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Guarding His Heart

Page 3

by Serena Pettus

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “And I can’t risk mating with her. It just wouldn’t be right.”

  A gasp sounded behind Jag, and he turned to find Lynn standing just outside the doors to the Prime’s suite. She looked shell-shocked, and if he wasn’t mistaken, tears shimmered in her eyes. Her broken whisper of “asshole” reached his ears as she dove back into the room and slammed the door.

  “Lynn, wait!”

  Liam grabbed Jag’s arm, and Jag had the overwhelming urge to remove the appendage from his body. “Easy, man. Clearly she’s upset.”

  “Did you know she was there?” The low, flat tone of his voice should have served as a warning, but Jag had already begun to question whether Liam had any survival instincts at all.

  “Well, I didn’t expect your reply to be what it was. I was only trying to help, but damn. What in the hell does ‘it just wouldn’t be right’ mean? Are you talking about her being human?”

  “I’d like to hear this, too.”

  Crap. Sure enough, Jag turned back to see a very angry Dylan now standing in the hall, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Listen, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I don’t deserve to be her mate,” Jag confessed. “I failed to protect her when she needed me. How can I possibly be a worthy male when I can’t even do that right?”

  “Dude, I told you it was my fault for not taking the rogue when we left,” Liam argued.

  “I was staring at her ass!” Jag roared. “Instead of being alert to any potential danger, I was busy stripping her bare in my mind. I should have noticed when that fucker came to, but I was so damn focused on her, he could have killed us both.”

  “Interesting,” Dylan drawled. “So you don’t feel worthy of her affection and, therefore, decided to break her heart in an attempt to keep her away from you? Well, aren’t you a damn genius.”

  “Prime, I was not aware she was there. Believe me, if my jaguar had its way, she’d be my mate already, but I know she needs more.”

  “And there’s your first mistake. Well, actually, I’ve lost count now, but even I know better than to assume I know what a woman wants or needs. They’re irrational creatures whose thought processes have no rhyme or reason,” Liam explained. “Let her tell you what she needs.”

  “I doubt she’ll even speak to me now.” Jag knew he’d screwed up. Right now, Lynn probably thought he didn’t want her at all, when nothing could be further from the truth.

  He craved her scent. The intoxicating aroma surrounding her drove him to a level of distraction that had almost cost her life. It was painfully obvious she was the one, and Jag couldn’t risk things going too far. If she rejected him after he claimed her, he’d go feral quicker than other shifters would, simply because his cat remained closer to the surface than most.

  The reasoning behind his words didn’t matter a bit though. He’d hurt her and wasn’t sure of how to make things better again. One thing was for sure, though. His jaguar was pissed. The beast continued to pace inside, and whenever Jag looked its way with his mind’s eye, it would hiss and thrash its tail in annoyance.

  “You have some serious groveling to do, my man,” Liam announced, clapping him on the shoulder. “She’s a ball buster too, so you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  “Walk with me,” Dylan ordered. “I wouldn’t advise trying to apologize until she and Samantha have calmed down. Your Prima is not thrilled with Lynn’s current state.”

  Jag didn’t expect Samantha to be happy with him at all. Hell, after upsetting both women he had half a mind to just tuck tail and go lick his wounds back home. He knew neither of them would venture out to the cave he’d turned into a house, especially after what had gone down with the rogues. It kind of hurt that Lynn thought he would live like some sort of savage, but given how little she knew of him away from his guard duties, he couldn’t say he blamed her. If Lynn and Samantha were truly that upset about everything, it might be better if he made himself scarce for a bit.

  “I can leave, Prime. I understand how my presence may bother both females, and—”

  “Jag, stop.”

  Coming to a halt by the elevators he looked to his leader, to the man who would be the one to order him to stay or go. He’d do whatever Dylan asked. “Yes, Prime?”

  “I thought you might want to know, Lynn will be moving into Sam’s house soon, and Sam and I will be residing here.”

  Lynn was staying out there alone? Suddenly, Jag understood Dylan’s need to patrol Sam’s land when she’d lived there. For crying out loud, they’d just undergone an attack less than a week ago! If more rogues came sniffing around, Lynn would never be able to hear or smell them coming because her senses weren’t nearly as keen as theirs.

  “Will she be safe there?”

  The smile on Dylan’s face said he’d expected the question, and Jag suspected he’d been set up. “She will indeed. I’m placing my best men around her house. I have a feeling they’ll be more than happy to look after her, too. She’s spent time with both, and they all seem to get along well, and the males…well, they like her just fine.”

  Who the hell did Dylan have in mind? The thought of anyone sniffing around Lynn had his jaguar snarling, and Jag wasn’t able to keep the sound from slipping out. His reaction must have been expected, because Dylan’s smile only grew. “What kind of game are you playing, Prime? You know it’s not wise to bait a shifter when it comes to their mate.”

  “Ah, but she’s not your mate. Yet.”

  “Tell that to my cat.” As it was, Jag was dangerously close to shifting, and the action would likely be taken as a threat. Then again, if his animal got loose, it wouldn’t be to say howdy.

  “Tell your kitty to cool it. I want you and Liam on this.” When Jag started to speak, Dylan raised his hand to stop him. “You don’t have to see her. I’ll give you the night shift. Liam will be around during the day, helping her move, doing odd jobs, helping with the outdoor chores, and such. You’ll be in charge of the perimeter. You should also take this time to woo her a bit, maybe try to get back in her good graces.”

  Cocking a brow, Jag studied Dylan. The Prime didn’t appear to be kidding, but Jag still had no idea how to go about getting Lynn to like him again. Right now, he had to be her least favorite person on the planet. “I have no idea where to start. It’s not like I was hot on the dating scene for the last several years.”

  He looked on as Dylan seemed to mull it over for a few minutes. “Have Liam help you. God knows he’s been popular enough with the ladies, so he must be doing something right. Besides, he might be able gain some information while helping Lynn move her things in that could come in handy. It would be a bonus for you to get an inside scoop on what she’s feeling and to have another shifter to put in a good word for you. You know, he can find out her favorite flower, color or whatever. Then you can come in with a peace offering of some sort to soften her up, because right now? Yeah, she’d probably just as soon throw something at you than listen.”

  Jag nodded, possibilities playing out in his mind. This could work—if Liam was willing to help out and not be a smartass at every turn. “Right, Liam.” Jag sighed. “I’ll try my best not to maul your brother, Prime, but I make no promises. If he continues poking my jaguar, I can’t be held responsible for what happens if my beast breaks free.”

  Barking out a laugh, Dylan leaned against the wall and crossed his arms once more. “Jag, I’ve already warned my brother about that. If he keeps on, let him have it.” He shrugged as if he wasn’t concerned that he’d just given someone permission to assault his brother. “We heal quickly, and it might be good for him.”

  With that, Dylan pressed the button for the elevator.

  “What should I do for now?” Jag asked.

  “If you want, you can go scout the land with a few of the others. Make sure the area is still secure before we move her in next week.”

  The suggestion was perfect. It served a double purpose of getting him out of her im
mediate area and catering to his protective instincts where she was concerned. Jag knew Liam would be here watching out for her in his absence, and it would allowed Jag to concentrate on his current mission.

  Everything had to be perfect for when she came to her new home. He would ensure it was. After all, Jag wasn’t just protecting Lynn. No, he was looking out for his future mate, the woman who owned his soul. He was guarding his heart.

  Chapter Three

  It had been two weeks since Jag had shattered Lynn’s heart. True, life had left her jaded when it came to relationships, but there was something special about Jag. There had been a pull, an uncanny attraction on a level she’d never experienced before. She had been utterly shocked at the level of pain caused by overhearing Jag telling Liam he couldn’t mate with her because it “wouldn’t be right”. What the hell did that mean anyway?

  While he’d been assigned to protect Samantha, Jag had watched out for both women. The intensity in his gaze whenever it had strayed Lynn’s way had often caught her off guard. He looked at her as if he wanted to devour her, and heaven help her, Lynn wanted him to. He was sin made flesh, her every dark fantasy brought to life…and someone she should stay far from.

  Life had taught her that every person she let in brought her either pleasure or pain, peace or drama, love or loss. She’d already learned how fragile her heart was. After all, it was protected inside one’s chest by a cage of bone for that very reason, wasn’t it? She simply had to reinforce the walls to guard it and allow the foolish thing time to heal.

  Lynn was grateful to Jag for keeping his distance. He had the night shift around her new home, but not seeing him went a long way to easing the hurt she harbored from his words. Still, simply knowing he was around set her pulse racing. Hell, sometimes she caught herself gazing out the kitchen window and looking for any sign of his sleek, black fur in the trees while she sipped her coffee.

  As the days passed, little things popped up—sweet, thoughtful gestures that led her to believe this was his way of apologizing. The first was a set of cement planters placed on either side of her porch steps. Full rose bushes filled them, the deep-coral color of the buds one of her all-time favorites. Next had been a lovely wind chime hung near the swing, its light, tinkling sound a pleasant addition when she relaxed in evening.

  Perhaps, she had misunderstood what she’d heard. Liam had insisted she’d come in at the wrong part of the conversation and Jag hadn’t meant the words the way they’d sounded. She already knew both men blamed themselves for her injuries, but according to Liam, Jag felt as if he wasn’t worthy of her because he hadn’t protected her the way he thought he should.

  What a load of crap! Just because the man lived in a damn cave, it didn’t mean he needed to resort to caveman mentality. Just thinking about it made her eye twitch. Women nowadays could fend for themselves. Hadn’t she proven that? Yeah, they might not get away unscathed, but they did get away, though sometimes it was their minds which suffered the most.

  Almost every night since she’d met Jag, he’d played a starring role in her naughty dreams. The things he did with those big hands and full lips often had her waking in a full sweat, her thighs clenched and body teetering on the brink of release. If she could stay in her dreams just a little longer, perhaps she could get some relief. Instead, when she tried to return to that blissful state, her mind seemed determined to force her to relive the horrendous attack in the clinic, leaving her crying out in the dark for a totally different reason.

  The sound of a car door closing brought Lynn to the front window. Liam approached the house with boxes in tow. He’d been a gem, helping her move all of her things from the city. After she’d packed everything, they’d brought the first load over. He told her to work on things here, and he’d bring more boxes every day.

  With her rent paid through the end of the month, she could take her time with the move, setting up each room just how she wanted. Right now, though, she wanted the pizza he had perched atop the boxes he carried.

  Opening the door, she waved him in then snatched the yummy treat from the pile.

  “Hey!” Liam exclaimed.

  “Hey, nothing! You’ll devour half of this thing before I finish my first slice.” Lynn grinned as he placed her things by the wall.

  He smirked. “I’ve gotta keep my strength up, darlin’.”

  “Oh, behave. Do you want a drink?”

  “Sure, I could go for some tea. I’ll grab the last two boxes and be right back.”

  He disappeared out the door only to return a few minutes later with two small boxes she recognized immediately. She set her slice down and hurried to where he stood. “Oh, I was hoping these would come soon,” she gushed.

  “You could have just told me you wanted them, you know?”

  Waving him away, Lynn pulled one open then unwrapped the papers to reveal her crystal figurines. Each one held a treasured memory, whether from a vacation or received as a gift.

  Most were from her grandmother, and those were the ones Lynn cherished the most. After all, her grandma was the one who’d introduced Lynn to the sparkling wonder of these collectibles. Butterflies and fairies lay nestled in these boxes along with castle towers, ballerinas, dragons…pretty much everything.

  She hadn’t had time to add many over the last few years. She’d managed to grab an Eifel Tower figurine while they’d been in Vegas, but that was it.

  “These are my babies,” Lynn told Liam, gesturing to the few she’d placed on the coffee table after unwrapping them. “I’ve been collecting these since I was about five years old, and I inherited my grandmother’s collection when she passed a few years back. My grandparents never had much money, but my grandpa always squirreled away a little extra so he could get her a new crystal piece every so often.” Looking up, Lynn noted a soft look in Liam’s golden eyes. Perhaps, there was something he hid beneath that playboy persona of his. Could it be he was a closet romantic?

  “That’s really cool. He must have loved her very much.”

  She nodded. “I want what they had. A man I can give myself to completely—mind, body and soul—someone who will love me despite my faults and because of them, too. The problem is I don’t think men like my grandpa exist anymore. That generation and their beliefs in how women should be treated are all but gone.” Finished with her soapbox session, Lynn noticed Liam smiling—a genuine smile too, free of teasing or sarcasm. It looked really good on him.

  “Damn, Sugar. With what you’re offering, any man would be a fool not to take you up on it.” He sighed. “I hope to find a relationship like that one day. At times, I find myself envious of what my brother has. He and Sam fit each other well, but then again, that’s the beauty of finding your mate. They’re your other half, the light in dark times, an ever-present part of you that you just can’t live without. It’s why most shifters will go insane or beg to be released from this life if they lose their mate.”

  “Released? You mean killed?” Sure, heartache sucked, but was it enough to end your life over? That seemed extreme.

  “Lynn, you have to remember, if a shifter fully claims his mate, their lives are connected. However, if one of them is human, they aren’t bound to the same…rules. It’s like when Sam left Dylan. He’d claimed her in Vegas, and after she took off, he slowly went crazy without her. He became a real prick at times. He even camped out under her bedroom window in his lion form because the need to be near her was overwhelming.”

  Many things fell into place as Lynn listened to Liam’s explanation. “You’re saying, if Jag had actually claimed me and I’d refused to be with him, he would have gone insane?”

  Liam’s grim nod told her all she needed to know, but he spoke anyway. “Likely pretty fast, too. His animal side is more prominent than most due to the time he spent in that form. Jaguars are solitary creatures. That’s why he chooses to live away from the rest of the Pride.”

  “So when he said it wouldn’t be right to take me as his mate, he was referring to
the difference in our connection? Because I might not feel as drawn to him?” Nice to know he had so little faith, but given the short time they’d known each other and the circumstances of their meeting, she understood.

  “Not completely. He thinks he needs to prove his worth before he approaches you. I know, I know,” Liam sighed, holding up a hand when she would have cut in. “He’s stubborn. He’s trying. I honestly don’t know how he does it, but the guy stays awake nearly twenty hours a day, watching over your land.”

  This news startled Lynn. It wasn’t healthy for anyone to function on so little sleep for a prolonged amount of time. “How long has he been doing this?”

  “Since the day you slammed the door in his face at the resort.”

  Two weeks?

  “I don’t suppose he’d listen if I speak to him.”

  “Probably not. He’s a bit obsessive when it comes to you and your safety.”

  “Perhaps I have been a little harsh with the silent treatment.”

  Liam gave a negligent shrug. “He hurt you. Jag understands that, and he’s trying to make it up to you in small ways. He leaves gifts at night because he’s not sure if you’ll reject them if he presents them himself.”

  “God, he must think I’m a total bitch,” Lynn groaned. She flopped back on the cushions of the couch, pulling her legs up and burying her face in her hands. “I should apologize. I feel bad for acting so cold.” Sniffling, she didn’t even flinch when Liam settled next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders.

  “Come on now. Don’t get all weepy on me. I told you he gets it. Jag knows you have feelings for him, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten so upset over the whole thing.”

  Lynn leaned into his side, resting her head on his shoulder and accepting the comfort he offered. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow and—”

  Her words died abruptly when a pair of eyes reflected just outside her open window. A low growl traveled through the room, and Liam’s hand slowly lifted from her shoulder.


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