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Pedal to the Metal (James Brothers Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Stephanie Nichole

  “Well we can go to Wal-Mart on the way home if you want.” I mentally cringed at myself after offering because I had my doubts about Londynn even knowing what a Wal-Mart was let alone been in one. She shook her head no and just stared at the window. We drove in an uncomfortable silence for a while before it dawned on me that I hadn’t seen her purse, her cell phone or anything else. “Londynn?” She turned to look at me while we were stopped at a red light. “Do you not want to go because you don’t have money on you?”

  “I never got my purse out of Ryce’s car and I don’t want to go to my parents right now because their probably home. I’m going to try and get Creed to take me tomorrow while their out.”

  I turn the car at the next intersection and head towards the store. “We’ll go and get enough stuff for tonight and tomorrow you can take my car, or I can go with you if you want and get your stuff from your parent’s.”

  “You’d do that with me?” She asked sounding shocked.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t want you to go by yourself in case Ryce was there. Besides you’ll need someone, so you can drive your car back if you’re bringing it.”

  “I can pay you back tomorrow for whatever you spend tonight," she says quietly.

  I laugh “Absolutely not. I like to take care of my girl so I’m going to take care of you. It’s not a problem and you will not pay me back.” She started to argue but then decided against it.


  When we finally got back to the house it was full of people. It looked like everyone was here then I remembered it was Sunday evening which meant it was family game/movie night. Family night was something we had done every Sunday for as long as I could remember. I wish I had thought of it before, so I could have given Londynn a warning, she may not be up for everyone considering everything she’s been through in the last twenty four hours. “Sorry I forgot about Sunday evenings being family night," I tell her with an apologetic smile.

  “Family night?” she asks but when I look at her I notice the smile she has now is the kind that says she’s in awe of the thought.

  “Yeah, every Sunday for as long as I can remember we all get together and have dinner and then play board games or watch a movie. You have a family night?” I ask her.

  She shakes her head no then stops. “Well, when Vivienne came to work for us she started doing this kind of thing with Farrah and I on Wednesday. She’d order us pizza and make popcorn, you know that kind that is covered is greasy butter? Then we’d pile into her small living room and watch one of those old movies. She had this thing about all the classics like Audrey Hepburn and Vivienne Leigh. Those were our family nights, but we never had one with our parents.”

  “Well who needs your parents when you had someone like Vivienne?” I tell her as I drape my arm around her shoulders and lead her into the house. As we enter I can smell the pizza and spaghetti coming from the kitchen as well as laughter. We drop Londynn’s stuff off in my room then go to the kitchen to join in. Axell, Sadie, Bowie, Ace, Kynlee, Jovi and Creed are all crowded around the table playing Clue.

  “He made it!” Bowie says looking up from the board.

  I grab Londynn’s hand and head over to grab some food. I hand her a plate and tell her to help herself. She hesitates for a moment then decides to get a portion of spaghetti and a piece of pizza. I can’t help but smile, at least she’s comfortable here in this house, with my family, with me. It makes me happier than I thought it would.

  After the game of Clue was finished we made Root Beer floats. Londynn and I drug up two more chairs as we all sat down to play a game of Monopoly. By the time it was finished it was getting late. Axell told Jovi to head to bed as Ace, Kynlee and Creed all left. I had noticed Creed talking to Londynn before leaving and it made me glad to know she still had some other good people in her life. Creed was definitely one of the good ones. Bowie stayed to help pick up the kitchen with Axell and I, while Sadie headed to take a shower since she had work tomorrow. Londynn came in and offered help but our small kitchen was already crowded.

  I found Londynn in my room sitting on the bed after we had finished cleaning the kitchen up. “You could have hopped in the shower," I tell her as I take a seat next to her.

  “I figured you guys all have school or work tomorrow so I’d let y’all go first," she tells me with a small smile.

  Before I can stop myself, I lean forward and place a light kiss on her lips. I’m careful not to let myself get caught up because of her busted lip but even a light kiss with her leaves me a little breathless. “You’re too good to be true.”

  “Not even," she says playfully pushing me away. “Now go take a shower.”

  Londynn returns to the room after her shower and I’m already comfortable in bed. She hesitates in the doorway “I can sleep on the couch Jagger.”

  Propping myself up on my elbows I study her face to see what she’s thinking. “Nonsense, there’s plenty of room in this queen size bed but if you’re not comfortable with us sleeping in the same bed then I can take the couch. It doesn’t bother me.”

  She’s shaking her head before I can even finish the sentence. “I don’t mind sharing the bed with you I just…didn’t want you to think it meant…”

  She didn’t want me to think it meant sex. I knew what she was thinking but I also knew that if you moved something too fast you could run the risk of ruining it and I had no intention of ruining this. “I didn’t think that. Just sleep.” I patted the empty side of the bed. “Come on Londynn.”

  Slowly she moves towards the bed and climbs in next to me. Her hair is still wet, and the sweet flowery smell fills my room. We lay there for a while and I’m sure she’s asleep, but I hear her whisper in the dark. “Thank you, Jagger.”

  “Anything for you pretty girl," she lays her hand on my arm and I think about how right it all feels.

  Chapter 18


  Sounds from the kitchen woke me the next morning. I guess everyone else was getting ready to start their day. When I finally opened my eyes, I see Jagger still sleeping. He’s lying on his back and my hand was resting on his bare chest. I could feel his even breathing. He looked much younger when he was asleep, but I missed seeing that smirk and his eyes. His hair was disarray and I had to resist the urge to run my fingers through it. It looks so thick and soft I was just about to give into the temptation when I felt his hand move. I hadn’t realized that one of his hands was resting on my thigh. It felt nice.

  Before I could move my hand, his eyes fluttered, and he looked at me. I was nervous about how I might look. Was my hair a mess? Did I have indentions from the pillow? Did I have morning breath? A smile broke across his face “Good morning pretty girl.” The sound of his sleepy voice was the best sound I’d ever heard. It was husky and thick with sleep. It was all kinds of sexy. He slightly shakes his head and releases a little laugh.

  “What?” I ask, not sure what he thought was funny.

  “I just didn’t expect you to look this good in the morning too. I was completely unprepared.” He thought I looked good in the morning then I remembered my bruised-up face and tried to hide it in the pillow, but he reached out and caught my cheek with his hand. “No don’t do that.”

  I shake my head, “Don’t do what?”

  “You know what, don’t hide from me. I’m here and I’m glad I am.” He leans forward and gently kisses my lips. He lays back and stretches before turning back to me. “So, I was thinking I’d run Jovi to school again then I can swing by and pick you up, so we can grab your stuff if that works for you.”

  I checked the time, but I knew it would still be too early to go to my house when he got done with Jovi. I wanted to avoid both my parents and in order to do that I had to wait until after ten. “It’ll still be too early. It needs to be after ten.”

  “Okay, well I’ll go to the shop and get some work in before then. I’ll pick you up at ten sharp," he told me before sitting up on the side of the bed. I sit up as well as I watch the muscles in
his back move while he stretches some more. He has a small cross tattoo in between his shoulder blades. Before I can think twice about it I crawl to his side and trace the tattoo. I feel and hear his sharp intake of breath. “I got that one shortly after the…accident.”

  The cross was very intricate, and I knew he had gotten it for Harlyn and Harper. I thought it was a great way to remember them. “It’s beautiful.”

  He clears his throat. “Thanks.” He turns around to look at me for a moment before asking, “Do you have any tattoos?” I shake my head. “You ever want one?”

  I think about that for a moment. “Yeah I’d like one, but I think I’d see the needle and run," I say laughing.

  “I love hearing that laugh," he says before pulling me towards him and kissing me again only this time I run my fingers up into his hair. It’s just as thick and soft as it looks. Jagger breaks away and lets out a breath. “Okay, now I have to go get ready or Jovi will be late.”


  At ten o’clock exactly I see the steel blue Camaro pull back into the driveway. He gets out and I take a moment to appreciate him as he walks up to the door. I notice that he always walks like he’s in no hurry but there still some underlying purpose to his strides. His hair is fixed as normal and his aviator shades hide his amber eyes, but the shades suit him. His simple white t-shirt hugs all the muscles in his chest and biceps. The medium wash denim jeans are ripped on one knee and his Chuck Taylor’s round out his outfit and it looks so good.

  He steps inside the house and he slips his shades off when his eyes meet mine. I’m sure I’m blushing from where my thoughts were heading. Not to mention I’m sure he knows I was watching him. He smirks at me “Are you ready to go?” I just nod in agreement and head towards him. Right before we step outside he places his palms on the door in front of me. I’m caged in by his body and I can feel the body heat coming off him, the smell of his cologne engulfs me. Finally, I turn around to see his eyes staring intently at me. “I’m trying Londynn. I’m trying to be good. I’m trying to be the better guy, the one you think I am. I want to let you heal but when I know you’re watching me…” He trails off, lets out a long breath and shakes his head. “You’re making it really hard to behave, pretty girl.” He places a kiss on the top of my head then reaches for the doorknob.

  I step back so he can open the door but end up pressed against his chest. My heart is about to beat out of my chest and I can barely breath. Before I even realize what I’m doing I turn back to face him and give him the sexiest smile I can. “I never said anything about behaving, Jagger.” Then I turn around and head for the car. I need the fresh air to clear my head. I’m pretty sure I hear Jagger chuckle behind me as I walk away.

  Traffic is moving at a snail’s pace, of course some band from the 80s was playing. The radio screen says it’s Warrant, not a band I’m familiar with but the song isn’t bad. I notice Jagger touch the screen and the music changes to Justin Beiber, I’m not sure why so I ask, “What’s with the change?”

  He shrugs “I figured you were probably tired of listening to the 80s, so I thought I’d switch it to something you’d like.”

  I can’t help but laugh “That’s sweet but I don’t like Beiber.”

  “You don’t?”

  I shake my head “No, Alivia does but not me. I mean I’ve listened to him and seen him in concert, but it was for her not me.”

  “Are you ever going to confront her about hooking up with Ryce?” He asks while changing the station back.

  I let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t know, her and Creed kind of have a thing right now. He’s always liked her and he kind of has her on a pedestal and I don’t want to hurt him. I think if he knew she’d hooked up with Ryce he’d think differently about her because he’s not a fan of him and because she was supposed to be my best friend. I care about Creed and I don’t want to hurt him like that, you know?”

  “I get that but doesn’t not telling him also hold risks for him to get hurt?” Jagger asks. I give him a questioning look and he takes a minute before continuing. I think he’s trying to decide if he should say anything or not. “Well, I mean you said he holds Alivia on a pedestal but he’s not really holding her up there, he’s just holding the image of what he thinks she’s like. In reality though she’s not that girl, so I would think that it would hurt worse for him to keep falling for her then find out it’s all been a lie. Why not let him know the truth then if he still wants to pursue her at least he knows what he’s going after? But that’s just a thought," he says.

  We continue through town in silence while I let his words sink in. He’s right I do need to tell Creed. By not telling him I’m allowing him to get more tied up with someone who might not be right for him. I know Alivia for the most part has always been a great friend to me, but that night did happen. I’ve been trying to keep it under the rug but I’m not sure for whom now that I think about it. Was I hiding it to allow Alivia to keep her image? Was I really trying to protect Creed? Or could I just not handle the truth about my “best friend” and boyfriend? Whatever the reason I know I have to tell Creed now. He deserves to know then he can make his own decision on what to do with her from there. I’m so lost in thought that I barely notice the radio screen flashing a favorite artist alert. Jagger hits play and suddenly the car is filled with the sounds of Kings of Leon. I look over at him and he shrugs “You said they were your favorite.”

  I study him for a moment while my heart does that little fluttery thing it does sometimes when I’m around him. He remembered my favorite band, a band that I only mentioned once. I can’t think of anyone who has remembered that about me with the exception of Farrah, Alivia and Creed and that’s only because I listen to them all the time. I finally find my voice but even when I talk it comes out in a whisper of shock “You remembered that?”

  He lets out a small chuckle “Well, yeah.”

  Between deciding what to do with Creed and Jagger remembering my favorite band I hadn’t even noticed we were almost to my house until Jagger slowed and pulled into my driveway. I stare up at the house and it’s like I can already feel the unease coursing through my body. Jagger gets out and walks around the car, he holds his hand out for me. I notice the small shake in my hand from the anxiety building within me, Jagger must notice it to because he gives me a small smile. “If you want me to go in with you I will but it’s up to you. I don’t want to overstep my bounds.”

  “You don’t mind coming in?”

  He shakes his head “No, not at all. I’d be happy to actually.” With that he shuts the car door and takes my hand in his and leads me to my front door. The only people that are here is the staff which is how I had planned. Once were in my room I give Jagger my smaller suitcase and ask him to pack all the stuff from the bathroom into it. I work on getting all my favorite clothes into the other suitcases. I’m packing up pieces of my life but why? Where do I plan on living? I mean I planned on getting a place with Farrah but what if she doesn’t want that? I feel my anxiety climbing even higher. By the time Jagger is finished in the bathroom I’m sitting on my floor by the bed with knees pulled up to my chest, rocking back and forth. I’m trying to calm down, but I can’t seem to get there.

  Jagger crosses the room and kneels in front of me. “Londynn…Londynn…hey look at me okay? Londynn…you need to talk to me.”

  Finally, I look up at him and whisper “I can’t do this.”

  He nods his head “Okay. Can you tell me why?”

  I start to shake my head and feel the tears forming behind my eyelids “Because what if I have no place to go when I leave?”

  “Oh, pretty girl! You’ll always have a place, if not with Farrah then with me. Trust me though Farrah will be happy to have you.” He pulls me into his arms and after a few minutes I feel myself start to calm. After a few more minutes I manage to get up from the floor and we continue packing. Once I’ve gotten everything I’ve come after, Jagger gathers my bags in his arms and we head downstairs.

We’re almost to the door when I hear “Londynn Faith Parrish, what in the world do you think you’re doing?” my father bellows from behind me.

  I cringe before turning around to face him. “Father.”

  “You want to tell me why you thought you could sneak in here and take your things and sneak back out without me knowing?”

  I level him with a stare. I will not let this man intimidate me. “Honestly, I figured you’d be at work, you know with your secretary.”

  “I don’t like that insinuation Londynn.”

  I shrug. “Who said it was an insinuation?”

  “See, this is why I didn’t want you to start hanging out with all those criminals that your sister calls friends. Look what it’s done to you," he said, motioning toward my appearance. It dawned on me that from where he stood he couldn’t see the side of my face Ryce had done the most damage to.

  “Those criminals are more like family to me than you are!” My anger was boiling, and I was about one more insult away from losing it.

  He let out a harsh laugh while he crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re so young and naïve. Just like your mother!”

  I shake my head vigorously in disagreement. “No! I’m not like either of you and I never will be.”

  “So, you’re going to pull a Farrah? You’re going to run all over town and disgrace our family name? Keep company with the James boys?” he says the last part like he’s disgusted and that’s what send me over the edge.

  I glance back at Jagger “Will you please take those to the car? I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Londynn we had an agreement. If you didn’t make it into ABA then you would come back here and live by our rules. In a few months you are expected to announce your engagement to Ryce and you will do so," my father says with a note finality in his voice.


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