Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught Page 21

by Andrew McGregor

  Then a black armoured fist rose, pointing towards the corner, gesturing to two couples to come forward, Tony’s chest shuddering as he felt a twinge behind him, a low sob as the slim Thai teenager realised they had been chosen. The seated bodies of the group shuffled to the side almost willingly, the grateful exhaling of some cut short as they glanced round, some dirt smeared faces emitting what tears that were left in a mixture of gratitude and relief.

  The French youth slapped Tony’s shoulder, then gripped it tightly, the English student’s head turning abruptly for their eyes to meet, the matted black haired teenager smiling grimly as he whispered, ‘We go together Englishman…into the unknown as we were born…nude and helpless.’ The Frenchman forced a mischievous grin, ‘French, German, Thai and English…four nations as one…’

  Tony sniffed and smiled, tightening his grip on the weeping Thai’s hands for comfort, his jaw tightening in final defiance as he nodded in ultimate hatred towards the two armoured figures, the huddled figures before them slowly parting, ‘This filth has no idea what we are as humans…’ He smiled towards the weeping slim blonde clinging to the Frenchman’s shoulders, stiffening as the Thai male kissed his tensed back once more, the teenager’s tears running across his taut pulsating skin, ‘We have love…they have nothing but hate. They will lose after we are gone…’

  The Frenchman’s eyes glistened in surprised agreement at the bravery, his own teeth clenching as an impatient shriek from one of the armoured figured caused all to tense, the group whimpers increasing. Tony pushed himself upwards resolutely, still staring unflinchingly at the two black armoured figures just inside the doorway, the Thai teenager’s arms around his chest as he moved his hands from the wrists, holding both hands tightly, his voice a whisper over his shoulder, ‘I love you now…we go together, stay with me…please.’

  Tony glanced round nervously, the deep brown innocent eyes staring longingly into his as the tanned, slim youth nodded, grimacing in trepidation, ‘I stay…we die as one soul…together.’

  South of the Nakdong River, South Korea

  Stumbling and falling to his knees, Gusung gasped in the pelting rain, his chest heaving as he struggled upwards, wincing at his jarred knees and elbow, a hand pushing on a water drenched car bonnet to rise. Screams filled his ears as he slipped further between the two empty stationary cars, their doors open, his soaked capped head jerking from side to side in rising adrenalin.

  Rifle cracks resounded from the darkened dense trees ahead, the South Korean in his mid twenties realising the slope leading up from the highway seemed far steeper than originally perceived. Drenched soldiers were to either side, ushering panicking and wide eyed drivers and their passengers past, their assault rifles raised as they shouted, most of the terrified civilians oblivious to the frantically barked instructions.

  Lightning snaked across the sky, temporarily illuminating the soaked roadway and reflecting off the water logged roofs, his eyes straining in rising fear as the screams heightened, several people sat silently in their vehicles in transfixed fear, the gunfire rising in intensity.

  Several policemen were attempting to move children and their parents across the bridge, the huddled bodies drawing together in collective fear as they shuffled forward, desperate shouts from the armed officers failing to increase the speed, Gusung biting his lower lip as he glimpsed the burning and crackling vehicles further along to the east.

  Shaking himself from stunned inaction, he pushed past some of the bewildered civilians, screaming at the top of his voice, ‘Move over the bridge! Keep going...the army is there and safety for all!’ Blank expressions met his urgent stares, most of the struggling people having withdrawn into themselves in horrified shock, unable to comprehend his words as loud thunder rumbled around them.

  Exasperated, he pushed forward, reaching the edge of the trees with several other marines, the soldiers jumping a wide ditch and grasping for branches or roots on the steep sodden bank, many swearing as they heaved themselves upwards, rainwater splattering from the shaking foliage above.

  Pushing into the trees, the marines bent double against the slope, ducking below low branches, the screaming behind spurring them on as desperate shouts and bursts of machine gun fire erupted further up the slope. Branches cracked under boots, the aroma of wet and damp earth along with acrid smoke and burnt wood filled Gusung’s nostrils, his assault rifle rising to below his chin as he forced his straining muscles upwards, his stomach twitching uncomfortably in rising fear.

  Scrambling further, the moaning of wounded reached him, several bloodied soldiers crawling back down the slope, others ahead propping themselves painfully against tree trunks, forcing their rifles into firing positions, a number scraping earth and shattered branches to prop up their weapons. Gusung winced as he passed, glimpsing some with deep wounds, blood pools forming beneath the determined defenders as they attempted to spread out to form a weak defensive line, further detonations erupting across the summit of the hill, the distant shrieks of hatred intensifying.

  A frantic medic was applying field dressings to the worst wounds before lunging towards the next casualty, his face strained with stress as he scrambled from one injured defender to the next. Hearing groans and determined grunts, he pushed himself onwards, grey smoke billowing and twisting around him from a raging fire to the left, the flames spitting and cracking in the sodden forest as the rain fell unforgivingly.

  Then he emerged into a small clearing, Gusung gasping in the stale smoke filled air, glimpsing other figures further up the slope through the trees, many ducking for cover, flashes from their extended assault rifles as mortar and artillery rounds erupted across the trees further up the steep slope. He ducked as he approached the nearest soldiers, hearing an officer ahead shout into his short wave radio, ‘More artillery! Target the summit...the enemy is advancing in force!’

  The South Korean commander dropped the radio to his feet, screaming to the men on either side, ‘Make ready…they will come soon! Concentrate your fire...bring them down!’

  Gusung dropped to one knee, thrusting his shoulder against a tree trunk, the rifle rising to his upper chest as he realised others were duplicating his actions on either side, his eyes widening as he heard distant shrieks, the cracks of trees and bushes rising as the lightning flashed above once more. Raising a hand, he wiped the running raindrops from his eyes, staring further up the slope, smoke puffing from bouncing grenades as he drew breath, his heart pounding as he lowered his head to the top of his weapon.

  The smoke billowed outwards from the tiny canisters, the defenders straining their eyes as the shroud engulfed them, grey tentacles drifting round tree trunks, the haze obscuring all view as Gusung lost sight of the forward soldiers, his hands tightening around the wet rifle nervously.

  Muffled crumps from the top of the slope followed, the officer shouting frantically, ‘Cover…incoming fire!’ The defenders ducked down, thrusting their heads into the moist dirt and leaves, hands over their helmets as a faint whoosh headed towards them, shrieks of relish behind.

  The explosions were muffled above, fragments clattering against the overhanging branches and tree trunks, the smoke dissipating as debris fell onto the moist earth, the following shock waves causing the thick shroud to swirl and twist.

  The first determined shout came from the officer, ‘Any wounded? Be ready…they will come now!’ Distant shrieks filled the summit of the slope, the cracking of branches as the South Korean defenders’ hoarse replies resounded across the forest, few seeming to be injured.

  Gusung swallowed hard, hearing further clumsy movements further up the steep slope, more shrieks as his eyes widened, the crunching of branches nearer and frantic whimpers, then screams, his head jerking from side to side in rising anguish. Through the thinning wisps of smoke, he glimpsed the prone defenders beginning to move in panic, their bodies shuddering then writhing further.

  Several thrust themselves upwards, slapping and punching at their shaking bodies, their w
eapons discarded in panic as the reserve line looked on in horror. The officer’s voice rose again, heavy coughing as a high pitched scream came from his bloodied mouth, ‘Hold! Hold!’

  A number of the standing turned to run, pitiful gurgled screams filling the air as Gusung stepped back, his eyes straining as the first thrashing figure roamed through the last of the smoke, his hands clawing at bloodied punctured cheeks, the soldier staggering as his knee joints seemed to click and jar. Gusung gasped at the blood dribbling from the man’s mouth, chest and legs, his agonising screams joined by others as the bodies flayed around in front of him across the forest floor.

  Several others further up the slope were rolling across the earth, punching their bodies in terrified pain, Gusung backing away further as the first soldier collapsed downwards before him, blood spurting from the soldier’s mouth as he fell face forward, his body bucking in death throws as other shaking and staggering figures emerged from the gloom, most coated in blood.

  Gusung turned along with several others in panic, running and stumbling down the steep wet slope, clawing at branches and trunks to remain upright as screams of ultimate agonising torment filled their ears, their resolve and bravery broken.

  Behind them, dull crumps erupted again from the summit, the nano rounds replaced with acid shells, camouflaged grenadiers now surging past their black armoured counterparts as the deafening scream of Morgon fighters swept overhead…bloody Busan had finally fallen…enemy reinforcements were moving up, and fast.

  Deep below the South China Sea

  The four figures had trudged slowly along the sharply metal grooved passageway, blood dripping from their slashed soles as Tony glanced down, straining his eyes as he glimpsed the swirling crimson liquid below, realising in horror that small carnivorous creatures below the walkway were feeding off the shredded skin of theirs and the many that had passed before, the dull clump of Morgon boots behind.

  The Thai teenager was virtually hanging from his frame, Tony’s arms holding the youth upright as the male sagged sobbing against him, arms draped around the English student’s shoulders and neck. He smiled faintly as he felt the coarse black hair against his chest, his lungs filling with emotion as he realised he perhaps was the only support for the youth in his arms, the younger male probably now having lost all his family and friends, the feeling warming inside as they painfully stepped towards a seeming inevitable end.

  Behind the two entwined figures, the Frenchman steadied his girlfriend, struggling to stay upright and fearfully wary of the two tall viciously motivated and armed soldiers behind, the couple stumbling after the two male teenagers as she wept uncontrollably.

  Further back, the terrified and pained screams of chosen teenagers echoed across the steel enclosures and walls, several bodies dragged forcefully from their cells, their hands and arms slashed against the sharp perforated walls, several limbs snapped painfully as powerful Morgon jailers wrenched the unwilling captives free from resistant grips.

  Turning into another blood smeared corridor, the two couples climbed some steps slowly, lights flickering from the side doorways ahead, Tony wincing as the pitiful screams got louder, his hands virtually supporting the Thai teenager’s shoulders as they trudged forward, the youth’s head pressed against his chest as he cried. Crimson liquid dribbled along slim drainage ducts on either side of the walkway, Tony wincing as he glimpsed fragments within the liquid, his stomach churning as they approached the first open doorway.

  Unable to resist the temptation, no matter how gruesome, Tony held the Thai teenager’s head firmly to his chest as the Englishman glanced into the light, his eyes widening as sparkling red eyes stared back at him. Two crimson soaked grey armoured Morgon soldiers and a rubber gowned smaller figure stood over a seared black table, the operator’s eyes covered with thick shining goggles, Tony gasping as he realised they were seared into his skin. Candles flickered in the corners of the room, providing limited illumination as he stared on in disbelief.

  Blood dribbled onto the scarlet mesh floor below from the corners, severed chopped body parts lying across the black table top, Tony grimacing further as he thrust their figures forward, the sight of meticulously removed arms and legs turning his stomach once more as he coughed, the torso that of a young man, the open eyes of a decapitated head pushed sideways and staring at the doorway in horrified contorted pain. A shriek from behind as the Morgon guards indicated for them to continue, further high pitched screams with the grinding and shattering of bones coming from numerous other rooms ahead, the rasping of saws and blunt chopping as petrified shrieks heightened, Tony’s eyes staring ahead, the blood splashed corridor continuing past numerous other open doorways.

  Then bloodied grey armoured Morgon soldiers emerged from the openings ahead, carrying cumbersome resin containers, Tony’s eyes straining as he realised the contents. Several bloodied still twitching limbs extended above the rims, his heart pounding in dread as he glanced round, realising the rooms ahead may now be vacant. His chest tensed in rising fear as he held the tanned figure below tightly, the sobbing increasing as the Thai teenager sensed the increased heart rate and restraining hand, fingers now running roughly through his hair in fake reassurance…his body beginning to shake.

  Gurgled high pitched screams erupted to their right as another victim fell under an operator’s blade, the seventeen year old kicking out as a saw ground through his shoulder, a powerful Morgon jailer immediately snapping the bone back at the knee. The screaming heightened as the blunt saw ground back and forth, blood spurting upwards and across their bodies, the other jailer staring down into the strained and terrified eyes below as he restrained the human further, relishing the pain and deep screams as the youth bucked in excruciating agony before passing out.

  The dull clunks and squelches of cleavers could be heard on either side as the small group slowly progressed, the last two vacant rooms before further stairs leading upwards seeming to beckon to them, lights flickering from the openings as Tony slowed in resigned anticipation, an almost panicking French accent from behind, ‘What are you doing…walk past…keep going!’

  Tony shrugged, his head turning to stare at the Frenchman, ‘What’s the point? There is no escape…they are our rooms I think…’ Then his eyes widened as he stared beyond the nude male and female couple behind, his eyes straining as he glimpsed the struggling and terrified bodies at the far end of the bloodied corridor, Morgon jailers forcing the teenagers into rooms on either side, his head bowing slightly as he looked up at their own escorts.

  The lead Morgon seemed to study him, the black helmeted head lowering to one side briefly before red gleaming eyes illuminated, an armoured hand pointing further beyond the rooms as Tony tensed, the Morgon indicating for them to proceed up the stairs.

  The Thai teenager’s head rose as they turned, Tony whispering softly to him, ‘Stay down…we have survived this floor…but what lays beyond maybe worse.’ He sighed slightly in relief, pressing the head to his shoulder and hearing as grunt of relief behind as his foot rose onto the first step, ‘Love is probably all we have now.’

  Nearing the top of the steel staircase, Tony felt the cold air suddenly become warmer, his skin tingling with the sensation, his eyes widening as his nose twitched in the heated atmosphere, his steps slowing as he realised the warmth was from cooking, a distinct aroma seeming to engulf them…the smell of cooking meat.

  Chapter Nineteen: The Western United States

  The Assault on Area 51

  The drop ships lowered in altitude, buffeted by the strong cross winds, the Morgon pilots struggling with their controls as the black fighters and bombers swept past on either side, swooping down from higher orbit and forming into attack formation ahead to cover the landing. Vapour and steam trailed in the wake of the numerous dark and grey craft, exterior ice from high in the earth’s atmosphere cracking and whining across the hulls as the camouflaged and black armoured grenadier helmets glanced from side to side warily in the darkened rear hol

  Red eyes flickered in the fighter cockpits as the instrument panels scrolled information, the blast shields that had lowered upon reaching a safe altitude only minutes earlier now deploying once more, a whirring of electrical motors as the steel reinforced alloy rose from the heavy armoured plate on the ships’ angular noses.

  The lead Morgon pilots looked ahead as the darkened plate gradually began to rise up their screens, the dust filled terrain beneath reminding them of previous battlefields on distant planets, swirling debris filling the landscape below from intense down drafts as nearly one hundred craft swept forward at high speed. Several red glowing eyes stared at the distant grey buildings, amber holographic displays beginning to project upwards as the blast shields began to obscure light through the smeared reinforced transparent thick resin windows.

  Small black upper screens flickered into life, the images portraying low grey angular and camouflaged buildings ahead, several tall watchtowers skirting the large compound with smaller compact defensive bunkers and sandbagged positions lining the two entrance roads, high wire fencing and concrete ditches enclosing the extensive complex. Numerous small figures were running in the magnified displays, the defensive soldiers fleeing towards the main and side entrances as sirens wailed over the secret US government facility. Dust lines rose from several of the outer side roads, jeeps and lorries speeding away towards remote defensive bunkers, engineers desperate to seal and barricade distant secret emergency escape hatches.

  Garbled messages swept back and forth from the numerous craft, the pilots and co-pilots nodding in obedience as further instructions for drop and landing positions were established, the engineers and commanders in two rear coordination vessels examining raised flickering images of the target ahead on vibrating and electronically humming holographic command tables.


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