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Saved By The Alpha Dragon (Alpha Mates Of Salem)

Page 11

by Maia Starr

  Fighting the desire to cry out in pain, Ethan rolled, unwilling to let Seth get a foothold on his back like the previous time. Size was everything, but even giants could lose to weaklings if attacked at their blind spots. Ethan wasn’t about to let this fight go Seth’s way so easily. Yelping as Ethan rolled and crushed Seth’s paw, the wolf quickly slipped out and jumped away, limping badly. Finishing his roll, Ethan got back to his feet and roared dangerously at the wolf, who howled back.

  Seth darted forward again, his speed still outclassing Ethan’s, but suddenly a large, hulking brown shape struck Seth from the side, sending him once again flying into the forest. Blinking, Ethan strained to see the creature that had just intervened in the fight and growled low when he realized it was a bear. Thickly coated and huffing, the bear glanced Ethan’s way and chuffed. Jesse. So you can fight too, huh?

  Roaring a thanks to Jesse, Ethan stole a quick glance back towards the clearing he’d burst into only minutes prior. He saw Eliza on her feet, hurriedly stumbling over to a curled body near the base of a cracked tree. She crouched and lifted the head of the shifter that laid there, barely breathing. Snorting out a few flames from his nose at seeing Gabriel bruised and cradled in Eliza’s arms, he turned back to the forest, scanning for Seth. Seth was digging a hole he wouldn’t be able to get out of. Every attack made it more and more personal for Ethan. He was running out of patience with the wolf shifter.

  Spying movement to his left, Ethan cocked his head and roared at Jesse to follow the wolf. The bear took off, vanishing from sight. Taking a breather, Ethan flexed his wings and soared up, gusts of winds battering the ground as he took flight.

  Seth was hiding, trying to use the cover of the forest to his advantage. But Ethan had the sky, an ace that he wouldn’t let go to waste in any fight. Rising high enough to get a clear view of the entire surrounding forest, he watched Jesse’s form flit, vanish, and reappear amidst the trees. He heard a howl mix with Jesse’s surprised growl and then saw something dash into Jesse, both rolling and wrestling into a wider clearing. Roaring a warning, Ethan angled himself and dove, the wind whistling in his ears as the ground rose up to meet him.

  At the moment before collision, Ethan saw Jesse had pinned Seth to the ground, and after a fearful look up, the bear dodged out of the way, leaving nothing between Ethan as he drove into Seth’s body, the earth rumbling like crazy. A crazed howl broke the ringing in Ethan’s ears, and a claw to the face forced the massive dragon to climb off, heat oozing out of his cheeks. Seth, somehow still alive, pulled himself clear of the crater that had formed under him, coughing up phlegm and blood and glaring icy daggers at the dragon. He roared, the voice cut up by pain, and moments later, the wolf rushed off, tail between its legs. Ethan watched in dim fascination as the wolf shifter disappeared from sight. His inner dragon cried out for Ethan to follow, to race after Seth, to end it once and for all.

  But his thoughts returned to one thing: Eliza!

  Cantering into view, Jesse huffed and growled, the bear’s rough eyes glaring out into the trees. Ethan growled low, nodding off in the direction Seth ran. Soon, Jesse was racing out into the forest, following the tracks the limping wolf shifter left behind.

  Ethan sucked in air the next second and shifted back to his human form. First, I make sure Eliza’s safe, then I go round up my clan and hunt the bastard down. If he’s smart, he’ll go into hiding.

  Pain lanced through his shoulder, but as he turned, he spied Eliza laying Gabriel’s head down. He saw the old shifter stirring, his eyes opening, recognizing Eliza’s face. Darting towards them, Ethan’s chest was filled with relief, his inner dragon roaring out in triumph. Every step towards his mate trembled with dominance. Cave Dragon territory was his. He was the alpha of his clan, and he’d won the battle against Seth. He’d won. Even if the wolf shifter wasn’t dead yet, he soon would be.

  Nothing could escape a dragon’s wrath, no matter how long it took to be delivered.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Red hot pain coursed throughout Seth, sweat matting his fur as he ran through the thickets.

  He cussed endlessly, the words echoing in his mind as he reeled from the fight.

  It was simple: Seth had lost. Undeniably. It was over for the moment, with Seth leaving alive to lick clean his wounds. He supposed that was a victory in itself, coming away alive, his mind and body still intact. Not many who faced a dragon could say they’d done that, and now Seth had down it twice.

  Who’s to say three times won’t be the charm?

  Then something went off in Seth’s head. A memory, from just days prior, the day Seth had first attacked Ethan in hopes of getting at Eliza. The alpha shifter, before arriving back home, had talked with his elder shifter, and Seth remembered every single word spoken. They had argued, with the elder scolding Ethan for Eliza’s kidnapping, and then something delicious had come to the forefront.

  Ethan’s eggs. His children from a past mate.

  Stopping next to a tiny stream, Seth breathed heavily, his throat dry and clogged with blood. He stared into the cold stream water, watching the ugly, blood-spattered face that stared back up at him. It only took a moment for Seth to come to a decision, his ghastly smile appearing on his lips.

  He took something from me, the human woman I would have taken for my own slave, and now I’ll take something from him.

  Cackling his approval at his plan, Seth wheeled and raced back the way he came, as fast as he could, but careful to make an arch around the area he’d just fought in. The sounds of pursuit followed him: the crushing weight of four grizzly paws and the chuffing of labored breaths, coming to meet him at an angle. Preparing for the ambush, Seth ducked under as a bear leaped off from a ridge and swiped high. Missing its mark, the bear sailed over and landed on its feet, spinning to regard the wolf shifter with hatred-filled eyes.

  The beast clambered forward, but Seth held off, leaning away, meaning to take off at any moment. The bear shifter’s name...what was it again? Ah, Jesse...some prick from the Woodland Bear Clan, if I remember right.

  Catching the bear’s expression of disgust, Seth grinned wide. The bear stamped its feet and roared, the force sending ripples through the wolf’s coat of dark fur. It sent a message with that roar: You’ll pay for what you did to Eliza and Gabriel! Loud and clear, the bear surged forward, attempting to swipe at Seth, but the wolf darted up and over the slope the bear had come from, slowing down to allow the bear to think it was gaining on him. Stupid kid, do you really think you’ll be the one to take me down?

  As if in answer, the bear shifter bellowed again and tried to swipe at Seth in the middle of his run. Easily dodging out of the way, the bear slid forward on a bed of leaves, allowing Seth time to catch his breath.

  Maybe I’ll start with this one. I’m sure it’ll hit them both hard.

  Growling to get the bear’s attention, Seth leaped forward and attacked, catching the beast off guard as it scrambled to get its footing. He tore into the bear, ripping and cutting and clawing off bits here and there. Now that Seth didn’t have a dragon looming over him, the fight with Jesse would be easy enough. Blood flowed, the bear’s screams became shrill and bone-chilling, and at the end of the slaughter, the bear collapsed, his head lolling as his breathing became ragged.

  Triumphant, Seth cackled and turned away, loping off into the forest once again, leaving the bear to bleed out.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Time had slowed for Eliza as the fight between Ethan and Seth had spiraled into chaos all around her. Trees toppled, shaking the ground and causing her to feel nauseous, the growls and roars and howls piercing her eardrums. White hot pain and erupted from within her as she coughed and spat out a little blood, and the dizziness she retained from Seth’s body blow came back to haunt her as she had tried to rise and walk over to Professor Allard. She had nearly toppled over herself during that long march over to him. And when she had reached him, saw he was still alive
, she wept for joy and cradled his unconscious gray head in her arms.

  Then she had turned to see the remaining blurred fight between Ethan, Seth, and Jesse, who had turned into a bear. She hadn’t truly been surprised about it since all the men that she’d met recently had turned out to be some sort of shifter. She was simply surprised that Jesse wasn’t a dragon. It was no wonder he was friendly and seemed like he’d be good for cuddles.

  But as she watched, dazed, Ethan soared into the sky and Eliza came to a realization. All of this had been her fault, hadn’t it?

  From the very first day she’d arrived in Salem, eyes never ceased to stop staring her way. Men followed her everywhere, individuals that looked too menacing for any normal person to want to approach. No matter where she’d gone, men were there, watching, waiting. Even when she went to the Salem University grounds, some followed her. It had been beyond disturbing. From the very beginning, she had had stalkers, so it wasn’t surprising that one had taken it way too far.

  Seth, that asshole. He deserved to be punished, thrown in jail, even killed if the wolf shifter got had his way with her. And to think that if Ethan had been only minutes late to kidnap me, I’d be in Seth’s clutches right now. The thought made her shiver uncontrollably.

  But from the moment after Ethan shifted back to his human form, after witnessing Seth race off in defeat, Jesse in pursuit to finish off the wolf shifter once and for all, she felt something break deep inside her. Tears pooled at the edges of her eyes as Ethan turned and caught her gaze, his feet carrying him towards her. The wind whipped her hair out of her face, revealing the streams down her cheeks. Now she used up the strength in her limbs to push herself up to her feet, ready to embrace her dragon shifter mate when he arrived. And arrive he did.

  Just before reaching her, Eliza outstretched her arms, and Ethan slid right into them. His arms shot out to wrap around Eliza’s waist as he lifted her and spun. She cried out in joy, hugged him so tight she could barely feel her lower arms anymore. Looking deep into Ethan’s dark, flaming chestnut eyes, she saw something that made her heart set on fire: hot desire. She kissed him right then and there, still suspended in his arms above the ground, her lips spicy as they tasted the fiery sweat on his lips. The kiss was strong, aggressive, showing Eliza just how hard Ethan had fought to save her. To protect her.

  What other man could say they’d go this far to protect the one they loved? None that Eliza could remember, save Ethan himself.

  Laughing as he spun her around again, the two were interrupted by a groaning. Both glanced over at the professor, who was turned over on his knees, wrinkled hands gripping the ground and trying to push himself up feebly. Immediately, Ethan set Eliza down and jogged over, throwing Professor Allard’s arm around his neck and easily heaving the man up to his feet. No one said a word as the professor inhaled and exhaled, trying to lick his lips in the process. Looking up, Eliza saw a cut just under his lips, and another along his brow. He tried to speak.

  “What happened? How did you get here...Ethan?”

  “Just relax for now, old man,” Ethan said. “Seth is gone. I drove him off.”

  “You didn’t kill him?”

  “I will...he deserves nothing less.”

  Wheezing a cough and nursing his side, the professor gazed at Eliza. “I’m glad to see you’re safe.”

  Her eyes trailed down, seeing the teeth wounds along his torso, where blood dripped out. One of the professor’s arms was similarly torn up, the clothes and flesh in tatters. Eliza tried to think of how best to heal him for the moment, where to bring him to, but her mind ached the harder she thought and eventually shook her head. “We need to get you somewhere to rest, Professor.”

  Shaking his head, the professor looked around. “Where is Jesse?”

  “After Seth,” Ethan replied. “Hunting him down. At least following the guy’s trail.”

  “Not good enough.” The professor spat out another dose of blood on the ground. “Seth is dangerous, Ethan...he’s smart, good at stalking. Which...which way did he run off?” With his free hand, Ethan pointed. And the professor squinted.

  In the distance, a roar rang out, followed by a howl that caused Eliza to seize up. Robotically, she turned to look in the opposite direction from where Ethan had pointed.

  “Jesse...and Seth,” Ethan said, his eyes wide. He glanced at Eliza and then the professor. “But that’s closer to my home cave. They went the other way, I swear!”

  A thought suddenly dawned on Eliza, her mind pounding with pain. But she forced herself through it, squeezing shut her eyelids as she pieced it all together. When she spoke, Eliza’s voice wavered and grabbed the attention of the two dragon shifters. “ it possible that Seth overheard you two talk about anything important, regarding your cave? The—”

  Ethan’s eyes widened. “The eggs!” he hissed. “Damn it! He’s going after my eggs.”

  “Our eggs,” Eliza said. Nodding a weak smile at Ethan. “We can still stop him, though, right?”

  “Of course you can!” Professor Allard shouted, which ended in him coughing and falling to his knees. “Ethan, you need there as quickly as possible...while Jesse is holding him off…”

  Ethan’s eyes swung to Eliza. “Alright! Eliza, stay here with Gabriel. Do your best to wrap up his wounds for the meantime. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “What? No, I’m coming with you!”


  “I’m coming. That’s final!”

  Hands on her hips, Eliza stared Ethan down, his blank expression becoming something of a smile. “Are you sure? What about Gabriel here?”

  The professor waved the thought away. “Oh, I’ll be fine, Ethan. You two go! Save your babies. I won’t forgive either of you if you fail.” Nodding, Ethan gently let go of the professor, the elderly shifter managing to stay on his feet. “I’ll make my way to the rest of our clan...send some backup if I’m able to.”

  “Good,” Ethan said, swinging over to eye Eliza. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Of course, but we have to hurry,” she easily replied. “Shift into your dragon form...I’ll ride you there.”

  Her last words left Ethan’s expression comical as mused over the possible ways her words could be taken. Cheeks burning, she crossed her arms. “This’ll be the first time you’ll ride me with your permission,” he said.

  “I can’t wait. Now hurry up! We don’t have much time.”

  Nodding, Ethan backed away and immediately began to shift. His body grew, turned black and huge. Scales became visible, his eyes becoming fiery and reptilian. A tail sprouted, as well as wings. Leaning down to allow her to step up onto his back, Ethan smiled at her. Amazed and awestruck, it took a moment for Eliza to shake her head and amble forward. Climbing awkwardly, she grasped his hot neck and straddled his nape, her cheeks heating up at the sensation of sitting on scales. She took a final look at Professor Allard, who nodded his approval, and then suddenly Ethan was moving.

  She gripped harder onto his back as he rose, her stomach going wild with butterflies, and the wind swirling past her. In moments, they were above the tree line, and before Eliza could voice a scream, they shot off towards Ethan’s home cave.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  After leaving Jesse behind to bleed to death, the trek back to Ethan’s cave had taken almost no time at all. The trails from when he and Jesse had rushed through the forest were still fresh, their footprints deep in the mud. Seth didn’t even need to think about where to go because the path was laid out before him already. Luck truly was on his side today.

  He could imagine it now, becoming infamous after slaughtering the alpha dragon of the Cave Dragons clan. The first shifter besides a dragon to kill an alpha dragon in years, maybe decades. His name would spread far and wide, and maybe he’d manage to win enough followers to form his own pack...his own clan. The anticipation of all that was to come made him cackle and lick his lips.

  But first,
like always, he needed to corner Ethan. He had tried two times already, and both had failed because he’d thought brute force would be the way to go with Ethan. And Seth had been proven wrong each time, though the first time he’d come pretty close. If only it hadn’t been for those other dragon shifters, I’d have ripped out his throat for sure! Now Seth was in prime position to nail his third attempt. In human form, Seth was confident he could easily overcome Ethan, especially when he’d have a nice hostage or two…

  Finding the cave entrance, Seth shifted back to his stocky human form and marched inside, realizing it probably wouldn't be long before Ethan and the others grasped that Seth hadn’t just been driven off like before. Or maybe they’d walk in completely oblivious to Seth’s presence in the cave, settling down thinking they had won, leaving more than enough openings for Seth to kill Ethan and steal Eliza, like he was supposed to do in the first place. Either way, Seth had the advantage. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Waiting a moment for his gaze to adjust, Seth wandered inside. He placed a hand on the wall to orient himself until his eyes had fully adjusted. There were countless rooms, and he checked every single one of them, looking for anything resembling dragon eggs. And eventually, he found them.

  Further back, hidden in a tiny room that could have been considered an oversized nook, a raised table was covered in a blue blanket. Underneath the blanket were what Seth assumed were the eggs. Dashing forward, a surge of relief flooding through Seth, he breathed and threw aside the blanket and discovered four identical dragon eggs. So these are what dragon eggs look like? Huge, as big as his head, white all over save for a few unique colored spots on each egg, cracked at the tops and sides.


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