Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance

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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance Page 11

by Amy Brent

  Missed me?

  Chris had missed me—?”

  He slid out from my pussy and whipped me around. Pressing my body into the door, he pulled my hips back into his cock. He filled my pussy with his solid girth as I felt him pulsing against my walls. My legs were shaking and my chest was panting for air as I used the door for leverage.

  To buck back into him and feel more of his body against mine.

  His hand wound into the long tendrils of my hair. He tugged on my head, bringing me up from the door. My tits were bouncing and my body was shivering. He was fucking me faster and faster as his lips descended to my neck. My back was flush with his chest as his arm wrapped around me. I could feel his legs flexing with the effort it took to fuck me standing up. He rolled up into me and my hands flew to his hair. His teeth were biting into my skin and my toes were curling into my heels.

  I could feel myself building again as his fingertips slipped between my folds.

  “What do we have here?” he asked. “I think someone wants to come out and play.”

  His fingertips pinched my clit and white hot pleasure shot straight to my pelvis.

  “Chris. Chris. I—I—oh fuck. It—someone’s gonna—”

  “No one will hear you,” he said, as his lips found mine. “Your sounds are only for me. No one will ever hear you this way but me.”

  I stood on my tiptoes as my world was shattered again. Stars burst in my darkened vision as my pussy milked his cock. I could feel him growing within my body. I could feel my juices drenching his cock. I was dripping down the inside of my own thigh as he pulled out from me again, not allowing me to ride out my orgasm on his cock.

  I whimpered at the loss as he guided me over to the sink.

  He turned me back around and grabbed onto my waist. Like I was a feather-light doll, he lifted me up and placed me on the edge of the bathroom counter. He scooted me to the edge and I wrapped my legs around him. Then I leaned back onto my hands and braced for his cock.

  He gripped my hips tightly and pushed himself in, and the moan that fell from my lips was something I couldn’t help.

  The sound of skin slapping skin filled the single restroom as my legs shook in his wake. With each thrust he took, my entire body jiggled for him. His hands wandered up my body, squeezing my tits and running down the sides of my torso. It was like he couldn’t get enough of me.

  It was like I couldn't have enough of him.

  He fucked me harder and harder, blurring the lines between pain and pleasure as I thrust myself forward. I had lost control of my body. Of my actions. Of the verbal reel inside my head. Instead of chanting how I needed to stay on task and break his heart, my mind was only chanting one word. The word I’d come to associate with Chris from the moment I laid eyes on him.


  The word kept running through my mind again and again.

  Throwing my arms around his neck, I crashed our lips together. His hands cloaked my back as he slammed into me, his cock pulsing against my walls. I could feel him filling me. I could feel threads of cum shooting from his dick. Our tongues connected in a battle of fire as his hands splayed across my back. We breathed one another’s air and felt each other shivering. My body shook as his cum triggered my own orgasm, my body melting into him as I trailed kisses down his neck.

  I buried my face into his body as I whimpered his name.

  We stayed there like that. Clinging to one another as I leaked onto the bathroom counter of one of the nicest restaurants in Los Angeles. I didn’t understand why, but the sex simply kept getting better and better. It was mind-blowing. Earth-shattering. Exponential in ways I had never remembered it to be. I nuzzled into his neck as he placed kisses to the side of my head, then he sat me upright and pulled out from between my legs.

  “Here, let me get you something to clean up with,” Chris said.

  Then he turned on the light and I was met with the face of the man that had broken my heart.

  Why did he have to have that face?

  Chapter 16


  “Excuse me, what did you say?” I asked.

  “Yep. I want you to come over and meet my girlfriend,” Justin said.

  “Is this a joke? Is someone watching me with a camera?” I asked.

  “Quit being an asshole, okay? I want you to come meet Roxy.”

  “Holy fuck. Are you dating a stripper?” I asked.

  “No, numb-nuts. It’s the redhead from the bar.”

  “She’s got a fucking stripper name, Justin. What does she do for a living?”

  “She’s a paralegal for a law firm here in L.A.”

  “That’s—hm—not a cover job for a stripper,” I said.

  “I want you to come over tonight and meet her.”

  “She gave me her number, remember. I’ve already met her.”

  “Then come meet her again. Quit being a dick about this. I don’t want you to meet the girl from the bar. I want you to meet Roxy. My girlfriend.”

  “I’m never going to get used to hearing that, but okay. I’ll be there. What time?” I asked.

  “Six o’clock. And leave your dick attitude at home.”

  It was still strange to me that Justin had a girlfriend, but he sounded happy on the phone. And what was I going to do, refuse my best friend? I sure as hell was gonna give him a hard time, but I was also happy for him. It was about damn time he focused on dating instead of simply fucking.

  Maybe that would make it easier to tell him I was fucking his sister.

  I got to Justin’s townhouse and got out of my car. I was a few minutes early, but it didn’t really matter. There was a good chance Roxy had been here all day with Justin, so I was bracing myself for the smell of nasty ass sex the moment I walked in.

  But a soothing voice caught my attention as I stepped onto the sidewalk.

  “Chris? That you?”

  “Hey there, Jessi. Did Justin call you, too?” I asked.

  “Yeah. He said something about meeting a girlfriend. Did I hear him right?” Jessi asked.

  “Trust me, I asked myself the same thing.”

  I looked down into her arms and I saw Caleb. I took in his big blue eyes and his light brown hair. My eyes fell onto the dimple on his chin and how broad his smile was. He was staring straight at me. Like he knew the secret everyone was so intent on keeping.

  The small boy was adorable, and without thinking I reached out to touch him.

  I tickled his stomach and he giggled at me. I ran my finger along his cheek and he turned to try and take it in his mouth. I felt my cheeks being pulled into a grin as my eyes rose to meet Jessi’s, and I saw her staring at me with this look in her eyes.

  It was a mixture of surprise and confusion. But I really couldn’t put my finger on it.

  I’d never seen that look on her face before.

  “Hey guys!” Justin said. “You, uh—just gonna stand out here?”

  “Sorry,” I said. “This little guy’s too cute.”

  “I know. Time flies when he’s around. Come on in. Roxy’s in the kitchen.”

  I tried to shake Caleb from my mind as Justin ushered us into his home. It was hard for me to take this seriously with all the memories we had of this place. I looked at the couch and saw all the women I’d caught him bending over it. I looked down the hallway and saw all the women he’d had sprawled out on the carpet. We turned into the kitchen and instead of seeing Roxy, I saw all the women I’d fucked right there on that counter in his own damn home.

  Shit, this night was gonna be hard.

  “Well you look familiar,” the redhead said. “I’m Roxy, if you don’t remember.”

  “Oh, I remember,” I said, with a smile. “How are you doing?”

  “Very well, thanks for asking. And you must be Jessi, Justin’s sister.”

  “How do you know Chris?” Jessi asked, as she shook Roxy’s hand.

  “Your brother and I met when I gave my number to Chris in a bar and he passed it off.”

  “He passed it off?” she asked.

  Jessi’s eyes panned over to me as she gazed at me with a quizzical look.

  “Doesn’t sound like Chris,” Jessi said.

  “Well, it was that night,” Roxy said. “And I’m glad it was. Your brother is a good man.”

  “You sure we’re talking about the same person?” I asked.

  “I’m sure we are,” Roxy said, with a giggle.

  “I’m sorry. You passed on this beautiful woman’s number? When do you ever do that?” Jessi asked.

  “Ever since he started seeing some mystery woman,” Justin said. “He won’t tell me about her, but he sure as hell wouldn’t pick up women with me. At the bar or at Dad’s record release party.”

  Jessi’s eyes were hot on me as she swallowed hard.

  “Is that Caleb?” Roxy asked. “Your nephew?”

  “It is,” Jessi said. “Would you like to see him?”

  I watched Roxy interact with Caleb as I stood off to the side. The light in my best friend’s eyes was apparent. He was happy with this girl and I was happy for him, so who the hell was I to say anything? I’d always known Justin to be a player, but even the biggest of players sometimes met their match.

  I only hoped she wasn’t playing him.

  “How old is he?” Roxy asked.

  “He’ll be nine months pretty soon,” Justin said.

  “Is he eating all right? Sleeping well?” Roxy asked.

  “People don’t usually ask me those kinds of questions. Do you have kids?” Jessi asked.

  “I have a couple of very young nieces, so I’m sort of familiar with all that goes on in an infant’s world. Is momma getting enough rest?” Roxy asked.

  “I’m trying,” Jessi said. “The late night feedings are hard sometimes. Or if he gets sick. He’s very clingy to me when he gets sick.”

  “How do you like being a dad, Chris?”

  Jessi’s eyes widened in panic as everyone’s eyes whipped over to me. That was it. That was all the admission I needed. I watched Justin’s brow furrow as I let out a nervous chuckle, my eyes falling onto Jessi. She was holding Caleb closer to her. Like she was trying to protect him from the barrage of anger that was about to come her way.

  But I wasn’t going to let that happen.

  This was not the place nor the time to discuss the blatant the truth.

  “Uh, they’ve never even dated,” Justin said. “Right?”

  “Nope. We’ve never dated. Jessi doesn’t know who the father is, but she’s got a wide network around her helping her with Caleb. And if she ever needs help, all she has to do is reach out and ask.”

  My eyes fell back to Jessi and I watched as they glimmered in the lighting of Justin’s kitchen. I wasn’t sure if she heard me, or if she knew I was talking to her. But I was serious.

  If she ever needed help, all she had to do was ask.

  “I’m so sorry,” Roxy said. “This is why people should never make assumptions. I should know that from my job.”

  “What do you do for work?” Jessi asked.

  She peeled her eyes away from me and I felt like I could breathe for the first time in years.

  “I’m a paralegal at a law firm downtown,” Roxy said.

  “And here I thought being a model made me awesome,” Jessi said.

  “I’d kill to have the body to be a model. It’s an honor to meet you, by the way. Some of the outfits you wear are stunning,” Roxy said.

  The air was tense for the rest of the night and Justin kept his gaze locked onto me. Every once in a while, I caught him staring at Caleb. Analyzing him before looking over at me. I tried to play Roxy’s comment off as much as possible, but the seed was already planted.

  And I knew once Justin wanted to know something, he would stop at nothing for the answer.

  The moment Caleb started yawning, Jessi took it as an invitation to leave. She hugged Roxy’s neck, clearly impressed with the woman her brother had snagged. I didn’t go in for a hug, but simply watched her as she left. The last thing I needed was to give Justin any more ammunition to fire my way. Caleb’s small cry started echoing down the hallway as Jessi shut the door behind her, and my gut ached to follow them.

  To quell the crying of a child I knew deep down was mine.

  “So, Chris. What do you do for work?” Roxy asked.

  I turned my attention to the redhead as Justin’s eyes locked onto me.

  “He’s a choreographer for runway shows,” Justin said, flatly.

  “I’m a choreographer for a lot of things, but runway shows are the bulk of my portfolio.”

  “Oh, that's so awesome. Have you ever worked with Justin’s sister before?” she asked.

  My eyes flickered over to Justin and I could see his eyes growing angrier by the second. Why the hell wouldn’t this woman shut up about me and Jessi?

  “Last week actually, for a show we did yes,” I said.

  And as Roxy rattled on about her perceived notions about the modeling world, I tried to keep my mind calm. Jessi was probably panicking and Justin was probably seething and there was no way to quell any of the tension being thrown my way.

  The only thing I could do was keep the conversation focused on the girlfriend.

  So that was what I did.

  Chapter 17


  I woke up with a start as my nipples pressed against my pajamas. I felt the heat pooling between my legs as Chris’s voice echoed off the corners of my mind. This was getting out of hand. I was dreaming about him in such vivid technicolor that it sent my heart racing. My hands were shaking and the memories of my dream were there. My clit was pulsing rapidly and I took deep breaths to try and get the heat to recede.

  But it wouldn’t.

  Looking over at the clock, I saw it was only two thirty in the morning. Shit. I still had a few more hours I could sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to reclaim the lost time. I tried to settle my body enough to roll over and slip back into a deep slumber.

  But when I closed my eyes, he was there.

  I rolled over and curled up underneath the covers as my mind ran away from me. My toes were curling as I saw Chris’s face between my legs. I could feel the phantom strokes of his tongue against my pussy. I could remember the way his hands gripped onto my hips. My breathing began to shallow out as my pussy dripped with want. Soaking the pajama bottoms I had on and threatening to drench the mattress below me.

  I had to get back to sleep.

  If I didn’t, I was going to be exhausted in the morning.

  I reached out to my nightstand and opened up the drawer. I took out my favorite toy, a miniature wand that vibrated at incredible speeds, and I switched it on. I pulled my pajama pants down and spread my legs, my eyes closed and my fingers parting my juicy pussy.

  Then, his body was on top of mine.

  His cock was filling me to the brim as my legs began to shake. I rolled my hips up into my toy as my mind fluttered back to his body. His etched muscles and his throbbing veins. His massive cock between my lips. Fuck. I wanted to suck on that thing until he shivered in my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum on the tip of my tongue like I had so many times before. I wanted to press him against the wall and watch him shake. I wanted to hear him beg for more as I swallowed him to the back of my throat.

  My hips bucked off the bed as I chanted his name quietly in my bedroom.

  I felt his hand in my hair, pulling my head back as he bent me over his balcony. My tits were flailing in the wind as his cock stuffed me full, fucking me as we watched the sun set over the water. My ass was jiggling for him and his hand was wound tightly in my thick tresses. I was up on my tiptoes, trying to keep some semblance of control.

  Then, he took it from me.

  I was against the wall, my legs folded up to my ears as my knees hooked over his arms. I was spread open for him as my juices dripped down onto the floor of his room. His cock slammed into me, his balls smacking my ass while I grabbed at his arms. His hair. His shirt.
Anything to get leverage as he rendered me motionless.

  Suddenly, I was seeing him everywhere. My shower. On the carpet. Laying on the floor while I sucked his cock. In the woods surrounded by beautiful flowers, and contorted in an airplane restroom as his hand clamped down onto my mouth. Keeping me silent and grinning at me as he called me sweet girl.

  Sweet girl.

  “Yes, Chris. I’m your sweet girl. Let me be your sweet girl.”

  My toes curled and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. My hips reared off the bed, spasms like waves of electricity shocked my body into silence. My jaw unhinged and I could feel his lips against my cheek. My neck. My chest.

  I could see him looking up at me from my tits with my nipple between his teeth.

  Plummeting to my mattress, I turned my toy off and tossed it into the corner, heaving as the room spun before my very eyes. Silver stars were streaking my vision as tears blurred the darkened outlines of the decorations on my walls.

  This wasn't good.

  None of this was good.

  I was dreaming about him. So much so that it was waking me up. It was like I was back in the beginning. Back to pining over him like I did in high school. Through college. During summers when he and Justin did nothing but hang out at the house and shoot the shit. I was masturbating to him. Begging him for things I craved all those years ago with him.


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