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Book 7 of The traveler.

Page 10

by Robin Miller

  I said, "it crashed in the lake?"

  Farmer, "no, my father put it there after he did a lot of work on it for a man that would not pay up, and there it sat without anyone knowing about it. Figure you may as well have it for the war effort, if you can get it out that is." So I got on my living ship, that had been following me around, and went out to look it over. We went under the water to see what we could see, and it was setting on the sandy bottom but not sunk in. So I ran a line to it and pulled it out, and to the big ship. I thank the man, and took the ship to Owsee’s shipyard next to his port. At lease all this one needed was to be dried out a bit. Having wasted enough of my time, I then went back to the space station to see if Gripper was there yet. The fleet was still double checking their ships for M.E.R.S.. I gave them a hand looking the ships over, then landed on the station. As I got off my ship Gripper greeted me and said, "I don't know how much good we did, but we came back clean."

  I said, "we may not make much of a difference before they get to Tronex, but every little bit helps."

  Gripper, "when do we go again?"

  I said, "first thing tomorrow, and every day until they get here."

  Gripper, "we are close enough to go twice a day."

  I said, "the pilots need to rest, and we only have enough for five turnarounds for all the ships. But because we are not using all the ships, the ammunition will last until the last day."

  Gripper, "thinking about it that way, we don't need the extra 50 pilots." I said, "it's going to be a long week. I like fresh pilots, and the planet needs a few men they can look up to as doing their part. Besides, this may not be the only war we will be in, trained pilots will be needed."

  Gripper, "did you get many ships moved?"

  I said no, not really. The first one I went for had no place to land, and the one I got was under the middle of a lake. It took a bitto get it out but I think it's in good shape. By the way, the band is playing at the club tonight. I’m thinking of taking the family, if you can get Nursa’s mother to baby sit we would love to have you."

  Gripper, "sounds like fun. I'll talk to Nursa above it, but if we go I’ll take my ship, so we can come back when she's ready."

  I said, "that's fine with me, and if I'm not there when you arrive us my booth as if it were yours."

  I then went over to the Twins, working on a fighter, and asked if they were ready to go home now.

  Kitten said, "we could get the job done faster if we spent the night here." I said, "I'm not sure your mother would approve. Besides, with our short ammo supplies, it's not all that important."

  They talked to the other engineers, they were working with, about where they left off then came with me to go home. The sun was just starting to go down as we got home, so we landed behind Kitty’s shop, and asked if she would like to go to the club for supper tonight. She said she would love to, and closed up the shop to come home with us to get ready. When we got home kitty and the children change their clothes while I did a little writing on the front porch. Today was not all that interesting, but then I always say that until I start writing down what I did. I guess my trip to Plexon was not a normal daily thing, and though the time I spent pulling a ship out of a lake may not have been what I would call the best use of my time, it could make for interesting reading if I describe it well. And now to top the day off with a night at the club, will make for a full day. Guess there was something to write about after all. The children came out dressed in their tie-dye outfit's, which had become the latest fad or fashion, with hats to match. Kitty took a few moments longer, even though it seemed she took more off than she put on. She always dresses a bit risky, but then that was kitty and I was lucky she bothered to put on anything at all, some people on this planet didn't. We all got on my ship, then went to the club and went to my booth which had its electronic privacy screen up, because there was so many people there tonight. I guess the word got out about the band being there tonight, good. They were not due for another hour, but the place was quickly filling up. Jolly Jack, the bartender, was on tonight and quick to ask what he could get us. The Twins had root beer, Kitty asked for Blis which we had in the booth, and I got myself some monk juice. Jack got the sodas and asked if he could get us anything else.

  Kitty said, "I could go for some seafood."

  The rest of us agreed. Jack put our order in and brought us some more nuts and a plate of cheese, then said, "so I hear the acoustic 10 is playing tonight, what's the occasion?"

  I said, "just a little something to remind everyone what we are fighting for, and to take some of the fear out of it."

  Jack, "well any reason to have a good time is fine with me. Let me know if you need anything."

  And he went back to work on the busy bar. Having a booth at the end of the bar was the best place to get service. That's why I did it that way, and keep my booth reserved. I also had a keg of beer on the counter that can only be reached from my booth, and there was also a keg or rum and one of juice. And behind one cushion was a nock where my reserve stock of monk juice, which was like cognac, and Eldoring blis, which was like cream vodka, and my bunk a de bunk, which was like bourbon liqueur. There was also some spice dew, that would enhance my telepathic powers, and some bud liqueur that was sure to mellow out anyone. I even had a pound of fire powder if I needed a quick pick me up. Although a pinch would do, so you can see why we kept this booth in reserve, all the time. By the time we had finished our cheese the main meal was ready. I said to kitty, "you know I clean forgot about Owsee."

  Kitty, "I left him a note by e-mail and one on the small bar in the living room." I said, "I'm glad someone remembered, don't want him to think he is not invited or wanted."

  We had just started on our food when Gripper and Nursa came in and over. They joined us and we ordered some extras. We already had a large platter but seafood goes fast. Nursa was happy to have a night out, and Gripper was enjoying himself as well. The band soon showed up to have a beer before they started playing. All 10 of them filed past our table to say good evening as they went to the bar. I yelled out to the bartender, "the drinks are on the house for the band."

  They all said thank you, then Owsee came walking up and said, "how about me, are the drinks on the house for me?"

  I said, "always," as he sat down to join us.

  Then he said, "got your e-mail, so I stayed at the port a bit longer to look over the last ship you brought in. Looks like you pulled it out of a lake."

  I said, "I did, and it was not that easy."

  Owsee, "well the engines were flooded, but the computer and controls stayed dry. It may not take much to get that one ready."

  I said, "the owner said it had a lot of work done to it but the pilot did not pay, so they dropped/hid it in the lake. I think he said it had been there for 30 years." Owsee, "in good shape for a ship that old and being underwater all that time." I said, "yes, it's almost a shame to blow it up."

  Before long the band was on stage, and people were dancing. After we were done eating we all got up to dance as well. First Nursa and Gripper, then Kitty and me, the children as well. Even Owsee found someone to dance with. It was the first time I ever saw him out on the dance floor, and he was looking good too. Then between songs the band asked Prowler and kitten to come up and play with them, we urge them on. Kitten showed her stuff on her saxophone, and Prowler kept beat on the Congo drums, while the rest of the band went with the flow. They were rather good, and the crowd let them know it. Then they asked me to play a little jazz flute. The crowd would not let me slide, so I joined my children on stage. It was lots of fun, and the House made us do an encore before leaving the stage. Then it was back to the table for a few drinks and conversation. Kitty said next time she would have to bring her instrument, a kind of electric guitar on which she is rather good. We all had a good time but did not stay too late, as tomorrow would be another long day for each of us.

  When we got home there was still a half an hour of story-time on the radio. Kitty and the child
ren stayed up to listen to it, but I went to bed and fell asleep in no time.

  Day 93

  I had strange dreams about the robot spiders, that they cried out in pain when we smashed them and they bled. I felt bad for them and woke up. It was almost sunup any way, and I went out to the porch with a cup of coffee to have a smoke and do a little writing. I nodded off in between thoughts and woke to Kitty’s hand on my shoulder, telling me breakfast was ready.

  I walked in to find Owsee and the children were already at the table. We had hot surreal with nuts and fruit in it, very filling, yet I had two bowls. Owsee asked what I would be doing today, and I told him I would go with the fleet today, to see if I could be of any help. He said if his ships had any weapons he would be glad to go with us. I told him he could be of more use by seeing that the donated ships got ready in time to be put to use. Kitten pointed out that even if we only got five ships from each of the major ports, that would be five thousand ships, and we needed to start putting the remote control codes into the station's computers. I said, "it would be best to open a website for theports to call-in to, so they could give us the codes."

  Prowler said he would take care of that, and I said, "when you're done, send an email to all ports and have the radio announcers tell people of it as well. The M.E.R.S. will hit Tronex tonight, then us four days later. I want to be as ready as we can."

  Owsee, "the mines will take some time to put in place as well. When will we start putting them out?"

  I said, "I don't want them to drift out of place, so we need to set them out there on the last day."

  Owsee, "that's going to be a all day job."

  I said, "it is what it is."

  Kitty, "can we work on the fighters you don't take with you today, father?" I said, "of course you can. I'm only taking the ones with the extra ammunition, not that it will make much of a difference on such a large target. But at least we will show Tronex we are willing to try to help."

  Owsee, "I'm still surprised that Plexon didn't do anything. The scientist that said the robot spiders would burn up is in big trouble."

  Kitty, "if they were supposed to protect Tronex, why did they wait? Did they think the things would pass Tronex as well with no trouble?"

  Owsee, "like I said, the scientist that said they would just burn up is in big trouble."

  I said, "well I'm no scientist, but I figure anything that can survive being launched into space by their own planet being blown up, can take a little heat from reentry."

  Prowler, "actually, one may have nothing to do with the other. As we speak we are traveling 36,000 miles an hour through space. If the back part of the planet was to blow, we may not even notice it, except for the loss of atmosphere of course."

  I said, "do you think the robots will burn up as they drop?"

  Prowler, "I very much doubt it sir."

  I said, "and that puts us right back where we started from."

  Kitty, "well at least we had some warning, unlike Tronex."

  I said, "yes, it was nice of the techno-sages to tell me something was coming. They didn't say just want the danger was, but it got me asking questions so we could prepare. I even gave Plexon and Tronex a heads up."

  Owsee, "if the techno-sages wanted to they could have got rid of all the M.E.R.S.. Just goes to show you how much they don't care about what happens to others." I said, "yes, well I don’t think the techno sages have been treated well by many, because they have such great power. Probably if it was not for the fact that Nova had talked to them about me, they would not have stopped at all." Kitten, "isn't there a Stargate between us and Tronex?"

  I said, "yes, they will have to moved the station. The gate, however, is anchored in the subspace and can't be moved, but maybe if we cover it in ice the robot spiders will leave it alone."

  Owsee, "if we lost that gate it would take some ships an extra month to get here. I sure hope the ice trick works."

  I said, "if anyone has a better idea let me know."

  The cable went silent as we all ate our breakfast. When we were about the Gripper stopped by, I told him I was going with the fleet today, and he said he would get it ready for me. Owsee said he was going to mine some more of the sites where my clubs and hotels would go, as well as see to the fixing up of old ships to use as space mines. Kitty said orders for scarves were down and she got caught up on things last night, so it was just off to the shop this morning. I told her to have a good day, and she told me to have a safe one. The children and I then went to the space station on my living ship, she was always eager to take us anywhere. It's quite an experience to live with the fact that someone or something knows every thought in your head the moment you do. Even if they will never talk about it, you find you have an extra conscious that can/or needs to be suppressed. You ask yourself if you are thinking the right thoughts. Yes, having a telepathic, living ship that it's always with you and always in your mind is not for everyone. But it can sure come in handy from time to time. And when I die my consciousness will pass to the ship and we will be one, living on to explore the ends of the universe for time untold.

  We got to the station shortly after Gripper, and there were 50 ships outside the station already waiting to go, and another 75 being launched. After we landed the chief engineer told me they hoped to have the last 25 ready by tomorrow. I said, "well, I have some help for you here."

  He said, “the twins are always welcome.”

  And Prowler said, “I have a program to write first, but it will not take long.” The Plexon asked what kind of a program and Prowler told him.

  He said, “I’m not much of a programmer myself, but it sounded like a big job.” Prowler said he knew a few shortcuts.

  The chief then said, “some reports have made it from Plexon. They still don't have long-range transmission, but Tronex is relaying some. It seems to be a ground war as they try to keep the M.E.R.S. from causing any more damage.” I said, “I wish them luck, we will be doing the same thing before long.” I then went to my Plexon heavy fighter to prep it for flight as Gripper got the rest of the ships out. Sitting at the helm I had a smoke, while watching the ship's launch. After a while I got thirsty, and went to the replicator. I asked for cold water, then remembered I had never taught the computer English, but it made me a glass of water anyway. Just then Gripper walked onboard and said, "by the way, I had the replicator reprogrammed last night with the station's menu, and a translation chip."

  I said, "glad one of us thought of it."

  Gripper, "it's one thing to be in a fighter half the day with no food or water, but to have a replicator that will not make what you want is just a tease." I said, "hard to believe I didn't reprogram it long ago."

  Gripper, "well this kind of ship has a habit of deleting data that is not used often enough, so the combat computer can work faster. I had a chip with the new data put in so it cannot be lost."

  I said, "well I hope it don't forget how to find its way to the station." Gripper, "that's another system, but the record of your last trip may be gone." I said, "that's nothing to worry about."

  Before long the fleet was ready to go and we led the way. We went as fast as the fighters could, so as not to waste any time. After all, we would soon have a lot of thirsty and hungry pilots. I just wanted to get the job done, and the pilots home safe as soon as I could. It still took a couple hours to get there, and we picked up on some transmission that said the Plexons were wagering a vengeance attack against the robot spiders. But the debris field was so large we did not see them. We got as close as we thought was safe and unloaded all our ammunition, then we turned around. I tried using my telekinetic power on the field, but I was not able to do much damage, like spiting at an ocean. Even the power of Plexon heavy fighter could do little against such a large target, so we just headed home. As we past Tronex we called them to wish them luck. They thanked us for doing what we could, and said they would fight to the last man, woman and child to rid themselves of the menace. They wished us luck in our own
fight. On our way home Gripper and I had a few drinks of my brandy and talked, it had been some time since we were able to just sit and talk alone. So much has been going on lately, and the two of us have been doing differentthings. By the time we got back we had a chance to tell each other things we would not tell anyone else. Nothing big, just how we felt about some things. It was good to talk. When we got back to the station we had the cargo robots look us all over before docking. We then ate with the men in the mess hall, everyone was very hungry. I had a steak, so did many, and after eaten Gripper and I went after a few old ships before calling it a day. I then picked the kids up and went home with them. I told Kitten that I was sorry she missed her music lesson, and she said the fighters were more important right now, and they should all be ready by morning. Thanks to the work they get done today. I said it would be good to fly with a full fleet. Prowler said he had set up a website to take the remote control codes, and wrote a short program to e-mail all the ports with the news, as well as telling the radio announcers to put the message on the air. I said that should just about cover it. The sun was not down yet, when we got home, so we worked in the garden a bit. A little hoeing a little pulling, and some fresh vegetables for the house and water for the rest. Truth be told, I felt I got more done in the garden than in space today. As we were watering the garden kitty came up the walk with a bucket in each hand, I sent the twins to help her. The children took the buckets in the house, while kitty came over to me. She gave me a kiss and said, "thank you for not getting yourself killed today."

  I said, "my pleasure, what's in the bucket's? Are we painting something?" Kitty, "it's something new called Flarn, Loquacious had some for lunch and gave me a taste. It was so good I just had to bring some home."

  I said, "well there is fresh vegetables to go with it."

  Then we went in the house, and I made myself a drink, and asked Kitty if she would like one.


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