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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 7

by Ally Vance

  “Fuck off, Pine. I’m ready for this shit,” I tell him. I check and re-check my guns, making sure I have plenty of ammo to go in there and take these assholes out. I look around at my guys before I nod my head. Raising my hand, I silently count down from three. As soon as I hit one, we all move. Bursting through the side door we all spread out. I duck low, keeping my ass out of the line of fire. Peeking around a barrel, I motion for my guys to move. Each one files out and moves around me, spreading out through the area, yet staying hidden. That’s when I hear something fall. Someone must have knocked something over because the assholes in the middle are on their feet. They didn’t know we were coming in here to take them out or take back what was ours.

  Each second, each breath brings us closer to death. At any second they could fire, and we could be hit. It wouldn’t be the first time that I have taken a bullet and it sure as hell won’t be the last. But I’d rather not have to take one today.

  “I know you’re in here!” the asshole, Tint, calls out from the middle of the room. He’s a local gang banger that thought he’d take the easy route and collect one of our shipments. Nice fucking try, asshole.

  “Then you know what we’re here for,” I remind the fucker.

  “Come out now and I’ll only kill you, Devious!”

  I chuckle under my breath at that one. Not a chance in fucking hell. And yet, I stand up and stroll from behind the crate I was hiding out behind. I walk down the aisle listening to the words my guys hiss as I go. With my hands in the air, Tint smirks.

  “You are as stupid as I thought, man.”

  “That right? Why is that? Because I come back for my shit? I work hard to move those drugs, Tint.”

  “And you moved them right into my hands,” he says as if he didn’t intercept that shit. Little bastard.

  “You stole them. Like a goddamn coward! Just like the crew you are. None of you are worth a shit,” I say.

  Just as the words leave my mouth, he fires. That’s when my guys fire back. The shootout ensues as my upper arm burns. When I glance down, I see that a bullet skimmed my arm. Just a flesh wound. Ignoring the sting, I fire back aiming for Tint. One shot takes the asshole down and my guys make short work of the others. When no one is moving that shouldn’t be, Pine walks over and nods his head.

  “Damn good night,” he says, causing me to laugh.

  “You’re right it is,” I tell him. We move toward the crates and pop them open one by one making sure these assholes didn’t take anything out yet. Once I’m satisfied it’s all there, I call the prospects.

  “Back the vans up to the back doors. We need to load this shit up before we get cops in here,” I tell them. It doesn’t take long before Pine is pulling up the back doors and letting them in.

  “Lift that end,” I tell Bend, as I pick up my end of the crate. We load them all up and everything is ready when Pine stops me.

  “Let me see the arm,” he says. I roll my sleeve up and he does his thing checking me out, but I know it’s nothing serious.

  “I’ll live.”

  “Yeah, you will. Want a band aid?” He laughs when I flip him off.

  After the vans are loaded, we all head back to our bikes and climb on. Something’s unsettled inside of me and I know it’s her. I wanted to see her tonight. I wanted to see if she put two and two together and figured out who I am, but at the same time I like being unknown to her. I like that she doesn’t have to choose between her family and me. I’m a greedy bastard and I’d love nothing more than to see the look on her dad’s face. knowing she was that close to me. But this has nothing to do with our clubs and everything to do with my desire to have that girl. This shit runs deeper than I ever thought it would.

  “You headed to the clubhouse?” Bend asks. I shake my head.

  “Nah, I’m headin’ home. Got a few calls to make and then I’m headin’ to bed. I’ll be by in the mornin’. Make sure that shit is sealed the fuck up before you head out, yeah?” He nods his head and pulls his helmet on, taking off behind the vans while I pull my helmet on and head to find the source of my obsession.

  Chapter Six


  He never showed up last night. I waited until two in the morning and he never showed. I wanted to see my mystery man. I wanted to know if he was the same one from the club and yet I’m afraid to know the truth. What if it is him? He’s a rival and off-limits to me. My dad would lose his shit if he knew I was living that close to a Renegade to begin with. I knew there were some in the area but I’m mostly an unknown to them. If he were to find out that I kissed one? Yeah, don’t want to think about that. I purposely don’t get involved in my dad’s club and that’s smart on my part. I keep to myself and work at the local bakery just to keep myself busy.

  “Can I get two black coffees,” a deep voice asks. I look up and come face to face with the Renegade’s VP, Bend. I know the names for the most part, but I don’t know them personally. This would be the first time they came into the shop while I was working.

  “Of course,” I say politely. I turn around to pour their coffee, feeling eyes on me the whole time. A quick check over my shoulder and I find it isn’t Bend’s heated stare on me. yet I can still feel someone’s. A shiver works its way down my spine as I turn and set the cups on the counter. Bend pays and gives me a nod before walking out the front door without another word. I try to see where he’s going, but once he’s passed the windows, I can’t. I head into the back with a sigh ready to make some more muffins when someone wraps their hand over my mouth. My body is pressed against the wall and my heart thunders in my chest. Until I take a deep breath. That smell, that scent. I know it’s him.

  “You lookin’ at my boy like you want a taste,” he growls in my ear. Another shiver wracks my body and this time I think he likes it. He lets out a groan that says enough.

  “I was just checking him out.”

  “Oh, I know what you were doin’. He the one you want, darlin’?”

  I don’t know what I want. Why am I lying to myself? Yes, I do. Him. I want him and I have no idea why. It’s wrong, it’s incredibly stupid on my part but it’s him. I can’t help what I feel when he’s this close to me. I can’t slow my pulse when he touches me.

  “No.” The single word comes out breathy and he chuckles near my ear.

  “I warned you, didn’t I?”

  “You’re a Renegade,” I say softly, wishing like hell I could see his face, but I can’t at the angle he has me pressed against the wall. His free hand comes down to my hip and I jerk at the contact. Slowly he inches his way under my shirt, his flesh coming in contact with mine. I gasp at the feel of his hand on me.

  “Are you afraid?”


  “Good girl. You should be afraid, and you should also close your curtains. We wouldn’t want anyone to see you touchin’ that pretty little pussy of yours, now would we?” Just like that his dirty words turn me on. I move my hand to reach out to him, but he presses his harder against the back of my neck where he moved it to, stopping my movements.

  “Please, let me touch you.” I hate the begging in my tone but my God, this man is making me feel things I’ve never felt in my life. It’s wrong, it all is but I can’t stop myself from wanting him.

  “Where’s the bandana?” he asks.

  “In my pocket.” He moves one hand to grab it and slowly slips it around my eyes. Then right here in the back of the bakery he spins me around and shoves me to my knees. I can’t see a damn thing, and the moment feels so erotic that I can nearly taste him on my tongue. Then I hear the zipper of his jeans and the shuffle of his clothes before I feel the soft velvet touch on my lips. I stick my tongue out and slowly run it around, lapping up the salty pre-cum before he thrusts forward. He’s in my mouth, so hot and full. I suck and he groans wrapping his hand in the back of my hair. He fucks my face and I gag, tears filling my eyes as he goes. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge and I haven’t even touched myself yet. I reach up and find his thighs
with my hands before sliding a hand over to cup his balls. It doesn’t take long before he comes like a rocket. He shoots his load down the back of my throat, thrusting and groaning the whole time.

  “Fuck, darlin’,” he roars as his cock leaps inside my mouth. Then he’s pulling out of me and I hear the zipper before his thumb is swiping up anything I lost, shoving it in my mouth. I lick it clean, and just as quickly as he was there, I hear his heavy footsteps as he walks away.

  Chapter Seven


  I shouldn’t have let her taste me, because now all I can think about is tasting her. The obsession has become so much that I stand outside her door at the three in the morning debating going inside. I know I should walk away but she’s right there, on the other side of this door ready and waiting for me to take her. She watched me for hours while I worked out tonight and just feeling her greedy gaze on me almost had me hauling ass over here. I was ready to storm in this door and take what belongs to me. Now I’m standing here questioning my own goddamn sanity. I shouldn’t be here. That’s when I hear something behind me. Movement. I duck back behind the wall and wait but I hear boots thudding closer to me. Then they are knocking on her door. It takes a few before I hear her voice.

  “What the hell?”

  “I could say the same. Daddy know you’re livin’ here?” the man growls. Shit. He must be from her dad’s club. A war wages inside of me. Leave now and not be seen or risk listening in.

  “No and I’d appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut,” she snaps, sounding irritated. That makes two of us. I don’t want this fuck anywhere near her. I peek around the corner, ready to snap at a second’s notice.

  “Then you know what I want.”

  “Not happening, Brian. Besides, daddy said you’re off-limits; remember the last time you tried to hook up with me?” Good girl. That’s my good girl.

  “Daddy isn’t here, and if you want to keep your little apartment a secret you will do what I tell you,” he hisses.

  That’s enough of that. I pull my hoodie low over my eyes and pull my knife from the sheath before I move. It takes me seconds to make it around the corner and plunge the knife into his back. My bandana is wrapped around my face as I shove the knife in deeper. He tries to yell but I reach up with both hands, snapping his neck. Before Harley has a chance to scream, I shake my head at her and drag this fuck’s body down to the abandoned apartment and dump him. When I come back out, she’s still standing there in a stunned silence. I move toward her and each step I take is one step back for her until I’m inside her apartment. I’m in her space and her scent surrounds me. With a growl, I shove my sleeves up revealing all the tattoos that litter my arms. Harley takes them in, her lips parted. She isn’t sure what to do.

  “Get…get out,” she says, sounding unsure of herself.

  “You really want that?”

  “You just killed him! Do you have any idea what my father will do to you?” Then she sees the bandana and her jaw drops. “No. Not you.”

  “Yeah, me. Who else would it be? You should know me better than anyone now, Harley. You watch me as much as I watch you, don’t you?” The question is one I want her to answer. I want to hear her say it. I want her to admit that she fucking touches herself while watching me work out on the roof.

  “You can’t be him.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t… You’re a rival of my dad’s!” she screams, as if that makes a difference to me. I walk closer, trying to gauge her reaction to me. With every step I take, she counters with one in reverse until her knees hit the edge of her bed.

  “Now what?” I ask, cocking my head to the side. She watches me, unsure of what to do now. She sucked my cock not caring who I was and now all of the sudden it’s a problem?

  “Who are you?”

  “I’m yours, darlin’. Just like you’re gonna be mine,” I tell her as I reach up and run my fingers along her bare shoulder. I love when she sleeps in nothing but a tank top and panties. Even after I warned her about leaving her curtains open, she did it anyway. A chill covers her body as I smirk behind my bandana. She watches me so intently like she has no idea who the hell it is standing in front of her.

  “Please,” she whispers.

  “Please what?”

  “Don’t hurt me,” she says softly, a tear in her eye.

  “Why would I hurt you? I want to keep you, baby girl.”

  Her lips part before she slowly reaches up and tries to pull the bandana down. I swat her hand away and shake my head, not wanting her to know just yet that I’m not just the man she’s been watching and a member of the rival MC, but the Prez of that rival MC. I don’t want her to see who I truly am until she’s sure about this. So instead, I shove her back onto her bed, climb over her, and cover her eyes with her sheet. Then I move down her body, kissing every exposed piece of flesh I can find until I reach up and untie my bandana. Tossing it to the side, I pull her tiny thong off her body and she lets me. In seconds, I’m between her legs, licking and sucking.

  “Please. More,” she cries out. And who am I to not give her what she wants. I slip a finger inside of her and slowly work it in and out as I lick at her clit. Crooking my finger inside of her, I know just where to hit her to make her knees weak. I’ve studied her. Watched her long enough to know what she needs to get off. Sucking her clit between my teeth is her undoing. She falls apart, her legs tensing as she comes hard. I pull my fingers free before quickly standing and walking across the room.

  “Don’t go.” Her words almost make me stay, but I can’t do that. Not yet. I lower my head, an internal struggle happening because God knows I’d like to stay right here in her bed, but I can’t. Instead of answering her, I walk to the door, turn the handle, and walk right out.

  Chapter Eight


  I know it’s him. There is no one else, but how does he know I’ve been watching him, too? I make sure to stay out of his line of sight, but he knows. Now I pace the room with the curtain closed having a silent debate with myself. He came to me. He actually came over here. The cops never found Brian because when I went to check the abandoned apartment, no body was there. That made me nervous. How could he get rid of an entire person? Not even my dad could find him, and I would have heard about that at least. My nerves have been on edge all week. I’ve kept my curtain closed like he told me to because I was afraid of him seeing me like this.

  “What is wrong with me?” I ask myself as I keep pacing and chewing my fingernails. This is a mess. What have I done? I let him touch me. He came to my work and I still have no idea what he looks like. I could pick his tattoos out if I ever saw them again but that’s it. His scent still lingers on the bandana he left here and sickly enough, I keep it close by. Call me crazy but I have a sense of relief and calmness when I hold that thing to my chest at night.

  Taking a deep breath, I clear my head and head out the door, ready for work. I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve seen him. I know he’s out there; I could feel his gaze through my window, but I was too much of a chicken to open it. I have to stay away from him. I can’t get involved with a rival like that. If my dad ever finds out I live near one of them, he will lose his shit and try to force me to come back to the clubhouse and I don’t want that. I hate it there. The men are disgusting, and the women are just as bad. I cringe at the mere thought of having to go back there.

  I walk down the block to work, feeling eyes on me, but when I look over my shoulder no one’s there. Not that it surprises me. He’s never where I can see him, but I can feel him.

  Ignoring that feeling, I walk into the bakery and smile, waving at Angel. She works here on weekends with me but there’s not a smile on her face today. Instead, she looks sick to her stomach.

  “Are you okay, Angel?” I ask stepping closer to her. Just before I can reach her, the back-room door opens, and my dad steps out. Shock isn’t the right word for what I feel right now.

  “What are you doing he

  He doesn’t answer, just smiles at me like I’m the insane one. An eerie feeling washes over me the closer he gets. He leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek much like he usually does.

  “Well, I’ve been lookin’ for you. Went by your place and it seems you haven’t lived there in months,” he says. My skin crawls. He knows. He knows I don’t live near him anymore. This is bad.

  “I found a new place. It was nicer,” I say, trying to keep my tone even and calm. I don’t want to piss him off because my worst nightmare will be coming true if I do.

  “And you didn’t think to tell me?”

  “You are always busy with the club. I didn’t want to bother you.” Lie, Harley. Lie your way out of this mess.

  “Where are you livin’?”

  “Close to the bakery. I don’t need a car or anything. I can walk right here. Isn’t that great?” He isn’t falling for that line of bullshit. He doesn’t want me walking anywhere.

  “Do you forget who you are?” he growls low in his throat. I shake my head rapidly knowing that this is going to end badly. Then he moves, grabbing me around the neck and backing me into the wall. “Every piece of shit club out there will be lookin’ at you. Do you know that? They will take you, rape you, torture you because you’re mine. What the fuck is wrong with you, Harley?” he screams in my face. I swallow hard and try not to look at the man, but he doesn’t give me a choice.

  “I’m sorry. I just like being on my own, Dad.”

  “On your own,” he repeats shaking his head. “You aren’t on your own! You belong to the club, goddamn it!”

  There it is. I knew it was coming, and there it is. He isn’t worried about me because I’m his daughter; he’s worried about his damn club.


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