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Page 26

by LH Nicole

  “Who else?” The air around the witch shimmered with ice blue magic, morphing her appearance. Her hair was now a darker blond, her eyes a raging hazel, and her nose just a tad too big for her face. She was striking, but the hatred and evil rolling off her was terrible.

  “And the brave Sir Gawain, too. Or is it Wade now? I believe that’s the name your sister has been crying out since my black knights took her.”

  “What? You’re lying!” Wade roared, trying to attack, but he was blocked from reentering the center.

  “Wade, help me, please!” Lacy’s terror-filled cries stained the air.

  “Lacy!” he cried, looking around frantically. “Where is she, you witch?”

  Aliana had never seen such hatred and outrage in her best friend.

  “Oh dear, what to do? Save your sister or the Destined One? Choices, choices,” Morgana taunted with a wicked laugh.

  “Let her go!” Aliana ordered. “She has nothing to do with this!” Her magic rose inside her, diffusing some of the surrounding power.

  “I’ll make the choice for you, then.” Vines shot out of the walls, sealing off the entrance to the heart of the maze.

  Aliana heard Lancelot and Wade trying to rip through the vines as Dagg leaped from her wrist.

  “Where is Lacy?” Aliana demanded, finally able to move as Morgana pulled back her power.

  Dagg hovered at Aliana’s side, waiting to attack. Lacy cried out again.

  “Damn you, Morgana!” Wade cried out.

  “Go save Lacy! Dagg and I can handle this!” Aliana yelled through the greenery.

  “No, Aliana!” Lancelot protested.

  “Go! You can’t help me, but you can help Lacy. Go!” she ordered.

  Morgana cackled as the guys left. “How amusing! The Destined One fancies herself a hero. Do you really think you and your pet can stop me? I’ve walked this earth for over a millennium. I control magic stronger than any you could ever hope to.”

  “We’ll just have to see.” Aliana slid into a fighting stance, her hands raised. If Merlin and Dagg were right about her odd, unpredictable magic, she just might have an advantage over Morgana.

  “Very well.” Morgana twisted her hand, and a blue ball of flame leaped in her palm. “Let’s see how you like this.” The witch forced the ball at Aliana.

  Throwing up her arm, Aliana’s shield of light appeared. The fire hit it and fizzled.

  “I see Merlin is up to his old tricks. Did he tell you that he trained me in magic as well? Let’s see if he taught you how to fight this.” Morgana shot a stream of solid magic straight at her, but the moment it hit her shield, power shot through Aliana’s veins like wildfire.

  Using the magic to boost her speed, Aliana leaped at Morgana, throwing a series of punches and kicks at the witch. Morgana was caught off guard, but only for a split second and managed to avoid most of the rapid attacks.

  “A fighter! This’ll be more entertaining than I thought,” Morgana taunted, throwing a few of her own punches. She was an alarmingly superior fighter, yet Aliana got the uneasy feeling that Morgana was toying with her.

  Aliana struggled to keep up as the witch mixed magic attacks with her strikes. But Aliana’s magic lent its own strength, letting her hit harder than usual as they traded blows. “Entertain this!” she screamed, landing a side kick to Morgana’s face, her heel cutting into the perfect skin.

  “Enough of this child’s play! It’s time I showed you who is the superior sorceress,” Morgana hissed, eyeing the blood on her fingers. She shot another bolt of magic, but Aliana blocked it with her shield.

  Dagg swooped down, using his magic fire to attack.

  “Pest, I’ll be rid of you!” Vines shot out at Dagg, but the Dragon burned them all to ash. That turned out to be all the distraction Morgana needed. She let loose another gust of magic, hitting Dagg before Aliana could scream out a warning.

  He collided with the Hera statue, and it crumbled onto the silver Dragon, trapping him.

  “Dagg!” Aliana ran to her friend, but Morgana struck her from behind with her bolt of magic. The evil magic wrapped around her, vaulting her into the thorn-ridden wall, which cut through her thin jacket and scraped her skin raw.

  “You’re weak. Why Mordrid wants you alive, I do not know, but…he never said you had to be in one piece.” A deadly calm smile graced Morgana’s mouth as power crackled all around her. Aliana paled, realizing just how much Morgana had been holding back. There was no way she could win.

  Morgana shot another bolt of magic, and Aliana barely managed to block it with her barrier shield. The magic pushed her deeper into the thorns, and she couldn’t find the leverage to fight back. Instead, she opened herself to the magic and absorbed everything Morgana threw at her. The cold fire seared her insides, coming too quickly for her to take command of the power. She struggled to her feet, her vision blurred with blue as the opposing magic struggled with her own. She saw Morgana’s attack too late to move.

  “Get away from her!” a Scottish voice cried. Morgana turned, unable to avoid the man that slammed her to the ground.

  “Sir Leyon?” Morgana asked, unbelieving.

  Aliana ran to him as he rolled to his feet, pulling a katana from beneath his duster. Chopping sounds came from behind Morgana. Lancelot and Wade had cut through the plants.

  Lacy, pale and bleeding, was tucked tightly to Wade’s side while the two knights wielded swords they must have taken from the black knights. Morgana jerked to the side as Lancelot charged her, his sword only just missing her neck.

  Dagg shot out from beneath the stone rubble, hissing fire at Morgana. She deflected most of it, but some of the flames singed her hair and dress. She turned her rage toward the injured Lacy. Aliana panicked, grabbing at the blue power inside of her and forcing it out toward Morgana. The witch was blasted back into the vine walls, hitting the ground with a jarring thud.

  The evil blonde struggled to her feet, her rage burning the air all around them. “You’ll pay for that, you insolent girl!” she screeched, but as she moved to attack, Leyon blocked the witch’s path, nearly taking Morgana’s head off with a swipe of his katana. She jumped back, looking around at all of them. “I can see the odds are no longer in my favor, but mark my words: I’ll be back to finish this.” Her burning, evil eyes swept over them as she disappeared in a shimmer of blue.

  “You are Aliana?” Leyon asked, checking her for injuries.

  “Yes, but how did you find us?”

  “Lia!” Lacy sobbed, throwing her arms around Aliana so tightly that they both nearly fell over. “What’s going on?” she asked, her usually perky voice wobbly.

  “How badly are you hurt, Lace?” Aliana asked as she fought her tears. This wasn’t supposed to touch her friend. “I’m so sorry.”

  Lacy pulled back, wiping her tears as Wade took her in his arms again, kissing the top of her tangled hair. “I got you, little sis. They won’t hurt you again.”

  “How badly are you hurt?” Lancelot asked Aliana, tossing aside the rusted swords.

  “Just a few scratches.” Aliana nearly sobbed again when Dagg wrapped himself around her shoulders. For a moment, she let her shields slip so that his calming magic could take the edge off of her adrenaline rush. She let him feel how grateful she was to have him.

  “Aliana, what is that?” Lacy panicked, trying to get to her friend, but Wade held her firmly, telling his sister to calm down.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Wade said, pulling his sister toward the exit. “We’ll explain everything, Lace, just as soon as we join the others.”

  “Thank you,” Aliana said to Leyon as they followed Wade. She was tucked between the newbie and Lancelot as they rushed to the car.

  “I’m just glad I found you when I did.” He hid his katana under his jacket before stepping out onto the street.

  “I know you don’t remember me, but it is good to see you again, Sir Leyon,” Lancelot said as Leyon climbed into the front seat.

you, and you can call me Leo. Leo Kell.”

  “That’s lovely. Now will someone please tell me what the bloody hell is going on here?” Lacy seethed, her choice of British curse word coming out in her thickest Southern accent as she sat sandwiched between Aliana and Wade in the back seat.

  “It’s a very long story, Lace.”


  All these new...old memories are overwhelming, but my life is starting to make sense. I thought I was going daft after I saw Aliana in the window. Try as I might, I couldn’t think about anything else for weeks. I kept seeing her, but it was impossible to find her. It baffles me how I knew to be at that garden, but I’m glad I was there. I was in the right place for the first time in my life.


  ALIANA STRETCHED OUT ON HER BED at Merlin’s palatial home with her still shell-shocked best friend. Lacy had been silent for almost thirty minutes. Very unusual for the high-energy blonde. Wade and Lancelot had found her trapped by Morgana’s vines with two terrifying black knights circling her like sharks, their weapons drawn.

  “They kept scraping their swords against me, Lia,” Lacy whispered, fighting her tears and trembling hands.

  “I’m so sorry, Lacy. I never thought any of this would touch you.” A new wave of guilt washed over Aliana.

  “I don’t blame you, Lia, but what on earth are you thinking, being mixed up in all this?”

  “It’s not like I had much of a choice. It’s my destiny according to Merlin. Besides, how could I have just turned my back on people who have been trapped for hundreds of years?”

  “I get that, but judging by what you alone have told me, you’re not handling this very well. Lia, how can any of it end happily?”

  “Okay, maybe I’m struggling. Can you blame me?”

  Lacy shook her head. “And you can’t back out? Find someone else to be this Destined One?”

  “I made my choice. I accepted this. I can’t back out now.”

  Lacy frowned and stayed silent for a few moments. “So, Wade was a knight? That explains a lot about brother dearest.”

  “No kidding. What do you think about Percy being one of them?” Aliana wanted to see her friend smile again and boys were the best and quickest way.

  “He’s amazing.” Lacy sighed, a dreamy smile replacing her fear. “I’ve never met anyone like him. God knows how I love a tall, hot guy with a chivalry complex!” Lacy laughed for the first time since they had fled Morgana’s trap. Aliana was relieved, but she knew that once Lacy was back to her normal self, she’d have questions, lots of them.

  “What about you and Galahad?” she asked, going right for the juicy one. She tapped her fingers on her chin with a thoughtful look. “You know, I thought you were joking about their names the other night. Have you done anything about Galahad? Last I saw, you two were in the middle of a pretty hot lip lock.”

  “Lacy, that’s not…he’s not…” Aliana shook her head. “Believe me when I say I wish this wasn’t true, but he only sees me as a way to fulfill this prophecy. If he spent even ten minutes with another girl he’d forget me.”

  “Lia, you are not that blind or dumb. He didn’t see anyone else but you at the party. Not to mention he has scarcely left you alone since we got back. I almost swooned when he went all protective, possessive-He-Man-knight on you!”

  Aliana nibbled her lip. Her friend was a great judge of character, so maybe…

  Lacy stretched out next to Aliana and reached out to cover her hand. “You’re just scared to let him in.”

  “I let Josh in and he tried to rape me.”

  With a disgusted grunt, Lacy hit Aliana with a throw pillow. “And you got his ass dropped in jail! Josh was a pathetic-loser-attempted-rapist. He’s nothing compared to Galahad! This time your heart has led you to the right place.”

  Aliana scrubbed her hands over her face, trying to fight her frustration. “I’ve been struggling with what I feel for him for weeks. I’m a coward!” She would never make such a revealing confession to anyone but Lacy.

  A knock pulled the girls from their thoughts. “Aliana, Lacy—Merlin and the others want you in the library,” Estrelle said, cracking open the door.

  “Thanks. Can you tell them we’ll be right there?” Aliana asked, sliding off the bed. The Pixie nodded and disappeared. “You sure you want to do this, Lace? You could stay up here. You don’t have to get any more involved.”

  “You wouldn’t leave me if our roles were reversed. Besides, my brother is part of this too.”

  Aliana hated the thought of Lacy in danger, but her friend was even more stubborn than she was. If she didn’t include her, Lacy would just follow anyway—because once Lacy’s mind was made up, the was game over. Aliana’s stomach pitched as she led the way to Merlin’s grand two-story library. Everything had changed today.

  The talking stopped and papers were shuffled as they entered the room.

  “What’s going on?” Aliana asked, knowing she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “Merlin was just explaining a few things to us,” Arthur said, clearing his throat.

  “He’s traced the magic Morgana used today,” Wade said, motioning for Lacy to sit between him and Percy on the brown leather couch. “He thinks he’s found a portal that can lead us to her.”

  Aliana took the empty seat next to Galahad and said, “Morgana said you trained her, Merlin. Wouldn’t she know you would track her?”

  Merlin’s cheek’s reddened a degree. “I never taught her tracking. When she came to me, she had already been trained. I only helped her to develop certain skills.” He kept his eyes focused on a bookshelf.

  Wade, Percy, and Leo shared a look, arching their eyebrows. Percy’s accompanying crooked smile screamed to Aliana that they knew Merlin’s response was crap.

  “I don’t know anything about magic,” Lacy said, “but I know that psycho, gives-blondes-a-bad-name witch is scary smart. I overheard her talking to some crazed-looking guy. She knew what to expect when she set her trap.” She leaned against her brother for comfort.

  “She wouldn’t expect us to react so quickly now.” Lancelot uncrossed his arms, pushing away from the shelf he had been leaning on.

  “It should take me maybe another day to pinpoint an exact location. Once we have it, Lancelot can track her.” Merlin turned to Arthur. “When we find them, I suggest we attack immediately.”

  “But the prophecy says we have to find Excalibur and the Grail of Power first,” Aliana reminded them.

  “Prophecies are made to be interpreted. Who’s to say we aren’t meant to stop Morgana, at least, before any of that?” Lancelot said.

  “Sire, what do we do?” Leo asked. Unlike the others, after Merlin had restored his memories, the newest member of their clan only addressed the king by his title.

  Arthur had been watching silently, listening to everything. “Any chance to strike a blow against Morgana and Mordrid is a good one, but we need a strategy. Morgana has been in this world longer than any of us. Who knows what she has learned.”

  Aliana sat back, crossing her arms.

  “What exactly is your plan? And what will Lia have to do?” Lacy voiced Aliana’s thoughts.

  “Nothing. This is not a magical attack. She stays here, protected.” Galahad’s eyes met hers, his tone unyielding.

  “Aliana needs more training. You’ve come along quickly, but you are not a match for either Mordrid or Morgana, let alone both at once.” Merlin’s gaze was hard.

  “You can’t leave me on the sideline! I was good enough to stand up to Morgana today!” She watched the others in the room. Lancelot quirked a brow while Percy and Leo looked away. Owen’s eyes were apologetic, and Wade just shrugged. “Arthur?” she asked. Surely he wouldn’t leave her out.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s too dangerous,” the king said.

  Her jaw fell open. She was too shocked to even form words.

  “Aliana, if we reveal the extent of your magic now, we lose the element of surprise,” Galahad said, his
hand on her shoulder.

  She wanted to argue with all of them, but there was no point when they had decided against her. And damn Galahad—he had a good point. She was going to have to make her own plan then. “What about Lacy?” She was going to need her partner in crime to pull anything off.

  “We’ll have to find a safe haven for her, away from here.” Arthur smiled at Lacy, completely unprepared for the powder keg he had just opened.

  “Not a chance, Kingie. Wade’s my brother and Lia’s the closest thing I have to a sister. If you think I’m going to stand aside while they put their lives in danger, y’all are a hell of a lot dumber than you look.”

  Wade groaned while Percy and several of the others hid their chuckles.

  “I’m sorry, but that’s—” Lancelot started, but Lacy cut him off.

  “Not a choice for you to make. This is the twenty-first century; the choice is mine.”

  Aliana held her breath, hoping the others wouldn’t force Lacy to leave. She really needed her friend, and Wade would feel better with his sister safe by his side.

  “Wade?” Arthur said. “She’s your sister. What do you say?”

  Wade studied his sister, worry present in his expression. “I haven’t had any control over her actions since we were kids, and if you think you can force her…” He eyed Merlin and Lancelot. “I’ll warn you, she likes to hit below the belt.”

  Merlin grumbled a curse, shaking his head. “If we let you stay, you must follow the rules we set. They are for your safety as well as Aliana’s and ours.”

  “Now that that’s settled, what were you saying earlier about attacking that witch?” Lacy grinned wildly.

  “Merlin, since y’all have decided my role, at least let me help you locate Morgana.” Aliana was determined to find out as much as she could about their plans.

  “No, I have what I need. I suggest you show Lacy around the grounds before dinner,” Merlin said, dismissing them.

  Lacy started to object, but Aliana caught her eye, tilting her head toward the door and winking.

  “Well then,” Lacy said as she and Aliana stood, “I guess us lowly girls will leave you boys to your secret planning.” She grabbed Aliana’s hand, pulling her out of the library and down the hall toward the backyard. “Please tell me you’re not going to just sit back and take this?” she whispered furiously.


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