Starring Me and You

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Starring Me and You Page 11

by Ella Bradshaw

  “You would be hot as shit if you shut up once and a while.” I retorted. Nate laughed again.

  “I thought you were toning down the bitchiness?” he teased.

  “This is me doing toned down.”

  “Yeah, I guessed as much.”

  Nate lay back on the bed and my first instinct was to lay there with him. I somehow resisted though my body twitched at the thought.

  “I wasn’t handed everything,” he said quietly.


  “I said I wasn’t handed everything. All right, I kind of fell into the acting thing cos of a lucky opportunity. But up until that moment I didn’t have shit. Fuck, I didn’t even have a bed. You know when I was discovered I’d been sleeping on a friend’s couch? The magazines always like to say there were rats and stuff but there was only one or two cockroaches,” he said. He told the story as if he were telling me what he had for breakfast this morning. Detached, cool and factual without any emotion behind it, “My mom was -is addicted to every drug in existence. You name it, she’s snorted it. My Dad had nothing to do with us and I can’t fucking blame him. I spent five years of my life in foster care. I had to drop out of school when I was fifteen because our lights kept getting cut and we needed money.”

  “Wow.” It was all I could say. I’d always admired Nate McCoy’s rippling muscles and chiseled face in his movies and the posters. However, I’d never been a crazed enough fan to read up on his childhood.

  “Yeah. Wow. That’s what I said when I got my first paycheck from a movie. And it was a shit paycheck compared to what I get now. And half of my money is going to my mother’s rehabilitation and she won’t even talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry for assuming you were out of touch,” I said. I meant it.

  “Forget about it. I’m sure it’s how a lot of people see me anyway.”

  “It’s not how I see you,” I said. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but when I did Nate sat up. He stared at me with those intense green eyes, his bare chest rising and falling.

  “Nate,” I said. I was cut off with his lips on mine, his hand on my face. I melted into the embrace. I couldn’t resist this, not anymore. He pulled me onto his lap and I gave into it, running my hands up and down the warm, hard flesh of his torso as he kissed me passionately.

  His hands clutched me as if he couldn’t bare to let me go. I felt the heat and the hardness of him between my thighs and realized that I ached for him, I ached for him just like he was aching for me.

  Nate’s hand snaked underneath my pajama top and touched the bare skin of my back. I shivered at the contact. He pulled away from the kiss and dragged kisses across my jaw and down my neck. Fuck. This was a terrible idea but there was no way I would stop him. I just couldn’t bare it.

  Suddenly he was looking at me with those eyes. The tips of our noses touched as he brought his hand from behind to the front of my body. I moaned softly as it touched my core. Then his hand clutched my breast roughly and I moaned again, louder this time.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, “Your body is amazing.”

  He tried to pull me into a kiss but I resisted for just long enough to whisper to him.

  “It’s all yours tonight.”

  That did the trick for him. Before I knew it I was on my back, completely naked. My pajamas had been tossed aside and even slightly torn by Nate’s enthusiasm. The last thing I cared about right now was the state of them. I had a shirtless movie star, my shirtless movie star, leaning over me. Ready to do everything I had been fantasizing about and more.

  Nate’s eyes roamed my body and he bit his lip in delight. I’d never felt so beautiful. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was more gorgeous than any supermodel I had ever ached to look like. He was lapping up every inch of me with his eyes.

  “Fuck.” he repeated, his voice low and breathy.

  “Are you gonna stand and stare or are you gonna do something about it?” I teased. Nate didn’t need any more convincing. In seconds he was kissing me again, harder this time. His hand pawed at my breast, roughly enough for sensation but gently enough not to hurt. Fuck. The heat between my thighs was unbearable now. I had never been so aroused in all my life.

  Nate continued to kiss me as his hand trailed down my body. He started by caressing my face, then my neck. He played with my breasts again, squeezing them and giving my nipple a small tug. I gasped at the sensation.

  Soon his lips were on my skin, kissing down my body. My back arched as the warmth of his mouth made its way lower and lower.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured against my skin. It was so quiet that I barely heard it. For a second I thought I might even have imagined it.

  Before I could respond he was kissing my thighs, dangerously close to the very center of my arousal. All I could do was bite my lower lip in an attempt to stop myself from begging.

  Nate sensed my urgency and smirked up at me.

  “Say please.”

  “Please Nate,” I said. I didn’t have to repeat myself. He buried his face between my thighs and I gasped at the way his mouth and tongue moved against me. I raked my fingers through his thick hair as he expertly teased me with his tongue, bringing me closer and closer to the brink with every slight movement. He continued to kiss and lick me until I could barely take it anymore. With one swift movement I let out a loud moan and sank into the pleasure. All the tension, all the anger, everything was released in that orgasm. I lay there shaking and panting. I couldn’t even speak as my body continued to convulse, though it was getting softer now. Nate unbuttoned his jeans, never taking his eyes off of me. I still ached for him. One was not enough. I knew I would never be satisfied. I would always want more of him.

  Nate pulled off his pants and boxers in one swift movement. Before I had more than a second to take in his breathtaking form he was on the bed kissing me. His nails dug into the skin on my back. I could sense his urgency now. I stroked him as he kissed me. The warmth of his girth between my fingers made me even more turned on. I’d been reading romance novels for years but never in my life had I felt desire like this. He was so hard for me now.

  He pulled away from the kiss and gazed at me with those eyes. He pushed a lock of hair out of my face and smiled.

  “I never met anyone like you before,” he said.

  His hand cupped my breast and gave it another soft squeeze.

  I kissed his neck and he stroked my back. It was almost tender.

  “Stop talking,” I said. He nodded. He gave my neck a soft kiss. I bit my lip. I’d started to shake now.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” he whispered.

  “This is all new to me.” I said. He told me not to worry and kissed me again. I felt the tip pressing against my entrance. I held him tight while he pushed his way in. It hurt, just for a moment. It was new and he was big. He kissed me and in seconds the pain was gone, replaced by a burning desire.

  He looked deep into my eyes and stroked my cheek before he began to move inside me. For just a second he looked as if he was going to say something, but he thought better of it. Now was not the time for words. All I wanted was him, all of him. The two of us together, even if it was just for now.

  Nate started slowly. One slow thrust leading into a smooth, slow rhythm. I moaned softly at the sensation. Something about that got him going as he quickly lost control. He dug his fingers into my hip and thrust harder now. I loved the feeling of his thick hard cock slamming into me and making me gasp for air.

  I could feel that pleasure building up inside me once again, though my knees still trembled from my last orgasm. Every thrust brought me closer to the edge. I clutched at Nate and breathed him in. He smelled like leather, smoke and sex. It was delicious.

  “Fuck, baby I’m close!” I said. Nate grinned.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Before I knew what was happening he pulled out. Before I could open my mouth to complain he was rubbing me again, just the right way. Fuck, he knew what he was doing. I fe
lt my core tighten as the pressure built up in my lower stomach. This was going to be a big one.

  “Nate,” I moaned. He grabbed me and kissed me hard on the mouth again as I melted into another orgasm, this one twice as powerful as the last one. I was still in the throes of it when I felt him inside me again. He grabbed my ass and bit down on my neck as he came, causing me to cry out.

  He collapsed next to me and we lay there in silence for a bit.

  I rested my head on his chest and he didn’t object. He played with a strand of my hair and I willed him not to speak. It would break the spell. He was never going to tell me that he loved me, that was for sure. I was no fool. As the pleasure of my orgasm faded, the stark reality of the situation hit me like a punch in the gut. I’d finally given to Nate’s charms and he had gotten what he wanted. How pathetic of me.

  Nate pulled a blanket over the two of us and fell asleep with his arm hooked around my waist. If we could feel like a real couple tonight then maybe we would be ok.

  I woke up the next morning and he was gone. All he had left behind was a post it note on the bedside table.

  Sheila needed me for an interview. Didn’t want to wake you -Nate

  The spell was broken.


  My mind was racing and my heart was pounding as I weaved through traffic on my motorcycle. Last night didn’t yet seem real to me. It had been like a beautiful hazy dream that I never wanted to wake up from. A dream where I could have Darcy and touch her and love her without worrying about what everything meant. Without worrying about hurting her. She’d fallen asleep in my arms. To have this naked, vulnerable little thing trust me so completly in that moment made my heart hurt. I wanted he more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

  I pulled up outside a cafe and picked up some breakfast. She would be hungry, surely.


  When Nate reappeared I was dressed and working on a film review for my blog. He came in with two takeaway cups of coffee and a portion of Belgian waffles for me.

  “Wow, thank you,” I said. I wasn’t in a mind to eat now, but he had made a real effort. He looked pleased when I took a few bites.

  “No problem. I figured you’d be hungry and we have a lot going on today. There’s a publicity shoot at your magazine with Courtney and maybe another interview to get over with. These things are boring as shit and they take forever, so you’ll need your energy.” Nate sat down across from me. I had been wondering if he would kiss me but there was my answer. My heart sank.

  “You want me to come?”

  “Yeah. I mean, Sheila will be there. I’ll be on my best behavior the whole time and she’ll put it down to you. Maybe she’ll give you a big tip or something. I don’t know how this whole thing works.” he said. I took a sip of my coffee.

  “If she pays me at all. Part of my contract was that I wasn’t allowed to sleep with you.” I said quietly. Nate’s eyes widened.

  “She doesn’t have to know, Darcy. I won’t tell her.”

  “She seemed confident that you would,” I said, but Nate shook his head.

  “Darcy, what happened is between you and me. I promise,” he said, “And I need you to come along with me to this shoot. No offense, but your work colleagues are boring as fuck. I need some entertainment.”

  Entertainment. So that’s what last night had been.

  I raised one eyebrow at him.

  “Do you need me for that? There are lots of pretty girls in the office who would have more experience at ‘entertaining’ than I do. Why not check them out?” I said.

  Nate stood up.

  “No, no they’re not.”

  He took my hands and pulled me to my feet so I was looking up at him.

  “I need you to know that last night wasn’t just another night to me.” he said. He was looking at me so intently that I almost believed him. I felt my heart melting inside me. How could someone with those eyes be anything but genuine?

  “It wasn’t?”

  Nate touched my face again. Though we were fully clothed it felt even more intimate than it had before. He tilted my chin up and forced me to look at him.

  “No. It meant something.”

  My heart was beating hard now. I could hear the blood pumping in my ears.

  “What did it mean?” I asked. Nate visibly slumped and avoided my gaze, letting me go. I asked him again, “What did it mean, Nate?”

  I needed something, anything. He needed to tell me that I was special to him. That I wasn’t going to be used up and tossed away like all the other girls had been. That he wanted to be with me and only me. It was too much to ask.

  “I don’t know, just yet. Give me time.”

  I sighed.

  “Forget about it. Forget it happened. Let’s just get this damn photo shoot over with!” I said. Nate looked hurt but I didn’t care. Even so, I wasn’t quite mean enough to add what I was thinking. Which was that we needed to hurry up and get this arrangement over with so we could part ways.

  It had to happen soon or one of us would get hurt. We both knew which one of us that would be.


  Photo shoots were always a fucking nightmare. I had stormed off the set of a few of them. If there was one group of people that pissed me off more than god damn directors it was fucking photographers. Sheila was aware of this and made sure to read me the riot act in preparation.

  “I want you on your best behavior, ok? No fucking around! This can be quick and painless for you or a fucking nightmare. Either way you are going to this photo shoot and getting it over it, all right? You’re under contract!” she ranted. Darcy smiled bemusedly. She had been so excited to be in the back of a limo that it was pretty adorable.

  “All right, all right. Best behavior, I promise. No punching, no fucking, nothing,” I said, “And I’ll do my best to get along with Courtney.”

  “Yeah, well you better. She barely agreed to show up to this so you have to make the effort. You’re god damn lucky that she likes me, ‘cos she really doesn’t like you,” said Sheila. She looked at Darcy, “I’m glad you haven’t fallen for Nate’s supposed charms, Darcy. I haven’t come across them personally but others have told me they’re quite apparent.”

  Darcy’s skin turned slightly pink, but Sheila didn’t notice. I would normally make a joke but the last thing I wanted to do was get Darcy in trouble. Our night together had really been something special. It had turned my brain into a big confused mess and it was killing me to have her so close to me without embracing her. We had to keep up appearances for a little while. I mean, if she wanted to she could just say fuck it and I could give her triple the money Sheila was giving her. If that was what she wanted. Maybe it wasn’t. I couldn’t tell.

  She was being coy today.

  We arrived at the studio and it was like stepping through the gates of hell for me. Suddenly everyone was in my face, telling me to do this and that. It was like being attacked by a swarm of bees. Soon I was sitting in a chair while some idiot messed with my hair in an attempt to make my hair look mess without looking too messy. It was stupid, but I’d deal with it. Courtney was already prepped and primed and taking test shoots in the corner. Fuck, this was going to be awkward. I just hoped that she would not make a scene.

  Darcy appeared next to me with a cup of black coffee and a sheepish smile.

  “I figured you might need a pick me up,” she said shyly. I grinned at her and took the cup.

  “Thanks baby,” I said. The ‘baby’ slipped out but it didn’t matter. The hair stylist didn’t even flinch. I realized I had always called women baby, or honey or whatever. It had never meant anything before but it did now. Still, it made Darcy smile. It meant something to her.

  After far too long in the chair, resulting in me looking almost the exact same as I had looked when I walked in, we were ready to start shooting. The set up was even cheesier than I had expected. They had done a whole autumn leaves thing with fake leaves and a plastic tree. They even gave Courtney and I ma
tching scarves.

  The photographer was a young guy with a hipster beard and braces. He looked like a douche bag but I tried not to judge.

  “All right, so we’re thinking cute and happy and in love, ok?” he said. Courtney didn’t even acknowledge me. She just wrapped her arms around me and gazed up at me like she loved me, without losing face. Darcy watched us with a big smile on her face. I tried to imagine that Courtney was Darcy and it somehow made the pathetic frolicking more palatable to me.

  The photographer went to change one of his lenses and I saw his eyes roaming along Darcy’s body. He smirked at her.

  “Hey, you wanna help me out here?” he said. She looked around as if she wasn’t sure if he was speaking to her, “Yeah you, Blondie. I’ve got another lens in my backpack. You wanna get it for me?”

  She nodded eagerly and ran to the other side of the room. It was just a ploy to get her to bend over, of course. He leered at her in the most disgusting way and gave her a sickly sweet grin when she handed him the lens.

  “Thanks sweetie,” he winked at her and she giggled. I clenched my fist and Courtney took my hand.

  “Calm down,” she whispered. I unclenched. Stay professional. It was the one thing I had to do today and I would manage it. After all, I was the one who was taking her home tonight. And tomorrow night. Who knew after that.

  The rest of the shoot was rather uneventful. Courtney and I hugged and held hands and I lifted her up bridal style. Snap, snap, snap. Then we were done.

  Nah. That was way too easy. It turned out that Sheila had scheduled a god damn interview with the two of us without bothering to tell me. I groaned at the news.

  “Don’t you complain to me! It’s one crappy little interview, Nate. Please. You got through the shoot. Just do this for me, please,” said Sheila. She was so desperate that I couldn’t say no. Especially since Darcy pleaded with me.

  “Come on, Nate. Just get it over with and we can go home,” she said. She bit her lip at me and I knew what that meant. We can go home and then do the same again. The thought of it was enough to make me do anything. I would walk through hell if I had to. This would be close enough.


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