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Planet Genocide II: Galaxies Collide 5: Onslaught

Page 34

by Andrew McGregor

  Riaz grimaced in shock, lifting his laser rifle in rising determination as the Trevakians and Fahimians surged from the rear compartments, bullets clanking against the drop ship hulls as sparks erupted across the cockpit windows, the pilots scrambling from their seats and grasping their own rifles…everyone would fight.

  Fahimian transponders and cloaking had proven successful, unleashing a cunning plan…Vipers and other Trevakian fighter bombers had destroyed the motors that could close the outer bay doors…the battle was now aboard the Morgon Decimator warship.

  Chapter Thirty One: Home, Sweet Home

  David Bland swore under his breath as the vessel bucked and shook violently, the pilot’s voice seeming strained from the cockpit on the speakers, ‘Morgon fighter presence on the planet below increasing…numerous vessels identified, descending cloaked…determining optimum covert route…’

  Jozefina nudged the airport manager, her hand seeking his in rising apprehension, ‘Where are we landing?’

  David pulled his hand away, grunting in displeasure, ‘I don’t know…I am only a Lieutenant and a new one at that…the senior officer also thinks I am an idiot!’ He drew another breath as the rattling increased, the numerous craft banking in low altitude, fighters sweeping along next to them as the waves beneath churned, several causing backdrafts across the choppy water, the pilot’s gravelly voice breaking through static once more, ‘Landing area ahead clear, scanning indicates Morgon ground troop concentrations have been present further inland…no airborne vessels as yet, they are reports of walkers and attack animals, but seem dispersed or in hiding. It looks like they are awaiting further reinforcements…so we should be cautious, this deviates from their normal strategy…we believe these to be grenadier or specialist units.’

  Babon’s voice rose from the rear of the darkened compartment, his tone firm, ‘We land and form up…clear the area of any enemy and hunt down their local command and supply, eliminate it…and then take out the rest of their forces. Once we are on the ground, the dropships will leave and proceed south…Yankee company will be alone, but can request Fahimian commando drops and their air support.’ The young Trevakian pushed himself upwards, grasping the steel racks above for support, ‘The terrain is rough…engineers will set up a defendable command post from where we will direct operations. This is a secondary front it seems, the enemy keeping a low profile…raiding parties to spread panic and perhaps draw troops away from a possible main attack location.’ He nodded towards an obviously concerned Jozefina, ‘We have listened to local news reports…soldiers are sweeping a wide area with helicopter support, but as yet nothing…most of the soldiers are guarding the coastlines apparently.’ He grinned briefly, the craft descending further as boosters whined, the dropship turning and lowering, ‘Welcome to Scotland…we are on the west coast apparently…near a place called Skye…’

  David Bland sighed, shaking his head as he exclaimed, ‘I came here on holiday once…it rained all the time…but a stunning place. Great natural beauty…’ He unbuckled his belt, grasping the rifle as he rose, shouting as Jozefina jerked in surprise, the rear compartment doors creaking as they lowered, steam billowing from the drop ship hull, ‘My section form up with me outside…we hunt these scum down and kill them…this is my country, not theirs!’

  David Bland straightened, twisting his neck and stepping towards the extending opening, the rifle held across his chest as other marines rose around him, their visors adjusting to the light, uniforms beginning to transform into blue and grey camouflage, the breastplates and leg protectors also changing to duller colours, an addition of matt camouflage green added to the others.

  He lowered on the rear ramp, Babon crouching next to him as heavy rainwater splashed across their visors and splattered across shoulder plates and knees. Crouched marines surged past with laser rifles raised, forming a perimeter around the rear of the grey vessel, the process repeated around several other landed ships nearby, a number of drenched barking dogs running welcomingly towards the vessels across the heather.

  The Trevakian smiled as his combat suit inflated slightly against the bleak biting wind, the lights surging across his visor as he stared out over rain swept heather and brush coastline, dull heavy storm clouds surging overhead as lightning crackled and snaked across the sky, his voice rising inquisitively and indicating to the seven barking dogs, ‘Well, at least we have been welcomed to earth…not what I expected. You came on holiday…to here?’

  David Bland nodded grimly, grinning as the wagging tailed dogs darted between the bemused Trevakian outer defensive screen, a couple of the panting animals barking sporadically in excitement, a gloved hand lowering fondly to rub one of the muddied and soaked Lurcher’s heads, ‘This is definitely Scotland…wet dogs and pelting rain…all we need now is a log fire…’ He chuckled as Babon shook rain water from his helmet, the heavy raindrops pattering against their transforming uniforms, ‘This is the greatest and maddest country experience on earth…you chose to land here…’

  They glanced round as Babon’s eyes widened, both simultaneously wiping the visors of heavy rainwater as David laughed out loud, the dogs barking in response as they glimpsed an army jeep bouncing towards them in the distance across the rough terrain. David cleared his throat as Jozefina lowered between them, grinning at the circling, shaking and panting dogs wagging their tails, her body shivering as she spoke, the wet Lurcher cross pushing against her in welcome, ‘We have come a hell of a long way…let’s find a pub. I want a whisky, a fish supper and a cigarette…I think the dogs are very hungry too!’

  Thank you for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did writing it.

  Please investigate the following adventures currently available or in production from the author:

  World War Two:

  Bloody Iced BulletBloody RattenkriegBloody Kessel Bloody Stalingrad (Trilogy)

  Bloody Kharkov IBloody Kharkov II Rise of the Bloodied Phoenix (Compilation)

  Bloody CitadelBloody Red Storm Rising Bloody Retreat to the Dneiper

  Science Fiction:

  The Last Marine in the Galaxy The Red Leopards of Zaxon B Galaxies Collide: First Contact

  Planet Genocide I Zaxon B: The Final StruggleDarkness in the Stars

  Planet Genocide IIPlanet Genocide IIIGalactic Freedom: First Mission


  Blades of the Undead Blade of the Iced WarriorArmy of the Skeletal Prince

  Crime Drama (Dark Humour):

  Bloodied Hunger Bloodied InsurgentsBloodied London I

  Blood and Intoxication Blood of the InnocentsBloodlust of the Triads

  The Hong Kong Scotsman The Werewolves of New Hong Kong

  Children of the Dark Reaper New Hong Kong: Demonology

  Historical Drama:

  The Last Highlanders The Last Highlanders: Rebels

  Story Prequels and Character Insight

  The continuing battle for earth and the galaxies is a storyline I envisaged several years ago and have developed over time. Additional ideas have formulated along with the initial story to hopefully provide an enjoyable reading experience.

  To be honest, I was somewhat taken aback if not shocked by the initial interest and the first book was released perhaps too early, with some subsequent challenging reviews. The Last Marine in the Galaxy has now been revised twice to improve it and I thank everyone that has stayed with the storyline hoping you enjoy it as much as I do writing the chapters.

  The Red Leopards of Zaxon B followed, with then the first Planet Genocide and then Zaxon B: The Final Struggle the prequel to this current book.

  With a century old war now erupting across our home planet, the future is uncertain if not bleak for the human race…

  Most of the characters actually exist (albeit with name changes) and I have attempted to portray them somewhat similarly with small changes as I would see their personalities when faced with the evolving events of the story.

  The decision of which people
to use was an interesting challenge presented by one of my superiors, an insistence I write the story I had envisaged.

  Sally, my ever helpful colleague, and I then devised a qualifying criterion that would narrow the field, choosing some of the highest performing staff for the mission ahead, all demonstrating complete dedication, loyalty to security and uncompromising beliefs in what they did for a career.

  A shortlist of both male and female candidates were then selected and a suitable day for me to request their permission chosen, ensuring they were all on duty. I was then to carry out my normal daily routine and see which individuals I happened to come across or be approached by first…all of which were unaware of what challenge I faced that day. I could not deviate in any way from a short set list of people, nor show any favouritism at the last minute should two individuals present themselves within a short time frame.

  I love the excitement and unpredictability of fate and must admit to having experienced little sleep the night before, especially when just after the day was selected one name on the list (completely oblivious to our challenge) booked a meeting with me at the start of the day.

  Walking across a terminal forecourt on approach to the meeting, I was amazed that another on the list happened to step before me, the individual I think at the time being rather unnerved at my obvious excitement and amazement at the coincidence as I blabbered out the plan. Nodding rather nervously, the security professional agreed to be a character and chose the name they would like to be called…one far better than I had considered. I remember walking away in astonishment and considering they may think I was mad…he may well have been right.

  During that day, the central cast of the book all agreed to be portrayed similarly or differently as they are as human beings…all chose names and advised they were happy to be a part of the plot for as long as I envisaged. None were given any insight into the storyline and all advised they were happy to survive as long as I saw fit…that they wanted no favours.

  I am fortunate to work with some truly amazing professional people.

  Story Sequels

  The all engulfing war will continue…Zaxon B and Earth are consumed by a bitter conflict that exhibits no mercy…the next book, aptly named…Planet Genocide III…will arrive soon. Will we survive?


  I would also like to thank four of my colleagues for their voluntary assistance with this project.

  Kara has offered continual encouragement throughout the previous book and the current projects. Listening to ideas and offering ideas on alternatives or additions to existing plot lines. This has been of considerable assistance and I am very grateful for the ‘on-call’ facility that emerged for me to express ideas and twists as they came to mind.

  Nigel has offered ideas and pictures to work from completely at his own motivation, a contribution I am very grateful for.

  Kevin has helped with plots and offered structured ideas, including changes in direction or alternatives. Never complaining when I developed other ideas or rang/texted at inhospitable times. He provided an inspirational level of support during recent personal losses and for that alone I will be eternally grateful.

  Sally is always forthcoming with ideas and advice, encouraging further side stories and assisting with proof reading, demonstrating a strong commitment to furnishing the reader with full understanding on each scene and issue when I have perhaps seen it differently.

  Reviewers assist with motivation and learning, creating a constructive environment for improvement. I have considerable gratitude for the people who spend their own valuable time expressing their views and how to make the story better.

  Thank you all so very much.




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