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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance

Page 43

by Amy Brent

  One of the younger ones leaned into his friend. “If I wasn’t here with my wife, I’d take that Harbor chick back to my room and test the effectiveness of that implant.”

  His friend laughed. “Did you see that shaved snatch? I bet someone already beat you to it.”

  “Lucky bastard. I’d like to snack on that for an hour or two. I might ask her for her number anyway.” He put his drink down and crossed the room to where she stood and my back stiffened. I kept my cool and watched as he cornered her as soon as the rep she’s been talking to left.

  She seemed a bit shy about it and glanced up at me. I knew my eyes were burning on hers, but then she shook her head and looked away from me toward him, giving him an apologetic look.

  “Looks like someone struck out,” said his friend. I hadn’t realized the guy had walked up beside me, but he must have thought I’d been watching to see if the guy would succeed.

  I glanced at the doughy guy and gave a short shrug. “He never had a chance.” I watched as the man kept on pressuring her, but she stepped back, hitting a sign behind her and then holding onto it for dear life to keep it from falling. The guy just stood there and didn’t even help. What an asshole. Her eyes darted to mine, and then she smiled and shook her head again. I wanted to drag him by his fucking neck away from her, but I had to control myself.

  I crossed the room and put myself closer to the situation, but he gave up and wandered away with his tail tucked between his legs.

  Harbor noticed that I’d came closer and smiled, but then the announcer had us gather for the final presentation which included the entire panel of volunteers who were all open for more questions about their experiences.

  I could see the women who’d done the trial shifting uncomfortably in their seats much like Harbor was doing and I wondered if their sexual appetites had gotten more intense too.

  Finally, that session was over, and the room was clearing out. I walked up to Harbor and told her I’d be waiting outside. I went to the car as she stayed behind but then before I made it to the car she crossed the parking lot and sauntered up to me.

  I couldn’t wait to get her back to the hotel and even had a few ideas for the ride home. I wondered if she was soaking in those panties for me, and what she might think when I told her I wanted her to touch herself on the way back to the room.

  “That took forever. I’m so ready for you.” We stood at the front of my car, and she glanced around and then pushed me against the hood to kiss me. She ground herself against me and giggled.

  I looked around and then amused her with a kiss. She was so ready, and her eagerness had my cock standing at attention. But then out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement and when I looked up, Dr. Nora Strong was on her way over with her hand on her hip and her mouth set in a tight line.

  “Dr. Black, Harbor. I see the two of you have gotten quite cozy.” She lifted her chin and glared down at me even though I was a good three inches taller.

  “I can explain,” I said, holding up my hand. But she wasn’t having it. She gestured for me to close my mouth.

  “I don’t have time for your excuses. I’ve finally got you right where I want you. I’ll see you both in my office as soon as I get back into town and I suggest you start making new plans for your lives.” With that she was gone, stalking away so fast that I knew better than to go after her. As she drove away, it sank in that I’d been set up. When she was good and gone, Harbor’s hand rested on my arm. I jerked away.

  “Evan, I’m sorry.” Those words had me grinding me teeth and the muscle feathered in my jaw as I clenched it.

  “Get in the fucking car, Harbor.” It wasn’t her fault, and though I knew that, I still wished she’d fucking listened to me and kept her fucking hands to herself. I didn’t talk to her all the way back to the room, and there was something else that had been eating away at me, something that I wondered from the moment Harbor had said she was sorry.

  I stewed about it until we got upstairs to our rooms and then I grabbed her wrists and pulled her to me. “Did you know she was here?” I searched her eyes and mine narrowed as her widened.

  “No, I had no idea. Evan, I was just as shocked as you were.” Her eyes softened with a pleading look.

  My nostrils flared as I glared down at her. “Don’t you fuck around with me! If this is some kind of favor to get you into the program, to get your fucking tuition paid, you better fucking admit it right fucking now.” I squeezed her wrists and muscled her down to her knees. She squealed, and I let go of her arms. I didn’t want to hurt her, but she needed to know how serious I was about this.

  This was my fucking career, my livelihood and it directly impacted my daughter and her life as well. I wasn’t going to throw it all away so easily on a piece of ass, no matter how amazing she was.

  “I swear I don’t know what’s going on.” When her voice broke, I took a deep breath and stepped away. Then I helped her to her feet, and she stepped back putting the distance between us.

  “I’ll tell you what’s happening. She’s used you, and she’s setting me up. I have a daughter I have to consider, that’s why I didn’t want anyone to see us fucking with each other.” I put my hands up on my head and took a deep, calming breath. I was too worked up, and I could tell I was scaring her.

  “I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect her of all people to be here. I haven’t seen her the whole time.” She still wasn’t getting it.

  “She didn’t come here to be at the event. She sent us here together hoping I’d get caught on the hospital’s time diddling the intern.”

  She looked at her feet and then as if something dawned on her, her expression changed. “That bitch! Oh my god, Evan, she set me up too.”

  The thought of that sent an unexplainable rage through me, and I tried hard not to grab hold of her again. “What do you mean? What’s she got on you?” I still wasn’t convinced, but I was ready to hear her out.

  “She tried to keep me from the school; she never even wanted me to attend because she said I was too young. She caused a big stink. I. . .” She shook her head and then her eyes filled with tears. “I thought she’d changed. That she liked me now.” She took a deep breath and sat on the bed, but then she looked up at me wiping her tears. “Why is she out to get you?”

  I thought back to that day in medical school, and the look in her eyes when I’d told her no thank you. I’d have paid money to see that look again, but if I could go back, fucking her would have been the easy way out. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but at the time I wasn’t as open to things as I am now. It wasn’t as if I could fuck my way out of this.

  I tried to find a way to explain but decided to be blunt. “To put it plainly, I wouldn’t fuck her. She hit on me in med school, and I turned her down. I was fucking everything that moved back then, and she wasn’t my type. She’s hated me since. I don’t understand why she’s making her move now.” I shook my head. “I mean, why after all this time?”

  She sat a moment and then said, “Maybe she wanted to screw us both on the way out?”

  “On her way out?” I hadn’t heard anything about her leaving, and I couldn’t imagine she’d voluntarily leave that position.

  “You haven’t heard? Rumor around the hospital is she’s retiring. She’s being forced into it because of a health issue. This is her last year.”

  That would explain things, and it had to be her reasoning— one last kick in my crotch on the way out, except if I lost my job, she might as well shoot me. “It’s my word against hers. She knows that I’ve been reprimanded before and this time I’ll be out. We have to figure out a way to play a trump card and beat her at her game.”

  Chapter 12: Harbor

  We were both too upset to leave the hotel, so we went down to the restaurant to eat, and after our meal, we took our dessert upstairs.

  We sat side by side in bed, and while I couldn’t get enough of the apple cheesecake, Evan hadn’t touched his. It seemed the idea of his job being in jeopardy
was weighing too heavily on him, and I couldn’t blame him. My problem was that I liked to eat when I was nervous, and though it seemed ridiculous that kissing a doctor from my hospital could ruin me, Dr. Strong hadn’t set me up for no reason. Besides, it was horrible enough thinking about Evan being in trouble.

  He had a daughter who depended on him, so it wasn’t just him. For me, there was no one to hurt but myself. Sure, my family would be disappointed in me, but while I’d been on my own since the age of sixteen, my parents had gone on with their lives content that I’d went on with mine. My mother called about once a month, and the only other person who cared at all that I was breathing was Courtney, and that was because I paid half the rent.

  I put my food aside, and he got up to put his in the trash then he came back to the bed and turned down the covers. “You can stay if you want. I don’t suppose it can get any worse.” He stripped out of his clothes, starting with his buttoned-down shirt and then unzipping his pants to let them fall to his feet. He wasn’t wearing anything under them. He laid down and pulled the covers up over his hips.

  I slipped off my jeans and panties and then removed my top and glanced back to see if he was watching, but as I turned, I caught him looking at his phone. I crawled under the covers and nestled close, but he laid on his back and then put his arms up over his head and stared at the ceiling. I was well behaved considering my sex drive was out of control, but now I hoped he’d want to drown some of his sorrows between my legs. I needed him.

  I rubbed his bare chest and trailed my fingers down his tight abs and lower to where the cover barely hid his thick cock. “Stop it. I’m trying to think of a way out of this mess.”

  He pushed my hand aside, and I turned over to my back. “Well then tell me how I can help. I want to help.”

  “The only idea I have is a crazy one.” He rolled over to face me, his hand landing across my tummy. The need grew so great that I let a little moan escape hoping it would go unnoticed.

  “You’re still worked up, aren’t you?” He leaned over and kissed my mouth then pulled away to meet my eyes. “I’m sorry I’m taking this out of you, it’s not fair, and this isn’t your fault.”

  “Tell me your idea. If it’s crazy enough it just might work. I’ll do whatever I can.” I found myself stroking my fingers against his hip bone.

  “I was hoping you’d say that because this is going to be quite the task and I’m not asking. I think it’s the only way.” Those words registered and I was a bit taken aback that he was making it like I had no choice.

  “You’re not asking? You’re acting like it’s something horrible.” I tilted my head and stared.

  “She’s going to have to bring up what happened to the rest of the board, and they’ll have to take a vote. It’s not her decision alone, so the only way to beat the system is to get married.” He lifted his shoulders and shook his head like it was the easiest and most practical thing to do.

  I suddenly felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. “Married?”

  “Not a real marriage, of course, it would only have to last long enough to be effective. I’ve thought it over, and you’ll be graduating soon. If we can hold off until then, and until Dr. Strong leaves, then we’re good.”

  “Her last day is supposed to be graduation. She’s leaving right after to go to her summer home. I heard her talking about it the day she called me in to discuss the Ortho-Nouveau project.”

  “Then that’s all we’ll have to do. We’ll annul the wedding in June and pretend it never happened.” The thought of him being so blasé about the whole thing really didn’t settle well. I wasn’t ready for a marriage of any kind, much less a fake one that wouldn’t last or mean anything.

  I’d always dreamed of having a gorgeous wedding, and even though my parents had their own things going, my mother was going to expect the honor of planning my wedding. I couldn’t take that from her.

  A wave of disappointment hit me with a sinking feeling. “I can’t do this. My mother is content to let me do a lot of things and make a lot of decisions on my own, but after being so supportive over the past few years, even when I wanted to venture out alone at fifteen and attend college early. I can’t in good conscious take her dream of planning my wedding from her.” I rolled away and crossed my arms.

  “She can plan you a huge wedding another time when you’re in love, but you helped make this mess, and now I expect you to step it up. As I said, I’m not asking.” He turned toward me and placed his hand on my arm. “It’s just for a little while, and I have a feeling you’ll have a good time.” One hand slipped down and cupped my mound sending a moan tumbling from my lips as the other arm raised him up on his elbow. “You’re going to do this.” He met my eyes, and I considered his words.

  I wasn’t ready for marriage, true, but I had always wanted a family. I wondered if he’d go for a counter bargain, but then I wasn’t sure how much he’d let me into his life. But if I could convince him, then maybe we’d both get something more out of it. I looked into his eyes, the hesitation growing within. “I need some time to think about it. I could handle a sexual relationship, but I don’t see why we have to do something so drastic. I mean, couldn’t we get engaged? A fake engagement would be easier to undo later.”

  “No, that would be too obvious, but if we show up married, it won’t matter. Nobody on the board is going to dispute the sanctity of marriage. And no one is going to kick me to the curb with a wife and child to support.” He moved his hand that had rested on my mound upward to massage my breast then he brushed his thumb across my nipple.

  I turned toward him, my leg hitching up over him as I ground against his front. “Maybe I need a little push,” I whispered the word as seductive as I could, and he must have liked it too because he stroked a long finger against my slit and then slipped it inside where I was still so tender from him.

  “You owe me, Harbor.” He curled his finger, and I cried out as he worked me with a come to motion. Then he trailed his finger out and lower, slipping it into my crack where he found my little star. My desire mixed with fear when he pressed against my little rim and leaned closer to my ear. “I’m going to take that tight little hole someday too.” Then he kissed me as he slid his finger back deep into my aching channel. “Tell me you’re going to do this, Harbor. Give me what I want.”

  “Give me what I want.” I knew the words were a challenge and I had better be careful.

  “Oh, you want to play bargaining games? I would be careful if I were you. Make sure you’re getting all you want from the situation.” He took my hand and pulled me up. “Come here. I prefer to bargain one way.” He sat on the edge of the bed and put me on my knees in front of him, then he brushed my hair back from my face and took off my glasses. I stared up at him with blurry eyes, but it didn’t mask how hot he was to me.

  His cock jutted out as his balls hung on the edge waiting for attention. I took them in my hand and kneaded them with my palm, they were nice and heavy filled with my reward, but my little slit ached, needing something more. He placed his hand behind my neck and nudged me forward. “Touch yourself while you suck it.” I stuck out my tongue and laid his cock across it then closed my mouth around his head. He moaned and stroked my hair as I rubbed my pussy. “Good girl. We’ll drive up to Vegas tonight and marry so we’ll be all set when we go back home.” I wanted to protest, but instead, I kept my eyes closed focusing on his words and the taste of him. “I don’t hear any protest.” He gripped the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper, so deep that it forced me to gag. I couldn’t protest if I wanted, but I shook my head. It was all I could do. He held me there and then reached down and pinched my nose. “You’re going to do this, Harbor.” I squealed with panic as he held me there, but the pleasure hit my core as another orgasm broke free. I moaned around his cock feeling the blood rush to my face and just when I thought I might pass out, he let me go, and I pulled free. He picked me up and spun me around so fast I was still too weak from pleasure
to protest, not that I wanted to. Then he laid me back on the bed and lifted my legs.

  “Please.” It was all I could say. I wasn’t begging for mercy. I was begging for him to give me that hard length right where my ache was.

  “Yeah, I’m going to give you what you want. And you’re going to do just what I say.” He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, and I was too hell bent on being pleasured that I didn’t care about anything else.

  “Yes, Evan.”

  Chapter 13: Evan

  I was going to get my way if I had to fuck her into it. She was soaked by the time I slid my dick in, and I pumped into her nice and hard, rocking my hips as the color returned to her face. I didn’t have much patience for bargains. I’d already promised her I’d give her what she wanted, but she had to do this for me, for us. Her cravings had gotten us into this mess, and now they’d get us right out of it. I wasn’t kidding that she didn’t have a choice. I wasn’t going to leave room for one.


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