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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

Page 27

by Andrew McGregor

  The admiral smiled grimly in satisfaction, ‘Good…are our first dropships away?’

  The lead ensign glanced down, nodding, ‘Yes sir…the last of the initial wave are just leaving…’

  The commander leant back in his chair, turning it slowly back towards his screen, ‘Very well…order the fleet to increase to pulse speed in readiness to clear the planet screen. I do not want earth’s forces to face the invasion troops of two Decimator warships alone…it will soon be time to show ourselves.’ He sighed with rising apprehension, ‘Our time is now! For the sake of our human allies!’

  A junior ensign suddenly rose to his feet, his head shaking in horror as he stared downwards, ‘Admiral! Something has happened!’

  The commander spun his chair back, the lead ensign staring disapprovingly at the trainee’s breach of protocol as the admiral rose to his feet slowly, his voice rising in demand, ‘What? What has happened?’

  The young man was tapping his screen furiously, glancing up as his face flushed, ‘Admiral sir…the sensors on Mars report numerous surges from the planet’s surface…’ His eyes strained as he stared downwards, attempting to decipher the raw coded reports, ‘It seems missiles have just been launched from earth’s surface…targeting the Morgon warship we are due to attack.’ He swallowed hard, ‘Numerous missiles…hundreds…’ Then he looked up, staring at the admiral, ‘The humans have launched nuclear rockets!’

  The admiral gritted his teeth, slumping back into his chair before stiffening, ‘It will serve our ends…distract the Morgons further.’ He shook his head, his mind running through a variety of scenarios before staring back at the senior ensign in determination, ‘Issue the suppression tablets and full masks to all marines…the Morgons will attempt to destroy most of the missiles inside the earth’s atmosphere…they have done that before. Put extra medical supplies and tablets into the dropships…we will have to send those in subsequent runs too. Have the medical bays increase production.’

  The lead ensign nodded obediently, her tone strained in dread, ‘Sir, what of the first wave of dropships?’

  The commander went silent, his hands grasping the armrests of his seat tightly, his eyes staring coldly at the subordinate, ‘It’s too late for them now…their fate is already in play.’

  Galactic Freedom Dispersal Bay

  Stood in a group of squad and platoon leaders, David Bland and the others were awaiting a full briefing, most staring out through the protective shield that glistened ahead of the angular grey dropships, stars and the darkness of space beyond. David glanced round, his eyes narrowing in suspicion as he saw maintenance crews begin to run from side doors, several carrying supply boxes and loading them hurriedly into the rear of dropships, the lights above in the second landing bay suddenly turning from low illumination to green and then to red.

  Looking round further, he jumped as two platoons were loudly ordered to assist, a Trevakian officer of similar age to himself striding out between the lined platoons to approach their group, the male indicating for another two sections to help the running crews with the additional boxes.

  David stepped forward to intercept the officer, the man turning swiftly with eyes narrowing, ‘Yes Lieutenant?’

  David stiffened to attention, his fist rising to the right breastplate, ‘Sir…’ His eyes widened in nervousness, ‘Major…we are Yankee company…Zulu seems to be missing from the bay, sir! I don’t know where Captain Dugachard is.’

  The major stared him coldly in the eyes, his expression mellowing slightly as he realised the soldier before him was human, indicating for David to step to the side with him, his voice lowering, ‘Lieutenant…Zulu company has already departed and we will very soon be increasing speed…’ The sudden loud whirring of mechanics and clunk of reinforced steel was almost deafening, the outer bay doors lowering slowly as the major raised his voice, David struggling to hear, ‘They have been assigned elsewhere Lieutenant…Captain Dugachard is now in sole command of Zulu company…I have been assigned the command of Yankee.’

  David Bland shook his head, ‘N-no, you don’t understand…they are my officers…’ His eyes strained in confusion and rising panic, ‘I-I need to be with my people…to transfer…’

  The major stepped back, seeming to study the airport manager suspiciously, his lips pursing in near anger, ‘These are your people now Lieutenant…Yankee company only. There will be no transfer requests…’ The officer turned away abruptly, shouting across the bay, ‘All marines back to the assembly area…seated in platoons.’ He stared across the bewildered faces as several soldier began to shuffle away, ‘Get moving then!’

  Chapter Twenty Three: Departure from Galactic Freedom

  The rear doors of the drop ships had risen slowly, whirring mechanics preceding the shaft of light becoming narrower, the loading ramps closing with a dull loud metallic clung, further mechanical grinding as the seals were tightened, the small rear passenger compartment falling into complete darkness.

  Further clanks on the outside of the hull, with a muffled conversation from the cockpit, several nervous whispers spreading across the transport as the soldiers sat in pitch darkness, the temperature beginning to rise slowly with over thirty bodies filling the transport to capacity. Several minutes passed, the clanking outside continuing as engineers checked the external hull with sensors, ensuring newly attached equipment was functioning correctly.

  Shino was beginning to feel agitated in the gloom as she blinked furiously, becoming uncomfortably claustrophobic being enclosed with thirty other marines, a couple of chuckles to her left heightening her uneasiness as she considered the Trevakians may be talking about her. Turning slowly, she whispered to Debra sat next to her, beginning to feel the heat of other bodies around her, her pulse rate rising, ‘H-how long will we be in the dark?’

  Debra patted her thigh comfortingly as a male voice opposite interjected with a reassuring tone, ‘Lower your visor…that will help you see.’ Shino swallowed nervously, scolding herself for not having considered the idea and reaching quickly for the side of her helmet as the Trevakian marine continued, ‘The lights will not come on…I overheard an officer say all spare power is being diverted to the cloaking devices…we are lucky to have oxygen…’

  Riaz nudged his friend from the other side as Shino fiddled with the new helmet device, his voice low, ‘There you are…I bet you never thought you would be in the dark with so many men!’ He sighed as she groaned in annoyance, anguish beginning to rise through her frame in the blinding claustrophobia as he turned to face her, slapping her fingers away playfully, ‘Here…let me do it for you…I can see.’ He tutted mockingly, nudging her again as she sighed, tears of frustration filling her eyes, ‘Where would you be without me, eh?’

  The visor suddenly slid down, making her jump as she gasped, Debra sensing Shino’s rising breathing and slipping a hand into hers, squeezing it, ‘Don’t be silly…you are perfectly safe…’

  The darkened visor slowly swirled before Shino’s eyes, her gloved hand rising to it in frustration as she hissed, ‘Mine is not working…it’s taking too long…’

  The Trevakian’s voice opposite came again in reassurance, ‘It’s the first time of deployment…the sensors take a while to adjust to your vision…once the checks are complete, it will enhance your view completely...and become quicker in future.’

  Shino sighed, pushing her head back against the headrest and swallowing deeply, her stomach churning, Debra tightening her grip as Riaz whispered next to her, ‘Now, remember when we were in the car park after work once…you had done a long day and finished the same time as me. It was dark just like this and you couldn’t remember where you had parked your car?’

  Shino nodded in confusion, still breathing heavily, ‘I-I remember…’

  Riaz grinned, Debra nodding for him to continue, ‘Well…you asked me to help you find that little black Audi, didn’t you?’

  Shino moved uncomfortably, her eyes darting from side to side as the inner visor m
embrane continued to swirl before her pupils, the asian soldier beginning to giggle as he nudged her once more playfully, ‘How long were we in the car park looking for that damn car?’

  The Philippine began to smile, her body relaxing slightly as the visor image began to clear, an artificial light surging across her view as she swallowed once more, ‘Thirty minutes I think…’

  Riaz nodded to Debra as he sensed Shino’s breathing was becoming more restrained, ‘Now tell our nice squad leader where that little Audi was?’

  Shino suddenly giggled mischievously, recalling the event further as the compartment gradually became visible in different shades of dull grey. She sighed, shaking her head and nudging him back, ‘It was in a hotel car park three miles away…I had gone to the gym in the morning and they gave me free parking as I was nearly late for work…’

  Debra chuckled as Shino lifted her head from the headrest, the older Trevakian marine opposite winking as Riaz slumped back in his seat, ‘Yes…you had a short drive in a luxurious BMW…back to your little Audi.’

  Shino pursed her lips, glancing round the cabin and relaxing further, noticing all the visors were lowered, ‘My car is bigger than yours…Audis are better.’ She looked further, breathing easier upon seeing several Trevakians giggling at the rear, one gesturing to the other opposite and squealing, slapping his friend’s knee, a smile forming on her lips as she realised they were discussing a romantic encounter. The overhead racks were packed with boxes and equipment, several soldiers resting their boots on other boxes below, the laser rifles across or between their knees.

  Debra drew breath, pushing her head back on the seat and closing her eyes, ‘Audis and BMWs…the cars of little people trying to prove something.’

  Shino glimpsed several other soldiers seeming to be dozing, her head slowly turning as she realised what had been said, ‘What car do you have then?’

  Debra’s head lolled to one side, smiling sleepily and yawning, ‘My second favourite car was always my Toyota…a sports with two litre fuel injected engine. But the best was my father’s Ford Mustang…American and without all the European extra gadgets. Now that was a car…he used to sell them…specialist vehicles, that is. We once had a Lotus and then a TVR…all fast and sexy…’ She grinned, ‘Just like me!’

  Shino rolled her eyes as Riaz faked a yawn, the Trevakian opposite chuckling as he sat back, the whispering dying away as the cockpit door suddenly swung open, Tregan glancing out with Captain Dugachard stood behind, his voice rising, ‘Prepare to depart…engines are moving to pulse. This will be a short trip, then prepare for a surprise…’ He grinned as expectant faces looked up, waving an enticing finger as the door behind slowly closed, ‘You will see soon enough…’ The door closed silently as the marines glanced at each other suspiciously, several shrugging as a low whir began to fill the cabin, then vibration as the occupants felt the transport slowly rise, seeming to temporarily struggle with the weight of an overloaded hold before the whirring and humming increased, the vessel moving forward slowly and passing through the green defensive field.

  Captain Dugachard pushed Tregan’s shoulder plate, the two now holding overhead straps at the back of the cockpit, her voice low to avoid being overheard as they both grinned, ‘You should not tease them…they might be behind us in an attack or retreat…I do not want to be shot in the back!’

  Tregan nodded, still grinning, ‘This is not the fables of that Captain Rett again…he was evil and his troops were right to shoot him.’ His eyes strained, ‘The fortress on Karagar wasn’t it? They held out for months against the Morgon bandits there…only to find out he had befriended two Silakians and was giving up some patrols as sacrifice to safeguard his own miserable hide?’

  The female captain nodded solemnly, ‘That was where Karn was sent…he was killed as they escorted the survivors to drop ships…an ambush and Rett’s last gift to us…they executed him shortly afterwards.’

  Tregan strained his eyes, shaking his head apologetically, ‘Sorry captain…I did not mean to bring up the past…he was very special to you…’

  Captain Dugachard raised her hand, forcing a smile, ‘It is all history now…’ She glanced round, lowering to stare through the cockpit windows as the ship continued to move forward, indicating to the briefly shimmering stars ahead, ‘It appears you were not wrong when you said a short trip…’

  Tregan lowered to look ahead, his chest rising as he glimpsed a sudden distortion of space, a horizontal shaft of green light appearing, the landing bay doors to a large ship rising, his eyes straining further as the seemingly welcoming glow widened, another bay opening beside it, his head shaking, ‘What ship? It must be huge…’

  The pilot glancing round, ‘We will be landing in a number of earth minutes’ captain…your orders are to disembark as soon as possible…we have to go back and join the last ship.’ The eyes behind the visor glanced at each marine officer before the pilot licked his lips, the co-pilot reaching up to adjust some of the overhead controls, ‘The fleet has begun to move behind us…the attack is commencing…’

  He glanced back, adjusting the steering before him before grinning in excitement, talking to his co-pilot in relish as the Trevakians stared open mouthed towards the wide bays ahead, differing coloured landing lights now pulsing across the bays to guide the transports forward, ‘Trevakians have apparently not seen them since the Darison system two centuries ago…’ He swallowed in awe, emotion in his voice, ‘This is the last of the Fahimian ships and their best, quite a spectacular vessel I have been told…and we are about to have the honour of landing on its deck even though we cannot see it in its full glory…’

  The pilot’s head suddenly spun round, his tone trembling, ‘Good luck captain, it will be an honour to serve with such a determined and noble race. They have lost almost everything, but will still rise to fight by our side…’

  Chapter Twenty Four: Joining with the Fahimians

  Passing through the extended ember green atmospheric defensive shields, five Trevakian drop ships lowered into each loading bay, steam and smoke rising as the cold hulls creaked and screeched, the pilots grinning at the colourful illuminations and numerous bright uniforms ahead, surging lights pulsing across the dark floor to indicate landing positions. At the end of each of the surging lines of spotlights, a lone Fahimian flight overseer waved each craft forward with illuminated batons, the scarlet uniform complimented with black chest plate and helmet.

  The bay seemed to narrow slightly, the sides crimson with numerous clear resin strips, the surface behind the flight overseer a mirrored black, the pulsing lights reflecting off the almost sparkling exterior plate.

  Captain Dugachard’s eyes widened in realisation as she grinned, pointing to the sides, ‘Their transport craft are stacked above each other…very efficient…the bay gets bigger as they are deployed.’ She indicated to the furthest corner, looking at two vertical lines, a thick red stripe drawing her attention, Tregan lowering to stare through the front cockpit windows as the captain continued, pointing further, ‘The crane mechanics for unloading are set into the inner walls…’ Her voice trailed off as the drop ship gently touched down, the Fahimian ahead stiffening and crossing the illuminated batons to indicate a perfect landing, the black shining helmet nodding formally forward with respect.

  The pilot’s head turned, a wide grin on his face, ‘They look impressive…very professionally turned out…’

  Captain Dugachard grinned, ‘I think there will be more to see…I hear they can put on quite a show…’ The engine murmur slowly decreased, central doors opening in the black mirrored wall, Fahimian soldiers running into the bay, their boots cracking on the mirror like floor, the pilot grinning in relish at the dark black uniforms and sparkling silver reinforcement armour on shins, thighs, chests and lower and upper arms.

  The figures disappeared on either side of the craft, the pilot staring into his rear view camera, eyes widening further, ‘They are forming honour guards for the marines…this is
one hell of a welcome!’

  Captain Dugachard grinned widely, seeing Begum and several others emerge from the corridor behind the landing bay, the small emissary raising a hand in greeting as their eyes briefly met before turning back to the small party behind, a scarlet cloak sweeping over his shoulder.

  Turning, the Trevakian captain slapped Tregan’s shoulder plate, ‘This should surprise our cargo…let’s see the smiles…’ She grasped the door leading back into the hold behind, pushing it open, her voice rising as boots slammed together, ‘We are aboard the Fahimian ship…check your uniforms, I want to create a good impression…there are senior commanders out there!’

  Mechanics whirred as the seals clunked apart, the rear door shunting, then slowly lowering, captain Dugachard hissing to the thirty soldiers, ‘Face front…stand easy…’ Boots squealed as the soldiers turned, stiffening as light swept into the hold, the door lowering further as they stared straight ahead in unison.

  The door widened, light filling the rear compartment as the visors dimmed, the marines of Freedom battalion staring in surprise at the two small lines of Fahimian commandoes, their shining black and silver armour complimented by reflective helmets, the front visors fully concealing their faces.

  Begum grinned in rising excitement as he glimpsed the surprise on the visitors’ faces, the dignitaries behind concealing smiles as the small commander shouted across the bay, ‘Yaraktoff!’


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