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Captured By A Royal Thug

Page 8

by Heiress

  I couldn’t allow his rejection to ruin my day. I needed to get out of my room and explore the grounds. After I finished getting ready, I left my room. As if it was planned, Leah was walking down the hall I’m sure on her way back to my room.

  “Well did you-,”

  “Nope,” I cut her off because I knew what she was about to ask.

  “What do you mean no? He didn’t try anything with you?” she quizzed.

  “Not exactly. He came here to tell me that he’s a faithful King and that we can’t have sex anymore. That was all said right after he claimed he had feelings for me. I’m the one who made the move to kiss him but… it didn’t work. He stood on his word and that only pissed me off even more.” I frowned.

  “I mean maybe it’s for the better. If your feelings are involved, then it might make it harder for our plan to work. You got to be focused, Bella.”

  “Yea, I know. I’ll just have to shake him off.” I shrugged my shoulders. As we walked down the hall, I noticed commotion coming from the grand entrance. Me and Leah went to go be nosey and found Madame arguing with some man. It seemed like it was getting heated.

  “I said no, King Enzo. I will not send one of my ladies off with you only to end up dead,” Madame spat.

  “All they have to do is learn to behave, and they wouldn’t end up that way,” he chastised.

  I rounded the corner thinking I could be a distraction. Madame seemed so uncomfortable. “Madame is everything ok?” I asked her, but my eyes were trained on King Enzo.

  He didn’t seem to have good energy, but man was he fine. His dark caramel skin tone glowed as if he bathed in gold or something. His strong chin line gave off a mature look. He had a wolf -like appearance with his bushy brows, slanted eyes, and long curly hair. He was so intriguing, yet I could smell trouble all over him.

  “Yes, dear I’m fine. I was on my way to come visit you. How are you settling into the palace?” she asked, rubbing my arms as she admired my dress.

  “It’s actually pretty cool, to be honest. My servant, Leah was just about to show me around the grounds. I would hate to get lost.” I playfully laughed. I could feel King Enzo staring at me. It was almost as if he had laser beams as eyes the way I felt like I was burning standing next to him.

  “Ahem,” he cleared his throat.

  “Well, it was good seeing you, dear. Now run along with your servant and-,”

  “I want to apologize for Madame’s lack of manners. It’s very common in her line of expertise.” He mugged her disgustingly. “My name is King Enzo of Zlato, the city of gold. And you are?” he quizzed.

  “Oh, uh I’m Lady Bella,” I answered.

  He took my hand in his and raised it to his mouth. His wet lips kissed the back of my hand, and for some reason, it made me both uneasy and turned on. I didn’t even know that was possible. “Lady? Your one of Madame’s ladies?”

  “Yes, your grace. I’ am.”

  “Yet, you live in the palace among the royals. Strange,” he hummed.

  I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t give him a real reason why I was here. It was supposed to be a secret. I shot my eyes to Madame for help but she seemed to be stuck too. “Uh, well ok. This was nice but, Lady Bella we should get going. It’s going to take me all day to cover the entire palace. It’s actually bigger on the inside,” Leah chimed in.

  “Right. Well, it was good seeing you again Madame.” I hugged her around her neck. “And it was a pleasure meeting you, King Enzo,” I said, attempting to walk away. I felt my arm being tugged on and in one swift motion, I was pulled into King Enzo’s body. His grip was so strong that I’m sure my arm had his handprint on it. He held me so tight around my body I felt like I was being squeezed by a python.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Lady Bella. May we meet again,” he whispered in my ear before he groped my ass. I was so appalled that I jumped when he did it. “Good day ladies.” He winked before walking away.

  Once he was out of ear range, I spoke. “See uh huh. That was rude. Madame who was he?” I asked awfully offended.

  “A very dangerous sick man. Stay far away from him. He may be a sexy and rich man, but he comes with death,” she warned me before she quickly scurrying away. Nothing seemed to frighten Madame, but that man had her shook. I felt like I should have been too.

  “That was… interesting,” Leah sang, laughing.

  “Almost as interesting as, Prince Amir,” I mumbled, shoving her playfully. “Twan told me how he admitted he wanted to have sex with you. He even told me that he invited you back to his room to ask you to do him a favor. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well because I didn’t want you to get all excited like something could happen between us because it can’t. It’s like forbidden or something.” She shrugged.

  “Why does everything here end in death.” I laughed.

  “Right,” she agreed. We started to walk around the palace, and she pointed out key places for me to remember.

  “So? What was his favor?” I asked.

  “He wanted me to basically get to know the princesses that were here for him weeks ago. I still haven’t talked to him about it yet. It was an emergency evacuation that night due to a threat to the royal family. Somebody tried to kill King Zuse. So his so-called engagement has been put off until further notice.”

  “What? That’s crazy. A lot be going on within these walls. I feel safer at Madame’s house.”

  “Girl trust me, you were safer there. Do you know that they basically Kingpins?” She shocked me.

  “You a lie,” I responded, and she shot me an expression that told me it was true. “Girl how? What they do?”

  “What you mean what they do? They sell drugs. They sell it all actually. Drugs, weapons, and pussy through Madame. They even sell people. Like as workers or wives. They into everything illegal here which is why they call Droga the country of crime. Behind they back, people call the King and his family Royal Thugs. One girl told me that she saw King Adonis beat a man so bad that half his face came off on his knuckles.”

  I winced as if I could feel that happening to my own face. “I knew there was something more to him. Like he has two sides to him. One minute he’s this prestigious King who speaks proper English and then the next minute he’s a slang-talking rough neck.” I bit my lip just thinking about how he told me my ass was fat. Him being two-sided only made me want him twice as much.

  “Yea, girl they some real-life drug dealers and killers out here. We need to hurry up and get up out of here before we all end up dead.”

  As we walked and talked, I thought about a lot. I thought about being pregnant and giving birth to a child that wouldn’t be mine. I thought about King Adonis and how I had so much desire for him, but I couldn’t have him. I thought about that devilish like King I met earlier today, and the warning Madame gave me about him. Then I thought about what Leah had told me. About the Royal family being some drug dealing thugs. This country had a lot going on, and I couldn’t escape away from here any faster.

  King Adonis

  Iman drove the truck while me and my soldiers prepared our weapons. There was a threat to me, and my families lives at Amir’s ball. We had to go on lockdown down. There were a lot of things I could care less about, but my family wasn’t one of them. Though they got on my nerves, I would still risk my life to save them. For a month we had been trying to find out who it was and today we had got word. This is where the real me came out. I wasn’t King Adonis in this moment. I was Don.

  “Alright, so the building has three entrances. One in the front, another in the back and a door at the side. There are two guards at each post. Which is six in total. There is also a man at the top of the building, a sniper. Apparently, these men are armed and very dangerous,” Iman informed.

  “They also dead men,” I spat, laughing to myself. I feared no man but God. “What’s the move, Iman?” I quizzed. He was the brains, and I was the power and the muscle. He gave me the details, and I took it over from th

  “Since we had to leave the majority of the army back at the palace, we are short some men. It’s only four of us. I’ll stay in the truck and take out the sniper and anyone who tries to flee. King Adonis will take the front. Kwame will take the side and Twan will take the back. Once you all enter, the rest is up to King Adonis.”

  “Y’all niggas ready?” I quizzed

  “I been ready. A nigga been wanting some action,” Twan expressed. I admired how he presented himself as a fighter. He had always been ready to handle business, and I needed soldiers who feared nothing.

  After securing my weapons on me, I hopped out the truck with no warning at all.

  “Adonis! Shit!” I heard Iman yell before gunshots sang in my ear. Kwame was gun down, so that left Twan and me. The two men that were in the front had no chance as I aimed at their heads. Their bodies went flying back into the door.

  “Oh shit!” Twan barked. Two men were coming straight towards him as he struggled to get his second round inside his gun. I popped one just before Twan got the bullets in his gun and popped the other. Not wasting time, we both cautiously made our way inside the warehouse. Men came out from every which way. Bullets were flying in every direction. If I wasn’t trained to do this in the army, then I would have been dead already.

  “Twan! Cover me!” I ordered as I made my way up the stairs. I caught a glimpse of some men running. I didn’t want to chance it being the man behind the attempt on my family’s life. As soon as I rounded the corner, I was hit in the face by a fist. As he tried to retrieve his hand, I caught it and broke it.

  “Arrrrg!” He screamed.

  The bullets stopped. It became suspiciously silent. I glanced around, and all I could see was dead bodies all around me. I wish I was a man of guilt, but I wasn’t. I was a black man and guilt wasn’t in my DNA. Guilt made you weak, and I had too much strength in me. Twan was standing in the middle of the warehouse with a man in a choke-hold.

  “Figured you would want to question him or some shit,” he assumed.

  “Your accusations were correct. Tie him up.”

  I grabbed the man who’s arm I had just broken and drug him down the stairs by that same arm. He cried like a bitch the entire time. Twan and I both got them in a chair and tied them up. They didn’t look like they were from Droga. Not that I know what everyone looked like but people from Droga were unusually dark. Purple almost. These men were fair skin, like albinos.

  “I’m not a man of much patience, and I don’t beat around the bush. Who hired you to kill my family?” I quizzed. Neither of them said a word. I didn’t want this to result in torturing, but I was sure it would lead down that path. “I only ask once,” I warned them both. Still, they said nothing. Looking in both their eyes, I could tell that the one that Twan caught was stronger. He wouldn’t break.

  “Your funeral.” I shrugged my shoulders, raising my gun.


  The man’s body flew back in the chair and fell to the floor. I turned my attention and my gun on the next man with the broken arm. Tears filled his eyes, and he began to shake his head in fear. He spoke in French, and I could understand him perfectly since French was my first language.

  “If you don’t want to die then tell me who the fuck tried my family!” I barked. Rambling on in French, he told me he didn’t speak English.. “Si tu ne veux pas mourir alors dis moi qui a essaye mon people,” I spoke in French.

  “Oh shit! I knew Africans spoke a language. What is that? Is it Wakandian?” Twan asked.

  “Nigga what?” I side eyed him.

  “You know, like Columbia speaks Columbian. People from Italy speak Italian. Niggas from Wakanda speak Wakandian,” he explained as if that would make this conversation any less .

  “My country is called, Droga not Wakanda.”

  “Oh shit. I keep forgetting that. I be joking around and calling this place, Wakanda. So, I guess you speak Droganian.”

  “Nigga I’m speaking French,” I spat, turning my lip up at how unintelligent he sounded.

  “Oh.” Was all he could say.

  I turned my attention back to the scared man before me. “Si tu ne veux pas mourir alors dis moi qui a essaye mon people,” I asked again. This time, I kneeled down to his height and looked him right in his eyes. This was a form of intimidation and to show that I was not the nigga to fuck with. After he stopped crying, he had diarrhea at the mouth.

  As he spoke, I could feel my anger worsening. Being a part of a royal family was not always crowns and kisses at the feet. I constantly looked over my shoulder along with my family’s shoulder because I was the protector. Yes, my father was still considered a King, but I was the one he came to when chaos arose.

  “S’il te plait ne me tue pas,” he begged for his life after he got done snitching.

  “Grab him and get him in the truck. Keep him tied up,” I ordered.

  “Wait-we ain’t gone kill him?”

  “Did I say we gone kill him or did I say put him in the truck?” I snapped. I glared his way and then walked past him. The news the snitch had given me, had me agitated and enraged. It did nothing but add to the already existing stress. I made my exit, walking over dead bodies and puddles of blood. Twan was behind me, dragging the snitch to the truck. Once we were all in, we returned back to the palace. There, I demanded the snitch be taken to the dungeon and held until I found a use for him. I then called an emergency assembly with my family.

  “Adonis, are you going to reveal what was said?” Iman whispered to me as my family began walking in.

  “I will, Iman. The royal family needs to be in attendance for this,” I spoke.

  The family came and took their seats around the roundtable. After taking my seat, I cleared my throat. “Today me and a few soldiers went to find out some intel on the attack on the palace. There was a lot of bloodshed, but it was well worth it. I have a prisoner who was willing to tell me the details of the attack,” I informed.

  “And what did the young man have to say?” My mother asked.

  “There is someone out to have my crown. If they eliminate the royal family and myself then they are in a position to take the throne. No one is safe until we find out who is behind the attack. In addition to that, our products and dealings have been duplicated.”

  “What!” My father exclaimed, sprinting to his feet.

  “What do you mean our business is being duplicated, son?” My mother’s voice was full of concern

  “The man behind our demise has duplicated all of our products. Our herbs, our alcohol, out guns and the process in which we do dealings. He has a very large army working for him who are willing to die for him to keep his identity hidden. He must be a very fearful man,” I figured.

  “So, hold up. You mean to tell me our people is buying from this nigga? They ‘spose to be loyal to us,” Amir spat.

  “They are loyal, but we do have people out there that can’t afford what we offer. It’s like a black market. He’s selling them at a lower price. Whoever he is must be smart and has no need for money. Because he knows by selling products at a low cost won’t make him any profit. He’s trying to gain the trust of our people.”

  “This is an outrage!”

  “Really old man?” Amir laughed. “We are Kings, Queens, and Princes. The royal family. Kings from all over envy this family. How the hell are you so surprised that this shit is going down?” His face was twisted.

  “Adonis my son, what should we do?” My mother was so worried. She wasn’t your typical mother. She wasn’t very nurturing and motherly. She was graceful, meek and docile. So, seeing her worried about us was new to me. Usually, that was my Aunt Madame’s job.

  “Well clearly he must shut down the palace,” Aunt Madame spoke.

  “Hell, nah I ain’t doing that,” I snapped. My family stared at me oddly. See, I kept my kingly demeanor in our family meetings because I needed my family to take this matter seriously. If I responded the real way, then they wouldn’t treat it as urgent. They
would say I was overreacting because of my low tolerance for bullshit and hot ass temper.

  “But, nephew why?”

  “Because as a family, we fear no man.”

  “Yea, whatever. If God walks through them doors, I’m scared straight. I don’t know what you talkin’ ‘bout.” Amirslurred. I could tell he was under the influence, but I didn’t have time to address him. It was a more pressing matter at hand.

  “We are the royal family. The Royal Thugs if you will. We don’t run. We stand, and protect and that is exactly what I plan to do. Protect my family. The first thing we will do is proceed with Amir’s wedding proposal.”

  “Come on bro-,”

  “In a few weeks, he will announce who he has chosen as his bride. Then we will continue with the months of wedding preparation and rituals for their royal wedding,” I finished, ignoring Amir’s outburst.

  “I got word yesterday that the princess will be graduating high school soon. I have sent for her immediate return after that. She will be here just in time for Amir’s wedding. As the King, I will continue to search the streets with my soldiers. We will find our duplicated products and retrieve them as the first step,” I continued.

  “Son, are you sure? Can’t Iman handle this? I don’t want you getting hurt or-,”

  “Mother please.” I chuckled. “I can handle myself. We all just need to keep up our appearances as if nothing is wrong. I don’t want anyone getting suspicious. We don’t want whoever is preying on our downfall to take notice. Agreed.”

  Everyone nodded their heads. “Good. Now I’m going to retire to my Queen. I had a long day, and I could use a woman’s touch,” I ended with a smile. “Or get my fucking dick rode and sucked,” I mumbled as I walked out and headed towards my room. Iman surprisingly didn’t follow me. He was just as stressed as I was, so he deserved some him time.

  Just as I was walking into my chambers, my Queen was walking out. “Oh, good God Adonis! You scared me!” Mena jumped with her hand covering her chest.


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