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Not My Thing

Page 18

by James Hadley Chase

  He ran up the ramp of the garage and in a few minutes he was driving fast to the Miami airport.

  It wasn’t until he had checked in and boarded the New York flight, that he settled himself in his first-class seat and relaxed.

  Zurich, here I come! he thought and grinned. He would collect the five million dollars and drop out of sight. As the plane took off, he began to hum softly. Five million dollars! he was thinking, but he wasn’t to know that three Swiss detectives were sitting in the entrance hall of the Bovay Bank waiting to arrest him.

  * * *

  Jamison sat at his desk. He kept looking at his watch. The time was 23.15. Why no word from Kling? Had something gone wrong? He felt confident, now that Kling had proof the money was in his bank, he would murder Shannon. Why this exasperating wait? He felt his heart beating unevenly and he forced himself to remain patient.

  There came a tap on the door, and he barked, ‘Come in!’

  Smyth came in and placed a letter before him.

  ‘An express, sir, just come in.’

  Jamison looked at the letter and saw the Italian stamps. At last! A letter from Tarnia.

  ‘Thank you, Smyth. Get me sandwiches. I will be up late.’

  ‘Certainly, sir.’ Smyth bowed and left the room. He went into the pantry and prepared two chicken and ham sandwiches and two smoked-salmon sandwiches. He added a few leaves of fresh lettuce, then carried the plate to Jamison’s study.

  He stood in the open doorway, staring.

  Jamison, still in his chair, was lying face down across the desk.

  ‘Sir!’ Smyth exclaimed. ‘Is something wrong?’

  Jamison didn’t move.

  Putting down the silver plate, Smyth went to him. He saw in a moment that Jamison was dead, and he also saw, clutched in Jamison’s fingers, a letter.

  Shocked, Smyth took the letter from the dead man’s hand. He hesitated for a long moment, then read the letter.


  Dear Sherry,

  I do hope you will be understanding. I have decided I don’t want to get married either to you nor to any other man. Guiseppi has offered me a partnership in his wonderful, enormously successful fashion house. The firm will be known as Guiseppi & Lawrence. I am sure you will realize what this must mean to me.

  Sherry, I am sorry, but I do hope you will find someone else who will be a mother to your children.

  Forgive me?


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