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Page 11

by LH Nicole

  The old woman glided across the now re-formed bridge. “You have done well, child.”

  Aliana blinked, forcing her vision to clear and the room to stop spinning, but she couldn’t stop the ringing in her head.

  “You have passed the third and final test to prove your worth of the title Destined One.” The smoky voice was filled with joy.

  The buzzing in Aliana’s head grew louder, and words ran through her mind so quickly that she couldn’t understand most of them. “What’s happening to me?” she gasped. Her chest grew tighter. Something inside of her was rising to the surface, trying to escape. She tried to keep from panicking, but she didn’t know what was happening or if she could control it.

  “Only the Destined One has the strength to harness a spell strong enough to free King Arthur. The power has been growing inside of you since you first entered the forest surrounding Avalon’s gate.”

  Sweat trickled down Aliana’s cheeks as she fought to hold the power within her. Struggling, she made it to her feet. Her grip on the rock in front her was the only thing keeping her from falling back down. She studied the man lying on the ivy-covered altar. The magic bounded as words started to string together in her mind. Gritting her teeth, she pushed away from the stone and made her way to the king, ignoring the strange woman only a few feet from her.

  The legendary king didn’t look anything like she thought he would. He appeared young, like Galahad. His thick, chocolate-colored hair swept across his forehead. Even lying there asleep he radiated a power and strength that had probably made men tremble before him. His skin was pale and smooth over his square jaw, and his nose looked like it may have been broken once or twice. He was as tall as Galahad, easily over six feet, and in great shape for a guy who’d been asleep for hundreds of years. His armor and clothes were untouched by either time or the dampness of the cave. There was nothing to show that he’d been mortally wounded when he’d arrived here.

  Aliana sat next to Arthur on the altar and leaned over him. Gently, she brushed the dark locks from his brow, lowering her lips to inches above his. She focused on the power flowing within her, gathering the forming words and whirls of magic. Somehow, she knew exactly what to do.

  “Arthur Pendragon, our once and future king, your time has come. Your people need you once again to rise up and fight for them.” The power drew her closer to him so that her lips nearly touched his. “Hear my voice; come to me.” Then her lips met his as she breathed out the final words.

  The power burst forth from her. Aliana closed her eyes, surrendering to the magic flowing from her lips to Arthur’s, breathing life back into his hard body. When the last wisps of power flowed from her, she pulled back, breaking away from his full, firm mouth. Slowly, she opened her eyes, watching the color return to his face. She ran her fingers over her lips in awe, still feeling his mouth on hers. The power flowing between them wove a tangled web and somehow, a small piece of her heart healed itself.

  Arthur drew in the first breath he’d taken in almost fifteen hundred years.

  It was then that she realized what she had just done. She had just kissed King Arthur! Before the shock of her actions could set in, the king’s eyes opened. In that moment, all she saw was a rich gold bursting in his eyes. They were such a clear brown, they seemed to glow. Nothing could have torn her eyes from his, and for an endless moment, King Arthur looked at her with pure exhilaration and joy, his beautiful lips turned up in a smile.

  He raised his hand, brushing his fingertips gently across her lips before his large hand cupped her cheek. The gentle warmth flowing from his hand had Aliana sighing as she leaned into his touch and smiled back softly.

  “It is you,” he whispered, his voice weak.

  “Lady Aliana,” Galahad’s voice called to her.

  She jerked away, shocked out of the spell’s fading power by the worry in Galahad’s voice. Arthur’s brow furrowed, his eyes questioning hers, but Galahad and Dagg were across the bridge before either of them could say another word.

  Aliana slid off the altar as Arthur pushed himself up. Her vision blurred, and she gripped the stone tightly, trying to keep from collapsing. After taking a deep breath, her head stopped spinning and her vision cleared. Thank the stars! She wouldn’t make a fool of herself in front of a king, after all.

  Galahad stood a few feet away, awe and shock clear in his blue eyes as he met his king’s gaze for the first time in over a millennium. Galahad unsheathed his sword, placing the tip into the earth, and kneeled before King Arthur. Aliana moved back, giving Arthur room to stand. She couldn’t hide her surprise when he got to his feet with ease, as if he’d never been enchanted in the first place.

  King Arthur gazed down at his knight and smiled. “Sir Galahad, my old friend.”

  “My king, it is good to have you with us again.” The knight looked up. “Once again, I offer you my sword and my loyalty as a Knight of the Round Table, and as your friend.”

  Arthur placed a hand on Galahad’s shoulder. “Rise, brother, you know you do not need to bow before me.” Standing, Galahad re-sheathed his sword, and the two men embraced each other, laughing.

  Dagg, who had been watching everything in silence, landed next to Aliana’s hands on the altar. King Arthur studied the silver Dragon for a moment before glancing at Aliana.

  “It is good to finally meet you, King Arthur. I am Daggerhorne, guardian to the Destined One.” Dagg bowed his head.

  “Sire,” Galahad said, stepping forward, seeming the happiest he’d been since Aliana had freed him. “May I introduce the Lady Aliana Fagan?”

  “Hello,” Aliana said, amazed at how steady her voice sounded while her insides were a mess of emotions pulling her in so many directions. Her eyes drifted back and forth between the two men towering over her. She let go of the stone, determined that her legs would hold her. And they did, but only for a moment.

  Galahad was suddenly at her side, his arm around her waist, supporting her. Grateful, Aliana leaned into him, breathing in the wintery scent that she was becoming so fond of.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, my lady.” Arthur’s accented voice rumbled as he bowed to her. “I am eternally in your debt for awakening me.”

  “No problem. Glad I could help.” She stifled a nervous giggle.

  “It is good to see you moving about again, great king.” The mystery woman stepped out from the shadows. With a grand flourish, she threw off her brown cloak, revealing her true form.

  Dangerously beautiful.

  That was the only way Aliana could describe her. She was taller now, with long, wavy, copper locks and skin as pale as a china doll. She was dressed in an elegant green bodice with sheer gold sleeves. Her matching green skirt hugged her hips and was slit on both sides. Queen Titania’s emerald eyes matched her dress, and her pink lips smiled like she knew all the secrets of the world. Next to her, Aliana felt like a complete disaster with her clothes torn and caked with dirt. Her hair was probably a total rat’s nest.

  “Queen Titania.” King Arthur bowed deeply to her. Galahad bowed his head to the Fae queen, but stood straight and kept his arm tight around Aliana.

  “The first undertaking is complete, but now I fear the true challenges lie before you all.” Titania studied each of them carefully, seeming to take note of Galahad’s arms supporting Aliana and the way Arthur stood slightly in front of the pair. The queen smirked.

  Aliana didn’t like that look in her eyes. She leaned in closer to Galahad, grateful for his calming presence.

  “What must we do next, your Majesty?” Arthur asked.

  “Follow the prophecy. The Destined One is the key. She will guide you to your next task.” Her hard gaze met Arthur’s, then moved on to Galahad’s and Daggerhorne’s before meeting Aliana’s. The queen’s eyes softened just a bit. “There is great danger ahead for all of you but especially for the Destined One. Mordrid will know that she is the key. You know the lengths to which he is willing to go in order to win. You all must guard Aliana
well; keep her from harm.”

  “We’ll protect her no matter the cost,” Arthur vowed, his voice fierce.

  “She will be protected at all times,” Galahad swore as he gazed down at his charge.

  Aliana reddened, turning to Dagg, surprised the Dragon had been so silent. Her green eyes met his purple ones, and he nodded at her.

  “No one will be safer, my queen,” Dagg assured her. “But we must get to the mortal realm soon. There is still much to be done, and I am sure Aliana is ready to go home.”

  The queen moved past Arthur and stood in front of Aliana, who straightened as much as her aching body would allow. Titania tucked a stray lock of Aliana’s milk chocolate hair behind her ear as she smiled, almost fondly, at the young woman. “You have done well, young one. You are truly worthy of your destiny.” With those words, the Fae queen stepped back. “I will send you all back to the Lady of the Lake. Aliana knows the way to the mortal realm from there.”

  Galahad, Arthur, and Dagg all bowed to Queen Titania one last time. The beautiful queen held out her hand again, and the same magic she had used earlier sprang to life, circling them. Its warmth seeped into Aliana’s aching muscles as her head started to spin. She tried fighting it, but the magic was too strong. She looked up, barely able to see Galahad’s worried eyes. She glanced in Arthur’s direction, meeting his anxious, golden brown gaze before darkness consumed her.

  Queen Titania’s parting words whispered in her head: “Until we meet again.”


  Her eyes, those sparkling emeralds, had been my only companion since the Fae queen cast her spell on me. Her voice, her laugh mesmerized me. I wanted to draw her in close, to feel her lips on mine. Her sweet taste is still on my lips. Yet a memory—a ghost—is holding me back.


  ALIANA LOOKED AT THE CARNAGE around her. Abandoned pieces of scorched black armor littered the ground alongside mutilated and dying gray monsters. The sounds of battle raged around her. Loud crashes of thunder roared through the air, and swords clashed as men and monsters struggled for supremacy. The scent of death and blood surrounded her as more black knights fell to their enemies.

  She watched, horrified, as the story Titania had told her now played out in gruesome, vivid detail. The four brave knights fell to the swords and pointed spears of the monstrous black knights. Aliana cried out, wishing she could do something as the knights died in pain and violence. But she was totally helpless.

  She looked away from the dead men and toward King Arthur, Galahad, and the men she now recognized as Lancelot and Merlin. King Arthur and Galahad fought back to back, and they were a devastating team. Lancelot battled alongside them, his raven hair plastered to his head by sweat, his pale green eyes burning with fury. Next to him the golden-eyed Druid incinerated beastly Goblins and zombie knights, all of it just as the Fae drawings had shown her—except this time Arthur and his knights didn’t wear helmets. She could see the fury that burned in their eyes.

  The sinister warlock sneered, blocking the fireballs Merlin threw at him. “You are weak, Merlin. Neither your king nor your Druid powers, can stop me!” His voice was shrill with glee. “Or did you fail to learn that lesson after Morgana’s death? All the realms will bow to me, and those foolish enough to resist will die slowly while I claim ultimate power.”

  This guy is nuts! Aliana felt her fear all the way to her bones. The sick delight in Mordrid’s black eyes made her feel nauseated.

  Merlin threw aside his sun shield and called down lightning to burn the minions to ash, creating an opening.

  “Galahad, Lancelot, hold them back,” the king ordered, charging forward, sword held high. He shot through the opening and caught Mordrid by surprise, knocking the warlock’s shield from his hand. Mordrid struck back, his magic giving him the ability to strike as hard and as fast as the warrior king.

  “You never learn, Arthur, and that will be your death.” Mordrid slashed his sword down on Arthur.

  Arthur parried Mordrid’s strike, nearly ripping the blade from his hand. “Excalibur and I disagree. All your treachery will have been for naught!” he roared, disarming the villain and cutting a gaping wound into the sorcerer’s arm. “Your dark magic cannot heal Excalibur’s bite.”

  Mordrid fought back, but Arthur pinned him down with Excalibur pressed hard against his throat. “It ends now, warlock.” Arthur prepared to drive his blade down upon Mordrid, but he disappeared.

  “Coward!” Arthur bellowed in rage. “Fight me like a man!” He swung around, searching for Mordrid. The king struck again as the sorcerer reappeared, but again Excalibur cut though empty space.

  As quickly as Mordrid had disappeared, he re-materialized behind the king, wrapping a thin arm around Arthur’s throat, plunging a dagger through the side of his armor. Breath rushed out of Arthur’s lungs. Aliana felt the blade burning as it cut through his flesh.

  “You’ll never kill me, Arthur,” Mordrid said into the king’s ear. He pulled the dagger from Arthur’s side, then stabbed again. “You don’t have the power.”

  Aliana felt the fire that rushed through Arthur’s veins, burning him from the inside out.

  “Arthur!” she cried.

  Galahad, Lancelot, and Merlin all looked to their king, but Mordrid’s black gaze jumped to Aliana’s, trapping her in his power. She felt his fascination and surprise. His lips pulled up into a snarling smile as he studied her through red and black eyes.

  With his evil smile fixed on her, the evil magician withdrew his dagger, plunging it into King Arthur’s side one last time. “Die, Arthur, knowing that I will rule all the realms with my chosen queen by my side.”

  “No!” Aliana’s cries mixed with Galahad’s and Lancelot’s as Mordrid pulled the dagger free, letting Arthur’s body fall to the ground.

  “Lady Aliana.” She felt Mordrid’s cold touch on her skin as he breathed her name. He took a step toward her, his tongue licking his twisted lips.

  Aliana’s eyes were wide with terror as Mordrid advanced. “Please, no,” she whimpered, still frozen in the same spot she had been in since entering this strange vision.

  Lancelot charged at Mordrid, but he sent the knight flying back with a flick of his hand. Before the evil sorcerer could get to Aliana, fire surrounded him, exploding outward, consuming everything.

  “Aliana.” Cool winds wrapped around her as the fire raced toward her. “Wake up.”

  Her emerald eyes shot open as sharp claws shook her awake. Daggerhorne’s anxious face was the first she saw. Taking a breath, she looked past the Dragon, confused, to see Galahad, Arthur, and Deidre.

  Am I still dreaming? I must be. There’s no way all of this really happened! She closed her eyes, trying to wake herself up, and lifted her lids, expecting to see her bedroom walls, but all she saw were the worried faces of people she had only ever dreamed of.

  “What is wrong, my lady? Why were you screaming?” Arthur’s soft voice washed over her. Galahad’s worried blue eyes asked her the same question. Both men’s reactions felt strangely intimate.

  “Is this real?” she asked, sitting up on soft silken pillows and blankets.

  The men looked at each other, their mouths pressed into tight frowns, but the blue-haired Nymph smiled. “This is all very much real, Destined One.” She turned to the men. “Perhaps we should step back and give Lady Aliana some space to compose herself.” Deidre moved away, her ice blue gaze pulling the men reluctantly out of the tent with her.

  Aliana lay back down, still half believing this was all a dream. Dagg’s warm, scaly body snuggled against her arm.

  “You cannot keep disbelieving, Aliana. You have accomplished more in a day than most people do in their lifetimes, and you have been brave and fearless through it all.”

  Aliana scoffed but couldn’t stop her smile as she sat up again, stretching. “Why don’t I hurt anymore, Dagg?” she asked, remembering her screaming muscles and aching bruises and cuts. Then she thought of the sensation during her dream—the fire b
urning her from the inside. Is that what Arthur had to suffer through? She looked down at her clothes to find them whole and clean again. Even her favorite hiking boots looked polished and brand new.

  “Queen Titania’s magic healed you when she transported us here. When you awoke King Arthur, most of your energy was drained. Using magic always has a cost, and holding in so much power for so long exhausted your body.”

  Aliana bit her lip. “Will I have to do something like that again? I felt like I could just go to sleep and never wake up.”

  “I hope not, my lady, but we can build up your magical tolerance with training.”

  Aliana groaned and buried her face in her hands. “I already have martial arts training, now I have to do this too?” She knew she was whining, but hey, she had just pulled off several miracles, according to Dagg—she deserved a moment of self-pity.

  The Dragon laughed and tendrils of smoke curled from his nose. Aliana peered through the tent opening and watched Galahad and Arthur talk with the petite and animated Deidre, who couldn’t seem to keep from touching Arthur at every opportunity. For a moment, jealousy sparked in Aliana’s chest, but then she peeked at Galahad and her heart fluttered. She dropped her eyes before she could get caught staring.

  “My lady, are you all right?” Dagg asked.

  Aliana looked up, plastering a smile on her face. “Yeah, I’m sorry, just got lost for a moment.” She turned back toward the trio next to the moonlit lake. Arthur’s golden brown eyes caught hers over Galahad’s shoulder for a brief moment before Deidre pulled his attention away again.

  “You know your feelings are apparent on your face,” Dagg teased her gently. “You are drawn to both men and confused by it.”

  Aliana felt her cheeks heat up. “It’s not that.” Dagg appeared unconvinced. “It’s just that I feel like I know them. Ever since I was a kid I’ve dreamed about meeting them. I’ve read everything about the Arthurian legends. I know most of the stories by heart. I’ve even done a photo series about it. Coincidently, it was my first big success as an artist. But realizing how much magic plays into their story is just a challenge to believe. I never really thought magic was real until now.”


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