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Secrets, Lies, and Homemade Pies

Page 15

by Emma Ames

  Tizzy snapped back to reality and realized what she’d said. She straightened her clothes and cooed over her shoulder. “Thank you, Officer Cooper.”

  She set her eyes on Carla. “Now, get out of my bar and never come back.”

  “I want her arrested for assault! You all saw it. She attacked me!” Carla scanned the crowd for support and got none. “Bubba, I said—arrest her.”

  “Sorry, Carla. I didn’t witness an assault. I think Tizzy accidentally fell on you.” He glanced at the spectators. “Anybody see an assault?” Everyone murmured and looked away. He placed his hand on the small of Carla’s back. “Let me help you to your car.”

  Tizzy stared after them, then turned to see every eye focused on her. Ridge still held her shoulders. She shrugged away and addressed the crowd. “I apologize. I lost my temper. So unladylike. But I’ve had a really bad day, so drinks on the house for everyone!”

  They all rushed to the bar. Tizzy slumped into a chair. Her dad grinned and winked at her. Ridge sat next to her. She laid her head on the table and cried. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. But today—first, Jared Medina called and asked me out. Then, I went to the doctor because I have ‘honeymoon’ sickness, and the nurse at the doctor’s office knows me and thinks I got it from sleeping with Jared. By tomorrow, I’ll be in Town Talk—Local girl, Tizzy Donovan, goes crazy from too much sex and attacks old classmate.”

  Ridge laughed. “You did have a bad day.”

  Bubba ambled back in and slapped Ridge on the shoulder. “Man, I had no idea you could leap tall buildings in a single bound.” He broke into laughter.

  Ridge patted Tizzy. “Bubba’s right. How can I be upset when you gave me such a glowing recommendation?”


  At three a.m., Tizzy crawled into bed next to Ridge and snuggled into his neck. “Hmmm, you smell good.”

  “Your coconut body wash. I’m beginning to like that stuff.”

  “I’m sorry about tonight. I’m an emotional wreck.”

  He rolled over to face her. “I’m sorry you had to find out about Boone like that. She planned her attack in a public place. She had the advantage. It wasn’t a fair fight. But I have to say you’re pretty impressive.” He kissed her.

  “You meant what you said, didn’t you?”

  “About what?”

  “About touching her. You wouldn’t, would you?”

  “Not even if she’d been boiled. Know what else?”


  “I wouldn’t even use my x-ray vision on her.” He laughed.

  “You always say the perfect thing.”

  “Let’s back up to the part about Jared Medina. I hope you cut him loose. It’s not good to keep him hanging if you’re not interested. You’re not—are you?”

  “You really are a silly boy. No, I’m not, and yes, I cut him loose. He won’t be calling anymore.”

  “Good. Because every time I’m with you, it’s like I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  Tizzy sat up straight. “Don’t ever say that. Even if I had the comfort of knowing you were in Heaven, I’d never see you again.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  He gathered her in his arms. “Just a figure of speech, darlin’. But I won’t ever say it again.”

  “I promise this is the last time I’ll cry tonight.”

  “On a change of subject, let me ask you something—hypothetically. Do you think a man can sleep with two different women, and neither one knows about the other? I’m talking long term, not a one-night stand now and again.”




  “That’s it? No reason, explanation, rant, questions?”

  “I’m assuming this hypothetical, is about the case. We’re talking about Carl. Right?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  “You want my opinion, but you’re playing the Ranger Card?”

  “Good point. Yeah, it’s about him.”

  “He and Marlene didn’t share a bed, but they slept together if you get my drift. And, I’m reasonably sure he’s been having an affair with Leah for a long time. You want to know if Leah knew about Carl and Marlene?”

  “How do you know they didn’t sleep together, but still had sex?”

  “Good grief, Ridge. Boone lived with them for years.”

  “I keep forgetting. How do you know about Leah and Carl?”

  “It’s hard for a woman to hide her feelings for a man when they’re together every day. I’ve seen how they look at each other.”

  “Women seem to have a sixth sense about that stuff. You picked up on Ava from her perfume on my shirt. Ava picked up on you by my body language. You don’t think there’s any way Leah wouldn’t at least suspect Carl and Marlene?”

  Tizzy gave the question some thought. “It’d be a little harder in Carl’s case. After all, he was married to Marlene. He lived with her. He wasn’t sneaking around. In public, they appeared as a loving couple. They sat close. Touched each other. They were affectionate.”

  She paused. “But knowing Marlene, that’s the kind of thing she would have taken pleasure in. She wouldn’t have told Leah outright. Instead, dropped subtle little hints to torture her with doubt.”

  Tizzy ran her hand back and forth across his chest. “I saw the board.”


  “The suspect board. I took your laundry home this afternoon, and I saw the entries under my name. Marlene died from an insulin overdose, and that puts more suspicion on me because I work at the clinic.”

  He pulled her closer. “You know I don’t believe you did it, right?”

  “It’s okay. If I didn’t know better and saw that board, even I would believe I did it.”

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Ridge strolled all around the red Corvette and leaned in for a closer look.

  Tizzy figured if she asked him to choose between her and the car, she’d lose. “What do you think? Beautiful, right?”

  He pulled his head from the open window, took out his handkerchief, and wiped his handprints from the top. “Yeah, whose is it?”

  “What would you say if I told you it was mine?”

  “I’d say anything this beautiful, suits you. Is it yours?”

  She crossed the porch, ran her hand along the surface, and patted the hood. “Yep, she was Boone’s pride and joy.”

  Ridge pulled her body away and wiped the smudges she’d left behind. “What model?”

  She turned to face him, leaned against the fender, and tugged him in close for another kiss.

  Taking her two steps away, without breaking contact, he polished the metal.

  “Really, Ridge? You’re kissing me and cleaning the car at the same time?”

  “I’m sorry, Tizzy. We might scratch the paint. You didn’t answer my question. What model?”

  “Men. Golden Anniversary 2003. They only made a few of them. I don’t remember. Boone talked about it so much I tuned him out. Apparently, you’re just as taken as he was.”

  “This is some car.” He walked around the Vette, ran his hand along the smooth lines, then circled again with the handkerchief. “I wonder how fast she’ll go.”


  “You’re kidding. You’ve clocked this thing?”

  “No. Lord, no. I’d never drive that fast. I’m not an idiot.”

  He tipped his head down and rolled his eyes up. “Boone was the idiot?”

  “That’s my opinion. I’m pretty sure you don’t agree. I imagine you’re thinking about trying for one-twenty-two.” She smiled and hugged him again. “But, in my head, I have you busy doing other things, and you’re not worried about scratches or smudges.”

  “Oh, brother, here we go. Do I have to put up with that ‘in my head’ stuff all weekend? It drives me crazy—in a good way.”

  “Would you like to go to Dallas in it?”

  He broke the hold, and she stumbled. “Do I get to drive?”

p; She steadied herself. “Only if you promise to stay within the speed limit.”

  He ran around to the other side, slid in, adjusted the mirror, and moved his hands up and down the steering wheel. Then he rubbed his palm across the leather seat, leaned forward and looked out the window. “Get in.”

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”



  “Uh—yeah. Luggage.”

  Later that day, Ridge punched in the four-digit code necessary for entry into Sherwood Apartments and two large wrought-iron gates swung open. The complex was single-story buildings with covered parking stretched across the front of each section.

  If Tizzy described his apartment, sparse and orderly came to mind. Other than exercise equipment in the living room, the place appeared as if no one lived here. Across the hall in the bedroom, sat a bed, an overstuffed chair with a reading lamp, and a flat-screen television sitting on a footlocker.

  “Isn’t it almost time for your meeting?”

  “Yeah, and I hate to face Reynolds. I’m no closer to solving the murder than when I started.”


  His boss raised his eyes and peeped over the top of his glasses. “Take a seat, Cooper. I’ve been going over your case.” He tossed his specs onto his desk. “Anything new to tell me?”

  Ridge tried to appear calm and confident. “Both Leah Trammell and Carl Weston furnished solid alibis for each other. Norma Harkey was Marlene’s lover and the last person to see her alive. Kyle Richmond has a flimsy alibi from a woman he sleeps with on occasion, but I’ve questioned her twice, and she hasn’t changed her story. Plus, I don’t see a motive for him. No hard evidence connecting any of them to the crime. Unless something changes, I’m afraid not. I’ve followed every possible lead and hit a brick wall.”

  Reynolds stroked his jaw. “I agree there’s little to go on. Practically no physical evidence. All circumstantial. I’m assuming you’ve ruled out some suspects, including Tizzy Donovan.”

  Ridge leaned forward in his chair. “No way she did it. She doesn’t fit the profile. She doesn’t have an alibi, but—”

  Captain Reynolds stopped him short. “You don’t need to convince me. I’ve known her since the day she was born. The girl hasn’t got an evil bone in her body.”

  Apparently, he’s never seen her in a bar fight.

  Reynolds leaned back. “How well do you know her?”

  Ridge’s stomach churned and guilt twisted in his chest. “Well enough to rule her out as a suspect. Given the victim’s dislike for Tizzy, Marlene wouldn’t have agreed to meet her at the cemetery. And I don’t think Tizzy could have killed her and moved the body without help. She’s not physically capable.”

  “It’s unusual for a small town to have so much crime in a short period, and she’s been in the middle of it. Finding a dead body, then the incident in the tavern. Is she doing okay?”

  “Seems to be doing fine. Any suggestions about something I’ve missed?”

  “No. You’ve followed every lead.”

  Ridge breathed a silent sigh of relief.

  Captain Reynolds picked up his bifocals and chewed on the earpiece. “But most cases are solved by the little things. I’ll leave it active for two more weeks. Let’s hope that’s long enough to break the alibis of the Trammell woman and the husband. Or something new will come to light to incriminate the lover or the Richmond guy. If not, I’m pulling you back to the city. I figured because of the location, it would be open and shut. I was wrong. Whoever did this, planned it, and covered their tracks.”


  Thankful the meeting was over, Ridge swung by the apartment, picked up their luggage, and drove to the mall to meet Tizzy. He found her waiting on a bench near the entrance. “Wow, you went on a shopping spree.” He gathered her packages.

  “I had fun. Bought clothes for Gracie, candy for Rayann, and I even got you something.”

  “You shopped for me? What’d you buy?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  His mouth curled into a grin. “I have a surprise for you too.”

  Once inside the car, Tizzy looked at him. “How did the meeting go?”

  “He gave me a couple of weeks to close the case.”

  “Only fourteen more days, huh?” She stared out the window, and her eyes misted. Two more weeks and Ridge would be gone. She’d known it was coming, but having a deadline made things worse. She’d never regret the time she’d spent with him. A short, passionate affair that she’d remember for the rest of her life. If they’d only had more time together, maybe it could have been more.

  “Let’s not let that ruin the rest of our weekend.” He poked her on the shoulder. “Okay?”

  “You’re right. Where are we going? This isn’t the way to your apartment.”

  “We’re not staying there tonight.” A few minutes later, he wheeled into the Radcliff Hotel.

  Tizzy widened her eyes. “This is the surprise? I’ve always wanted to stay at this hotel. They have swans swimming in a pond inside.”

  “They’re black swans.”

  “You’ve stayed here?”

  “No. This is where Marlene stayed when she came to Dallas.”

  “What about our luggage?”

  “Taken care of.”

  Ridge gave the valet attendant extra instructions about the car and stood like stone until it was out of sight.

  Up in the room, Tizzy twirled and fell onto the bed. “This place is so beautiful. Let’s order room service.”

  “As tempting as that is, it won’t fit into my plans. I made dinner reservations.”

  She ran her hands around his neck and kissed him. “When we get back here, I’m going to be on you like a chicken on a June bug.”

  “That’s funny—and strangely erotic.”

  While Ridge showered, he thought about the time he had left. He needed to break the case and intended to work non-stop until he did. Then what? Leave Tizzy behind? No way. He loved her.

  When he came from the bathroom, his heart raced. Tizzy stepped into a black form-fitting dress, then lifted her hair for him to fasten the one top button of the backless number.

  He’d never seen a more beautiful woman. He fought the urge to tell her how he felt, but he’d save that for later. He eyed the ironing board. “Are you done with that?”

  “Yes. You have a new shirt hanging in the closet. I pressed it for you to wear tonight.”

  He put the ironing board away, then slipped into the shirt. “I like it. Thanks for thinking of me.”

  “I think of you all the time.” She smiled. “You look gorgeous in it. The blue matches your eyes.”

  He wanted to sweep her into his arms. Kiss her until she was breathless. But if he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop. He had to get her out of that room and downstairs to the restaurant, or his surprise would be a disaster. “Come on. Let’s go.”


  When they arrived, the hostess led them toward a small secluded area in the corner of the restaurant where two couples sat. Tizzy leaned into Ridge and spoke through her teeth. “Please tell me those people are not your family.”

  He tightened his hold around her waist. “Relax. You’ll be fine.”

  “No, I won’t. If I’d known, I would have worn something different.”

  “What are you talking about? You’re beautiful.”

  “You don’t understand. This dress doesn’t say I want to meet your mother. It screams ‘I want to get in your son’s pants!’”

  “When we’re back in the room, these pants will let it have its way.” His hand slipped to the small of her back, feeling bare flesh, his skin warmed. When they reached the foursome, he pulled out a chair for her. “Tizzy, I’d like for you to meet my mom, Hazel Martin, and her husband Charles, my sister, Erica Bentsen and brother-in-law, Robert. Everyone, this is Tizzy.”

  Her insides turned to Jell-O. She scooted into the chair, and her leg bounced beneath the table.

sp; Erica smiled sweetly. “Ridge says you’re in the banking business.”

  Tizzy shifted in her seat. “Among other things. My mom and aunt own a bakery, and my dad owns a bar. I work at both. Actually, I spend little time at the bank.”

  Erica’s husband, Robert, leaned forward. “I researched First United. Your deposits are substantial for its size. Apparently, it’s well managed.”

  “I’ll pass the compliment on to our president.” Her pulse quickened. “Did y’all happen to be in Dallas this weekend?”

  “No, dear. Ridge wanted us to meet you.” Hazel’s lips moved into what Tizzy thought might be a smile, but it never developed. Pretty sure the woman’s stone face might crack if her expression changed.

  Tizzy’s other leg bounced.

  Ridge squeezed her hand.

  Tizzy spoke to Erica. “Ridge tells me you have two daughters. Did they come with you?”

  “No, they’re staying with friends. I understand you also have a daughter.”

  “Yeah. Gracie. She’s almost four.”

  Hazel glanced at Ridge. “Oh, yes, we’ve heard all about your little one. My son is quite taken with her.”

  Tizzy wasn’t sure how she made it through dinner. Most of the evening, her brain remained in a fog as she tried to figure out why Ridge ambushed her. Although she experienced an immediate bond with his sister, his mother was another story. Hazel disliked her. The entire evening, Tizzy thought his mother judged her and decided the verdict wasn’t a good one.

  Back at their room, Ridge opened the door and pulled Tizzy in for a kiss.

  She shoved away from him. “Don’t try to make nice with me. I’m mad at you for waylaying me with your family.”

  “You shouldn’t be upset. The evening went great.”

  “No, your mother hates me. She thinks I’m a slut because of this dress, and she’s right.”

  Ridge laughed out loud. “Margie Lou, with no more experience than you have, you give sluts a bad name.”

  “Don’t joke. I can tell when someone likes me, and she was the only one at that table who didn’t.”

  “My mother is distant, and it’s difficult for her to show affection. Dad was in charge of that department, but she doesn’t hate you. They all loved you, but even if they didn’t, I wouldn’t care because I love you, and I’m the one who matters.” Before he gave her a chance to say anything, he swept her into his arms and kissed her again and again, and when their lips parted, he knelt.


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