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Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Cox, Carrie;

  I pressed a hand to my stomach and tried to smile at the doctor as I took a seat in front of her desk.

  The doctor was female, young and very pretty. She shuffled the notes in front of her, then tapped a couple of keys on her laptop.

  “Kristina Taylor? Nice to meet you. My name is Doctor Hamblin. If you could roll up your sleeve please.”

  I did as she asked and held out my arm. I looked away as she picked up the needle. I had always hated needles. Ironic, right?

  In every other clinic I’d attended, a nurse had taken my blood sample and the doctor — if I even saw one — just filled in my notes. I guess when you were paying over two hundred dollars for a blood test, you got a different level of service.

  “You can wait for the results. They should be ready in half an hour or so. Or if you prefer, we can phone the results through to you as soon as they are ready.”

  “I’d prefer to wait, thank you.”

  I joined Lauren back in the waiting area.

  Lauren was happy flipping through the pages of an old magazine, but I just sat there with my hands in my lap staring blankly ahead.

  It seemed like ages before the receptionist finally called us up.

  “The doctor has your drug test results now, did you want to see her again, or do you just want the results on a slip?” She said the words as if they left a dirty taste in her mouth, and she said them so loudly so that everybody else in the waiting area could hear her and know exactly what I was at the clinic for.

  I mean it didn’t take a genius to work out. Everyone here was attending for the same reason, but she didn’t need to shout about it.


  “I’ll take the paper,” I mumbled. I didn’t want to see the doctor again. I just wanted to get out of there.

  She gave me a suit yourself look and pushed the slip of paper across the desk towards me.

  “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” she asked with a saccharin sweet voice and a false smile.

  I shook my head and walked back to where Lauren was sitting. Without speaking I handed her the slip of paper and headed for the exit.

  I was walking fast towards the parking lot, and my eyes were welling up with tears. I couldn’t explain why.

  I heard Lauren scrambling behind me, trying to catch up, and I stopped in the middle of the parking lot.

  When I turned I saw she was holding the strip of paper above her head. “It’s clean,” she said. “Totally clean.”

  I didn’t reply. I knew there would be nothing there. This whole thing was so I could prove myself to Lauren. To make her trust me.

  So I just nodded and started walking back towards the car, but Lauren reached my side and put her hand on my arm.

  “Listen, Kristina, I’m really sorry. I can admit when I’m wrong, and I was wrong this time. Like hugely wrong. Can you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” I said.

  “I should have trusted you.”

  I shook my head. “It isn’t as simple as that. I haven’t exactly been trustworthy in the past, have I? So I get it. I needed to earn your trust.”

  “Well you have earned it, okay? Friends?” she said, looping her arm around mine and grinning up at me.

  I couldn’t help smiling back. “Yeah, of course.”


  “Oh, hell no.”

  Jack was standing, leaning against one crutch, with a face like thunder.

  Olga and Brian stood in front of him. They were trying to convince him that it was a good idea for him to go to a party tonight. They weren’t doing very well so far.

  I had expected this.

  Since I’d got things sorted with Lauren, I was feeling more relaxed, so I decided to sit back and enjoy the show.

  Olga and Brian versus Jack.

  I had a pretty good idea of who was going to win.

  Jack’s head whipped around and he glared at me. “Has this got anything to do with you?”

  He looked so ferociously angry it scared me. I shook my head.

  “Don’t bring me into it. It wasn’t my idea.”

  “Just go for an hour, Jack,” Brian said. “It won’t be that bad.”

  “Really?” Jack said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “I don’t see you getting dressed up in a penguin suit to go and waste your time with a bunch of spoilt, rich people who endlessly talk about oil trading and casinos and will be gossiping about me as soon as I step foot in the door.”

  “Your brother will be there and Lauren and Kristina. I’m sure they’ll have more interesting conversation.”

  “I have Kristina here all the time anyway,” he said, lifting the crutch in the air and jabbing it in my direction.

  I scowled. Great. There was nothing like being taken for granted.

  Brian shook his head. “You’re such a charmer, Jack.”

  A puzzled frown passed over Jack’s forehead. “What? Kristina is paid to be with me.”

  Jack maneuvered himself past Olga and Brian and sat on the opposite end of the couch to me.

  He shot me a sideways glance. “You went out last night as well. What are you? Some kind of party animal?”

  “I already told you,” I said. “This has nothing to do with me. I didn’t know anything about it until Olga showed me the suit.”

  Jack narrowed his eyes, and I didn’t think he believed me.

  “I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal of it,” I said. “It’s just a party. Why don’t you do it for your brother? He does loads of stuff for you.”

  Jack looked like he was going to make some sarcastic retort, but then thought better of it.

  “Fine,” he said.

  Brian cupped a hand behind his ear. “What was that? Did you just agree to go out tonight?”

  Jack pointed at him. “Don’t try to be funny or I’ll change my mind.”

  He said the words in a really moody tone, but I could see that there was a trace of a smile on his lips, and I thought maybe Brian and Olga were right all along.

  Maybe this was exactly what Jack needed.


  The party at the billionaire club was already in full swing when we arrived.

  The four of us, Alexander, Lauren, Jack and myself tried to weave between the crowd of party-goers standing by the door, but it wasn’t easy for Jack.

  He’d got both his crutches. I waited for him, letting him walk ahead of me, and now I understood what he had been talking about earlier.

  I’d thought he’d been exaggerating. I was wrong.

  Every set of eyes in the room had focused on him. I could hear whispers and murmurs, and it made me so mad, but Jack just ignored them and followed Alexander and Lauren towards the bar.

  The club was situated closer to the center of Monte Carlo than the party last night, and the hotel was attached to a particularly well know casino.

  We were here as guests of Alexander because the party had been laid on to celebrate the launch of a new jewelry line made by a very famous company. Apparently, Alexander did a lot of business with them.

  It was very different from the party last night. There were no waiters and waitresses going around with glasses of champagne. Tonight, we had to order our own drinks – but at least they were still free. Alexander ordered a round, and I asked for a Harvey Wallbanger.

  After Alexander handed us our drinks, he looked at Jack, concerned. “Let’s find somewhere to sit down.”

  Jack waved him away. “No I’m fine. Stop fussing.”

  I studied Alexander’s face, expecting him to look hurt or offended, but Alexander had always looked so damn cool, like nothing ever ruffled him.

  Lauren was gazing at Alexander, too, with puppy dog eyes.

  I wondered if she was regretting coming to Monaco now. I still hadn’t asked her what was going on between her and Alexander. After the whole trust issue, it hadn’t seemed like the right time.

  Jack not wanting to sit down was ridiculous, though. He was using both hand
s to hold the crutches, so he couldn’t even pick up his drink.

  I leaned a little closer to him and whispered in his ear. “Come on let’s find somewhere to sit down.”

  He pulled away from me as if I had slapped him, and he looked wounded. “I said I’m fine, stop fussing.”

  I glared at him. “I’m not fussing. I just want to sit down. These heels are really high.”

  I pointed down at my black high-heels.

  For a fraction of a second, Jack lost his pissed look. His gaze was definitely heated as it lingered on my shoes and legs for quite a bit longer than was necessary.

  I bit my lip. That was all it took— one simple look— to make me remember last night. I felt the dampness between my thighs as I thought about the way his hot mouth felt against mine, the way he looked at me as he…

  Wow. It was getting hot in here. I took a large gulp of my drink.

  Jack shrugged. “Okay, fine we’ll sit down.”

  Alexander took Jack’s drink and his own and nodded to one of the staff behind the bar.

  The bartender, eager to please Alexander, scurried around and led us to a miraculously empty table at the back of the room. Apparently people like Alexander could always find a table.

  We sat down, and Alexander tried to create conversation, but it was difficult. Jack was being monosyllabic.

  Finally Alexander seemed to admit defeat. He drained his glass and told us he was going to speak to the director and congratulate them on the launch of the new jewelry line.

  Shortly afterwards, Lauren excused herself to use the restroom, and Jack and I were finally alone.

  “You know you could be a bit nicer to Alexander,” I said. “He’s only trying to help you.”

  Jack shot me a sulky look. Honestly sometimes he was like a ten-year-old boy when he didn’t get his own way.

  I took another sip of my drink. “He cares about you, you know? You’re lucky to have him.”

  “I know.” Jack looked away, clearly still in a bad mood.

  I decided to leave him to his sulk. If he didn’t want to talk, fine.

  I sipped my drink and cast my gaze around the room. It was really an interesting collection of people. Definitely not as posh as last night, but it was still very far from any kind of party I’d experienced before, and I found it interesting to watch the people milling around.

  My eyes flickered over to the bar, and then I froze.

  ‘Oh, God. Please, no.’

  I must have said the words aloud because Jack stirred next to me.

  “What?” he asked, grumpily.

  I didn’t answer, but he followed my gaze and saw who I was looking at.

  “Oh fan-fucking-tastic,” he said.

  She’d spotted us.

  Jack’s ex-girlfriend, Joanna, glided over to us.

  She was wearing some kind of gold, sparkly dress that clung to every curve and ended mid-thigh. The type of dress Lauren referred to as slutty. It definitely left nothing to the imagination.

  “Hello, Jack,” she purred. “Fancy seeing you here. I thought you were practically a recluse these days.”

  “How could I resist the opportunity,” Jack said dryly, “of catching up with people like you?”

  Her smile soured a little, and I couldn’t help but smile into my drink.

  She turned her attention to me. “How nice. I see you’ve brought the home help out. You always were very considerate, Jack.”

  I felt my blood boil, but I was determined to say nothing; I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. Calmly, I set my drink back on the table and smiled sweetly up at her.

  She seemed annoyed at my lack of reaction, so she turned back to Jack.

  “Well, I see you’re being well looked after,” she said.

  I really wasn’t expecting what happened next. I felt Jack’s arm rest across my shoulders, and then he squeezed me closely to him.

  I was too stunned to react. I could smell his aftershave and the clean scent of his skin. The proximity of him overwhelmed me. It felt so right.

  But it wasn’t, I told myself. It was wrong, and it was going to ruin me.

  “Oh yes,” Jack said, trailing a finger along the inside of my arm. It felt incredibly erotic. I could feel a tightening low down in my belly as the tingling grew between my legs.

  “Kristina sees to all of my needs.” Jack grinned.

  My jaw dropped open. I couldn’t believe he had just said that. I should have pulled away and insisted he stopped screwing around with my feelings, but I was paralyzed.

  Joanna’s face flooded with red, and it was not from embarrassment. She glared at him.

  “You never did have very high standards, Jack,” she spat, viciously.

  “That doesn’t say much about you, sweetheart,” Jack said.

  She screwed up her face. “Well, obviously I wasn’t including myself!”

  Then she seemed to realize she wasn’t going to win this particular argument. She spun on her heel and stormed off, nearly colliding into a middle-aged man carrying two drinks.

  Even though she’d moved away, Jack hadn’t removed his arm from my shoulders and the fingers of his other hand were still interlaced around my wrist. The contact was sending tingles shooting everywhere. And my mind was conjuring up memories from last night. I crossed my legs, feeling the fact that my panties were damp.

  God, I hated the way my body betrayed me.

  I was so mad at him, and at myself. How had this happened? How had I let myself become his plaything? I looked up at Jack, feeling close to tears.

  “Well that was very gratifying,” he said, looking extremely pleased with himself.

  “Hey,” I said, my voice trembling with fury. “I don’t like being used in your games. If you do that again, without warning me first, I’ll smack you upside the head. Do you hear me?”

  For a moment he just gaped at me and then a smile spread into a huge grin across his face.

  “All right, fair enough. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done it. But I couldn’t resist. Did you see the look on her face?”

  I eased myself away from Jack and his arm fell from my shoulders.

  “I need to go to the restroom,” I said, and I stood up without waiting for a response.

  I headed across the bar, squeezing myself between the groups of partygoers. I was really hoping that Lauren was still in the restroom so we could go back to the table together and I wouldn’t have to deal with Jack alone.

  As soon as I entered the restroom, I regretted it.

  Jack’s ex-girlfriend was standing in front of the mirror applying copious amounts of lip-gloss. Before I could whirl round and make my escape, she spotted me.

  “Oh, it’s you,” she said and stabbed the handle of her lip-gloss at me. “So, how have you been finding Jack?” she asked.

  Her tone swiftly changed from resentful to friendly. Not what I had expected at all. What was she playing at? Why was she suddenly coming over all friendly and clingy?

  I took a step back.

  “Look, Joanna, I really don’t want to get involved in whatever’s going on between you and Jack. It’s nothing to do with me.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that,” she said and pouted.

  It was an impressive pout. I guess that’s what thousands of dollars worth of cosmetic surgery could do for you.

  “I’m interested in how he is getting on,” she said. “I do still care about him. We were together a year, you know?”

  I shrugged. I didn’t know, and I didn’t care. At least… I didn’t want to care. I wanted to ignore this little spark of jealousy that had flamed up inside me.

  “Of course, anyone would be concerned because of Jack’s history. I mean, he did try to commit suicide…”

  The look of shock and horror must have been plastered all over my face. I felt the blood drain from my cheeks as I stared at her.

  “Oh, I take it you didn’t know. Sorry,” she said, although it was obvious she was anything but sorry. “I thought the
y would have told you. I mean, that’s why you are there, isn’t it? To keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t try it again.”

  She gave me a cheap plastic smile.

  I felt like I couldn’t breathe, like there was a tight band wrapped round my chest.

  “I mean, you know that’s why you were hired, don’t you? I suppose any pretty face would have done. You’re merely a distraction, something to keep Jack’s mind occupied. He always did enjoy a tumble in the cheap seats.”

  The whole room seemed to spin, and I clasped the edge of the cold enamel sink trying to hold myself up and steady my shaky legs.

  Her bitchy comments about me washed over me. I didn’t care about that, but … Jack?

  She whisked past me towards the door, and I was engulfed in her heavy perfume. It made me feel sick.

  I held my breath. My chest was too tight, and the blood was rushing in my ears. I heard the door slam behind her, and I let out a shaky breath. I’d been trying so hard to hold it together when she was there, but now the full force of it hit me.

  I heard a voice behind me. “Are you all right, dear?”

  I turned to see a lady in her sixties who had just exited one of the stalls.

  I nodded. I didn’t feel capable of speech.

  I stepped outside of the restrooms. I needed to get away from that cloying scent Joanna had left behind. But I didn’t go back to the table.

  Instead, I leaned back against the wall in a darkened corner. I still felt queasy. My head was full of a thousand images. I turned my head so I could see him across the room at our table.

  Alexander and Lauren were back, and he was chatting to them. He still looked grouchy.

  Tears swam in my eyes. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I couldn’t believe no one had told me.

  My heart rate was out of control. Was I going to have a panic attack?

  What had Alexander been thinking? It was ridiculous; I couldn’t be responsible for Jack.

  Hell, how could I fix him when I couldn’t even fix myself?

  I looked at Jack unable to believe that he would want to end it. He was perfect. So gorgeous. His dark hair, contrasting against his tanned skin. In evening dress, he looked like he’d stepped off the pages of a magazine. Too good to be true.


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