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Lost Son

Page 16

by Marcus Abshire

  “Is there a question in there?” I asked.

  “The question is simple, what are you going to do?” He sat and looked at me, it was unnerving.

  I wasn’t a bad person, at least I didn’t think I was. I was nice to old people and even spent my time saving children from their own monsters. I paid my taxes and generally obeyed the law. But I wasn’t the savior of Atlantis. I wasn’t the one to usher in some revolution, I just wanted to get my friends and get the hell out. I couldn’t fix the world’s problems.

  “I’m going to find Arendiol and Kim, then I’m going to take them from this place and make sure Karakatos leaves them alone.” I answered honestly.

  I felt sorry for these people, they were clearly in a situation that was hard to deal with but it wasn’t my fight.

  He continued to look at me, searching for something.

  “Will you help us? Will you continue your parent’s legacy and use your power to save our city?” He asked. I could tell it was hard for him, he wasn’t the type to ask for help.

  “I just found out the other day that I have powers. I’m not even sure what all I can do. All I want to do is get my friends, if I run into Karakatos along the way, I will make sure he doesn’t stop me.” I answered.

  “I told you he wouldn’t help; it is and always has been up to us.” Sessarian said.

  Brigand looked at her unapprovingly, “All things do not always unfold as we think they should, that doesn’t mean we will not get what we want.” He said.

  She looked doubtful, but kept silent.

  “Alright, come with me, I will take you to where you want to go.” Brigand stood up and then left, making his way out of the hut, Neal and I followed.

  My lord, you know my existence is to guide you and prepare you for the trials you will face, but I feel it is incumbent on me to ask you to reconsider their request.

  I thought, Neal was being uncharacteristically supportive of the Atlanteans.

  I understand, but I think it is what you were made to do. Neal began, but I cut him off.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help; it’s just that I had made a promise to Kim, one I intended on keeping.

  Yes, my lord. Neal answered.

  We all continued through the living area, passing other huts. I began to see people looking out at us, most were afraid to come all the way out and just watched us as we passed through. Those that I did see had looks that reminded me of the footage of people in war torn countries, who are just trying to survive another night as battles rage all around. I saw fear, hunger and even hope from some, but there were also those who had hard stares, who looked at us with eyes that had seen too much. My heart went out to them, but I couldn’t solve all of the world’s problems, I had my own to deal with.

  Eventually we left the living area and came to another industrial site. It looked almost the same as the first one where we had been attacked.

  The interface is very close. Neal sent.

  I asked.

  I’m not entirely sure, seeing as how my predecessors were all bodiless programs; my current physical form may have something to do with it. Neal offered.

  He trotted behind me, like a shadow.

  Brigand stopped in front of a large metal door. Sessarian and Jessif took places on either side, keeping guard. They had grabbed two oddly designed rifles, obviously of Atlantean origin, and looked ready to use them. Brigand produced a silver key and passed it in front of a small square pad on the door. It lit up for a few seconds then the door swung inward, Brigand slipped inside, motioning for us to follow.

  Neal and I passed through the opening. We stood inside another room; this one looked to be a pass through, like in the basements of large buildings where the maintenance crews kept their tools. I was sure once we passed through this room, we would enter a more populated area, one that was used by the general public for some use.

  “Where are you taking us?” I asked Brigand.

  He spoke over his shoulder, without slowing, “Up ahead is an old school, one where the children of the families who used to work back there attended. It is here that you will find a working interface.”

  “So it’s abandoned also?” I asked.

  “Yes, it’s probably why Karakatos never found it. We will be on the edge of the city. If we keep going further in, we would begin to encounter the people who live, work and play there. I believe you wished to avoid them, so I brought us here through the back way.” He added.

  The Warlord most likely has access to the city’s structural blue prints as provided by the main computer system. It seems odd for him to know of all the interface modules but this one, there is no reason for it not have been on the city’s plans. Neal said.

  He was right, if the Warlord was able to shut down every other interface, why not this one as well?

  I asked, I really hoped he did have a better plan, it looked like we might have been heading for a trap.

  No. We will have to keep our wits about us and be prepared to extract ourselves should the need arise. Neal answered.

  We quickly left the industrial area behind and slipped into the old abandoned school. We hurried down a hallway; the feel of this place reminded me of the few schools I had visited during my own adventures on the surface. Having Neal ensured I had the best tutor in the world, but at times I wished I had had the experience of going to public school and just being a kid.

  “Why did Jessif and Sessarian stay behind? Aren’t we a little exposed here?” I asked.

  Brigand finally turned left, into a large classroom and took us over to a far wall.

  “The schools all have alarms that would detect their weapons, alerting the Warlord’s men of our presence. If we need them I can let them know and they will be here in a few seconds.” He reached into his pocket and held a small device, about the size of a doorbell button, showing me.

  Neal trotted in front of us, approaching the interface. It reminded me of an ATM; it was about four feet high and three feet wide. Its surface was smooth and gleamed with a highly polished metal. There was a small circular hole in the front, about the size of a golf ball.

  He stopped a foot away and sat down. I walked over towards him, standing nearby.

  I asked.

  I will physically connect myself to the main computer. Do not be alarmed by how I accomplish this task. He sent back.

  Alarmed? Why would I be alarmed? I thought.

  Neal’s chest split as a four inch long gap began to appear on it. Two small doors, covered in Neal’s dark fur slid to the side and allowed for a long sinuous metallic arm to snake out of his chest cavity. It was tipped with a small round end, one that would fit perfectly in the hole of the interface.

  Yeah, that was alarming.

  Okay, so Neal had a weird interface snake-like arm thingy sticking out of his chest, I had to say I wasn’t expecting that.

  This may take a few minutes. Neal explained right before he made the connection.

  The interface lit up, as Neal began to communicate with it. Neal’s eyes began to glow with a golden radiance as he concentrated on the job at hand.

  I stood awkwardly nearby, not wanting to distract him from what he was doing. I looked back to see Brigand staring at Neal with open wonder, amazed at what he saw.

  “If you think that’s neat, you should see him play catch.” I said.

  I was as surprised at what Neal was doing as Brigand, but I wasn’t about to show it.

  After about five minutes, Neal’s eyes began to dim and he extracted his
snake-chest-thing from the interface and it went back inside his body where he again took on the form of plain ole Neal.

  I asked him impatiently.

  I have the location of our targets. I also feel it’s imperative to inform you that my activation of the interface has alerted the Warlord and there are fifty-five well-armed Atlantean warriors headed our way, contact in sixty seconds. He finished.

  “Aww crap. You might want to signal to your friends, we have incoming, ETA sixty seconds.”

  Brigand reached into his pocket, pushing the button to alert the others, “Which way are they coming from?” He asked.

  I thought.

  They are approaching from our left flank. He answered.

  I pointed in that direction, “There, they are coming from that way.”

  “It’s too late, we are already here.” I heard Sigmund say from the doorway.

  I whipped around, pulling my sword from its sheath and faced him. He rushed towards Brigand and before I could stop him he landed a hard blow to his head, knocking him down.

  “Why do you have to pick on an old man? I guess he’s a threat to your masculinity? Speaking of which, where’s your boyfriend?” I taunted.

  Sigmund faced me, narrowing his eyes. They blazed silver for a second.

  “I don’t need that kiss ass to bring you in.” He sneered.

  “I was thinking more about who is going to carry your pieces out of here, once I’m done with you.” I added, stepping away from Brigand, not wanting to get him caught up in the action.

  He growled angrily and rushed me, wielding an Atlantean sword of his own. It was similar to mine, only longer and slightly thinner. The sound of the metal ringing as our swords met filled the air and I concentrated on Sigmund’s attack, which was surprisingly good.

  “I see you are impressed with my swordplay, you don’t live to be as old as I without learning how to defend yourself.” He chatted as we fought.

  His attack was fast and powerful, his enhanced strength and speed provided by his vampiric nature was something that had allowed him to kill countless opponents, ones who didn’t have the ability to fight back.

  I smiled slightly, seeing the flaw in his attack, he was powerful and fast, but he lacked the true finesse of a real sword master. I had trained with a number of masters, all of whom I bested. I had honed my skill, first on those who had spent their entire lives training, then on humanities own monsters, finally on beings like Sigmund, werewolves and vampires who possessed heightened abilities.

  Sigmund swung his sword for my neck, but I deflected his attack, leaning back and allowing his momentum to carry him forward. His reflexes were super human and he instantly bounced back, regaining his footing.


  Yes, my lord.

  Sigmund came at me again this time putting even more power into his sword, making my arms shake with his strength. Once again he leaned too much into his lunge and I easily spun away from it, but this time, instead of moving back I used my own enhanced Atlantean speed and raced towards him. He was clearly caught off guard, even with his reflexes, and was unable to block my own blade.

  I felt the satisfying resistance as my sword sliced through Sigmund’s body. I caught him on the side of his abdomen, just below the ribs and saw as his side opened up, his organs threatened to slide out.

  He yelled in pain and had to grab his side to keep it closed. I spun and stretched out, my heel connecting with his face. I felt the delicate bones of his face crumble under the power of my kick and he flew across the room to hit the wall hard.

  I didn’t wait to see how long it would take for him to recover as I ran to Neal and Brigand, who was beginning to stir. I grabbed him and drug him out of the room. He got his feet under him and stood on his own power, his eyes sharp.

  “We cannot go back, that would lead them to our refuge and the innocents who live there. We only have one option, and that’s heading into the city, towards the populated regions.” I heard loud blaring alarms as someone with weapons entered the school.

  Doors began slamming shut as the school’s security protocols began closing down areas from possible threats, closing us off from one angry vampire.

  “We have to get the hell out of here before we’re trapped!” I said.

  Just then Jessif and Sessarian came running around the corner, weapons in hand. They both yelled. “Get down!” and began to fire at something behind us.

  The hallway erupted into something out of a good sci-fi movie. Energy rifle blasts zipped by as Jessif and Sessarian returned fire. Neal, Brigand and I dashed behind a corner, taking cover. I peeked out and nearly got my head blown off. There was a large force of men pressing down on us, their constant barrage made it almost impossible for us to return fire as Sessarian and Jessif had to keep ducking under their assault.

  “We have to move, they will overwhelm us if we stay here!” I yelled.

  I believe I can get us out of here if everyone stays close. Neal sent to me.

  He quickly went to the door near us, away from the rifle fire and with an unspoken command it whooshed open.

  “C’mon! This way!” I yelled to Sessarian and Jessif.

  Brigand was already following Neal. Sessarian took one furtive look at me, and then braced herself. She blindly fired down the hall as she raced across the open space. She slid to a halt, facing Jessif.

  “On three I’ll give you cover!” She yelled, Jessif nodded once.

  “One, two, three!” Sessarian leaned out and began to fire at her enemies, some of whom took cover.

  Jessif did the same thing she had done and blindly fired while running across the hallway. He came to within a foot of making it when he was hit in the chest by a rifle blast, causing him to collapse into an unconscious heap and slide to a halt at my feet.

  “NO!” Sessarian screamed, rushing over towards us.

  His rifle clattered on the ground. I reached down and turned him over, expecting to see a gaping wound in his chest, but was relieved to see his body intact.

  “They aren’t shooting to kill, they must want us alive.” I said to Sessarian.

  Relief washed over her as I went to pick him up.

  “No, he’s my responsibility.” She said, pushing his rifle into my hands and hauling him onto her shoulders.

  She turned and hurried through the still open door, following Neal and Brigand.

  I gripped the rifle. It was light weight and felt solid. I hurried through the door as well, knowing a small army would be hot on our heels.

  We rushed through the school, Neal opening the doors we needed and everyone keeping close. We were closely followed by Karakatos’s men and had to dodge a rifle blast every once in a while as they gained on us. Neal made it hard for them as he closed each door after we passed through, but they had their own unlocking device and stayed close.

  We soon came to the last door and Neal opened the one that led out of the school, but kept the one we had just came through shut.

  I sent.

  My lord if they are allowed to follow, they would easily bring us down out in the open. I must keep them here, until you get to safety. I will not be able to accompany you into the city anyway; my mere presence would cause too much attention. He argued.

  I heard as the soldiers reached the locked door and watched as they tried to open it, only to have Neal override them and it come crashing down.

  There had to be something I could do! Neal couldn’t keep it locked forever and I had no idea what they would do if they caught him. He was right, however, he couldn’t follow us, but there had to be some way for us to slow the soldiers down long enough to allow us to escape.

  If only I had some grenades or something I could…

I hurried out of the building, moving a hundred feet away, joining Jessif, Brigand and Sessarian.

  Yes, my lord. He answered.

  I turned and faced the school, closing my eyes I concentrated on shutting everything off, focusing on what I wanted to do.

  I absently heard Brigand ask me what I was doing, but his voice faded into the background as I concentrated, using the techniques Neal had taught me to focus my mind against vampire’s. I flexed my mental muscles, the ones that allowed me to tap into the vast dark energy that surrounded everything.

  I felt it answer, faster than before and I was filled with its wild power. I focused on channeling the energy where I wanted it, hoping that my plan would work. Finally, after what seemed like forever I shut myself off from the energy and raised my rifle at the open door of the school.

  I sent to Neal, seeing his black form race from the school a split second before I pulled the trigger and sent a super charged rifle blast right down our pursuers throats.

  The normally red blast was bright blue and three times larger than normal. It hit the side of the building, where I had aimed, just as the soldiers got their door open and started to flow through.

  The impact of the blast and the ensuing concussion knocked me from my feet and sent my flying through the air, only to land on my back and knocking the wind from me.

  I sat up and looked at the school. The entire side of the building had collapsed and all I saw was rubble. The door leading towards us was gone and all the debris had piled up and sealed off the exit. Anyone who wanted to get to where we were was now going to have to go back almost halfway through the school to get to another exit. Hopefully by then we would be long gone.

  I turned and saw my companions all picking themselves up from the ground, Jessif was also coming to, having been knocked conscious.

  “Warn us next time.” Sessarian said with a look of appreciation and at the same time aggravation.

  “We have to keep moving, that is sure to bring attention.” I said.

  Brigand nodded and we hurried away from the school, towards the city.

  I asked.


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