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The Prospect - A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Erotica/Submissive Training)

Page 4

by Lucia Jordan

  Bea turned to him with an indrawn, open-mouthed gasp. Another what-the-hell moment hit her as she realized these two wanted to actually blow a load of cash just to get her into bed. Twenty grand, in fact. Really? Was she worth that much in their eyes, for a night? Just what did they mean to do to her anyway?

  Probably something sick, twisted and depraved – or at the least, involving things she’d never done or dreamed of doing!

  And they kept saying “we”. Did they mean them both, with her? Bea shivered secretly from her toenails to the tips of her ears. She really should have thought to ask Lisa what she did in situations like this. But seriously, had Lisa ever been in this kind of spot before? If she had, Bea would kill her for exposing her to such…such erotically charged danger!

  “I’m not for sale,” she bit out, staring Ryan, and then Jason, in the eye. “I told you, I’m not a call girl.”

  She couldn’t help wondering if they’d still be offering such an insane amount if they knew she was far from the sexy, bed-ready professional escort they thought she was. She didn’t doubt that there were tons of women out there who’d spring at this opportunity, especially at such a price, but not her. Damnit, this was barely her first time on the “job” and already she was getting indecent propositions! And it wasn’t even her real job!

  “What if we don’t offer you money? What if we could give you something… different?” Jason asked, making her heart pound with the way he spoke so calmly, his words clear even with the clipped Scot’s accent.

  “I can’t imagine what you’d have that I’d want,” Bea half-choked. Why the hell was she still sitting there, arguing? These two were pulling some strings she’d never even known were attached to her deep-set, secret fantasies. Because from somewhere buried deep in her subconscious, she was getting freakishly aroused by this. Especially since she’d been sexually drawn to these from the moment she’d walked up to their table and set eyes on them both.

  “What we have…is the ability to mentally, emotionally and physically pleasure you,” Jason said with a shrug. “We’d like to be given the chance to do this.”

  “Yes, Bea. It’s really that simple,” Ryan concurred, with his sexy lips breaking into an even sexier grin. “You see, the tables are turned; now we offer ourselves to you. One night of inescapable delights – for all concerned. You’d wonder why you have never tried it before.”

  Bea didn’t – couldn’t speak. Just then, Jason sat forward, making her almost start at how sensually…predatory he seemed. His stormy blue-green eyes caught hers in a compelling gaze. “Maybe I should explain further. For a long time my brother and I have looked out for that special woman. Someone who could draw us both the same way, in the same measure. You walked into the room, and instantly, we knew. We have never been so sure of anything in our lives. And after an hour in your presence, we only want one thing.”

  Jason paused, glancing at Ryan, who finished plainly, “We want to be yours.”

  “Mine?” Bea pronounced when she could finally get to speak moments later.

  Jason leaned back, giving her the chance to breathe again, albeit raggedly, while Ryan nodded and replied, “Yes. In every way. What would it take, Bea, to have both of us at your beck and call? You will be our woman, and we will be your men – yes, your men. You have two ready, adoring males willing to give you every pleasure you ever dreamed – for as long as you want.”

  Finally, Bea found a way to make sense from all the wildness. “Seriously? Now you’re offering me sex – your bodies, like it’s some God’s gift?” She was chuckling and shaking her head.

  Jason’s eyes blazed. “Trust me, Bea…one night with us and you will believe it is a gift from above.”

  She chuckled, now highly amused. And tremendously aroused, damnit. Going a whole year without sex was beginning to take its toll on her. She was actually considering what these men were saying.

  “Sorry guys, but my body’s not on the shopping list. Fucking my clients was never on the job description, either. You paid for dinner and my company, and that’s all on offer. I’m not a prostitute. And I refuse to become one just so you can both live out your kinked up fantasies,” she blurted out.

  Kinked up fantasies that were getting her moist down below, truth be told. Damn Lisa! Bea thought with an inner rush of consternation. Lisa would have been the one getting the indecent proposition from the most gorgeous species of manhood to walk the earth, not me, Bea fumed! But then what did she know? She’d only ever had two boyfriends – and only one had been her actual lover.

  She shivered away her confusion and irritation mixed so stimulatingly with arousal. She couldn’t really blame these guys – they thought she was a professional escort. And to save face for Lisa and her escort agency, Bea had to keep up her professional act. They mustn’t guess she was just some IT executive assistant who knew next to nothing about real men – and real sex. And lord knew these guys were offering her the taste of both…

  Chapter Four

  Bea was already gathering her things before she’d actually begin to see the good in what these two freakishly sexy men were suggesting. Her whole body was screaming at her to comply; she could hear the creaks in all her nerve endings and hormones just begging for her to say “yes” to whatever they were offering.

  But as always, common sense prevailed. “Um, I’m really, really sorry to say no to you guys. I’m sure it’s not a word you hear very often. But seriously, I can’t possibly agree to what you’re asking. What you’re both asking.” She stared meaningfully at them both. For some reason, the restaurant seemed to shrink even smaller as they looked at her. Why did they make everything around them seem so inconsequential and small with their larger-than-life personas? She felt light in the head. Just how many glasses of wine had she had?

  “Do you gamble, Bea?” Ryan asked quietly.

  “Not recently. No,” was her dry reply. “Why? Want to go to a casino?”

  Ryan smiled with mild humor. “No; I was just wondering if you’d care to take a bit of chance. Say, you do follow us to our hotel. And then, after five minutes, if you decide you want to leave, then we let you go. Five minutes, Bea.”

  She already opened her mouth to flat-out refuse. No way she’d be in a room alone with these two for five minutes.

  But then Jason smirked. “Maybe she isn’t a gambling woman, brother – but she’s certainly not the daring type. Are you, Miss Hamilton? Maybe we frighten you – or at the least, make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe you do know how good it can be, but rather forsake your secret desires just so you can walk off back into to your prim little shadow. So let’s up the stakes, shall we? Once the five minutes is up and you definitely choose not to continue, then you’ll get a hundred thousand dollars for proving us wrong.”

  Bea swallowed. Why did he always have to bring up money? But for some reason, his “wager” interested her. “Wait up; you’re going to pay me a hundred grand if I finally decide I don’t want to spend the night with you?”

  “In fact, I’ll double it,” Ryan said smoothly, watching her stunned face with a small smile. “That’s right, Bea. We’re that sure of ourselves. Because we know you won’t be saying no after the five minutes. But I give you my word: if you do choose to leave, then we’ll let you go – and you’ll be two hundred grand richer.”

  “I don’t know what it is about you billionaires,” Bea bit out, inwardly wanting to kick herself for sounding like she met them everyday – which she didn’t of course. “You always think your money solves everything.”

  “If you don’t like the idea of keeping the money, you can always spend it on your favorite charity, or something,” Jason cut in, already sounding somewhat bored – though she could tell that might just be a ruse. Weren’t they sharp-minded businessmen, who knew how to drive a bargain? “Look, Bea, we’ve made our play. I think it’s time you made yours. We want you. I don’t think we’ve ever wanted a woman this much. But we’re not going to spend all night talking you into thi
s. Especially when we know that this could be as much for your pleasure as ours.”

  Oh yeah, Bea thought, inwardly pissed off. Why he really was a cocky lad, she fumed. So, they were so sure about themselves, huh? Well, it seemed they didn’t know about her iron-clad control. Bea never let her body rule her actions. That’s why she’d stayed celibate a whole year despite the pressure from attractive enough would-be sexual candidates. Maybe it was time these two studs were taken down a peg or two to show them they weren’t all that. And she was the one to show them.

  Dumping her napkin, she tilted her chin up at them both. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  She could have sworn their lips tilted slightly in triumph, but it was too fleeting to be sure. She drew in a breath as Ryan gestured for the tab.

  Outside, as their sleek, gleaming chauffeured black Maybach stopped in front of them, Bea was already regretting her decision. Hadn’t she been spontaneous for one night, for agreeing to the date in the first place? Now, she was about to be driven off alone with these two near-strangers. What if they were serial killers, who’ll rape her and then dump her body somewhere? They were rich enough to be able to cover their tracks well. And what if…

  “Bea?” Ryan’s deep, Scotsman’s accent cut through her irrational fears. “After you.”

  Bea swallowed, as Jason went in on the other side. Ryan tipped a brow at her as he waited for her to go in before him into the powerfully expensive automobile. This was her last chance, she knew, to run for it.

  “Thank you,” she said with as slightly quavering smile, before sliding into the luxuriant interior. No going back now…

  Chapter Five

  This is going to be the easiest two hundred grand I’ll ever make, Bea thought smugly, as she walked with them into their palatial suite.

  It was quite impressive, no gainsaying that. In fact, she’d never been in anything so opulent. At least sectioned off into five rooms, the suite was massive, opulent, and truly gorgeous. Two walls in the living room section were just windows, giving a panoramic view of the city beyond. Eye catching, she thought, telling herself not to be bowled over by all the grandeur. Being alone with these two was overwhelming enough without going gaga over their beauteous surroundings.

  She turned to face them, just as Ryan shut the door behind him, and Jason went to the elegantly appointed bar to pour out drinks.

  “So…how does this work?” she murmured, placing her shawl and purse on a couch nearby. “What exactly gets to happen in the five minutes?”

  Jason chuckled, handling his elder brother a glass, before coming to give her one, too. “Whoa. Is the timer off already?” he teased, surprising her. It was the first time she’d seen him relax or act jovial all night. It was like, now that she was here, he could be himself. She felt stunned by his gorgeous smile as their fingers brushed round the glass. He turned away to get his own drink waiting on the bar’s polished surface.

  “Why don’t you sit down, Bea?” Ryan asked, that tilt to his smile ever present.

  “Sit down?” she croaked, looking back at the spacious couch behind her dubiously.

  “Or if you’d rather we take it to the bedroom…,” he suggested, and she gritted her teeth at the teasing note in his voice. Schooling her features, she primly took her seat without a word.

  Taking a sip from her glass and realizing it was some sort of brandy – very crisp and flowing deliciously down her throat, she strove to stay calm. Just a few more minutes, and…

  Ryan sat on her left, and Jason on her right. She managed to seize two gulps of the liquor before it was gently retrieved by Jason and placed on the nearby coffee table. Perhaps each one realized there was little need – or time, for more words. Reaching out to pinch her chin in his thumb and forefinger, Ryan was the first to lean forward and take her lips.

  Okay. Bea rushed in a breath at the first touch of Ryan’s mouth, and found herself rampaged by tongue. Sweet, hot, and sexily moist tongue. He dove into her like a rogue pirate ready to claim his spoils. She was hell-bent on resisting, however, and didn’t give her tongue in return. But hmm, he did taste like heaven would, she mused, easing into his kiss and letting him take what he would. He groaned against her lips, crushing them harder against his. Bea’s heart began to pound alarmingly. The heat and sweetness was climbing; in seconds, she felt the strangest thrumming in between her legs just as Ryan plucked wetly on her bottom lip. Oh lord.

  She could feel Jason draw closer on her other side. They’d never really explained how the time would go, and it served her right for not making ground rules first. Would she have to contend with both of them, or…?

  Even before she could contemplate this, she felt Jason take her hand. She had no chance to demure as Ryan’s fingers on her chin kept her insistently turned to him. She was gasping into his mouth just at the same time that Jason placed her hand on his cock. Holy fuck! It felt huge beneath her fingers and even beneath the fabric of his dress pants. He rode her fingers over the solidly wedged length, and she shuddered against Ryan’s powerfully deep kiss.

  Desperately, she broke away, snatching her hand from the tempting hardness beneath. Why the hell was she panting so hard? She really shouldn’t have let them overwhelm her so easily. She almost made to skip to her feet. “I need to go,” she blurted breathlessly.

  “One more minute,” Jason crooned, his fingers in her hair gently tugging her to meet his waiting lips. For the love of God. What gave these men the right to taste so good? Her lips merged with Jason’s and he used the same bone-melting device, just more pliant and tender. He didn’t go the rough route like Ryan; he chose to render her powerless in a different way. Soft, sensitive, giving more than taking. Bea purred all the more. And purred even harder when Ryan slipped a hand through her v-necked bodice and cupped her right breast. The sensation of her softness in the hard strength of his hand had juices rushing to flood her panties. Her thighs quivered as Jason covered her in an open-mouthed, blatantly sensuous kiss. Her head went round and round; every nerve ending she possessed was alive and thrumming with the most monstrous lust she’d ever experienced. Jason’s free hand – the one not gripping her hair – slid down to her knee, nudging it apart from its twin. In an instant, his fingertips were brushing lengthwise along the panel of her panties shielding her pussy. She almost came there and then.

  She couldn’t withstand the torture any longer. She pulled away from Jason’s soft and firm mouth, while instinctively gripping the hand over her breast and in between her thighs. She was blinking and trying to focus ahead of her to the door which seemed like it stood a thousand yards away. If she could just jump to her feet and make it there, she was sure she’d be safe before she caved in to temptation.

  Her fingers tightened on the wrists of those manly, sinfully pleasurable hands still attached to her breast and her secret center. And even as she held on to push those hands aside, she found herself closing her eyes with a ragged sigh. Seriously, she should have seen this coming. Hadn’t she known, deep, deep down, how this would go?

  “Bea,” Ryan’s husky voice said in her ear, his lips now trailing down to her arched nape.

  “Time’s up,” Jason reminded her, his own blond head lowering as he kissed along her bare collarbone. His fingers had stilled on her silk-covered core, while Ryan’s hand, still on her breast, had stopped stroking. They were waiting for her command and they’d let her go. She knew this. So why wasn’t she giving the command?

  Chapter Six

  The moment of truth. She could feel their tension even as they pressed deliciously warm and subdued lips to her throat and shoulder.

  She didn’t speak…she felt incapable of speech. All she could do, was lean back into the couch with a moan, as her fingers finally let go, giving the unmistakable signal.

  Her whole body screamed, Don’t stop. For heaven’s sake, keep it moving! And she didn’t doubt for a second that these two were accurate mind readers – not to speak of being able to translate body language to perfection.
Once her fingers released their death grip on either wrist, Ryan and Jason wasted no time in continued perusal of her trembling frame.

  Bea threw her head back with a shuddering sigh of capitulation as Jason’s fingers probed past the edge of her panties to the swollen petals beneath. His mouth, welded to her shoulder, sucked hungrily into her skin as his fingertips sunk into her melting slit. Ryan bit into her neck, his teeth grazing the warm flesh as he pinched the tight nub of her nipple through her lace cup. Both men groaned, and Bea could do nothing to stop them as they finally took total control of the quivering body set in their midst.

  She virtually sobbed when Jason raked through her with two fingers, sawing in and out of her clenching walls. Ryan wasted no time in shoving aside the bit of covering over her breast before laying his head against the swelling flesh and snatching the whole aureole, nipple and all, into his mouth.

  “Oh!” Bea moaned, as Jason’s fingers went impossibly deep, just at the same moment that Ryan teeth pulled hard on her sensitive teat. Ryan’s free hand cupped the other breast, kneading into the full mound with ravenous desire. “Oh my God,” came out of her lips before she could stop herself, and she shuddered with embarrassment at the way she couldn’t keep silent from all the sensations racking through her tortured body. She clamped a hand over her mouth, but Jason only laughed and drew the hand down.

  “No, sweet one, we want to hear every whimper…every moan. Don’t take that gift from us. Let us know how much we thrill you.”

  So much, she would have said, but then Ryan was trolling his tongue over her nipple, causing her to gasp in desperate lust. No. Way. No way could anything feel that good. He sucked and licked on her nub till she was a shuddering mass. So much so that she could actually hear the sounds of the jelly that her pussy had become, as Jason stroked faster in and out of her quivering sheathe. “Oh please, oh no…”


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