Book Read Free

Layers Deep

Page 4

by Lacey Silks

  As much as I didn’t want to play the hard-to-get type, even for a job, I had a feeling Cross liked to be kept on his toes. “All good things come to those who wait. Is there a deadline?”

  “The sooner the better, Allie. I’m a patient man, but the job requires specific training and it’s time-sensitive.”

  I yanked the safety string that tied me to the treadmill and it slowed my run to a halt. “What training? What’s my deadline?” I lowered my hands to my hips, controlling my breathing.

  “When was the last time you practiced your karate?”

  “Is there anything you don’t know about me?”

  “Your bra size,” he said, shamelessly eyeing my cleavage.

  The comment tingled deep between my legs, turning my limbs into strings of gummy worms. A bit more flirting on his part and there’d be a little pool in my panties. But I wouldn’t give in. Cross must have had plenty of women to fulfill his needs. I was just another fish in a pond, and one with more important goals than sleeping with this gorgeous man. Was this part of his test to see whether we could work together without the obvious attraction getting in the way?

  Still, something inside me wondered how far he was willing to go, so I replied, “36 C.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “Cocky a bit?” I stepped off the machine.

  “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Both of his brows moved up and down suggestively.

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “I know. And I’m glad you know it, too. Have you always been a tease, Allie? Or is it just for me?”

  I grabbed my water bottle. “What?”

  “You say one thing but mean something else. I can see the way your body’s reacting to me.”

  I knew my nipples hardened and my skin tightened in knots every time I saw Cross. How could they not? I was still a woman in her prime with bursting hormones, but I never dreamed he’d noticed. The control I usually had over my reactions seemed ineffective when Cross was around, and I made a mental note to relieve myself before the next time I saw him. Except at this point I wasn’t sure when that would be, as he was popping out of thin air all the time. Mr. D would once again see its happier days.

  “Like you never say anything without a double meaning.” I rolled my eyes and loosened my clinging shirt. The patches of sweat probably decorated the fabric under my armpits and on my back.

  “I know I do. Let’s try this. Are you attracted to me, Allie?” He leaned against the machine. The casual way he spoke made me a bit nervous. Like he was just another guy.

  I took a sip of water, noting how nicely Cross’s shorts outlined the curve underneath the loosened strings.

  “Well, that’s a little forward, isn’t it?”

  “In my business I don’t have time to waste time.”

  “I can’t deny you’re a good-looking man, but you already know that.”

  “Do you know how gorgeous you are? How nicely your tits bounce when you run?”

  “Seriously? That’s sexual harassment.” I walked toward the exercise room on the other side of the gym where Cole usually taught the Pilates and Zumba classes. Cross followed alongside, and I had no doubt he was checking out my behind because my ass swayed from side to side like it wanted all the attention for itself.

  “You haven’t applied for the position I need you in, so it’s not really sexual harassment. I’m just stating the obvious. Are you saying you don’t enjoy me harassing you?”

  Everything he said sounded so right and so wrong at the same time. I saw myself in different positions with Cross, and none of them had anything to do with work as he took advantage of me.

  “I want to take this job seriously, but I’m finding it difficult with you around.” I said.

  “That’s the most honest thing you’ve said to me. I take it as a compliment.” He opened the door.

  My shoes squeaked on the maple finish, which looked like it had been freshly polished.

  “I’m surprised your head isn’t swollen from all the compliments you must get.”

  He stepped closer and I felt the wall behind me. I flattened my palms on its surface. Cross leaned in until his front pressed against my hip and his hardness ground against me. I couldn’t breathe or think. His hands braced on the surface at the side of my head. The smell and feel of him rushed my pulse like a bullet, and the walls closed in on us. It felt like the ceiling had lowered as well and we were the only two in the gym. A hint of mint toothpaste flowed on his breath as he said, “It’s because you haven’t seen the right head.”

  It had been a few minutes since I’d stopped jogging, yet my pulse raced.

  “Why a cop?” he asked out of nowhere, pulling away.

  Holy shit! What was that all about?

  He rolled a pink exercise ball toward him. Sitting on it with his legs spread apart, hands resting on his thighs, he looked at me with that cocky lopsided grin. Cross could have been sitting on a toilet seat and he’d still look sexy. He bounced another one in front of him, motioning me to sit. I welcomed the distraction from his flirting. A few more rounds and we’d be down on the floor, rolling from wall to wall.

  “My family drove down to Florida when I was eight. About five cars in front of us a van lost control, flipped over, and rolled to the side of the road. It caught fire. I don’t know where she came from, but the officer pulled over her cruiser and jumped out while everyone else was in shock. She ran down the hill toward the flames. And one by one, she saved the family. An older man was the last one to walk out, and then the van exploded. The officer’s back caught the flames from the blast and she lit up like a dried up Christmas tree. My parents told me she survived. It was the bravest thing I’d ever seen in my life.”

  While what I’d told Cross wasn’t a lie and had happened when my father was still alive, I wasn’t ready to share with him the true moment of when I’d made a career choice.

  “I’d thought it was because your father was a cop.”

  It didn’t surprise me Cross knew my father’s profession. “I guess he had something to do with it as well. He was a good man and an honorable police officer.” My throat tightened. If it weren’t for Wright, my father would still be alive. I would have a sister, and my mother wouldn’t be broken in half.

  “Your record on the force is the cleanest I’ve seen. You’re trying to keep everyone’s attention away from something, Allie. Why?”

  Could he really see through me? Was it possible that in some way, Tristan Cross had dug deep enough to know what had happened?

  “I’m just trying to build a good reputation, the kind my father would be proud of.”

  He had to believe that. No one could have found out about Wright. My mother and I were the only ones who knew. My desire for revenge had to be hidden, for a while at least, until Cross trusted me and could help me.

  Cross narrowed his brows as if he could sense my reluctance to share information, but he didn’t press for more, and I was glad. I wasn’t sure I could handle talking about that day or admitting my drive. But eventually I’d have to tell him. I would need his help to dispose of Wright’s body. Make it disappear.

  “So, how long do I have until I can be your hooker?” I smirked. Seeing the lust spark in his eyes swirled a new yearning in my belly. “I need to go away for a couple of days before I can commit.”

  “Hhm, where are you going?” he asked, trying to steady his ragged voice.

  “South Carolina. I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  “To visit your mother?”

  The hairs on my neck stood tall. “How … ? No one knows where she lives except for me.”

  “Allie, there isn’t much I can’t find out if I want to.”

  Which only meant Wright could find her too. The bastard would never give up looking for my mother. He’d gotten too close to us before. Rage boiled inside me. This was one trip I couldn’t postpone.

  “Why hide her, Allie? Why does your mother move along the east coast e
very few years?” He rolled on the exercise ball a bit closer to me.

  All I could do was shake my head. A lump formed in my throat. I didn’t want to cry in front of Cross. Part of me wanted to tell him everything, yet I wasn’t ready to share my past.

  “Will this affect your job?” he asked in a much quieter voice.

  “No.” But the devil on my shoulder screamed Yes.

  “You’ll take my jet.” He rose his finger before I could argue. “It will be quicker.”

  “It’s not a far drive.”

  “Doesn’t matter. If you’re going to work for me, I need you rested. You may as well get used to the perks the company can offer.”


  “No buts. The only thing I ask of you is that you come to my office as soon as you return from your trip.”

  “Friday morning?”

  “Yes. We can get the paperwork out of the way before the weekend.”

  Cross really wanted me to work for him. Could I tell him about Wright? Not yet. Not before I spoke with my mom. Perhaps this was a good idea. Allowing him a bit of control by taking him up on his offer to fly to South Carolina would show him this job was important to me too. After all, work was all about trust, and if you couldn’t rely on your closest ally, then what was the point of doing your best work?

  Yet, my father was still dead, killed at the hand of his best friend, a trustworthy chief of police.

  “Stand up,” he ordered.

  I sprang up at his command, acutely aware of how easily he controlled my body with his deep voice. He strolled to the mats in the corner and beckoned with his index finger for me to come along. The sexual gesture uncoiled my hormones. The dimple in his chin sunk in deeper. Cross flung four mattresses out onto the floor, setting up a squared area. He stepped up on the surface and spread his legs apart.

  “Hit me.”

  I could have sworn I’d heard a slight growl in his voice.


  “It’s not a request. If you want me to consider you for the job, you need to pin me to the floor.”

  “You just want me on top of you.” I crossed my arms at my front.

  “Actually, I want you under me, and I won’t have it any other way.” He grinned.

  The next few moves were deliberate, and Cross cheated. He didn’t use any karate, which forced me to match his onslaught of street fighting with a mix of kickboxing and jujitsu. My mother had ensured I could protect myself as soon as we moved. The training came in handy when I did my physical at the academy. A black belt in three different fields was nothing to scoff at.

  But Cross could hold his own just as well, and even if his moves weren’t professional and clean cut, he was well trained. It took a few blocks and swift ducks before I realized his training went beyond what a normal person would expect as well. And if it wasn’t for his pure strength, I would have had him. After a few kicks, twists, and flips, I was down on the mat and he was straddling my hips, smirking from above. His hands spread my arms over my head, gripping my wrists. His broad shoulders overwhelmed me and the smell of him was intoxicating. A funny feeling moved in my belly. How much I wished life could be simpler: one where my agenda to use Cross would only involve a primitive sexual relationship, and perhaps a friend whom I could trust enough to disclose my deepest secrets.

  His lips pursed and his head turned to the side slightly. I could tell he was trying to read my expression. I wondered what he saw: the woman who put up a shield and handled everything on her own, or the one who for once wanted to be swept off her feet? At that moment, I wanted to be the second one, who had no worries or problems, whose only decision for the man sitting on top of her would be whether to open her lips as a sign of how deeply she wanted him to kiss her.

  I let my muscles fall limp as he lowered his body to mine. He let go of my arms, resting his palms at the sides of my shoulders. His sweat mixed with the Old Spice filled me. The front of his shirt stuck to his chest, outlining the taut muscles beneath. He slowly lowered, saying, “If you can’t get me on my shoulders, I’ll just have to qualify you on different merits.”

  I could feel his breath on my face. His lips were so close, so luscious and inviting. And instead of opening my mouth for him, I used the moment of distraction to my advantage. I slid my hands up his arms, squeezing his biceps provocatively, working my fingers into his flesh. His face lowered, his hips lifted off me, giving me the space I needed, and when his mouth almost brushed mine, he closed his eyes. I grabbed the back of his neck and used my legs as leverage to lift him above my body, flipping him over me onto his back.

  As I’d expected, the confusion in his beautiful eyes was priceless. I straddled him and gripped his wrists above his head, leaning forward. The instant response underneath my ass couldn’t have made me happier. Cross wanted me more than I had thought. And God, how much I wanted him!

  “What merits would those be?” I asked, squeezing my shoulders together, knowing very well how the valley between my breasts narrowed, popping the twins high up in my tank top.

  “God, you’re going to drive me crazy with those, aren’t you?” he growled, lowering his gaze to my cleavage.

  “At one point they used to be one of my best weapons for good tips.” I bit my lip. “But I’m sure you already know that.” As much as I wanted to deny how I’d paid my way through college, there was no way Cross wasn’t aware of my stripping days.

  “They still are,” he said as if mesmerized. “You know the job is yours, Allie.”

  Was it really possible that Cross would hire me just like that? His captivating hazels seemed to speak the truth, but it was difficult for me to believe that for once my life would be uncomplicated and this good.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, aware of my rising chest and his mouth somehow closing in, even though I was on top. “I still want to prove myself.”

  “Your credentials speak for themselves, Allie.”

  “So applying is just a formality?”

  “Yes. But your questioning makes me wonder whether you want this job as much as I want you” – he paused – “to have it.”

  “Why do you want me” – this time I took longer to answer – “to have the job?”

  “This isn’t the right time to discuss it.” He looked up at Cole, who was pulling a handful of windex-soaked paper towels across one of the mirrors. “But I really need you.”

  I wanted to believe Cross referred to the job, but part of me wondered whether his true desire hid in his shorts underneath my ass.

  “Right. And what are we going to do about this?” I wiggled my hips over his hardness. Denying I wanted to strip him right there was pointless, but he was still a potential employer, nothing more. I couldn’t ruin my chance at working for Cross, even if he said the paperwork was a formality. “I can’t work for someone who wants to be in my pants.”

  “I want more than to be in your pants, Allie. But if you wish, I promise to keep my hands and my dick to myself.”

  I wouldn’t exactly mind if Cross broke the promise. His appetizing lips were begging to be smothered and moistened. This wasn’t part of my plan. I didn’t want to be attracted to Cross. And I didn’t want to use sex to get what I wanted. Not anymore. Perhaps I should just sleep with him and get it out of the way.

  As fast as I’d flipped him, Cross took hold of my arms, and I was once again on my back. This time when he straddled me, the hunger in his eyes glowed. He lowered his body, his chest flat against my front, until his elbows rested at my sides.

  “You’ll visit your mother, then come to my office on Friday morning. Everything will be ready.”

  “Okay,” I breathed, finally giving in.

  He turned his head to the right. “I think we’re putting on a show.”

  “What?” I followed Cross’s gaze to a group of ladies lined up behind the glass wall, watching us with intent. I hadn’t realized time had passed so quickly and the morning rush had arrived.

  Heat flowed to my face. />
  “You look beautiful when you blush.”

  “You should get off me.” I felt my muscles tense.

  “I should, and I will, but know that I don’t want to.”

  My heart flip-flopped as Cross lifted his beautifully aroused body off me. “I’ll send a car at seven tomorrow morning.”


  A lady covered her mouth as he strolled out of the exercise room, his full front tenting out from under his shorts. Cross didn’t seem to care. In fact, he appeared to enjoy the attention. One woman’s jaw dropped, and she was in no hurry to pick it up off the floor. If she could have, she’d probably have ripped the red shorts off Cross’s hips. He looked back once more as I propped myself up on my elbows, and he winked.

  My insides twisted with happiness and I bit my lip. I knew I was totally smitten with Tristan Cross.


  Expecting a cab, I peeked out my window every few seconds. Laura had left for work already and I was glad. Giving her another excuse about why I hadn’t applied to Cross Enterprises, to cover up my mother’s past and her need to stay safe would wear off soon, and she’d suspect there was more to my stories. My inquisitive friend would grill me for hours, but I couldn’t go into the details of my mother’s safety. Five minutes before seven, a silver Bentley pulled up in front of my apartment, and I couldn’t believe it when Cross stepped out and did his sexy stroll toward my door.

  “Shit!” I rushed to the front, quickly adjusting my sweater and capris. I hadn’t thought he’d personally drive me to the airport! Pulling on the handle, I opened the door before he got a chance to knock.

  Holy fuck! He looked amazing. The light dress pants and a polo shirt underneath a jacket suited him even better than the casual jeans. His light brown hair, still a bit damp, smelled of fresh shampoo. Cross sported a mysterious grin that lifted the scar on his lip. The dimple sunk in deeper than it had yesterday, and I wondered what he was hiding.

  “Good morning. All ready for our trip?” he asked.

  “Our trip?”


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