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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

Page 7

by Andrew McGregor

  Kelb stumbled, dropping to a crouch and raising his own glasses expectantly through scratching branches, his body hidden behind bushes and a fallen tree trunk as he gasped, the darkened sky suddenly lighting up as flashes of lights erupted from the Morgon line. Heavy calibre machine guns whirred as tracers swept blindly from the allied line, streams of automatic fire returning, screams erupting as men ducked down, the cracks of sniper rifles ringing out in unison as determined snipers fired at their prey.

  Major Kelb watched a high walker’s mechanical legs seem to stagger, the upper cockpit bucking as the machine slewed sideways, crashing into the machine next door and collapsing downwards onto a number of infantry below. Further mines detonated amongst the advancing armoured figures, the commander holding his breath in awe at the carnage on the fields below, a roar of engines behind the hill as the tank officers warmed their motors.

  Bullets peppered the slope, Kelb ducking back as he panned his binoculars across the fields, further walkers stumbling as their driver’s heads jerked backwards, sparks and pluming explosions of fire rising upwards as the Morgons reached the second line of phosphorous devices. Shattered armoured bodies were thrown upwards as the detonations swept up and down the advancing line, high powered blast waves and razor sharp shrapnel tearing through gaps in armour, the phosphorous burning through thick scaled skin. High pitched shrieks of anger and the grinding of metal against metal as several walkers stumbled and collapsed, the German commander gritting his teeth as he glimpsed more shadows behind, his eyes widening as he gasped into his throat microphone. Shouting breathlessly as he lowered the binoculars, he passed the order to the rear units, ‘Heavy mortars, prepare to fire on the second wave…predetermined coordinates, they have acid walkers and engineers…on my mark!’

  Explosions tore across the slope, rear Morgon engineers firing rockets towards the dug in defenders, Kelb ducking back below the tree trunk and thrusting his face into the coarse undergrowth, scratched hands desperately rising over his helmet as debris and earth fell all around his body, ‘Ready…’

  The terrain lit up once more as further mines and trip wires detonated, Kelb rising slightly with his binoculars, his breath held as he heard the muffled acknowledgement in his earpiece, his gloves resting on the rough bark as the rifle cracks spread across the line. The intense flashes seemed to fill and illuminate the landscape, trip flares pulsing into the night’s sky and bathing the fields in light, the commander’s eyes widening in shock as he glimpsed the sheer number of Morgon troops behind their walkers, the red glowing eyes seeming to fill the fields.

  His hand darted to the microphone once more, voice hoarse with rising dread and excitement, ‘Heavy artillery and mortars…now! Creeping barrage…fire at will…hit them with everything!’

  Chapter Five: A Makeshift Fleet Nears

  Begum stood resolutely, frowning as Captain Dugachard stood next to her and stiffened, the admirals and assembled Trevakian dignitaries sat behind a low table opposite turning to whisper to each other in dread and awe. The small tanned figure placed hands on his hips defiantly in obvious determination, the enhanced translating device fully charged as he raised one small hand to his ear in readiness, ‘That is the order of the High Lord…we of the Fahimian Republic must attack in that way.’

  One of the Trevakian admirals, a middle aged bloated man with grey hair shook his head in annoyance opposite, ‘You requested a hearing…this is nothing other than an ultimatum. Our directive is to assist the earth forces and attempt to destroy the Morgon warships…that is all.’ His eyes narrowed as he stared at the small figure before him in suspicion, ‘Your forces are engaged with ours on Zaxon B. Are you saying your last remaining ship is shadowing our progress…ready to uncloak and involve itself if and when it sees fit? That if we are losing it will disappear, and if winning…well we can only guess? What happens next, you decide to disengage across two planets if we do not support you? This mission is suicide…and involves us.’

  Begum pursed his lips in defiance, shaking his head as the words were translated into his ear, a small hand rising to the throat microphone, ‘I am not aware of any consideration to withdraw from our struggle. My race has come to your aid and provided schematics for new weapons willingly…rifles and possible other military ordinance you currently do not possess. The Morgons are our ultimate enemy, they have exterminated and even eaten most of my fallen people as delicacies and now control our beloved and beautiful home worlds, killing our beloved animals for sport. Our small skulls are seen as a trophy to their victorious warriors and highly prized to decorate their armour.’ His deep brown moistened eyes narrowed, ‘Now is the time to show our ultimate resolve and bravery to defeat this menace to our existence…’ Begum sighed, drawing an emotional breath, ‘We Fahimians wish to be permitted this action…I have progressed from a decorated commando to this rank of emissary and now I have been ordered to command this particular attack. I will give my life and those of my soldiers to achieve its goal and success.’

  Captain Dugachard shifted her stance uneasily, glancing at the smaller figure next to her in surprise at the admission, the Trevakian officer then stiffening further reactively as she realised her surroundings. Her eyes glanced conservatively from side to side, glimpsing the immaculately clad marines on either wall, next to the sliding grey shimmering doors, the room of one solid dark colour with tiny spotlights filling the low ceiling above. The slightly raised platform before them seated five senior ranking Trevakian officers and the admiral, all seeming to scrutinise the two flushed figures intensely under the bright lights.

  The marine uniforms had transformed into light grey to match the walls, the shining black honour guard helmets seeming out of place with deployed reflective visors, all four soldiers stood with automatic rifles held across their chests and dull shoulder armour. The senior officer uniforms were of a dark blue, yellow and red braiding along the arms and trousers as an indication of their superior rank.

  Dugachard’s eyes widened as the smaller tanned being next her reluctantly spoke further, raising his voice, ‘Yes, the last ship of my people is following…we are bound together in this struggle now. We will not risk the eggs or DNA of our animals and numerous species, but we have further to offer…and show you.’ Begum adjusted his stance nervously in admittance, ‘You only saw the advanced weapons we wanted you to see…we have many more. It is not my place to offer sharing them…but we have used our flight time to perfect this additional armour and new attack devices.’ He shook his head, tears in his eyes, ‘The Morgon Warships obliterated the defences and soldiers on our planets before invading, but the schematics were transmitted to the fleeing ships at the last minute before our scientists destroyed them. I now know your people and human allies…I believe we belong together as races…I trust my new friends.’

  He smiled innocently, glancing down at the shimmering floor in flushed embarrassment as the Trevakian commanders looked on, ‘Our High Lord hopes that if…when…we defeat the menace of the Morgons here, you will assist us in retaking our home worlds as the allies we were always meant to be.’

  The robust admiral nodded, licking his lips and staring sympathetically at the small figure before the raised platform, ‘We will confer regarding your proposal, but there is no guarantee of acceptance.’ The Trevakian commander glanced from side to side to his nodding colleagues, ‘We will reconvene this hearing in thirty earth minutes.’

  Begum nodded in understanding, his boots clicking together as a small clenched hand swept upwards to his left chest in salute, ‘I understand completely. Just consider that we have suffered at the hands of this enemy beyond comprehension…this is our time even, should I even say…Our time is Now!’

  David Bland shook his head, staring out of the large viewing window, streaks of streaming gas, distorted heat and burning rubbish debris from the neighbouring ships sweeping past as the vessels tore forward through deep space. Turning to stare at Shino and Riaz, their eyes dropped, his anger obvious as he
raised his hands to either side in exasperation, ‘Why?’ The airport manager sighed despondently, ‘What possessed you to sign up with the Trevakians…I mean, was it not dangerous enough for you on that damn inhospitable planet?’

  His hands dropped to his waist, chest heaving with emotion beneath the Trevakian combat uniform, staring at the two bowed heads before him and then beyond, the accommodation corridor behind extending off for some considerable distance. Downward pin lights illuminated the almost glimmering resin walls of the lowest deck, several display screens and observation windows lining the outer wall of the sleek ship, a number of soldiers stood chatting outside their individual barrack doors.

  Debra Hardie’s face suddenly moved into view, her emotional eyes welling with tears as she frowned, ‘It’s done…stop bringing the subject up!’ She drew a deep breath, ‘Virtually every day you go on about it…it’s like some sort of damn obsession.’ Her hands rose to the shoulders of the two younger airport employees before her, staring into David’s eyes defiantly, ‘They joined because they want to make a difference, not hide or bury their heads in the sand...their…our lives have changed forever now.’ She swallowed nervously, glimpsing the intense anger in his eyes, his cheeks flushed as he stared back almost indignantly, ‘We have been training non-stop with the Trevakian Marines since we boarded this vessel. I have signed up too…I want to be with them, and with Tregan.’

  Debra flushed slightly in embarrassment at the near admission, Riaz half turning as her lips pursed, becoming almost a sneer as David’s eyes widened in shock, her dogged determination apparent, ‘This is our world now…and our war, not working at an airport…we have seen the enemy, fought against them and their Silak scum allies…witnessed brave Trevakians slaughtered as they gave their lives instead of ours, sacrificing themselves in attempt to buy us time to escape. Our future belongs with them now.’

  Debra was breathing heavily, spittle splashing onto the waterproof uniformed shoulders of the two in front of her as tears ran down her cheeks. Several soldiers further along the corridor turned inquisitively to stare as the outburst became more emotional, ‘These Morgons want to exterminate us…cut us to pieces for sport! I spoke to Jozefina Kapralova yesterday…they beheaded the fallen and placed their skulls on sticks around the surrounded village she was in. Rees along with several other wounded are fighting for their lives in the medical bay…we have an appointment to see them later today.’ She sniffed heavily, inhaling, ‘The Morgons do not understand mercy…or compassion, and now they threaten earth…we will fight and die if need be to protect it!’

  Riaz’s head rose slowly, Shino’s following as David Bland stepped back, almost aghast in stunned silence at the outburst and their determination, the three pairs of eyes grimly resolute and committed to their decisions, his voice trembling, ‘V-very well then…I have no choice…’ He took another step back, turning to stare at the distant stars and an outer patrolling angular dark grey ship of the ninth fleet through the viewing window, a hand rising to lean wearily against the wall.

  Shino poked Riaz in the ribs, his body jerking in surprise before he grimaced, her head nodding stubbornly towards David Bland before them, Riaz shrugging in defeat and reluctantly clearing his throat, ‘What do you have no choice in sir?’

  David Bland winced, rubbing his chin and staring out at the distant vessel, watching the ship’s lights seemingly twinkle in the distance, his voice lowering, ‘I mean, you guys leave me with no choice…’ He glanced round briefly, a wry smile forming across his lips, ‘So if I want to be with you…I will have to join up too!’ The airport manager slowly turned back to face them, glimpsing the barely concealed grins, his own smile widening further before he shrugged, ‘We can cling to an old world we love in reflection if we like…perhaps I was doing just that…but as you say, it has all now changed forever. Our colleagues lay dead on a distant planet far behind us…people we worked and stood representing the company with…staff that were our friends. Perhaps now is the time to extend our commitment to security…’

  He glanced into each of their eyes fondly and knowingly, his jaw tensing, ‘The covered bodies of our fallen comrades lay in this vessel…a number have died since the return journey back to earth began, their injuries too deep and severe for these even advanced medical beds to rectify.’ David sighed, forcing a further grim and pained nervous smile, tears forming in his eyes, ‘There will be no visit later today. Rees passed away this morning…his body just gave up, had taken too much damage.’ David drew a deep shaking breath, a tear rolling down his cheek, ‘I sat next to him as the flickering green scanning light turned to amber and then slowly red…the Trevakian medics were frantically trying to save his life…his breathing became strained and then just stopped…that was it, he was gone. They said his lungs had filled with blood…that he had suffered major internal injuries.’

  David’s eyes glistened reflectively as he drew a deep breath, ‘I feel strangely honoured to have been with him in his last moments, he was not alone…no matter how futile his death was…’ His chest shook with rising emotion, ‘Rees is to be highly decorated apparently… ‘a fallen forefather of our alliance’ as one of the medics said. Apparently he saved a Trevakian’s life in the field…he will receive full military honours and one of their highest medals…his name has even been sent to their high command. As I was leaving, the admiral of this and other ships with their senior officers came to show their respects as they had just heard…they stood in honour guard, saluting him and the others as the bed lights gradually went out one by one. Then the medics…two were crying…lit scented candles next to the recently departed, a Trevakian medical tradition apparently.’

  David looked at the three dumbfounded and stunned staff before him briefly, sighing as tears filled Debra’s eyes once more, Shino gritting her teeth as Riaz grimaced and looked away, ‘I counted, there are only eleven Heathrow employees left now, including us…Sam was the first to fall. Heaven only knows how many have been killed…I can’t even get information on how many joined to fight. Even Jozefina is confused and in shock after Rees’s death…too upset to say, she thinks over fifty have been killed in action at least. She doesn’t know how many came through the portal, that there was maybe another wave after hers. They have sedated her in single quarters…two others died shortly after him…it was all too much for her, they had all come through the portal together.’

  He took a step back, shaking his head and indicating despondently towards the viewing window, ‘We have lost fifty or a hundred…the Trevakians have lost millions, those small Fahimians chased to virtual extinction…heaven knows how many more races brutalised or slaughtered.’ His head turned slowly, glimpsing the pained and shocked tearful stares, a determination forming across his face, teeth gritted, ‘I promised to protect our staff…I failed. I was naïve and had no idea the scope and ferocity of this war. There is nothing left on earth for me now so I will make a stand for the last beliefs I have…the least I can do is demonstrate loyalty to the few survivors…we will stand or fall together…’

  The hearing resumed, the robust admiral nodding as Begum and Captain Dugachard stiffened to attention before the platform, his voice resounding across the now dimly lit room, ‘We require further details of your proposal before we make our final decision…please enlighten us…’ He waved a raised hand in encouragement, ‘Leave nothing to our imagination, I wish to know why you are so convinced we should follow this course of action…’

  Begum tensed further, pulling the cloak around him as if cold, his eyes sparkling in the light, ‘Our High Lord has decreed that revenge must be ours, but I have received further instructions as to what to disclose.’ The small tanned emissary smiled faintly, sensing perhaps a willing ear to the plan, ‘These warships were deployed in orbit around our planets one by one…many of our ships were blasted from space, our orbiting and planetary fortresses and defences obliterated by their high powered weaponry. We fought bravely, but were defeated…we could not overcome t
he power their warships unleashed.’

  He raised a small hand, one finger exposed, ‘But we were ignorant in our tactics. We believed if we defeated their soldiers in battles on our planets, the ships would withdraw…now we know otherwise.’ He drew a deep breath, ‘We must defeat their warships before liquidating their soldiers…only then will this enemy fully understand defeat…that they are beaten.’ He stepped forward slightly, eyes straining in determination as captain Dugachard drew a sharp breath for the breach of Trevakian protocol, ‘They must taste ultimate defeat…their forces crushed and at the hand of Fahimian commandoes and their allies. Destroy their greatest weapons and their belief in victory will be crushed…’

  The admiral interjected, almost grinning in amazed relish, ‘But your proposal did not mention destruction…how would we destroy them?’

  His eyes widened as the small figure before them stepped forward slightly once more, breaching protocol further, the cloak swept dramatically over a small shoulder in defiance, his voice rising once more, ‘The High Lord has committed a further legion of Fahimian commandoes for this task and numerous small vessels…all of which will be under my command. We have some Morgon transponder codes that will be useful for a short time…to confuse them. Our engineers are able to scramble their codes for a limited duration…perhaps enough for this to be successful. We have a staged plan to overcome the Morgon defences…most of their troops and mechanical devices will be elsewhere or unable to deploy where we attack.’ The small Fahimian’s head lowered subserviently, ‘If we simply fight against their soldiers we will lose. The Morgons will defeat the humans and consume their planet and yet another race will be extinguished. This plan will work and perhaps…just perhaps…make a breakthrough.’ He sighed, glancing upwards towards the panel of senior officers above in determination, ‘In a protracted war of stalemate, genocide and slaughter, this is a time to gamble on chance…the rewards if we are successful may be beyond our wildest dreams…’ He stared the admiral determinedly in the eyes, ‘Where do you think all the victorious Morgon invaders of our worlds are going to next? They are coming to reinforce the soldiers faced against you…they will then be victorious. Time is now very short…’


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