Sarac is given new powers by the demon Alutar.

  Alex and Jenneva travel to another Universe to learn the secrets of the origin of the races only to discover that they cannot return.

  Sword of Heavens

  A generation after the end of the Targa Trilogy, in a land of fear and darkness, the Children of the Prophecy gather to either flee from the terror of the Dark One or to dedicate their lives to overthrowing him. They are the world's only hope of returning the land to the light, but the odds are so overwhelmingly against them that their chances of success are ignored, yet can they really succeed against thousands of evil beings dedicated to their destruction? The Sword of Heavens, an ancient artifact of awesome power, has been stripped of its magical gems and the Children are the only ones who can restore it, but in a land without law or order, who can they trust?

  Sapphire of the Fairies

  The sky is dark. Neither the sun nor the moon have been seen in decades. The land is fruitless, and the seas are barren. No law exists, only the rule of might is exerted over a hapless people by those who can wield it. In a land of darkness and despair, there is one shining light, an ancient prophecy that foretells of the coming king and his companion, the vanquisher of evil.

  Sapphire of the Fairies is the first of seven volumes of the epic fantasy series Sword of Heavens. Explore a vast continent where elves, dwarves, unicorns, fairies, demons, dragons, and man all exist. Sapphire of the Fairies begins the saga of five humans on the verge of adulthood. Living in a land where no one can be trusted, these five adventurers must restore the magical Sword of Hea
vens and defeat the Evil One, an evil sorcery whose minions roam the world in an attempt to defeat the ancient prophecy.

  Unicorns’ Opal

  Unicorns' Opal begins where Sapphire of the Fairies left off. Placing the Sapphire of the Fairies in the Sword of Heavens cleared the skies over Cordonia. The the end of the Darkness in that part of the world has alerted Sarac to the location of the Children and his evil minions are converging on the Rangers.

  The Sword of Heavens has pointed the way to the Unicorns' Opal, but the Children must stay one step ahead of the forces of evil to complete their task.

  Follow the adventure of the Children of the Ancient Prophecy as confusion, doubt, and betrayal infiltrate their ranks and threaten to bring an end to the hopes of the world

  Abuud: the One-Eyed God

  While the Children of the Ancient Prophecy seek the Diamond of Edona, the Dark One's forces are mobilizing to preserve his evil grip on the world. Goblins are massed to begin the campaign of destroying those pledged to the heir. In Tagaret, the Contest of Power threatens to prevent the heir from assuming the throne of Alcea. Meanwhile, a death squad, called Sarac's Ravens, is sent out to destroy Alex, Jenneva, and the heir. Unwittingly helping Sarac, is a prophet for the god Abuud, who feels destined to control the world.


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