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The Concubine Contract

Page 14

by Eden Redd

  Nero didn’t fight as he was happy to see the beautiful fox woman. Sheathing the scepter in his robe, he grabbed the kitmori fiercely. Tongues danced as warmth rose up, making the air around them hot. The world shrank; their hearts the only vibration in the universe.

  After a long, heavy moment, Luci pulled back and leaned her head against the troll’s, “I hoped you stay alive long enough to be together again.”

  Nero gazed upon the golden eyed beauty. She carried small cuts and dirt smudges on her face but it only made her more beautiful in his eyes. Holding her at the waist, he wanted nothing more than to drown in her touch, never letting go.

  Rikk made his way closer, disturbed madness filling his eyes as he looked to the dragon lich, “Nyras, I have come to spread your power and knowledge!”

  The dragon lich turned to the mage, eyes glowing a pale blue, “I have already given my gifts to the shadowmancer.”

  Rikk turned his mad eyes to the troll, brow furling into a rage. The mage looked to the headdress and robe and clenched his jaw.

  “You planned this, you thieving motherfucker!” Rikk spat with contempt.

  Luci stepped to Nero’s side. Dulla walked to the bottom of the dais, keeping a healthy distance. The troll took a step forward, eyes filling with his own rage.

  “This is what you were after? You were using us to get here!”

  Energy crackled along Rikk’s hands, “You damn right I did! The robe alone would be powerful enough to fuck over any mage who challenged me! You fucking stole what was rightfully my loot!”

  “I didn’t steal anything! Nyras gave it to me as a gift and I’m fucking keeping it,” Nero growled.

  “I spent months figuring out the legends and acquiring enough maps to find this place. Those items belong to me. I did the work and you swoop in and loot steal my shit!

  “Rikk, you’re taking this personal. Calm down before you hurt yourself,” Nero said with a dash of restraint.

  Energy swirling around Rikk’s fists glowed brighter, “I’m going to have to do this the old fashion way. Nothing personal but I’m taking what’s mine. Keep the gold as payment for getting my items.”

  Luci stepped forward, sword in hand, “Rikk, you lay one spell on him, I will hunt you down and steal every magic item you own!”

  Rikk lifted his hands, “Sorry sweetheart, your threats mean nothing to me. This can end real quickly if your boyfriend hands over what’s mine. Otherwise, I’ll loot both of your corpses.”

  The tension grew into a thick fog as the three players squared off. Rikk moved his fingers in arcane positions, the lightning blazing brighter. Luci readied herself, sword gleaming in the light. Nero pulled the scepter from robe, dark energy swirling in the gem at the top.

  When the tension reached its zenith, Nyras stood up and power blasted out from his skeletal body. Rikk, Luci and Dulla were thrown to the cavern floor. The mage’s spell fizzled as he rolled to a stop. Dulla landed on her back, sliding a few feet. Luci tumbled down the stairs but quickly recovered at the bottom on her hands and feet, tail swishing to the side and ears pointed up.

  Nero was still standing, unaffected by the magical blast. The troll’s eyes connected with Luci before turning to the dragon lich as it stood on two humanoid legs. The skeletal body seethed with growing organs and veins pulsating as they grew at a painfully slow pace. The lich turned his dragon skull head to the downed mage, eyes glowing brighter. Rikk lifted his head, wide eyes on the dragon lich.

  “Rikk Saint, there is enough room in my kingdom for many who wish to spread my knowledge. Rewards go to those who serve me. Travel with my high priest, protect him and you will receive gifts to further your power and my desires.”

  Rikk glared at Nero, “Work for him?”

  Nyras took a menacing step forward, “You work for me….if you want your rewards. Am I clear, mage?”

  The wind was knocked from Rikk’s sails as he looked up at the giant half formed undead dragon. The rage in his eyes bled away and he slowly stood up. Shoulders sunk low for a moment before they firmed back up. Holding his staff, he looked to Nero and begrudgingly bowed his head.

  Nyras backed up and sat down on his throne, “I admire your thirst, mage. I may know the location of the fabled Star Fall Staff, if you serve me.”

  Rikk’s eyes widened a hair before clearing his throat, “I’m interested.”

  Nero watched as the mage’s demeanor calmed until he couldn’t read him anymore. Luci was up and moving to Nero’s side. Dulla stayed in the back, red eyes on the dragon lich.

  Nyras continued, “Travel and protect my high priest. When the time is right, I will reveal what I know of it to Nero and not a moment before. He will then give you what you ask for.”

  Rikk tilted his head forward, shadows covering his eyes, “I will.”

  The dragon lich settled on his throne. Lights glowed brighter to the cavern wall behind the throne. Nero turned to see an ancient stone staircase leading up as glowing ghost fire led the way.

  “The stairs will lead to Princess Treyana’s bedroom. Halfway up the staircase, you will notice a tunnel. Once you have saved my daughter, follow the tunnel and it will lead you to the woods outside of Rork. Rewards wait for you at the exit.” Nyras hissed.

  The dragon lich turned his pointed skull to Nero, “I know you won’t fail me.”

  Nero smiled.

  The dragon lich sat back and became still; organs, muscles, skin and scales growing slowly over his limbs, chest and midsection. The troll, now turned high priest of Nyras, took Luci’s hand. The kitmori followed as they made their way down the dais and walked toward the glowing staircase.

  Dulla moved to Rikk’s side as he stared blankly at the troll and kitmori.

  “If you harm him, death will be least of your worries,” Dulla said and then began walking toward the staircase.

  Rikk eyed the dark elf and shook his head, “How am I the asshole in all of this?”

  The mage looked to Nyras, bowed and then followed his companions as they began their ascent on the ancient staircase.


  The bookshelf shifted outward. Nero pressed slowly with one hand while holding his short sword with the other. Dust billowed as it pushed out about two feet before stopping. The troll activated his Sneak and stepped into the room, eyes alert.

  Climbing the staircase was relativity easy. Ghost light led the way as the party of four made their way up. Reaching the dead end, it was Nero who decided he was going to scout it out before everyone came through.

  At the top of the stairs, Luci, Dulla and Rikk stood at the ready as Nero made his way inside. Lantern light filled the giant bed chamber as the troll snuck in, eyes darting to every corner. Letting go of a breath, the shadowmancer exhaled in relief as he saw the chamber was empty of occupants. Stepping in further, he saw the lavish oversized bed filled with silky blankets, furs and dozens of pillows. A terrace wrapped around the outside of the huge bed chamber. Books shelves lined two walls and a large cabinet sat across from the bed.

  Nero stepped in, sword in hand as he moved to the chamber door. It was thick metal with a sliding bar across. The player figured the princess liked her privacy with such a door in place. Runic carvings glowed along the inner metal surface; Nero figured it was an added protection. Curtains billowed in the evening air as moonlight began to shine through.

  Nero realized they had been in the tunnels for hours since the attack at the inn. Taking a deep breath, the troll felt the air was cleaner and a welcomed change from the dusty dark tunnels. Giving the room the once over, he stepped by the large cabinet and curiosity touched his mind. Taking hold of a handle, he opened it, eyes drinking in the sight and a smirk rising up.

  The cabinet across from the bed held a treasure trove of medieval sexy toys from stone and wooden cocks to chains, whips and fine leather harnesses. Nero could barely contain himself as he chuckled in his throat, seeing that the princess was indeed a dirty girl. The troll day dreamed for a long moment before
he heard a voice from behind.

  “Plotting what you’re going to do to me later?” said a sultry voice.

  Nero turned to see Luci with a wicked smile painted on her lips. Rikk and Dulla we’re behind her, taking in the large bedroom.

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Nero winked.

  Dulla moved to an intricate tapestry, inspecting the designs as Rikk stepped closer, eyes dark as if deep in thought.

  “How much do you all know of Princess Treyana?” Rikk asked, getting down to business.

  Nero turned to the mage, “She’s smart, powerful and mean as fuck.”

  Rikk shook his head, “For assassins, you don’t do much research on your targets.”

  “But I’m sure you’re going to tell us everything we need to know,” Nero smiled.

  Rikk nodded, “The princess is indeed all of those things and more. I spoke with former guests to her orgies. She has an insatiable appetite and when her father is away, her parties last for weeks, catering to every carnal desire. We were lucky to get here through the secret tunnel; otherwise my next plan was to be invited to her orgy.”

  “How were you going to get an invite?” Luci asked.

  A small leer appeared on the mage’s lips, “I was going to entice her with something exotic. She has a certain kind of taste that, for her, is too irresistible to ignore.”

  Nero raised an eyebrow, “Like what?”

  Rikk looked to the shadowmancer, “She has a thing for trolls,” the mage turned his gaze to Luci, “and for some of the more exotic races of Lukken.”

  Luci’s eyes narrowed, “That was another part your plan? You were going to pimp us out to the princess.”

  Rikk smiled, “To a degree, yes. But now we have the perfect chance to actually pull it off. From what I learned about the top level of the palace, the main orgy room is just outside the door and down the corridor. Treyana will entertain with the crowd but likes to have private moments with those she deems special.

  “Both of you can enter the party and lure her back here for a private session. Dulla and I can lie and wait. As soon as the door is closed, we all attack, free Drubella and make our way out the tunnel.”

  Nero eyed the mage, “Sounds like a solid plan except she’s going to notice a troll and a kitmori entering her party, uninvited.”

  “Yes, if she kept track of all her guests. What she often does is invite those who catch her eye. She doesn’t ask for names and doesn’t care. Once you get the initial tap, you’re in. Her orgies are large and with so many participants, she won’t be able to keep track of everyone.”

  “That sounds like a really big ‘if’,” Nero sighed.

  Rikk nodded, “It’s simple but far from easy. The plan falls apart if you can’t bring her here.”

  The mage pointed to the runes on the door and then to specific points along the vast chamber, “The room is shielded from scrying and sound. Here is the perfect place for the ambush. Once that door is closed, the four of us can take her out. You two have the hard part but I’m sure your natural charms will shine through.”

  Nero rubbed his chin. It sounded like a solid plan in theory but the player’s paranoid mind began to stir. Having orgies without vetting the quests leaves the door open for assassination. The princess must have thought of that eventuality and have something prepared. What it could be was anyone’s guess but the shadowmancer knew they had little choice in the matter. They had to kill the princess and save the dragon kin. The player flexed his fingers as he tried to push away the negative aspects of the plan. Keep it simple and follow through, the troll thought as a sliver of uncertainty colored his eyes.

  Rikk noticed the troll’s look, “It will work, otherwise, we go into the orgy, spells blazing.”

  Nero shook his head, “No, you’re right. We have to follow the plan as is.” Nero was silent for a second, thinking about everything that transpired in the cavern below, “Rikk, about what happened before….”

  Rikk held up a hand, “Forget it. Nyras has offered me something stronger then that pathetic robe and scepter. I’ll do as he says and keep you alive until I get my payment.”

  The mage looked away, jaw clenching at first before the muscles relaxed, “I….I know I can be difficult. Fuck this sucks…..I’m sorry for nearly destroying you.”

  Nero grinned, “Yea right Mr. Glass Cannon. One dagger slice across your throat and you would have been toast.”

  Rikk eyed the troll and smiled, “Fuck you.”

  Nero smiled, “Fuck you in the ass.”

  Luci stepped between them, “Alright guys, can you stop sucking each other’s cocks. We have a contract to complete.”

  The kitmori turned to the troll and tapped at her cheek, eyes drinking him in, “We need to get you ready. Strip down to your underclothes.”

  Nero looked to the beautiful fox, “I don’t think we have time for this.”

  Luci laughed, “Not now. We need to have you presentable. Strip down and place all your clothes and items in your inventory.”

  Nero shrugged as he tapped at his robe and then clothes. Each item of clothing disappeared until the troll stood, barefoot and in a loin cloth. Blue skin shined in the lantern light as his T shape and muscles lay bare.

  “Not bad,” Luci said and began doing the same to herself.

  Everyone watched as her outfit disappeared until she stood in a thong and a strip of cloth barely covering her breasts. Nipples pointed outward against the fabric and Nero tried his best not to stare, a stirring between his legs. Dulla eyed them both but soon her red eyes fell to the troll and glided down his rock hard stomach.

  “Dulla and I will be ready. Bring the princess here and we will finish our work,” Rikk stated.

  The dark elf stepped closer, eyes on Nero’s strong collar bone. When she was within an inch of him, she looked up into his dark eyes, a warm lust rising within her core.

  Nero looked to her, “I still owe you a kiss.”

  Dulla gave a faint smile, eyes wide, “I spent my life searching for my purpose. Nyras was a legend until this very night. He has chosen you as his high priest. I do not ask anything of you any longer. Instead, I wish it be known, I serve you. I am yours in mind, spirit….and body.”

  Nero gave the dark elf a gentle smile before looking to Luci, “Room for one more?”

  The kitmori smiled, “I still haven’t told you all of my old party nights. There is always room for one more.”

  Blood rushed down to the troll’s cock and it pressed against the loin cloth fabric. Luci and the dark elf looked down in approval. Rikk turned away and cleared his throat.

  “Can we get a move on,” the mage grumbled.

  Nero started to think about math problems and the sudden stirring began to subside. Letting out an exhale of relief, the mostly nude troll and kitmori made their way to the door. Blue hand on the handle, the player pulled it open and stuck his head out into the empty wide corridor.

  Nero turned back to the room, “Things get hairy, come in spells blazing.”

  “Maybe,” Rikk mumbled.

  Nero eyed him.

  The mage gave a fake smile, “Sure, we’ll be there. Just don’t fuck this up.”

  Nero gave him a head nod and stepped out into the corridor with Luci at his side. Door closed, the two made their way down the long hallway, tapestries hanging down from walls with lewd artwork on each one.

  The troll marveled at the amount of naked bodies crammed onto each tapestry. Many were in the middle of the act but it looked like all races of Lukken were represented in all manner of lustful wanting.

  “I’m starting to like it here,” Luci said, keeping the mood light.

  “I hope we can pull this off. Never been to an orgy before,” Nero said in a low tone.

  Luci curled an arm around his, “You’ve been playing the game for months and you never joined an orgy?”

  Nero looked to Luci’s golden smile, “I wasn’t sure it would be my thing.”

kitmori hugged his arm, “Follow my lead and you should be fine.”

  Nero nodded before his eyes widened a little, “How many orgies have you…joined?”

  “Too many to count,” Luci said whimsically. “Does that turn you off?”

  “Very much the opposite,” Nero tried to think of math again.

  “It’s one of those kinds of parties where you just let yourself go and follow the mood. You can do anything and they can do anything. It’s liberating once you let go of social norms.”

  Nero drank in her words and filed them away before his heart glowed in his chest, “Luci, there is something I have to tell you before we get into the meat of the contract.”

  Luci turned to the handsome troll, ears pointed up and a gentle smile on her lips.

  “The other night and morning, was real special, for both of us.”

  “We can talk about it later,” Luci squeezed his arm.

  “I rather get it out now. I did a quick search on the kink Free Use.”

  Luci’s smile faded as she gazed on the serious troll.

  Nero continued, “I can see the appeal. I wanted to let you know that I chose it as my final kink. I’m giving you permission to do whatever you want, when you want, to me.”

  Luci stared, warmth wrapping around her damaged spirit, “….Most of the time…its men and some woman who like to give instead of get when it comes to that kink. When I tell someone, they take it as an open invite to abuse me. I don’t mind but never has anyone taken that kink on and allowed me to do the same.”

  The kitmori’s eyes glistened in the torch light of the corridor, “Do you really mean it?”

  Nero nodded and smiled, “I do.”

  Luci hugged him tight, “I don’t know how we will get anything done.”

  The troll chuckled, “We’ll find a way.”


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