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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

Page 16

by Andrew McGregor

  The younger officer grinned, staring straight ahead as he stiffened, ‘Welcome back admiral. I am now coordinating our wounded in the many hospitals all across London. The humans have kindly provided me with a police escort so I can visit all our personnel...many are improving although we still have several serious cases. I have also assigned two engineers and technicians to share our medical technology and we have hosted many of the more critical human cases here on our own ship…their local air ambulance lands near here regularly and we arranging for one fully equipped medical bed to be deployed to each London hospital.’

  The officer nodded as the admiral’s hand rose, patting his shoulder fondly, the commander smiling encouragingly, ‘Excellent news…keep up the good work, I can see another commendation for you in the near future.’ The admiral slapped the officer’s upper arm, ‘We shall have a meeting soon…perhaps in the morning, then you can update me further?’ Karladen grinned in warm recollection, ‘A breakfast briefing just like the old days…just the two of us…perhaps a local café as I have a few intriguing earth dishes to show you?’

  Dryden smiled further, ‘It would be my pleasure admiral…’

  Admiral Karladen hesitated, turning and indicating towards the armed protection officers, ‘Would you perhaps have some time to entertain our guests…show them around and provide a meal in the mess hall?’

  Dryden nodded willingly, ‘Certainly, consider it done commander.’

  Climbing the shining steel steps to the bridge, Admiral Karladen’s eyes welled moist with emotion, the last doors sweeping aside after a short corridor, the bridge supervising officer abruptly rising as she barked an order, ‘Ensigns! Our commander has returned!’

  Drawing a sharp breath, the admiral stared fondly across the blue low lit bridge, sixteen staff rising stiffly, their boots slamming together as fists rose to left chests in recognition, tears forming in the admiral’s eyes as he replicated the gesture, nodding appreciation emotionally and raising his hands for them to sit back.

  Stepping forward as the smiling crew members lowered back into their seats, he glanced round, staring at the flashing lights across the electronic screens and consoles, the familiar low blue down lighters. Sky Commander Petaski slipped past his admiral, the junior officer’s broken voice rising, ‘Full reports to main screen…the Admiral will require an immediate debriefing…I am sure he will want to re-associate himself with you all at the later party.’

  Admiral Karladen’s eyes were fixed on the wide chair at the end of the bridge, his steps seeming hesitant as he approached, the large screen above his station flickering as Sky Commander Petaski indicated to the female supervisor, ‘Please continue briefing the admiral on what we know…’

  The woman rose, adjusting her deep blue uniform nervously, ‘Yes sir…’ She hesitated briefly as the admiral slowly lowered himself into his chair, seeming to relish the experience, the female smiling fondly before continuing, ‘Admiral…the Morgons have two Decimator warships in the upper earth’s atmosphere. They have fired twice and our sensors have indicated that if they fire again at one of earth’s weakest volcanoes or at Yellowstone Park in the United States, then the planet will become weakened beyond retrieval for human…and our survival.’ The female officer swallowed deeply, glancing across at Petaski and Chergui nervously, both nodding for her to continue as she gulped once more, ‘Analysing the messages between the human leaders, we believe they are no longer as coordinated as they were…in short, the relationships are becoming fragmented. The Chinese have gone silent and with the destruction of Moscow, the Russian leadership is in some chaos…perhaps now even under military rule, or their old KGB secret service command…something the Americans seem oblivious to or confused with.’

  The officer looked down at reports on her screen in dread, clearing her throat, ‘Intelligence is clear on what they believe will happen. Without any assistance from fleet command and with the enemy’s current progress…they believe the planet will fall to the Morgons within days or perhaps a couple of weeks at most. The human defences are simply unable to resist or are too weak to defend against such aggression. Admiral, the Morgons have been here for years...perhaps decades, studying their prey. Their overwhelming attacks have exposed the humans as totally inadequate defensively…they simply are unable to resist effectively. Sir, we have completely overestimated this weak race…they are simply losing…and rapidly. Our intelligence recommends we leave immediately, let the planet fall and relocate to the nearest area of war, Zaxon B…to reinforce our divisions there…this will extend the enemy’s manpower and resources. The planet is far from here; the report suggests we should abandon this situation to a now inevitable fate.’ The female officer shifted uncomfortably before glancing down at her screen once more, ‘The intelligence summary is one sentence…uncloak and rise…fly out at maximum velocity and the chances are, we may survive the Morgon blockade.’

  Sky Commander Petaski stepped forward, addressing his commander with a subservient bowed head as Chergui winced and shook his head in disbelief at the report, ‘Admiral…we are all here…the humans need not know. We have now only two hundred and seventy three surviving personnel in earth’s hospitals nearby…we can recall them discretely and be underway in a matter of two or three earth hours. We will be gone before the humans realise what is happening.’ Petaski ran a nervous hand through his hair, ‘It is only a matter of time before the Morgons discover where we are…then we will be destroyed.’

  Admiral Karladen sighed, staring up at the scrolling intelligence report on the main screen, his hands clasping the robust seat sides tightly as he gritted his teeth. Slowly the chair turned, Petaski stepping back as Chergui’s eyes widened, the vice admiral nodding to his commander discretely to indicate his support.

  The admiral pursed his lips, cheeks flushing as he stared up at Petaski, his voice rising in anger, ‘We are here to stay and these are our allies…there will be no retreat!’ Karladen pushed himself upwards, his arms rising in exasperation, ‘Damn intelligence reports...I am the only one in charge here! How dare you even suggest such a thing? This is virtual sedition…to propose deserting an ally in their darkest hour?’

  Sky Commander Petaski’s head lowered in subservience as the commander stood before him, the bridge officer lowering into her seat as the admiral’s head turned to stare at her, his frame almost shaking with anger, ‘It appears I have spent too much time away from my vessel…that my staff have taken it upon themselves to devise a new strategy for us...the empire to adopt.’ He shook his flushed face vigorously, ‘No…not whilst I am in charge. These humans have welcomed us and suffered horrendous losses in a war we brought to them…can you imagine what they would think if we simply left? It may even shatter the empire…think of our allies across the galaxies…of our constitution and beliefs…all that we stand for would be undermined and contradicted! We would be viewed as cowards across the galaxies!’

  Admiral Karladen’s head moved slowly across the bridge, staring incriminatingly at each ensign individually, most with their heads bowed, his voice a low determined whisper, ‘We will stay here and give our new friends every support we can…they are already manufacturing our body armour and assault rifles, our medical services are assisting them and the schematics for our armoured vehicles are with their military. They are fighting for their own survival across this planet…and we are here with them!’

  He indicated to Chergui, ‘You can inform the British government that I will be basing myself here from now on…coordinating our efforts. With immediate effect, Sky Commander Petaski will be based with the British Prime Minister and will ensure our communications are routed through to this ship...he will complete no broadcasts or meetings without my input!’ He indicated to the female bridge officer, ‘You will be moved to ground operations…reporting to Dryden. I want additional cooperation with our allies on medical and military matters…you are more than capable of supplementing his efforts.’ He stared at her meaningfully, ‘You will extent
every courtesy to their requests and make every effort to meet them...I will require regular updates through the Vice Admiral.’

  Admiral Karladen drew breath, seeing both officers nod meekly, their heads bowed as he continued, ‘I need staff I can trust…loyal Trevakians that do not doubt our conviction or course of action. Although I understand your motive, both of you have failed me in this endeavour…you are therefore reassigned until the situation changes, do you understand?’

  Sky Commander Petaski grimaced, swallowing hard in regret as he stiffened, ‘Yes sir…I will proceed to the government bunker immediately.’ Their eyes met as he glanced up, ‘My apologies, Admiral…I…we have failed you…’

  Karladen shook his head, glancing across at the female bridge officer, the woman’s head dropping further, ‘There is no time for that now…just ensure your hard work continues in these new roles. The British are expecting an escalation of the threat against them and the battles are still raging in other areas of the globe. We need to ensure the supply of weapons and armour are sufficient and of the quality for our allies needs…there will also be requirements to upgrade some of their training...’

  Chapter Thirteen: Zaxon B: Ride of the Red Leopards

  Alexion One:

  Alexion One shuddered as the lower laser turrets fired out into space in unison, the high powered blasts searing through the upper atmosphere, lines of steam and ignited particles streaming behind in the wake of the high energy distortion. Passing below the geosynchronous orbiting field of rocks and destroyed vessel debris, the high powered energy surged onwards, entering the lower atmosphere and becoming visible from the planet’s surface.

  Admiral Shadian glanced round, staring across his beleaguered bridge crew in curiosity, ‘Where is my second salvo?’

  A female ensign glanced up from her screen, face flushing as she answered, ‘Not long admiral… first officer Archiad is down there now…he reports two more salvos will follow before we have to re-stabilise in higher orbit. He is currently re-calibrating trajectory and gravitational pull…apparently an asteroid is passing through the blast field.’

  The admiral nodded in satisfaction, winking towards the Fahimian intelligence officer sat next to the ensign, ‘Good…you may launch your fighters…follow the agreed attack run and link up with our own fighter bombers from Morasat south of the valley.’

  The small Fahimian grinned as the translation swept through his earpiece, tapping on the console before him, his eyes flashing with excitement.

  In the two landing bay doors lower in Alexion One, figures ran from the side briefing rooms, a few Trevakian maintenance crews jogging from the slim crimson fighters to stand at the edges of the wide hangars, staring across the many hulls of the Fahimian fighter arm that were now garrisoned with them. The small charismatic pilots waved at their crews, completing last second checks as their black shining helmets with dramatic side markings moved from side to side viewing the instruments before them. Vivid lights began to pulse along the wings and sides of the fighters, the observing Trevakian mechanics shaking their heads and smiling at the flamboyant display, several staring at the differing animals displayed on the side of each fighter…indicating the personal preference of the pilot as a mascot.

  Gradually the down thrust of engines swept any dust to the sides, the billowing force causing the Trevakians to strain their eyes, several donning scarves across their mouths as the crimson fighters gradually rose, their stands smoothly retracting as the vessels turned slowly to face the shimmering outer force field that protected the open bays. Lights pulsed across the landing hangars, the flashing wing illuminations alternating colour as the main engines engaged pulse power, the craft edging out towards space, the Trevakian crews behind stiffening to attention and in respect of the small flyers.

  Then the engines glowed as the crimson fighters passed out through the glimmering shield, the vessels shooting forward and banking sharply downwards towards the glittering planet below, several of the maintenance crews lunging forward to stare after their pilots. Eyes strained as they looked through the flickering protective shield, staring out at the slim grey line that circled the edge of Zaxon B and the thick orbiting debris fields as flashing dots swept forward towards the planet and then seemingly across the outer atmosphere…twenty six fighters in all.

  Alexion One shuddered once more, bright lights surging outwards as the crews stared on, the lower turret guns then firing again at a pre-determined target, first officer Archiad clicking his throat microphone to make communication with the bridge, the female ensign acknowledging immediately, ‘Archiad here…we have fired…you are free to re-plot our higher orbit. I will get back up to the upper turrets…we may not have long before the Morgons and their allies attempt to take advantage of our lack of fighter cover.’ He grinned with exhaustion, his stubbled face smeared with oil and dirt, ‘Please inform the admiral that he has his laser shield…not as standard as required, but adequate. We also have eighty percent of our flak guns operational and my crews are on high alert…’

  Zaxon B: South of Contax Base

  The first burst of laser fire from Alexion One surged through and into the lower atmosphere, the helmet visors of Red Leopard marines immediately dropping and darkening as they glanced upwards instinctively. The thin air crackled with static as the large blasts swept downwards before them, the bright light disappearing behind jagged rocks to the north before impacting into the earth to the south of Contax Base.

  The ground shook violently as the potent laser blasts threw rocks, dust and debris into the air, the explosions surging outwards as the Morgon defences were obliterated, bodies torn under the ferocious energy, equipment and severed limbs tossed upwards with billowing fire and acrid smoke. Hoarse cheers rose from the Red Leopard positions, many of the marines behind rock formations and dug in emplacements, their gloved hands checking the new laser rifles, power surging through the weapons as they were made ready, the safety energy switches clicking across the line.

  The two further energy blasts swept downwards, the air seeming to tremble as static surged through the thin oxygen. Two large explosions ripped through the outer buildings of Contax Base, earth and stones thrown violently upwards with masonry and shattered wood, the rear foxholes and town emplacements imploding as the intense energy smashed through the ground. A wall of flame soared upwards, body parts and shattered equipment thrown skywards as the marines ducked back into their own defences, the stench of burning flesh and acrid smoke sweeping over their positions.

  Then the roar of engines overhead, silver Trevakian fighter bombers screaming past with smaller crimson fighters, the marines staring towards the north in awe as further explosions ripped through the mining village and Morgon defences. Bright lights flashed across the wings of the first wave of smaller craft, laser blasts flying from the wing and frontal guns through black acrid smoke, the fighters spinning and rising before banking away to either side, the western most fighter sweeping high across the valley beyond.

  Secondary explosions crumped as ammunition ignited, thin smoke trails from rockets rising into the swirling air and after the small vessels. Tracers swept upwards, the following fighters and bombers banking hard and sweeping off to the east, heading back towards Morasat, two with smoke billowing from damaged hulls.

  The northern sky seemed to glow, fires raging all across the defensive positions, Contax Base now an inferno as thick black smoke blew across narrow earth streets, charred bodies and equipment crushed or buried under rubble. Debris and scorched dust slowly fell back to earth, the air now thick with a dense shroud, heat rising from the fires below and twisting or buffeting the murk.

  The Trevakians tensed as trees and bark cracked shrilly behind, the tanks following cleared predetermined routes through the petrified forest as they approached the forward defensive line, marines ducking down into their trenches and foxholes as the tracked tanks lumbered northwards, passing over their positions. The whining of hover tanks followed, the drivers feel
ing their machines drop slightly as they progressed over the trenches, the gravitational reverse to support their machines reduced temporarily above the emplacements.

  Quad carriers moved after the heavy armour as the engines ahead whined, turrets turning from side to side as the metal monsters emerged onto the airfield, fires burning at the opposite end as defensive fire erupted, glowing tracers sweeping forward, clanking and bouncing off the armoured plate, the muzzles belching flame and smoke as high explosive shells swept towards the charred defences.

  Shrieks of anger rang out as the Morgon survivors desperately manhandled any surviving rocket launchers forward, the Red Leopard marines scrambling from their trenches and advancing after their armour, muffled thuds behind seeming to encourage them onwards as long range artillery opened fire from the rear.

  The marines looked up as drones swept above them, the small silver craft banking across either side of the disused field and heading towards the Morgon rear areas, General Gristin demanding information on rear formations and defences, ready for the long range artillery to target.

  Far to the north, the Morgon commander shrieked his disapproval, ordering acid batteries to target the burning town, his rage apparent to cowering subordinates as he pushed and punched several forcefully, the heavy defences before the ravine being hastily reinforced. Further units were ordered forward from the rear, automatic anti-air batteries and nano field guns readied all across the valley as booby traps and nano mines were activated.

  Special grenadier battalions in camouflaged armour moved forward through the rocks, heading for concealed defensive positions, most emplacements devised to create killing ground between the rocks before them, any escape routes mined and fitted with trip wires.


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