Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 19

by Andrew McGregor

  Captain Medvedev gritted his teeth, nodding solemnly as his apprehension rose, his helmet turning as he stared at the seventeen men in the ground floor corridor, a hand rubbing his scarf nervously as he indicated to the young soldier sat on the stairs, ‘Very well…get the snipers from above…we move in a couple of minutes.’

  The depleted squad moved out into the darkness, clouds of condensed breath hanging in the frosted gloom around the figures as they advanced, assault rifles held at shoulder height and jerking from side to side, the snipers behind with their barrels lowered. Muffled gunfire echoed to either side of the estate, the cracks of sniper fire erupting as upper spotters glimpsed movement across the darkened outer streets.

  Several of the observers in the upper stories of other blocks held their breaths, watching through strained eyes as the silhouettes below darted along the frosted paths, dropping to crouches at junctions with their weapons pointing menacingly outwards. The group would hesitate briefly before allowing others to proceed southwards in front of them, the unit advancing towards the outskirts of the housing estate, and disappearing from view into darkness behind the southernmost block.

  The bitter cold seemed to descend further, the fragmented unit crossing open grassland and a playground before reaching the outer walls of the housing estate, the swings frames and goalposts bent and twisted behind, a low chilled mist snaking across the frosted grass. Medvedev raised his fist as he dropped to one knee, allowing the stragglers to catch up, the men lowering next to him and behind the high wall he leant against. Glancing round nervously, the officer nodded to the grim faced men around him, ducking round a crumpled section of outer wall and studying the empty street before them.

  Deserted cars sat across the wide street, several with their doors open, numerous bodies littering the frosted tarmac, Medvedev straining his eyes as he saw dogs feeding from the corpses, their jaws tugging at chilled flesh and chewing ravenously as the morsels were ripped free.

  Raising his fist once more, he glanced at the illuminated dials on his wristwatch, realising the next group would be following shortly, raising two fingers and indicating to either side of the street. The scraping of boots followed, soldiers scrambling over the rubble and raising their assault rifles to their eyes, scanning the two side streets that ran in either direction along the side of the high wall, the snipers dropping to their knees to cover, eyes lowering to their scopes.

  The soldiers swept across the streets two by two, crouching next to the corners and glancing round with raised weapons, Captain Medvedev holding his breath as he glanced back into the darkness to the housing estate, staring up at the tall black blocks in apprehension.

  The darkened sky seemed to glow behind the blocks, fires burning out of control in the city beyond, tracers sweeping upwards as flashes spread across the surrounding neighbourhoods on either side, the roar of battle seeming to rise from a lull. Medvedev’s eyes narrowed briefly in suspicion, a slap on his shoulder distracting him as his head spun round, staring back across the street, lunging upwards to follow his men with the snipers.

  The group progressed down either side of the long street, glass fragments cracking beneath their boots, darkened high buildings on either side with shattered windows, several still smouldering with smoke billowing from other scorched openings. Ducking behind shattered cars and in doorways, the soldiers progressed, their rifles raising to cautiously study dark windows above, the dogs running for cover as the dull thud of boots echoed across cold walls.

  Behind in the housing estate, the second and third groups had now departed, lowered soldiers moving with raised rifles southwards towards the edges of the tower blocks, the section leaders gesturing their men forward nervously as they approached the open ground and playing field. Stopping on either side of the last tower block, the officers stared out across the frozen mist, wincing as the escalating gunfire seemed to resound to the west and east, explosions behind as the sharp cracks of sniper rifles rang out.

  The remaining soldiers left in the blocks were becoming nervous, firefights breaking out on the northern outskirts, the snipers firing more regularly as they glimpsed movement in the approaching streets. Many of the experienced men were becoming increasingly uneasy, the enemy not returning fire, but seeming to study their strength, several biting their lips in dread and wishing for the order to move south to come.

  Captain Medvedev was nearing the end of the long street with his lowered men, an intersection ahead followed by a further wide thoroughfare continuing to the south. The abandoned cars and vans, buses and still flickering street lights were making the men increasingly nervous, the only sign of life being scavenging dogs in the cold, the bodies becoming more numerous.

  Reaching the major junction, he indicated for the soldiers to stop and seek cover, his nervousness rising as he glanced along the three deserted streets, several cars burning in the distance to the east and west, his head shaking in confusion at the lack of any moving civilians or soldiers, the air seeming thick and crisp with the freezing cold.

  Indicating for the troops to cross, he held his breath, chewing his lower lip beneath the scarf, his stomach twisting uncomfortably. Four men lunged forward, crouched and ducking behind the deserted cars, stepping over frozen corpses as the nearby dogs scattered and ran for doorways in fear.

  Nearing the opposite side of the four lane intersection, Medvedev turned back to the next four soldiers, his lips pursing to urge them across. The sudden crack of a rifle from the east caused him to stiffen, the muffled scream cut short as a rifle clattered onto the tarmac. Several more shots rang out, his head spinning round as the bodies of his men ahead twisted and fell, his mouth opening to shout in alarm.

  Bullets poured from the nearby windows, screams ringing out as one by one his men crumpled, the survivors diving for doorways, frantic shouts ringing out as frames shuddered, wisps of green sludge flying through the air, the acid shells exploding across the corners and splattering over the survivors. Desperate screams rang out, bodies writhing on the tarmac as the green acidic sludge seeped through body armour, steaming as flesh and resin body protection melted and twisted.

  Captain Medvedev and the two last surviving men forced their way into one of the corner buildings, the door ajar as they pushed through the opening. Gasping in the entrance hall, Medvedev indicated for them to move inside, the three stepping forward as a loud click resounded, his eyes widening in horror. The trip wire activated as a nano mine exploded on either wall, the figures spinning and slumping downwards as the powerful blast waves swept over them.

  The tiny metal machines activated in the energy of the explosions, burying through the victims’ body armour, the pained and terrified screams echoing across the darkened hallway as bodies shuddered and shook. As desperate death spasms commenced, the micro robots ate through internal organs and arteries, ripping through the soldiers flesh as the room slowly fell silent, a last few shudders and gasps signifying the end of one captain’s command.

  To the north, the second two units had reached the wall, one officer raising his binoculars to witness the firefight in the distance, his head turning in fear as he shouted, ‘Back! It’s a trap…they have drawn us out of cover!’

  The soldiers turned, lunging away and across the mist covered grass, others emerging ahead and stopping as spotlights surged across the field, the whir of blades as Morgon reaper drones swept over the tower blocks. Bathing the mist filled fields and play area in light, the soldiers were silhouetted below as heavy machine and acid guns opened fire, the high powered bullets tearing across the frozen grass as terrified soldiers were torn and cut down, the acid shells shattering across the walls and field.

  The last unit turned and started to run back into the housing estate, their eyes widening as shrieks and gunfire erupted before them, the Morgons grenadiers and soldiers charging into the housing estate from three sides. Muffled detonations and explosions resounded around the panicking soldiers as they sprinted for the nearest blocks, the sou
nds of muffled screams and escalating machine gun fire filling their ears.

  Chapter Seventeen: The Far East 1


  Finally advancing to the bend in the Chao Phraya River after bitter street fighting from Bangkok Airport, the Morgon forces began to slowly progress along the eastern bank in either direction. Behind the forward units, buildings burned out of control, the smoke billowing upwards around blinking street lamps and flickering bright neon advertising signs. Embers drifted and swirled into the night sky as fires crackled from shops and apartment blocks along each street and thoroughfare, abandoned cars and small minibuses left blocking the roads when their drivers had fled.

  Puddles of smouldering green mush were formed in pools across the intersections, splattered across walls and the front of vehicles. Warped and bent short range mobile missile launchers and heavy machine guns lay crumpled and at contorted angles, the putrid remains of the human crews slowly sinking into the steaming toxic liquid. Short range acid mortars had delivered their potent and toxic explosive rounds almost vertically, providing little warning or chance of escape for the defenders.

  Bodies and butchered frames lay across the streets, fleeing residents crumpled beside the remains of defending police officers and reservists, the gutters stained crimson with blood. Alloy boots clanked along the flickering pavements and tarmac, tall and muscular camouflaged armoured frames marching forward in small combat squads towards the river, assault and sniper rifles held across their chests.

  Angular helmets moved slowly from side to side, tiny red piercing beams sweeping through smashed shop windows and into blood smeared entrance halls, scanning the frontages and buildings for signs of human life. Behind the frontline camouflaged grenadiers and black armoured soldiers, ravenous howls resounded across the buildings, the snapping of incisors as large carnivorous dark leopards shook their heads, spittle splashing across the two black armoured handlers straining on dual leashes behind. Their bicep armour bright red, the handling units had just been deployed from the airport, the animals extremely efficient at hunting down and despatching any survivors.

  Firefights erupted all across the path of the advances on the eastern river edge, the Thai army and police fighting desperately in improvised units with security personnel and residents for every metre of their colourful city. The explosions and gunfire continued day and night as the authorities even hastily arming locally formed gangs to protect individual areas, the members fighting alongside rivals to prevent their neighbourhoods falling to a vicious invader.

  Any consideration that a happy and welcoming Thai race could be easily subdued and would not rise up against an aggressor was simply a myth…most of the remaining or surviving tourists were stunned by the level of the resistance, as were the Morgon infantry. Their respect rose rapidly for a previously underestimated opponent, the advance becoming far slower than expected and resulting in calls for reinforcements from the commanders in high orbit.

  Further south, transport craft and armoured soldiers began to progress upstream along the river from a large vessel newly repositioned and submerged in the Gulf of Thailand…the Morgons were reinforcing their forces.

  Further along the coast, sporadic fighting and gunfire suddenly echoed to the north of Pattaya City, the wary local army units already dug in below the large illuminated welcoming city sign to the south, forward trenches with infantry near the sea front beaches with mortars and heavy machine guns set in the trees behind as support.

  A low siren began to wail all across the city as flashes of sniper fire erupted from the high rise sea front buildings, tall black armoured frames rising from the surging waves, rounds sparking off the plate as the Morgons surged forward up the beach. Behind the infantry, walker legs whirred and creaked as the alien armour began to rise from the surf and deploy, the Thai soldiers staring on in horror as mortars fired down onto their beloved beach, thumps of artillery sounding from outside the city as explosions ripped through the waves.

  Several of the bars of the party city were still open, some of the drug infused and inebriated holidaymakers having discounted an immediate urge to flee from the coast, believing perhaps just one more night of fun or entertainment was within their grasp. Some were not even aware of any imminent danger, oblivious to the news as they went from hotel room to club or party and back again, the outside world simply elsewhere, especially with a drugs trade that had flourished in the last couple of days, the police becoming far too busy to enforce or arrest any dealers as a state of emergency was declared.

  Many of the visitors no longer even had the considerable resources required to flee, their holiday money virtually exhausted and credit cards now refused. No trains were running, the few scheduled coach transports and those laid on by the authorities were overwhelmed and prioritising families with children of locals and visitors alike…single holiday tourists were a secondary priority and to be collected later…time had simply run out.

  Most had realised it was far too hot to venture out of the city on foot, especially without adequate stocks of water…they became resigned to be stranded in one of the most vibrant and diverse party capitals of the world. Surely they were safe in Pattaya City where the government had guaranteed their hotel accommodation with accompanying food and drink, especially when the army had arrived in force.

  Local Thai entrepreneurs took advantage of any that had the significant money required to escape, or were able to acquire it…the roads now clogged with traffic from Bangkok in the north as cars nudged forward, attempting to escape further inland.

  There were a few lucky ones…those fortunate to form friendships or loving relationships with locals that had come to the city to work or for the attraction of its colourful and diverse nightlife. It would sometimes be a challenging walk, but they would at least have some accommodation with family members that lived further inland.

  Bangkok Airport

  Aat had swallowed hard as the steel armoured boots slowly clumped up the stairs, the three airport workers opposite shivering in fear. The female security officer closed her eyes in dread as the older, more robust male security officer struggled tentatively to his feet, gingerly turning to face the darkened entrance to the room and looking round for anything he could possibly use as a makeshift weapon.

  Illumination from fires across the airport cast eerie shadows across the first floor room, shrieks in the distance causing them all to shudder as a muffled human scream was abruptly cut short, the younger male opposite Aat grimacing as his wide eyes glanced for side to side in fear. Then he stiffened, breathing heavily as he reached towards the darkened corner, slipping a hand down the side of the filing cabinet, his shoulder straining as he pushed forward, fingers clenching around the wooden pole, the shaft for reaching up to open the upper slatted windows.

  Straining his eyes, the middle aged security officer glanced round briefly, his hand rising to indicate for the younger man opposite to stay where he was, Aat staring up at him as the dull footsteps seemed to hesitate then continue upwards towards them. The older man stepped nearer to the stairs, half lowering to a crouch in readiness with the pole in both hands, his back moving cautiously along the wall towards the edge with the stairs. Aat pushed his upper frame up the surface beneath the window, his body lowering in readiness, the other young male security officer nervously replicating his actions opposite.

  Another dull footstep, the creak of the upper step as the shadows above the stairs seemed to move, Aat straining further as he raised his fists before him, the darkness at the top of the staircase seeming to move, even contort, the young security officer shaking his head in confusion as his body tensed further.

  Red pin lights pierced the darkness, extending from the shadowed stairs and projected onto the office partition wall opposite, the crimson dots of sharp illumination moving upwards, seeming to study the partition, the frosted glass cracked in several places above, a number of scrawled post it notes and personal messages for aircrew stuck with tape to t
he surface.

  Dust fell through the two thin beams of light, the stairs creaking further as Aat grimaced, his heart pounding, the boots seeming to shuffle on the wooden stairs briefly, the steps creaking once more. Then the red dots moved gradually sideways, rising as another step creaked, Aat bracing himself as the older Thai security officer gritted his teeth.

  The tall armoured soldier emerged into the shadows at the top of the stairs, his frame tensing as the helmet turned slowly, red sparkling eyes scanning the room as Aat’s eyes widened at the sheer size of the Morgon soldier, the red lights coming to rest on the young Thai guard’s chest, the armoured helmet lowering slightly to one side to study the youngster.

  The middle aged security guard screamed as he lunged forward, tensed arms raised as he swept out from the corner of the wall, bringing the wooden pole round hard with a loud crack onto the side of the helmet. The Morgon soldier stepping back in surprise, shaking his head, his right armoured arm swinging round instinctively for protection, the fingers closing tightly as trained. Serrated blades swept out from the armour plate as the officer swung the pole once more, the thrusting outer Morgon arm slicing through the chest of the oncoming Thai male, his scream elevating in shock as the crack of bone resounded across the room.

  The powerful soldier’s elbow rose, smacking against the side of the man’s skull, the middle aged man stumbling as his senses spun, his legs giving way as the blades slashed back across his exposed throat with a ripping squelch, the body crumpling and collapsing downwards.

  Aat was halfway across the office at a half crouch as he slowed and dropped to his knees, the younger security officer sinking down the wall in sobbing defeat, blood beginning to pump across the industrial carpet, the middle aged security officer’s frame beginning to shake as gurgling and gasps filled the room.


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