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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

Page 13

by Shaw Montgomery

  Pliant and trembling, Carter sank into the pleasure as Grant slowly pushed him higher and higher. By the time Grant was fucking Carter’s tight opening with his tongue, Carter seemed to be riding the pleasure, lost to everything else. Reaching down for the bag, Grant carefully kept up his teasing as he found the lube. Needy whimpers escaped when Grant eased the first finger in.

  Carefully avoiding Carter’s prostate for the time being, Grant gradually stretched the muscles until Carter was pushing back, whining for more. When Grant eased the second finger in, he stopped avoiding Carter’s small bundle of nerves.

  The first time he caressed Carter’s prostate it was like lightning shooting through his boy. His head came up and frantic sounds flooded out of his mouth. Grant thought it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever heard.

  When a gasping Carter forced out one quiet, pleading word, Grant knew he couldn’t take any more. “Sir?”

  Sliding his fingers out of Carter’s stretched hole, Grant quickly grabbed a condom out of the bag. Tossing it on the bed between Carter’s splayed legs, Grant stripped his clothes in record time, grateful that Carter couldn’t see his frantic, awkward movements. He just needed to be naked. It wasn’t a Chippendale’s routine.

  Not this time.

  Racing to put the condom on and coat it in more lube, Grant was back kneeling behind Carter before his boy could lose the beautiful subspace he’d sunk into. Gently easing into Carter’s body, Grant fought the urge to thrust and made himself go slowly.

  Sexy noises flooded out of Carter as Grant kept up the tortuously unhurried pace. He wanted this to be something that Carter would remember, not a hurried fuck just to orgasm. He wanted to blow his sexy man’s mind and show him how incredible they would be together.

  By the time he bottomed out in Carter, they were both desperate for more. Pulling out, he pushed back in with measured, even strokes. Fighting back the need to come, Grant started mentally reaching for anything to take his focus from his own impending orgasm. Crazy things came to mind, but nothing that distracted him from how incredible his boy was.

  Finally giving up, Grant reached under a squirming, shaking Carter and opened the ring so it fell to the bed. That was all Carter needed. One more thrust and as Grant’s cock caressed Carter’s prostate he exploded. Carter’s orgasm flooded through him in waves of pleasure, making it impossible for Grant to hold back.

  His own orgasm broke through as Carter’s muscles rippled and tightened around his cock. Frantic thrusts that made them both shout was the only thing that could be heard above the slapping of skin as Grant fought to keep Carter’s orgasm going.

  When they were both spent, Grant collapsed over Carter. Carefully removing the cuffs, Grant rolled them to their sides. Wrapping his arms around Carter, he knew he’d have to move in just a moment, but he wasn’t ready to let go yet.

  Carter snuggled into his arms, long slow breaths making Grant think he’d fallen asleep, but a quiet voice spoke up. “I think next time I’m going to disobey. I think that would be fun, too.”

  Laughing, Grant gave Carter’s ass a half-hearted smack, which made Carter giggle. “That was incredible, Grant.”

  Giving the top of Carter’s head a kiss, Grant smiled. “You are just…unbelievable, pretty.” He didn’t have the words to tell Carter how he felt, but the smile he could see on Carter’s face let him know his feisty sub knew even if he didn’t say it.

  Carter’s eyes closed and he pushed back closer to Grant. Feeling his muscles relax, Grant knew sleep was claiming his exhausted sub. Easing away from Carter so he could clean them both up, Grant was almost off the bed when Carter spoke one last time, sleep and confusion clouding his voice. “Why were you quoting the Preamble to the Constitution?”

  Damn it.

  Chapter 15


  “Hurry up—but don’t drop that. I don’t want them to think I’m incompetent in the kitchen. If we have to show up with something from the store, I’ll die. They’ll never let me forget it.” Carter might have been panicking over nothing, but as the plate of fudge tipped precariously sideways in Grant’s hands, his heart rate jumped. “I should be holding that. You drive.”

  Carefully taking the plate from Grant, Carter shoved his keys in his pocket. “Yes. You drive this time.” He’d drive on salad day, or maybe when they were in charge of bringing paper plates and plastic silverware. Grant just grunted and shook his head but was smart enough not to argue.

  Carter had wanted to bring something different from what the guys might have been able to do for themselves, and competing against one of Wyatt’s cakes seemed like he was setting himself up for failure. So he’d picked one of his favorite desserts, making several flavors of fudge for the barbecue.

  When Grant had seen what they were bringing, he’d immediately made Carter box up some to hide in the house, knowing that none would be left by the end of the day. Since no one in the family but Wyatt had come to his house, he hadn’t seen the need to actually hide the candy. Grant had refused to budge until it was protected.

  Carter thought it was cute—but paranoid.

  He’d humored his nut, though, and tucked the plastic container full of fudge behind a bag of seaweed chips in the pantry. He had a feeling none of the brothers would pick that as their first choice of snacks if they ever did come over.

  They didn’t strike Carter as the adventurous type when it came to junk food.

  Grant thought it was perfect. However, he’d also seemed to question Carter’s sanity, because he had a hard time moving past the idea that Carter had green chips in his cabinet. After reassuring him the chips hadn’t gone bad, because then they might spoil the fudge, Carter couldn’t manage to keep a straight face at Grant’s disbelief. Shock didn’t even begin to describe Grant’s reaction.




  They’d then spent several more minutes with Carter reassuring Grant that he didn’t have to taste them, and yes, he would brush his teeth before kissing Grant if he ate them. The ridiculous conversation had not only been frustrating and ridiculous, it had made them late.

  “It’s a family get-together. We’re not late—and I wasn’t going to drop it. They’re going to love it. I don’t know why you’re panicking over this.” Grant frowned and gave him a kiss before opening the door to his car. After helping Carter in, he walked around the car to get in the passenger seat.

  In Carter’s mind, there was so much to worry about it was staggering. Would they like him as much as they did Wyatt? Would they like dessert? Should he have made a pie instead? What kind of pie would have been best? Would Wyatt’s announcement—one that Carter wasn’t supposed to know about—go according to plan? The list could go on and on.

  The drive to Brent’s house was over before he had a chance to get his nerves under control. Why couldn’t he have lived farther away? Coming as Grant’s boyfriend was a lot more stressful than coming as Wyatt’s friend had been. He hadn’t thought that would be possible—he was wrong.

  After they parked, Grant came around and opened the door before Carter could situate the plate right. Shaking his head, Grant crouched down, putting his hand on Carter’s leg. “It will be fine. They’re going to love the fudge. They like you, and something tells me that we’re not going to be the center of attention for long.”

  “Wyatt?” Did Grant know? He hadn’t been supposed to tell. Had Garrett said something?

  “What about Wyatt? I was talking about Bryce and his men.” Now Grant looked confused. “Do you know what’s up with those two?”

  Carter tried for innocent—and failed miserably. He finally gave up. “I’m not supposed to talk about it. Wyatt was…worked up and talked about something he wasn’t supposed to.”

  Grant’s eyes widened. Carter saw a knowing look flash through his eyes before Grant’s focus turned back to him. “I’m going to enjoy punishing you tonight.”


  “Call it lyi
ng. The sin of omission. Hiding things from your lover. Concealing vital family gossip from your boyfriend. Call it anything you want, but pretty, I’m getting even tonight.” Grant’s words should have made him worried, but the wicked expression on his face made Carter shiver.

  How long were they supposed to stay at the barbecue?

  Not sure what to say, Carter kept it simple. “I’m sorry?”

  The fact that it came out more as a question than statement worked against him. Grant shook his head and frowned. It made Carter want to squirm, and his cock started to stir. That was the last thing he needed, and the fear that he’d have to walk up to everyone with a hard-on sticking out of his panties cleared his head. “I’m sorry, Sir. I won’t hide something important again.”

  It came out more believably. Not that he had any intention of actually keeping the promise. Grant didn’t seem to think so, either, because he coughed to cover a laugh. “I hope you remember that promise when I’m punishing you tonight.”

  He shook his head at Carter, giving him a pitying look. “You’re going to regret being naughty when I get out my special toy.”


  Was he talking about the cage again?

  Mind-blowing didn’t even begin to describe that night. Would Grant get it out again, or did he have something else in mind? The carnally wicked look in Grant’s eyes said it would be good, but Carter couldn’t even begin to guess what he was thinking.

  “Thank you for punishing me, Sir. I want to be good for you.” Damn fantasies were making his cock thicken. If he didn’t get it under control, when he stood up his skirt was going to be awkwardly tented. This wasn’t the club, and he wasn’t quite ready for that yet.

  Mischievous light danced in Grant’s eyes, but the rest of his face didn’t give anything away. “I’m glad you’re being a good boy. But if you don’t get that cock under control I’m going to have to take care of it right here, and I’m not sure you’d like what I had in mind.”

  Carter’s emotions ping-ponged around and he couldn’t decide what he wanted. The longing to find out exactly what was giving Grant that look was so strong, but part of him was nervous and thought he wasn’t ready yet. Taking the more prudent path, because yeah, they were in Brent’s front yard, Carter took some deep breaths and thought of every gross thing he’d ever seen on a CSI episode.

  Having a bit of an obsession for that and gory hospital dramas, he had a wealth of images to pull from. Before long his body was under control, even if that wasn’t what he really wanted. He leaned over, careful of the plate, and gave Grant a quick kiss. “Let’s go. Before I get myself in more trouble.”

  Grant’s laughter wrapped around him like a warm hug as he climbed out of the car, and they headed around the side of the house. The barbecue was in full swing, but they weren’t the last to arrive. Bryce and his men were conspicuously absent.

  Carter tried to be subtle as he looked around the yard and back at the house. Grant didn’t seem to feel any need to hide his curiosity. He just glanced at the yard, then called over to Garrett, his booming voice echoing, “Bryce chicken out on bringing his guys?”

  The crowd of people laughed, and Garrett and Brent both started berating Grant for having no tact. Calen, on the other hand, completely agreed with Grant and immediately stood up for him. Carter just hung back and watched as chaos ensued. They were such a strange family, it was like watching aliens sometimes.

  “Does it always feel like we’re watching a circus or some kind of reality show to you?” Wyatt stepped up beside Carter and grinned. “It’s not a bad thing. I love Garrett and his family is wonderful, but it’s like a zoo over here sometimes.”

  They both watched as the arguing—if that’s what it could be called because no one seemed angry—started to wind down. The general consensus seemed to be that Grant and Calen were going to leave Bryce and his guys alone when they finally showed up, but yes, he was probably being a shit and ditching them because he was nervous.

  When they all finally calmed down enough to see what Carter had brought, nerves started fraying again. Grant was hovering over Carter, and while he would have loved to have thought it was because he was concerned about Carter, he knew it was more because Grant wasn’t ready to share.

  It was like watching toddlers war over the last cookie.

  He finally pulled Grant aside. “You have more at home. Let me put this down. If they want some, that’s fine. We brought it to share—” Carter barely got the words out before Grant clamped a hand over his mouth.

  “You’re never supposed to say that.” Grant looked horrified, like Carter was giving away the intimate details of their sex life in the middle of Brent’s back yard. Aliens, they were aliens. Before he could decide if he was going to lick him or bite him, Grant wisely removed his hand. Looking around like a bad James Bond, he dropped his voice. “I don’t know if they heard or not. We have to find a better hiding spot when we get home.”

  “They’re not going to come steal your fudge.” It was like trying to reason with a three-year-old. Grant wouldn’t be swayed.

  “You have no idea. One time we went over to Garrett’s house and raided his house of all the good stuff. He’d gone to the French bakery on the other side of town and thought he could hide it. He was at a late meeting, so we snuck over. When he came home, there wasn’t a cookie or pastry in the place.” Grant said it so reasonably, Carter had to run the conversation back a few times in his head.

  “You broke into his house?” Carter’s words tumbled out in shock, but he managed to keep his voice down enough that no one noticed.

  “No.” Grant looked at him like he was a few crayons short of a full box. “We had a key.”

  He was surrounded by lunatics.

  “They’d better not break into my house for chocolate.” Carter gave Grant a stern look. “If I come home to ransacked cupboards, I’ll hang them all.”

  “They don’t have a key.” Grant shook his head like Carter wasn’t thinking things through. “They’ll invite themselves over, or come by to borrow something. It will be subtle, but by the time you turn around, they’ll have left in a hurry and the fudge will be gone.”

  Grant sounded a bit like one of the alien conspiracy theorists on TV. Firmly convinced he was right—but paranoid and a little freaky to listen to. Carter shook his head and tried to talk some sense into his nut. “I won’t let them take the fudge. I’m not even sure they know where I live.”

  Grant seemed to take some consolation in that, but not for long, because he started rambling about Wyatt not being able to keep a secret. Carter wasn’t sure how long the insanity would have continued, but Bryce’s arrival stopped the crazy train mid-station.

  He was alone.

  Hands in his pockets, Bryce tried to maintain a neutral expression as he walked around the side of the house, but he failed miserably. His eyes were shifting around the yard nervously. It was clear he was expecting an interrogation.

  Everyone was stumped. Even the normally levelheaded Brent was standing there shocked. They’d all been so happy for Bryce and so excited to meet Troy and Oliver that him showing up without them stunned everyone. Luckily, Wyatt was the first to recover.

  He walked over to Bryce, hands on his hips, and shook his head. “You forgot the salad, didn’t you?”

  Bryce gave him a half-shrug and nodded, grateful for the reprieve. “I’m sorry. It got burned.”

  Brent spoke up, frustration clear in his voice. “The damned salad wasn’t burned, it was charred!”

  Laughter rippled through the group, and the tension eased as conversations resumed. Carter wasn’t sure what was wrong, but he hoped the other man would talk about what happened when he was ready. Grant shifted, drawing Carter’s attention back to his lover. Grant looked ready to charge in and fix whatever was wrong.

  Taking his bulldozer’s hand, Carter leaned close. “I don’t think he wants to talk about it right now, babe.”

  Grant tightened his grip on Carter’s ha
nd and started absently caressing the back of Carter’s hand with his fingers. “But…”

  “I know you guys are a close family, but some things are private. Do you think he wants to talk, or do you think he needs some time?”

  Grant sighed but nodded. “Time.” He said it begrudgingly, like he would have rather admitted anything else.

  “Maybe it’s not as bad as everyone is imagining. It could be something small.” Carter tried to come up with something, but it felt wrong. Bryce’s expression didn’t make him think the other men would be coming later. Bryce seemed…resigned.

  Bryce was so excited when they’d had dinner last week. He hadn’t talked to him since, but what could have changed in a matter of days? They watched as Wyatt led Bryce around the yard, keeping him distracted.

  Carter squeaked as Grant shifted and pulled him into his arms, Carter’s back pressed against the bigger man’s chest. When Grant’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him close, Carter’s heartbeat started to go back to normal.

  Leaning back against Grant, Carter sighed. “He was so excited the other day.” He felt Grant’s body shift and looked up to see him nodding.

  “Whatever happened, it sucks to see him like this.” Grant didn’t seem to know what to say.

  Carter let his fingers wander along Grant’s arms, caressing the muscles that enveloped him. He hadn’t been involved with the family for long, but they were all worming their way into his life and emotions. As eccentric as they were, they were becoming more of a family to Carter than his own had ever been.

  Wyatt and Garrett had a big part in welcoming him, but Carter knew if it weren’t for the big Dom with the even bigger heart, he’d still be standing on the sidelines watching. Maybe he needed to make sure Grant knew how much he was coming to mean to him. “I’m sorry for what Bryce is going through, but I’m glad I have you.”


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