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Tessa and the Warden

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by Veatch, Elizabeth A.

  Tessa was getting an early release for good behavior after serving eighteen months for being an accessory to an armed robbery. She hadn’t known it at the time; but the fact was, she was driving the car that took her boyfriend away from the liquor store he had robbed at gunpoint.

  Luckily she had served almost six months of her time in the local jail before the trial ended. After sentencing she had been brought here to the lovely Hillside Women’s Correctional Facility.

  “Well I sure don’t envy you. All that paperwork. Your hand is gonna be in a sling before the weeks out.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to get quite the workout.” Smiling to herself. “But I’m sure it will be worth every second I have to spend with the man.”

  After catching up on the little things that happened that afternoon, Tessa decided she needed to get some much needed rest. Saying a quick goodnight she went back to her cot, gave her hair the religious hundred strokes and pulled the covers up. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

  Waking to the sound of locked doors being buzzed open Tessa stretched and then jumped up, suddenly remembering the events of yesterday and not knowing exactly what to expect today. Washing her face and brushing her teeth were ordinary daily activities but today they seemed extra special.

  As she looked in the small mirror she had a bag sitting inside her cell that caught her eye. Suspicious, she looked at it for a bit. Finally curiosity got the better of her and she grabbed it up and ran to her bed with it.

  Careful to open it she gasped when she saw inside was another pair of silky underwear. This time in bright red. Attached was a note that read. You will be needing something silky against you today. I Promise.

  She continued looking in the bag and found a small bottle of lightly scented lotion. Her skin practically screamed at the thought of the lotion soaking in. Scented shampoo and body wash was there as well. At the bottom was a new uniform, but the difference was it was soft and smelled of dryer sheets. Definitely not the scratchy things they normally wore.

  You sure know the way to a woman’s heart or pussy as this case is. Warden you have earned yourself whatever you would like. Truth be known after yesterday you could have had it without any of these gifts.

  After a hasty breakfast in the cafeteria with Jessica, Tessa decide to skip the yard today claiming a headache she went back to her cell to wait.

  “Hey Tessa, you gonna eat lunch today? That headache of yours will get worse on an empty stomach.”

  Sitting up, she realized she must have fallen asleep while waiting to be taken to the warden’s office.

  “Yeah I’m on my way.” Her stomach growled letting her know that it was agreeable to some food. She hadn’t eaten much this morning. She was too excited thinking of another encounter with that hot, sexy man that was in charge of her. Damn he could have been in charge this whole year.

  “Ummm yummy! I can’t decide, do I want the steak or the shrimp?” Tessa muttered as she stood in line waiting for her ration of mystery meat and potatoes.

  “You sure are in a strange mood today. I mean this morning you were all excited and bubbly. This afternoon you were grumpy. Now you’re cracking jokes. I would have thought that nice long nap of yours would have made you feel better.” Jessica sat beside her at the community table. “Next time I will let the guards wake you instead of telling them you’re sick.”

  Dropping her fork, Tessa turned to look at her friend. “What did you say? The guard came for me?”

  “Yeah, the guard came and I told him you had a terrible headache and the Warden would just have to wait.”

  Reaching over she hugged her friend and jumped up from the table.

  “Hey, where you going? Are you still sick?”

  “Never felt better. I’ll see you later.” Rushing back to her cell she found another note. If you are feeling better, there are a few things that need to be taken care of in my office. Excited but at the same time a feeling of dread washed over her. Is he mad at me?

  She heard a noise behind her. Turning she saw it was the same guard as yesterday. Without saying anything she walked out of her cell and together they began the walk to the Warden’s office.

  Her imagination was going haywire with her body. Thinking of all the things that he could possibly request.

  Chapter Four

  Just like yesterday the guard left her in the outer chamber to his office. To excited or nervous to sit down she paced the office. Taking in the little things that she hadn’t noticed yesterday.

  The office was furnished with plain brown armchairs and a silk flower arrangement sitting on a table in the corner. There was a picture hanging on the wall of a Cabin sitting along a creek with trees surrounding it. In the distance you could see a man half-way across the water fly fishing. The sun was setting. It gave the person looking at it a calming feeling.

  Hearing the door open she turned to look. He stood there in the doorway and motioned with his hand for her to enter. “Tessa, if you please.”

  And just like yesterday she brushed against him on her way into the office. The feeling making her heart race. She hoped she would more than feel it through his jeans today.

  She could feel him behind her as she walked into his office. Looking around she could see that nothing in here had changed; but she could feel a difference in the air.

  “Would you like a drink?” Looking at her as he picked up his glass and swallowed the last of whatever had been in there.

  “No thank you.” She practically choked out. Sometimes she wished she could slap that little person talking in her head. Telling her, don’t go and get all nervous now.

  “I hope you are feeling better this afternoon?”

  “Um, Yeah, I mean yes I am thank you.” Really? I don’t really think he is worried about your grammar. Just jump his bones already.

  “Did you like your gift bag this morning?”

  “Yes I did. Thank you again.”

  His eyebrows raised at the blush that was covering her from head to toe. “Is something wrong Tessa?”

  “No Sir. I just don’t quite understand what you want me to do?” Looking him straight in the eyes she decided to bite the bullet. “I mean we both know why I’m here. I’m just wondering if we are going to spend the afternoon with idle chit chat or are you going to fuck my brains out?”

  Oh My God. I can’t believe I just said that.

  “Follow me.” Sitting his glass down on the counter he went to the other door and opened it. Flipping a switch to the hall light he motioned for her to enter first. “Ladies first.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at herself.

  As she passed him, she caught a whiff of cologne that started her juices flowing. Looking around she saw she was just in a plain hall that led to another door.

  Opening it she entered and the first thing that she saw was the huge bed in the center of the room with an over-abundance of pillows on it and colorful scarves hanging from the headboard. A large chest sat against the wall with a table runner across it and some candles that were already lit sending out a vanilla sent. An entertainment center sat across from it. Walking over to the corner she ran her hand across the back of the strangest chair she had ever seen. It was covered in red leather but it didn’t look like something you would relax in with your favorite book.

  When she turned to look at him, she saw he was leaning against the wall watching her. There was a bright gleam in his eyes and she wondered if she had bitten off more than she could chew.

  “It’s called a tantra chair. I’m sure during the course of this week you will learn to love it.” Turning he went to a cabinet close to him and pulled out a bottle of wine. Pouring a glass he brought it to her. Before she could refuse it he shook his head. “Please, I insist.”

  Putting the glass to her lips, she remembered the wonderful feeling of being able to relax and have a drink if she wanted. Sipping the wine, she continued to walk around the room feeling like she was browsing in a departmen
t store.

  Noticing several bottles on the table beside the bed she lifted one up to read it. Strawberry flavored lubricant, hmmm interesting.

  “Is everything satisfactory?”

  “Um yes of course it is. I just was wondering why you would have all this stuff here. I mean surely you go home at night. Right?”

  “Yes I go home at night. But there are times when I find it is convenient to have a home away from home.”

  She walked over to the stand in front of him and taking the last drink she sat it on the table beside him.

  “So what now? Are you just going to show me around or what? I’m sure we could find something to do besides……talk.”

  “Really? And what would you suggest?

  “Well this was your idea. But maybe I misunderstood the plan. Maybe you should explain to me again just what it is that you want me to do for you.”

  “I want you to be at my beck and call. You are here for my needs. That’s what you are here for.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You can start by stripping off every last stitch of your clothing.”

  She watched his face for any sign of expression, but there was nothing. Just a blank slate of manliness.

  She started with her issued orange top, pulling it over her head. This was the part that made her feel uncomfortable. He was nothing but a piece of male hotness and she had to strip down to a basic bra and panties. White, nothing fancy, nothing hot, just plain gross. She hated having to wear them. She wished she had had the opportunity to change in to the cute little number he had sent her.

  She reached behind her and made light work of getting the bra off. She quickly chucked the matching pumpkin pants, taking her panties with her.

  “Now what would you like me to do, Sir?” She stared at his eyes, hoping for any sign telling her he liked what he saw. But again, there was nothing.

  “I want you to go to the Tantra chair and sit.”


  That wasn’t the response she was hoping for. She had hoped he wouldn’t have responded with words, but with action.

  She made her way to the chair and sat.

  “Now, put your feet flat on the edge of the chair.” His tone had changed. The expression on his face had remained the same, but the way he was now ordering her to what he wanted, was sexy as hell for her.

  “Drop your knees open.”

  She wanted to smile, but she held it in as she allowed her knees to open. Exposing herself completely to him.

  He walked to the wall and leaned up against it. Just staring at her cunt.

  She could feel her legs tremble. The nervousness of him just staring at her getting the best of her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Hoping that would be enough to calm her.

  “I didn’t tell you to close your eyes. Keep them open.”

  Her eyes opened.

  “We have some rules to discuss. First off, you will not touch yourself unless I tell you to. Don’t think I don’t know about last night.” His eyes darkened.

  Jesus! “I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to, Sir.”

  “Well now you do. I was rather surprised by it though. You went straight to sleep when you got in bed, but when you woke up that was a different story.”

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.” She whispered.

  “So what kind of punishment do you think you deserve?”

  “Punishment! I shouldn’t be punished at all.”

  “Oh, but in my world, there is always room for punishment.”

  “I don’t understand why you are so upset. It isn’t like you had explained to me that you didn’t want me touching myself. I didn’t allow anyone else to touch me.”

  “After our day yesterday, I would have thought you didn’t have the need to touch yourself.”

  Now she understood. By touching herself, she had taken a piece of his manhood away. “It isn’t what you think. I went back and I did go to sleep. I can’t help what I dream. Then when I woke up, well, I was thinking of all the things we had done and I couldn’t help it. It just happened.”

  “I see. Well let’s see if we can do something about that now.”

  She watched as he moved towards her. He knelt in front of her and began adjusting something on the side. Before she knew it, the tanta chair was turning into a table that looked like the one at her GYN’s office.

  “A tantra chair doesn’t come with these little stirrups. I had it custom made for instances like this.” He reached for her ankles placing both of them in the stirrups. But these stirrups held something that her doctor didn’t have. A strap that wrapped around her ankle, securing it.

  He then reached to the side and pulled a long black leather strap out. He hooked it to the right and then pulled it over her abdomen, strapping her down again.

  “Hands over your head.” He stood waiting for her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Keeping you from moving.”

  “Oh.” She stretched her arms out as he moved behind her. With a click, the familiar cold metal against her wrists gave her chills.

  He moved back to her front. “Now you won’t be able to move.”

  She watched with curious eyes as she pulled her arms slightly, not to move them away, but to readjust them. She couldn’t. He had attached the cuffs to something behind her.

  He walked to the closet and pulled out a black bag before coming back to her. He knelt with his knees on the floor between her legs.

  “So, yesterday you hadn’t come enough. Let’s make sure today you do.”

  She watched as he pulled out a device with a cord and plug. She knew exactly what it was. She had played with one once. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “You smile now, but you will be begging for me to stop in a minute.”

  She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she knew that he had plugged the device in somewhere, when the wand came to life.

  He gaze remained locked on her eyes as he turned the device off. He reached in his bag again and pulled out two black feather clamps. He laid them on her abdomen before his fingers began working her already erect nipples.

  For the first time, he smiled slightly. She wondered what he was up to, but didn’t dare ask. He picked up first one clamp, and secured it to her nipple. There was a pinch, but nothing she couldn’t deal with. He secured the second one. His smile grew larger as he began adjusting them.

  Tighter and then tighter still.

  “Stop. That’s too tight.”

  “Just breathe through it.”


  She bit down on her lip, hoping it would help with the urge to scream.

  As soon as the other clamp was adjusted to where he wanted, the wand came to life and hummed against her clit. Her hips wiggled slightly as she became used to the vibrations.

  Her eyes grew heavy as she felt her orgasm approaching.

  Her body tightened, her mouth fell open, she was about to scream out when the vibration fell away. Her eyes opened looking down at him. His face shined with amusement.

  “What the hell?”

  “I didn’t tell you to close your eyes.”

  She growled. “Well you didn’t tell me not to.”

  “If I don’t tell you to do something, don’t do it. I want to watch your eyes when you come.”

  The vibration shut off and she felt herself fill with disappointment.

  He dug around in his bag some, before pulling out a pink vibrator. He looked up smiling before he thrust first one finger inside her and then two. He moved them, in, out, until she was sure she would burst into an orgasm.

  His fingers came free, and he replaced it with the vibrator. She heard a click, and the vibrator came to life. Humming, inside of her. But there was something else. It felt as if the head of it was moving inside of her. Around and around, messaging her g spot.

  “Mm-mm.” Her hips raising she fought to keep her eyes open. “I can’t stop it…..I’m coming now.”

  Pulling the vib
rator from her pulsating pussy he replaced it with his mouth. Thrusting his tongue inside her as far as he could to lap up every last drop of her. As she stilled he raised his head and his eyes met hers.

  “Good girl. You learn quickly.” Reaching down he removed the straps from her feet. He brought each to his mouth and kissed each before lowering them to the floor. Reaching under the chair he unbuckled the strap surrounding her abdomen pulling it from her he lowered his head and licked the pink mark left from her straining as she orgasmed.

  With each touch she could feel the stirrings of pleasure beginning again. He followed his path up her body with his lips leaving soft kisses in his wake. When he reached her nipples he played with them using his tongue. The sensation from the clamps combined with his breath on her wet nipples sent an immediate burst of electricity to her clit.

  Releasing the first clamp he replaced it with his mouth and sucked on it to relieve some of the pain while leaving it sensitive to his lightest touch. Her clit was throbbing from the sensations traveling from her nipples to her pussy. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer.

  He released the second clamp and she screamed out in pleasure. The orgasm hit suddenly fast and hard. “Oh God, I’m co…ming!!!” Her words breathless and drawn out. He shoved two fingers inside her pussy and slammed them as hard as he could against her g-spot. Drawing out her orgasm as long as possible. With her legs quivering she lay back, her hair damp from her exertions.

  Bringing his lips down on hers he kissed her softly as he reached up to release her hands. Once her hands were free she brought them up to rest on his shoulders. After releasing her lips he stared into her eyes; she could see the fire in his eyes and knew she was in for more. The realization caused bumps to appear on her skin.

  “Stand up and turn around.”

  Following his instructions she could feel the moisture gathering again, preparing herself. Looking over her shoulder waiting for instructions she caught her breath as she watched him watch her as he pulled his shirt off revealing his sculpted abs and chest. His skin glistening as the light shined on him. He reached down and unfastened his pants allowing them to fall to the floor his boxers quick to follow revealing his engorged cock. It stood at attention, strong and proud. Her tongue peaked out as if it couldn’t wait to taste him.


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