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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 42

by Ally Vance

  “Fucking whore just killed your son.”

  My father was pissed. I looked at the venom on her face. She was bleeding freely from the stab wounds in her belly. “You killed my baby?” I repeated what he said, not quite believing it was true.

  Her vile smile told me the truth. Everything blurred for me after that. The pain was insurmountable. My child, my blood, was massacred because she was so fucking selfish. Before I realized what happened, I had dragged Wren outside by her hair and slammed her head against a tree again, and again until my father finally came and stopped me. I looked at the brain matter that had splattered everywhere.

  I was bereft, exhausted, and wasn’t sure I wanted to move on. My father let me mope the rest of the night. The next morning, he pulled me out of it.

  Wren was my undoing. I swore that wouldn’t happen again.


  This man, this monster, just threatened me with physical violence, then looked at me like he wanted to devour me.

  Now was as good as time as any. Clearing my throat, he paused and looked at me. Timidly I raised my hand. His look was of amusement and irritation.


  “Look, I don’t know who misinformed you, however, my parents have not been around my entire life. So my suggestion is, if you want to maximize your ransom demand, you should call the papers and tell them you kidnapped me. That way they will have to pay you or they will be embarrassed in front of their yuppie peers. Otherwise, they would care less what happened.”

  His disbelieving look made me wonder if he understood or could comprehend exactly what I was trying to tell him.

  “Ransom?” He arched his eyebrow.

  I nodded, sure I had just taken care of all the messy business. He moved me towards the house, not saying anything else. As I was pushed inside the door, my fear started to settle in. I’m not sure if it was the chain links attached to the walls, or the locks on all the kitchen drawers, or maybe it was the daunting box that sat on the floor that had a pair of handcuffs attached inside.

  He shoved me onto the floor so I landed on my rump right by the chains in the corner.

  “If you behave, you can roam the house. If you try to escape, or disobey me, then you will spend time in the box,” he pointed to the wooden contraption. “Do not test me. If you enjoy using an actual toilet instead of a bucket, and actual silverware when you eat instead of lapping out of a dog bowl, you need to be a good girl. Understand?”

  I nodded my head. Did he really think I wasn’t going to try and escape? I mean, he hasn’t hurt me, he could just be talking shit. I’m going to call his bluff. He had to know this.

  He roughly pulled my ankle to the metal clamp he attached around it. I realized I was screwed if I let him chain me up. That was when the real fear set in. I’m not even sure what all happened. Everything occurred so quickly.

  I tried pulling my leg away but before I knew it, he had me in a crab lock, was securing my ankle with a padlock and I was beating him on his back.

  His hand around my throat cutting my oxygen off made me remember he was in control. Black dots were forming in front of my eyes as I started to lose consciousness.

  The air burnt my lungs as I sucked in a deep breath when he let my throat go. “Don’t fucking fight me again.”

  Whimpering with tears in my eyes, I just glanced up at him. He stood there glaring at me. He pulled me up, then took me from room to room in the cabin. The chain gave me enough slack to roam comfortably inside.

  “Go to the bathroom now, you won’t get another chance tonight.” He barked at me.

  I looked at him. Was he serious? The stern look in his face was enough for me to realize it was futile to argue. Quickly I peed, then stood up to pull my panties and pants up. He shook his head no.

  He yanked them back down. I knew then exactly what he had planned for me.

  Chapter Five


  She was finally starting to understand that I was in control. The look of fear on her face when I cut the pants and underwear off of the shackled leg let me know she wasn’t going to go down easy.

  I knew she thought I was going to ravage her, but that would happen only if I deemed her worthy, and so far, she wasn’t. At least, that’s what I kept trying to convince myself.

  That would complicate things. I’m not sure I could go down that road and come back unscathed.


  My fight or flight was kicking in. No way in hell was I letting this animal rape me. He came closer to me and I just started screaming then hitting him with everything I had when he touched my arm.

  Of course, he easily deflected me, with a smile nonetheless, which only pissed me off more. He wrapped his python arms around me to subdue me, then squeezed me so hard I thought he was going to crush my ribcage.

  “Are you finished?” He rumbled in my ear.

  I nodded my head slightly. I was aware he was touching my naked body, and my traitorous body was giving signs of appreciation. What the hell? This man was scum of the earth!

  Albeit scum, if this had been a different place, different situation, I probably would’ve been absolutely thrilled to be alone with him. The point was, he was scum now.

  Shoving me towards the wooden box set up on the floor, he said, “Climb in.”

  I stood there, not fully comprehending. His patience must have been wearing thin because he grabbed me painfully by my hair, then pushed me head first inside the box, smacking my head on the back panel.

  I crawled inside so he wouldn’t hurt me anymore. After my whole body was inside, I realized I was able to twist around and sit in it.

  What was this? Some kind of prison cell? Looking at the oval opening that wasn’t actually an opening – just put there as a design for the inside – it hit me. A dog house. He put me in a fucking dog house.

  I didn’t have a lot of room to bang my fist, but I tried. They were still sore from the trunk. I heard his muffled voice threaten, “This is only for the night; keep that up and it will be longer.”

  Immediately I stopped. I would go crazy if I had to be locked in this tiny space much longer. For the night would be hard enough.


  Keeping her in the box that was crafted for Wren was more for my sanity than anything. It was designed to be a learning tool, but clearly had backfired on the intended target.

  When she started to fight me, the look of determination mixed with the fear made me want to take her right then and there. She was unique. If she was who I am supposed to mate with, I was breaking all the rules to do it.

  Chapter Six


  The smell of bacon wafting inside the box woke me up. My whole body was sore and cramped. I needed to pee like there was no tomorrow and a good toothbrush wouldn’t have hurt also.

  None of this had really sank in for me, the gravity of the situation. Now, as I thought about it, I knew, he was never letting me leave here. I was going to live like a dog in this box until my eternity shattered to an end.


  Breakfast was ready, I’m sure she could smell it. I couldn’t sleep because all I could think about was her, all night long. She has invaded my psyche. And to be honest, I was lonely. I needed her. If she doesn’t agree to my terms, then I will use her as prey.

  One way or another, it will be decided. Today I either fuck her or I hunt her.


  I was crying when he opened the door and helped me out. Well, pulled me out by my arm, if that was helping.

  Not being able to look at his face, I stared at the ground, trying to stay upright because my legs wobbled from being in the scrunched-up position all night.

  “Go the bathroom. Take a quick five-minute shower. Then straight back here,” he instructed.

  I didn’t acknowledge him. I just walked to the bathroom. My bladder needed relief. I knew I was cutting into my shower time, but I needed to pee.

  Quickly I turned the shower on and stepped inside.
Doing the best that I could to clean with the bar of soap that was in there, I rinsed off then stepped out to get the towel.

  Reluctantly, I walked back in the kitchen, with the towel wrapped around me. I saw his jaw clench when he noticed I left it on. He pointed at the chair across from him.

  Sitting down, there was a plate piled with eggs, bacon, fried potatoes and toast. My mouth was watering. I looked at him. He nodded to go ahead. I dug into the plate. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was.

  “Coffee?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  He handed me a cup. I usually take two sugars and a dollop of cream. I wasn’t going to ask, but I noticed he gave me cream mixed in it already. As I took my first sip, I knew he made it exactly how I took my coffee.

  My expression must have given it away.

  “I take it I made it correct?”

  Nodding cautiously, I tried to theorize how he could know. He was outside the bookstore. He had been watching me. How long had he been doing that?

  I felt so utterly violated. I needed answers. I took another drink then looked at him pointedly.

  “Yes?” He looked amused.

  “Clearly, I recognize this is not a for ransom case, although you must know my parent’s bank accounts are astronomical. So, why on earth, would you find it so necessary to stalk the most boring woman on the planet?”


  Well, that was sixty-million-dollar question – wasn’t it?

  “Marseille, I will allow you to have free reign for this one conversation. Then you will only speak when spoken to. Nod your head if you understand.”

  She nodded, looking like she needed to put a bullet between my eyes, but she did agree.

  “I have a proposal for you.”

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “As you said, you are as alone as am I. I would like you to stay here with me. I would get you anything you need, books of course, but anything else you desire.”

  She looked confused. “Are you asking me to move in with you? After you kidnapped me? You have lost your ever living mind. What is plan B?”

  “Then you are my prey and I set you loose in the woods and hunt you.” I shrugged.

  “Did you say hunt? Did you just fucking say hunt?” She bellowed. Her utensils falling on the floor.

  “If that is the option you choose, yes. Originally, that was your destiny. But now, I want you to be with me and bear my children.” I replied calmly, not commenting on her outburst.

  “And you just changed your mind about me because of what? You like the way my ass looked when you made me crawl like a dog and put me in a kennel?” She was so angry her face was scarlet.

  Laughter burst from me, which only made her angrier. “I apologize, I actually didn’t notice your ass. I changed my mind because I changed my mind. I don’t have to, and on top of that, I won’t tell you why I make any of my decisions.” Leaning forward I murmured, “so what will it be?”

  “Huh, be a live-in chained up human breeding machine or be hunted down like an animal,” she shook her head disgustedly, “great fucking choices.”

  “At least I’m giving you a choice.”

  Chapter Seven


  He acted like I should feel special because he picked me. Well, I didn’t. I tried to put a better spin on things, like he chose me, he wanted me. It was kinda hard to do when you had been thrown in a trunk, then chained up and treated like the family dog.

  He had some plus sides though, besides his looks. He was vulnerable, he showed that when he told me about my choices. He could cook, also he was true to his word, I gave him a list of everything I would need, including clothing, and he got everything.

  I was nervous about that night. I knew he was going to expect sex. I didn’t want to be forced. I hoped he would be kind and gentle but knew he wasn’t, so I hoped it would be over quick.

  He was making a stew for dinner. He allowed me to read one of the new books he brought me. It was about star cross crossed lovers who meet and fall hopelessly in love then live happily ever after.

  Looking at the clamps secured on my ankle, all I could think was, this is a great happily fucking ever after.


  Taking the bread from the oven, I dished out her stew, then cut her a chunk of bread. Putting butter by her plate, I called her in. I heard the heavy clank of the chain and it made my balls swell up. Night could not come soon enough.

  She sat down, then surprise shone across her face. She was pleased with the meal.

  I tried not to look happy. “Here is a list of chores for tomorrow.”

  She took it with a look of trepidation on her face. Reading through it, she nodded.

  “It’s not too much?” I really wasn’t sure what all she could handle.

  Shaking her head no, I told her she could speak.

  “No, it isn’t too much. These are pretty clear cut. Except piling the wood out by the porch. How can I do that with this?” She pointed to the chain.

  “It gives enough slack that you can reach outside.”

  She nodded, took a bite of her food, then closed her eyes as she savored the food.


  This man really can melt you with his food. I have to play along so I can win his trust and convince him to let me go. It may take a while, but I had to do something.

  Finishing dinner, he gave me my obligatory five minute shower time to clean up, then to meet him back in the kitchen.

  When I came back in the kitchen, he glared at the towel I had wrapped around me. Slowly, I let it drop. It was hard for me to bare myself.

  “Lie down.” He pointed to the corner behind me that sat on the other side of the kitchen.

  Turning around, I noticed a mattress he had put on the floor, with a stand beside it. My books were on top of the stand. Sighing deeply, I walked over to the mattress, bending down to get on it.

  I heard his zipper come down before I glanced up at him and saw him getting undressed. He was an absolute godlike creature to see nude. I fucking hated him that I couldn’t enjoy it because of the situation we were in.

  “Get on all fours,” he ordered.

  “Yes sir,” I replied, gritting my teeth.

  “Good girl.” He smirked.

  Tears formed in my eyes as I flipped over. I felt his massive body over top of me. He lined his cock up against my slit, rubbing it up and down, teasing me. Sadly, I was soaking wet for him.

  He snaked his other arm around me to hold me up, then slid his hand in between my legs. I sucked in a deep breath when his thumb started manipulating my clit. Involuntarily my hip started moving into his groin. He chuckled then thrust his cock hard and swift inside of me.

  My legs were shaking, if he hadn’t been holding me up, I would’ve fell over. He was massive and filled me completely. My moans of pleasure I was so desperately trying to quash were mixing with his grunts. He was rutting me like a wild animal, and my body loved it.

  When my pussy clenched around him, it caused a chain reaction of multiple intense orgasms and aftershocks, then followed with his shout of primal ecstasy as he emptied himself inside of me.

  He pulled out of me, rolled over, then climbed out of the bed, and walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

  I was bereft. I realized he wasn’t the cuddling kind, but damn. Not even a thank you? Your pussy was great? Anything?

  I rolled over onto my side, curled up into a ball, and waited to see if he was coming back out. I had dozed off when I felt a blanket covering me. Then I fell back asleep.


  I needed to get away from her quickly. I wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in my arms. Where the fuck that came from, I don’t know. She needed to get out of my head. She has one purpose. To give me offspring. That is all.

  Walking in the kitchen, she looks so damn sad all curled up naked in a ball. My dick thinks she looks lonely. Not going to happen. At least not right now. She was tight, and I am s
ure I hurt her. It was better that way. Better she didn’t think this was something it wasn’t.

  Chapter Eight


  It had been two weeks since I arrived. I wondered if anyone had missed me. If anyone even cared that I was gone.

  He took me every night on my mattress. I just got my period so I will get a reprieve this week he said. We have a small routine we have fallen into.

  He leaves every day for about eight or nine hours, and I clean. I have searched everywhere for the keys to my lock on my chain as well as a weapon of some sort. He had locks on every drawer in the kitchen. There were no weapons anywhere. He made sure of it.

  So, all I could do was bide my time until an opportunity arose.


  I was sloppy with Stephanie, the new prey that was in the trunk. She almost got away. My mind was at home. I didn’t do any background either. From now on, I wanted no contact from anyone else.

  What I’m doing with Marseille, keeping her as mine, wasn’t allowed. It had to be put to a vote. Except I wanted to keep her to myself.

  Opening my trunk, I heard the front door open. She always stood on the porch when I came home. I think secretly she hopes it is someone coming to spring her out of here, but I like to pretend she is just happy to see me.

  I don’t look at her because I need to focus on the task at hand. Pulling the girl out of the trunk, I stand her up. Taking the bag off of her head, she starts screaming. She receives the resounding slap she so desperately needs.


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