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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 72

by Ally Vance

  I hadn’t been in there very much because…well, best friends didn’t have to go in there if she had an apartment.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Let me see.”

  I followed her, noticing the way her entire body trembled.

  The windows were old and while they seemed to be securely locked, I wasn’t sure if you couldn’t after all open them from the outside—and close them the same way after leaving again.

  Chances also were he’d come in through the door. The building was better than a lot around here, but when it came to security, I didn’t think it was up to standard.

  “Is there anything that you found weird or noticed missing since you thought you have a stalker?” I was still looking at the window and then went back to the front door, hearing her soft footfall follow me.

  “No, I don’t think so. What could he have taken that I could be missing?”

  There were a lot of things, I was sure, but did I really want to frighten her?

  When I didn’t answer, she seemed to draw her own conclusions. “Underwear? Pictures?”

  I nodded, silent.

  She vanished while I looked around. I didn’t think we’d even notice it if he’d moved something because he’d be trying to go unnoticed as much as possible.

  “I… I am missing underwear. Very… Uhm…”

  She blushed crimson.


  She closed her eyes. “I have special underwear that I brought a few months back after seeing it. Sexy underwear. Like…very sexy. And it’s gone. I know exactly where I put it, but…”

  I swallowed down all jealousy I was feeling at her buying that type of underwear. After all, you didn’t do that without someone special in mind, but that wasn’t important now.

  “Maybe you misplaced it,” I suggested, but she shook her head and I realized there was more.

  “I… I had a dream last night. I was having a sexy dream. Very sexy, and the guy was whispering to me about how he fucked me in the candlelight. I thought it was a dream, but if underwear is missing and I look at the message, I got this morning combined with the dream, I think…” She touched her throat. “I think he was here, and what I wiped away this morning most likely wasn’t wax…”

  Maddie bolted from the room, and I didn’t know what to do first: call the police or rush after her to make sure she was all right.

  Judging by the noise from the bathroom, she wasn’t all right—and police it was.

  However, even before I dialed and spoke to a condescending dude on the phone, I knew it was useless. Unless he harmed her or she had hard evidence he’d been in her apartment, they wouldn’t do a thing.

  Lucky for Maddie, I was back, and I was going to protect her no matter what.

  Chapter Two


  I was restless all night. We’d talked, and I’d just been glad to be around Maddie, but the fact it scared her was something she couldn’t hide.

  It was in the way she kept glancing around, or the way her hand trembled no matter what. Breakfast was a rather quiet matter, and I could easily see why. “If you want me to walk you to work, I can,” I offered.

  Maddie’s gaze lifted, and there was a hint of defiance in her eyes. “No, thank you. I’ll keep my phone close, and trust me, if the police won’t do anything unless he attacked me, I’d rather provoke him now.” She placed her hand on my arm. “Especially knowing you’re there to rush to my side whenever something happens.”

  I didn’t like that answer, but understood why she said that. “Yes, call me whenever. Never walk where you’d be completely alone. Make sure you’re sticking around people. If something feels off, it most likely is.”

  Dutifully, she nodded. “I have a dentist-appointment today, so I won’t be back until six. Will you be here, or rather exploring the city?”

  I’d be here because I planned on exploring her apartment. I had a strong feeling the guy had been in her apartment before, but I’d not asked about cameras that could be hidden or anything else. She didn’t need to be scared until I’d found something, and that was my task for the day. “Just decompressing,” I replied, and she winked at me.

  “Guess who got you an Xbox to make sure you can do that well enough?”

  I swept her up in my arms, causing her to burst out laughing. “Damn, woman. You know how to make me happy.” I pressed a kiss to her cheek, too, loving the feel and wishing I could kiss her on the lips.

  “I live to make you smile.” She winked, and I put her back onto her own two feet. “I’ll pick up some food on the way back. Any preference?”

  I shrugged. “Anything without sand in it.”

  Again, she laughed. “Should be easy enough.” Her expression softened. “Thank you. I needed those laughs. And now, I’m off, handsome. I’ll see you. And I’ll call you if anything comes up.”

  I counted on it. Walking her to the door, there was a moment when I was sure she’d be okay with me kissing her. Hell, how had I been in love with her for so long, and it was now that I could hardly hold on to myself? Her eyes held mine for longer than was necessary, as if she was going to say something, but then her cheeks heated and instead, she turned away.

  “Ciao, babe. And stay safe.”

  She just nodded while I waited until she was out of sight due to walking down the stairs, then I closed the door again, looking around. The living room was wide and open, filled with little shelves here and there, and quite a lot of small decorations. Tasteful, but also perfect to hide things in or behind. I started in the corner that would give someone watching the best view of the couch and came away empty.

  Perusing the rest of the shelves, I came up with the same result.

  Next was the kitchen, a place I knew she frequented often because she loved to pour over business papers there, or orders, or other things.

  In fact, for her the kitchen was one of the most important rooms ever, and yet, it would be a lot harder hiding a camera there.

  This time I was successful, as much as I wished it wouldn’t be true. It was hidden between crooked standing cookbooks. Whoever had placed it there must’ve noticed that they were dust-covered because Maddie never cooked following a recipe.

  I considered taking the camera down, but then decided against it to let the police see it. Next up was the bathroom, my heart sinking now. I didn’t even want to know what Maddie would say finding that out.

  In the bathroom there was a camera, too, and while it didn’t catch the inside of the shower, I doubted it was any consolation. Instead, I took out my phone and called the police.


  “Are you the same dude who called yesterday about the stalker?”

  I was a little perplexed, but then confirmed that. “I did. But you wanted proof. There are cameras in her apartment. Bathroom and kitchen. I didn’t even check the bedroom yet. Is that enough evidence?”

  The officer on the line snorted. “Yesterday you didn’t have any, and today you suddenly do? What a coincidence.”

  I gaped at the phone, not sure I’d just heard that. “You cannot be serious.”

  “Listen, sir, there is no need to get insulting. I can only tell you what it sounds like to me, and if it sounds like that to me, my colleagues definitely will not come out for any of that. If you really want to do something, come to the station and file a report.”

  I gritted my teeth. “A report against unknown because there is a stalking case, and no one will bother to come here and even look at the cameras?”

  The guy on the other end was quiet for a moment, then… “Sorry, but again, it sounds like you don’t have any proof she’s really being stalked, and I get it, you’re trying to play big hero here, but… There’s nothing. She probably is just imagining it.”

  I hung up after that, in utter disbelief. If sexual harassment calls went anything like this one, I wasn’t surprised women didn’t come forward to report crimes much more often.

  Especially because I wasn’t even a gir
l and yet, they’d totally ignored what I had to say because a girl had said she felt as if she had a stalker.

  I hesitated for a long moment, wondering what best to do, and then decided to challenge the fucker.

  Turning the cameras so he wouldn’t see anything anymore, I wondered how long it might be until he came out to adjust what he’d planted.


  I was late for the dentist appointment, and a young nice man brought me instantly into one of the rooms, telling me I’d have to wait since they’d just gotten an emergency in. I told him he didn’t have to worry, I’d not go anywhere, and he left.

  It wasn’t the first time I’d waited because of emergencies, but I appreciated waiting in here because you didn’t hear any drills or anything from the other rooms.

  After ten minutes, the guy came back in. “Do you need anything to drink?”

  I nodded, thanking him when he returned with water and then told me it would be just a few more minutes. The mask and surgery cap he was wearing distorted his face, but since his voice was familiar, I figured it was a guy I’d seen around.

  I emptied the water, the room hotter than I remembered, and rested back on the dentist’s chair.

  God, it was hot in here.

  I took out my cell, clicking through my social media, but there was nothing weird or new.

  I called Dim, speaking to him for a few minutes because I wanted to reconfirm what he wanted to eat—and because I wanted to hear his voice. Hell, the more he was around me, the more I wanted him to be more than just my best friend.

  Once that was out of the way, I glanced around, finding another cup with water standing on the corner next to the door the assistant had left through, and I couldn’t help but be glad. Picking it up I looked at it from all sides, not finding any evidence that anyone else had drunken from it, and downed that too, returning to the seat.

  There was a rush outside of the doors, and although the sound was muffled, I couldn’t help but think there was clearly another emergency.

  “Sorry, it’s hell today. Are you sure you don’t mind waiting?”

  Where had the assistant come from? “No, I’m fine. Just a little… Can I open the window, please? It’s so warm in here.”

  He sighed behind the mask. “Sorry, our AC is broken and heats whenever it feels like it instead of doing its actual job. And the windows are locked for security. We’re on the fourth floor and deal in strong anesthetics. We cannot risk anyone jumping out of one when being under. Sorry… You can take off your jacket if you want. I have to go. I’ll bring you another water, okay?”

  I nodded, thanking him, then shook out of my jacket. I was wearing a blouse underneath it, but even that seemed to be too much now.

  He returned, showed me the cup, and then was gone again. I was grateful, taking the cup, emptying it, and then sitting down again to play with my phone until it was my turn.

  The door opened, but the world had slowed down. The heat was clearly getting to me.

  “Hey there.” The voice sounded unfamiliar, further away, and I stretched on the chair.

  “Hi,” I said lazily, “Do you feel as hot as I feel? I should take this off, too…” I started to unbutton my blouse because fuck, I needed to get out of the clothes to not sweat.

  “Oh girl…”

  I looked at the guy. It was a different one, wearing dark-framed glasses, his hair bound back as if he’d just come from the surgery, the blue hat hiding most of the ponytail that was peeking out, while the mask hid his face.

  He snapped on gloves. And I stretched, my lacey bra rubbing over my nipples, causing me to moan.

  “Hot,” he muttered.

  “I know,” I replied. “I feel like that, too.”

  He chuckled, the sound far away while my blouse finally fully fell away, causing me to exhale in relief. “I can help you cool down,” he offered.

  “Please,” I instantly replied.

  “You could take off your pants, too.”

  That was the best idea ever! I fumbled with the button and then pushed it down, the soft material of the chair cold against my skin.

  “Lean back and relax…”

  I did as I was told, closing my eyes to inhale. “God, I’m horny.” The words were out before I’d realized I thought them, and I slapped my hand over my mouth, giggling.

  “I can help with that, too,” the guy offered, and I stretched my hand out.

  “Really? That would be so kind. Seriously. Because I need something now. Please…”

  I was sure I heard him moan, and I kept reaching for him, my hand outstretched because if he was going to help me, I was going to help him. “Gimme your dick,” I demanded, running my not-waiting hand over my breasts. I needed everything right now.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed, and I blinked, but couldn’t quite see clearly. And it didn’t matter, either. I just needed to feel.

  “I want to lick you.”

  I allowed my legs to fall open as an answer and before I knew it; he had moved, my pussy clenching as he blew on it. “You’re wet,” he muttered.

  “I’m horny, help me,” I whined and then his tongue was on me and it was the bestest feeling in the world.

  I stretched more, spread my legs further, and pinched my own nipples. God, it was getting hotter and hotter in here, so much hotter, but now I didn’t mind. He was teasing my clit, licking and sucking, and I bit my lip because I needed to be quiet. Dentist office. This guy could get in trouble for helping me.

  I didn’t want that.

  Didn’t need it.

  But I needed this, needed to come. “Harder. More. Please,” I begged, moving my hips against his face as if I was sitting on him. Damn, I needed more friction and when he bit down on my knob, I bit the knuckles of my index finger to keep from crying out.

  This… This was what I wanted.

  I can’t believe I am on my knees, licking her. I make sure to snap pictures, make also sure there is no way to recognize me, then I pull away, filming how her pussy clenches for me, wanting more.

  Maddie whimpers, but I need her hands on me, and so I stand.

  “No,” she cries, but I just lean over, kissing her deeply after pulling my mask down. It is the first time I have ever tasted her like this, both up here and down below, and I’m harder than a rock in response.

  I lead her hand to my cock and she instantly strokes while I lower my mouth to bite her nipple, abusing the puckered thing. With every one of her uncoordinated movements, I bite harder, teasing her more, and slip my latex-covered fingers down her body, finding her drenched.

  God, if I could…

  “Lie on the floor, girl,” I order, and she scrambles to her feet, only to drop instantly.

  I crawl over her, making sure I lower my pants just enough so she can suck my cock in, then I part her legs, and start licking her again.

  I want her to come all over my tongue, and I allow my hand to join while I nearly choke her with my cock. She is so eager, so willing, her throat so loose, and I revel in it.

  Holy fucking shit, this will forever be committed to memory.

  I look up, searching for my cell, and find it close enough to reach out. The video recording is turned on still and I shove three fingers into her, finding her tight and not caring that she is making gagging noises around my dick.

  This is perfect heaven.

  However, killing her would not be good, and so I lift my hips a little… But she draws me back down, even teasing my hole. It is incredible how reckless the drugs made her.

  I want more of that, but know that won’t happen.

  Not again.

  Although I have to pat myself on the back because she’d been trusting enough to even drink the last cup, the one that had caused her to be in this position.

  I finger-fuck her harder, shutting the phone off to lick her again. I suck, lick, and fuck her throat until I spill deep in her mouth, forcing her to swallow every bit of cum.

  She smacks her lips as I p
ull away and shift. “Do you want me to make you come all over me and the floor?”

  Maddie nods, mewling as she brushes over her nipples.

  Yeah, I worked those good.

  “Good, girl. Hold on tight.”

  I force my fingers back into her, four this time, but instead of complaining, her legs fall away wider. I lick her clit, allowing my mouth and fingers to take all from her I want, and it’s perfect. I just came, my cock resting against the cold floor. But I know if I draw this out a little longer, I’m going to get hard again.

  It will be so easy.

  I bite her thigh, not enough to leave marks, but enough to cause her to whimper again. Her hands are searching for leverage, but I tied that head thing on well. It doesn’t give and I’m glad about that. The last thing I need is my DNA on her.

  “I’m coming,” she rushes out, her legs almost automatically closing. I lean over, keeping them spread wide open, effectively holding her in place now even as she comes down my tongue in a wet rush, and then tries to pull away.

  I know she’s sensitive, but I’m not done yet—and she cannot go anywhere.

  The sounds she makes are incredible, and I wish I could record those. My chin’s wet from her, my fingers still inside of her, curling and teasing, and I lifted my head. “You want more?” I ask her.

  Her eyes are glassy, her lips red from her constantly chewing on them, and she swallows. “I don’t think I can take more…”

  I finger-fuck her harder, keeping her legs open, my eyes on her face. I’ve lost the glasses before I started, knowing she cannot remember a thing anyway, and watch as she mewls, whimpers, and then begs because her orgasm is budding. I bite down on her clit, getting drenched again, and know I’ll take the gloves back with me as a souvenir.

  Once she comes down from her high, I help her redress, sit her down on the chair, hand her more water, and then take a few pictures of her in her utterly sated state. She almost instantly falls asleep, and I brush my hand over her blouse-covered breasts again.

  She will remember none of this, but I know she’ll feel her nipples hurting for quite a while, and her pussy…


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