Latino America: How America's Most Dynamic Population is Poised to Transform the Politics of the Nation
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survey experiment, 158–160, 159 table 8.3
Time magazine, mention in, 7
vote for Harry Reid, poll on, 142
voters in 2008 election, poll of, 98–99
Latino Decisions-ImpreMedia polls
knowledge of Affordable Care Act, 212–213
religion and moral values, 45
views on Affordable Care Act, 209, 211–212
Latino National Political Surveys, 29–30, 104
Latino Policy Coalition, 6, 96, 130
assimilation and acculturation, 26–27, 26 table 2.3
demographic characteristics of, 21 table 2.2
economic recession and, 98–99, 149–150
educational attainment, 40
ethnic identity, 27–28
fiscal policy, views of, 42–43
foreign-born, 15–18, 17 fig. 2.3, 24–25, 55–56, 69, 71, 85, 102, 226, 229
gay and lesbian rights, 44–45, 49
geographic distribution of, 20, 20 fig. 2.4
government, views on role of, 36–39, 37 fig. 3.3, 38 fig. 3.4, 39 fig. 3.5, 50, 231
group solidarity, 148
health care, 205–206
health care reform and, 207–212, 208 fig. 11.1, 210 fig. 11.2
housing, 40–41, 41 fig. 3.6
income, household family, 40
liberalism of, 33–35, 34 fig. 3.1, 231
military service, attitudes on, 95–96, 96 fig. 6.1
national origins of, 23
pan-ethnic identity of, 31, 103–104
pro-environment attitudes of, 218–220, 229
racial identity, complexity of, 22
racial sentiments, comparison with non-Hispanic whites, 105–106, 106 table 6.1
reaction to anti-Latino and anti-immigrant laws, 27–28, 29 fig. 2.6
religion, 21, 44–49
See also Environmental concerns; Population, Latino; Undocumented immigrants; Voters, Latino
Latinos for Obama, 122, 123 fig. 6.11
Lee, Taeku, 99
Lewis-Beck, Michael, 148
LexisNexis, 121
LGBT rights, 44–45, 49
Los Angeles Times, on racial prejudice, 82
Lowden, Sue, 142
Loyola Marymount University, exit poll by, 88
Maes, Dan, 138
Mariel Boatlift, 24
Marielitos, 24
Marquez, Frances, 207
Massachusetts, 117, 146 table 8.1
McAuliffe, Terry, 82
McCain, John
generation, effect of on votes for, 103
immigration reform and, 94, 128
Iraq War, position on, 97, 98
as Latino advocate, 104–105
Latino vote, awareness of, 112
position on economy, 98
McKeon, Buck, 184
Media coverage, role of in elections, 112–113, 121–122, 121 fig. 6.10
Medina, Eliseo, 145
Meet the Press, interview with Lindsey Graham, 189
Mendelberg, Tali, 182
Messina, Jim, 129
Mexican Americans
demographic characteristics of, 21 table 2.2
environmental attitudes of, 219–220
immigration issues and, 16–17
percent of Latino population, 17
US population of, 18 table 2.1, 20, 23
vote choice in 2008
elections, 102
Mi Familia Vota, 54, 142
Michelson, Melissa, 25, 149
Michigan, 115 table 6.2, 127, 167 table 8.4
Midterm elections, 2010
in California, 138
California gubernatorial race, 139–140, 141 fig. 7.5
Colorado gubernatorial race, 138–139
Colorado Senate race, 141
in Illinois, 138
immigration reform, 127–128, 135, 135 fig. 7.4
Latino vote in, 137
Nevada Senate race, 2010, 142
Obama administration, results of inaction by, 129–130
SB 1070, effect of on, 132–133, 134 fig. 7.3
voting, low enthusiasm for, 130–132, 131 fig. 7.1, 132 fig. 7.2
Midterm elections, 2014, 195–197
Migrations, reasons for, 18–20
Miller, Gary, 184
Minnesota, 111, 123, 197
Mobilizing Opportunities (Ramírez), 163
Montana, 114
Mormonism, 232
Nader, Ralph, 109
Nagler, Jonathan, 44
Napolitano, Janet, 132
Nation, on Ken Buck’s interest in immigration, 141
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, 108
National Council of La Raza, 27, 54
National Election Pool polls, 119, 136 table 7.1, 137
National Immigrant Youth Alliance, 152
National Journal, on Latino evangelical community, 44
National Public Radio, interview with
Maxine Waters, 83
National Resources Defense Council, 220, 225
Naturalization, 25, 71, 102–103
Navarro, Ana, 155
2014 midterm elections in, 197
candidate favorability (2008), 87 table 5.2
immigration, importance of, 143 fig. 7.6
Latino electorate in, 80 table 5.1, 81, 117, 164, 188
Latino influence in, 110–111, 112, 115 table 6.2, 123, 124, 138, 146 table 8.1, 168
Latinos and African Americans, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4
Republican Party in, 127
responses to candidate statements on immigration, 159 table 8.3
Senate race of 2010, 142
shift from Republican- to Democratic-leaning, 190
vote choice in 2008 primary, 89, 89 table 5.3
New Hampshire, 79, 81, 167 table 8.4
New Jersey, 80 table 5.1, 81, 115 table 6.2
New Mexico
Latino electorate in, 80 table 5.1, 81
Latino influence in, 110–111, 115 table 6.2, 118, 146 table 8.1
shift from Republican- to Democratic-leaning, 190
New York, 19–20, 80 table 5.1, 81, 109, 122, 164
New York Times, on moral values in 2004 election, 44
New Yorker, on racial prejudice, 82
Nicholson, Stephen, 180, 181, 182
North Carolina
Latino electorate in, 110, 164
Latino influence in, 115 table 6.2, 146 table 8.1, 169
Latinos and African Americans, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4, 170
Obama, Barack
2008 campaign, 113–114
Affordable Care Act, passage of, 209
economic recession, blame assessment of, 41–42, 42 fig. 3.7, 153
favorability ratings of, 85, 87 table 5.2, 89–90
generation, effect of on votes for, 103
immigration reform, record on, 130, 134, 147, 148, 152, 154, 157, 202
Iraq War, position on, 97–98
Latino support for, 83, 92
Latino vote for in 2012, 145, 146 table 8.1, 147–148
outreach to Latino voters, 80, 86, 112, 155
prosecutorial discretion directive, 151–152, 162
SB 1070, position on, 157
social issues, position on, 45
Obamacare. See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Latino and Black influence in, 166–167, 167 table 8.4, 168, 169
Latino electorate in, 117, 120
Latino influence in, 115 table 6.2, 146 table 8.1, 164, 169–170
Latino mobilization in, 111
Republican Party in, 127
Pachon, Harry, 207
Pantoja, Adrian, 179
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Latino knowledge about, 212–216, 213 fig. 11.3
Latino views of, 207–212
messengers for infor
mation about, 214, 215 fig. 11.4
outreach to Latinos, 214–216
preferred name for, 216
Republican efforts to repeal, 209–210
undocumented immigrants and, 214–215
Pennsylvania, 115 table 6.2, 127, 166, 167 table 8.4, 168, 170
Perry, Rick, 81, 153
Pew Hispanic Center, 49, 95, 97, 99, 153–154
Piolin, 72
Plouffe, David, 129
Politic365, 7
Politico/Insider Advantage poll, 112, 113
Population, Latino
electorate, percent of by state, 81
foreign-born, 15–18, 17 fig. 2.3, 24–25
median age, 206
by nativity, 18 table 2.1
significance of growth of, 2–3
size by state, 20 fig. 2.4
in United States, 15 fig. 2.1, 16 fig. 2.2
voting age by state, 80 table 5.1
Presidential election, 2008
economic issues and, 42, 98–99
group identity, vote choice and, 103–104
immigration reform, 94
Iraq War, Latino vote and, 95–98, 98 fig. 6.2
Latino characteristics, effects of, 102–103
Latino influence, assessment of, 114–125, 115 table 6.2, 117 fig. 6.6, 118 fig. 6.7, 119 fig. 6.8, 120 fig. 6.9, 121 fig. 6.10, 123 fig. 6.11, 124 fig. 6.12
Latinos, influence in, 108–114
mobilization efforts, 60 fig. 4.3, 69
party identification, 99–102, 101 figs. 6.3 and 6.4
racial attitudes, vote choice and, 104–108, 107 fig. 6.5
Presidential election, 2012
campaign strategies, 154–158
economic issues in, 149–150
immigration issues in, 147–154, 149 table 8.2
immigration statements, effect of on candidate support, 160–163, 161 fig. 8.1
Latino Decisions survey experiment, 158–160, 159 table 8.3
Latino influence in, 163–168, 167 table 8.4
Obama, Latino vote for, 145, 146 table 8.1
Priebus, Reince, 190
Prosecutorial discretion directive, 151–152
Puerto Ricans
demographic characteristics of, 21 table 2.2
migration of, 24, 25
US population of, 17–20, 18 table 2.1, 23, 80 table 5.1
vote choice in 2008 election, 102
Quinn, Pat, 138
Ramírez, Ricardo, 149, 163, 179
Ramos, Jorge, 72, 152, 156
Reagan, Ronald, 4, 33, 176, 113, 120
Reid, Harry, 134–135, 142, 188
Republican Party
2010 midterm elections, 127–129, 131, 132–133, 135, 136 table 7.1, 137, 139–142, 141 fig. 7.5
in California, 176–187
constituency of, 232
Cuban Americans and, 23, 102
effect of Latino vote on, 4
environmental issues and, 225
favorability rating among Latinos, 194–195, 195 fig. 10.4
immigration issues and, 128–129, 153, 155–157, 162–163, 174–176, 189, 194 fig. 10.3, 195 fig. 10.4, 200, 233
improvement of standing with Latino voters, 201–204
Latino voters and, 43 fig. 3.8, 51, 85, 145, 170, 191 fig. 10.1, 193 fig. 10.2
SB 1070, effect of on, 132–133
whites and, 128, 137
Romney, Mitt, 146 table 8.1, 147, 152–158, 197
Rosenkranz, Andrew, 6
Rosenkranz, Mark, 6
Rothenberg Political Report, 196
Rove, Karl, 175, 232
Rush, Bobby, 83
Salinas, Maria Elena, 72
Salvadorans, 17, 18 table 2.1, 19–20, 21 table 2.2, 23
Sanchez, Gabriel, 207
SB 1070, 27, 28 fig. 2.5, 29 fig. 2.6, 132–134, 134 fig. 7.3
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 139, 180
Segura, Gary, 5–7, 57, 179, 180, 181, 182, 219
Self-deportation, 153, 154, 155
Self-reliance, Latino views of, 35–36, 35 fig. 3.2
Sensenbrenner, James, 175
Service Employees International Union, 27
Silver, Nate, 113, 164
Solid-waste transfer station, Pomona, California, 217, 229
Sosa, Lionel, 33, 176
South American immigrants, vote choice of in 2008
elections, 102–103
South Carolina, 81
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, 54
Supreme Court, ruling on Arizona v. United States, 154, 157
Tancredo, Tom, 138
Tea Party, 127, 141
candidate favorability in (2008), 87 table 5.2
Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, 174
Hopwood v. Texas (1996), 174
Latino electorate in, 14, 81, 188
Latino influence in, 146 table 8.1
Latino mobilization in, 111
Latino population in, 20, 20 fig. 2.4, 80 table 5.1, 169
Obama’s vote share, 90
vote choice in 2008 primary, 89, 89 table 5.3
Time magazine, on Latino Decisions, 7
Tomás Rivera Policy Institute, 6, 179
Udall, Mark, 196
Udall, Tom, 196
Undocumented immigrants
Arizona SB 1070, 133–134
backlash against, 16–17
benefits programs for, 142
children of as future voters, 14
DREAM Act, 148
driver’s licenses for, 90
in-state tuition rates for, 81
Latino citizens’ connectedness to, 157, 173–174, 175 figs. 9.1 and 9.2
Meg Whitman and, 140
Republican Party and, 153, 155–156, 170
self-deportation, 153, 154, 155
United Farm Workers of America, 86, 218
Univision News-Latino Decisions poll, 49
USA Today, on Latinos in military, 95
VAP (voting age population), 80, 198, 199
Vargas, Arturo, 108, 124
Verba, Sidney, 54
Villaraigosa, Antonio, 86
Black and Latino voters, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4, 168, 170
Latino electorate in, 164, 166, 188
Latino influence in, 110, 115 table 6.2, 123, 146 table 8.1, 166, 169, 196
responses to candidate statements on immigration, 159 table 8.3
shift from Republican- to Democratic-leaning, 190
Voters, Latino
age distribution of, 56–57, 57 fig. 4.1
Black and Latino voters, influence of, 166–167, 167 table 8.4, 168, 170
empowerment, sense of, 61–62, 64
factors in voter turnout, 54–55, 62–63
foreign-born, 55–56
generation, vote choice and, 102–103
GOP vote share, potential for growth in, 191 fig. 10.1, 192–193, 193 fig. 10.2
group identity, 60–61, 66, 74
group solidarity, 119, 148
growth rate among registered Latino voters, 117–118, 118 fig. 6.7
increasing influence of, 14, 169, 188, 234 (See also California)
Iraq War attitudes, vote choice and, 97–98, 98 fig. 6.2
Latino Democratic vote relative to non-Latino Democratic vote, 119 fig. 6.8
Latino support for African American candidates, 83–84
message, importance of, 70 table 4.1, 71
messenger, importance of, 71–73, 72 fig. 4.7, 74 fig. 4.8, 75 fig. 4.9
mobilization, 59, 60 fig. 4.3, 81–82, 114
mobilization of, 122
motivation of, 61 fig. 4.4
national electorate, percentage of, 13
national origin, vote choice and, 102
party identification, vote choice and, 99–102, 101 figs. 6.3 and 6.4
personal connections to electoral process, 66
br /> political information, 64–66
politics, understanding of, 45–46, 45 fig. 3.9
popular vote share of, 136 table 7.1
population and voter registration, growth of in California, 178, 178 table 9.2
problems, most important, 173–174, 174 table 9.1
propensity to vote, 67–69, 68 fig. 4.5, 69 fig. 4.6
racial sentiments, vote choice and, 106–108, 107 fig. 6.5
registration rate, 53–54, 74, 117 fig. 6.6
religion and, 46, 47 fig. 3.10, 47 fig. 3.11, 48–49, 48 table 3.1, 232
Republican Party and, 43 fig. 3.8, 51, 85, 145, 170, 191 fig.10.1, 193 fig.10.2
social issues and, 44–45
socioeconomic status, 57–59
turnout probability, 58 fig. 4.2
voter participation, 13–14
Voto Latino, 54
Wals, Sergio, 25
Warner, Mark, 196
Washington, Harold, 83
Waters, Maxine, 83
Webb, Wellington, 83
Websites, political analysis, 113
White identification, historical trends in, 2 table 1.1
Whites, non-Hispanic
abortion rights, views on, 50
educational attainment of, 40
environmental attitudes of, 219–220
gay and lesbian rights, views on, 49
government, views on role of, 37 fig. 3.3, 38 fig. 3.4, 39 fig. 3.5
income, household family, 40
median age, 57 fig. 4.1
party identification, vote choice and, 100
party mobilization (2008), 60 fig. 4.3
popular vote share of, 136 table 7.1
population and voter registration, growth of in California, 178, 178 table 9.2
population share, decline in, 190
racial sentiments, comparison with Latinos, 105–106, 106 table 6.1
racial sentiments, vote choice and, 106–108, 107 fig. 6.5
reaction to racist campaign messages, 182
Republican Party and, 128, 137
self-reliance of minorities, views of, 35 fig. 3.2
as voter mobilization target, 59
voting and registration record of, 53
Whitman, Meg, 139–140, 182
Whittaker, Matthew, 219
Williams, Bryan, 220
Wilson, Pete, 140, 141 fig. 7.5, 177, 179, 183
Winter, Nicholas, 34
Wisconsin, 127, 167 table 8.4, 168
Woods, Nathan, 179
Wright, Jeremiah, 48
Ya Es Hora, 54
Dr. Matt Barreto and Dr. Gary M. Segura are widely published scholars, researchers, and professors at the University of Washington and Stanford University, respectively. They are the founders of Latino Decisions, a leading public opinion and research firm that specializes in issues pertinent to the Latino electorate. Their work is regularly cited by Univision, the New York Times, ABC News, National Public Radio, impreMedia, NBC News, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, and many others.