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Prairie Heat (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #1)

Page 9

by Tessa Layne

  Maddie stepped forward, reaching for his hand and sinking into one of the chairs set up next to the side of his bed.

  “Shh, Dad. It’s okay. You gave us quite a scare.”

  His eyes widened as he tried to speak again. “What happened?” he rasped out, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “You had a massive heart-attack, Dad. We nearly lost you. If it hadn’t been for Blake…” She turned, acknowledging him with a grateful smile.

  Something warm puffed up inside of him as he basked in her appreciation. God she was beautiful. He leaned against the doorjamb, and shoved his hands in his coat pockets.

  Warren grunted and tried to raise himself.

  “No, Dad. Don’t move. You’re still hooked up.”

  “Blasted machines,” Warren rasped with effort. He wheezed, pinning his eyes on Blake.

  Blake shifted uncomfortably, fisting his hands in his pockets. Their last conversation had been… intense. He wasn’t seriously going to try and pick it up now? Maddie would kick the tar out of both of them if she discovered what had transpired.

  “Don’t…don’t jes’ stand there like a ninny, Sinc…Sinclaire.”

  Covering the distance to the bed in two steps, he settled himself next to Maddie, and stretched his hand around the back of her chair. “Near death has done wonders for your disposition, sir.”

  A small smile broke across Warren’s face, and he wheezed out a cackle. He shut his eyes, still smiling. Even with the oxygen tube, his breathing remained labored. He raised his finger, waving it between the two of them. “Glad to see…. You two’ve worked things out… Maddie Jane.”

  Wait. What?

  Worked what out?

  What was the old man playing at?

  “Of course, Dad. I’m here as long as you need.” Maddie squeezed her father’s hand reassuringly.

  Warren opened his eyes again, and looked straight at him. His blue eyes, the same intense hue as Maddie’s, penetrated Blake like a laser. “Our families… this fighting… So glad… over.” Warren sighed shakily.

  The anesthetic must have rattled his brain. Or the meds.

  “Daddy?” Concern laced Maddie’s voice. “Of course. Everything’s fine.”

  “He’ll be good… husband… not like… Jake…”

  She stiffened in her seat. “Dad… I don’t–”

  Looking back, Blake could never say definitively what made him act so irrationally. It was like some unseen force propelled him to action. He leaned forward, clasped Maddie to his side, and patted Warren on the leg. “Of course, sir.” His hand gripped her shoulder tightly. “I’ll make her very happy. You have my word.”

  Ooh, he would pay for this.

  In this life or the next.

  Of that he was confident.

  Not that he had any intention of marrying Maddie Hansen. He didn’t. But maybe Warren seeing the two of them together was just what he needed to recover. And, it would buy him more time to figure out how to purchase his land outright from Warren.

  Warren let out a contented sigh, his body visibly relaxing. He squeezed Maddie’s hand like it was a lifeline.

  Maddie shot Blake a scathing glance, but he kept his poker face firmly in place. He had to admit, seeing her squirm was just the tiniest bit entertaining. He guessed that made him an ass, considering where they were. But they’d sort this out soon enough.

  She pointedly shrugged his hand off her shoulder and patted her dad. “I think we should go, Daddy.”

  She slid another dagger-filled glance his direction, and Blake continued to keep his face bland. Even giving her a little half-smile, as if she was the love of his life.

  Oh yeah.

  She would come unleashed as soon as they left.

  The fireworks would certainly be interesting.

  “I think you’re not… yourself, Dad.” She leaned over the bed and placed a kiss on his forehead. “You need rest.”

  Warren’s eyes were already shut, a small smile still curving his thin, pale lips. “Happy… Maddie Jane… Love… you.”

  Warren was either overmedicated and off his rocker, or the wiliest damned sonofabitch he’d ever met. Either way, he was going to capitalize on Warren’s gift. Even if he regretted it later.

  He was certain to regret it.


  Maddie turned on him, eyes flashing. “You,” she hissed. “Outside. Now.”

  She swept past him, her ass wiggling as her heels clicked on the tiles. He’d bet the farm she had no panties on.


  Was this a thing with her?

  It had taken all his self-control this morning to not ask her when she’d entered the kitchen wearing the same outfit as she had in Chicago. And to not touch her to find out for himself. His cock jerked in his jeans. He wanted to touch her. Badly. His mouth salivated at the thought of cupping her curves in his palm. Of finally sliding his hand between her thighs to discover just how wet she was.


  He needed to tone that shit down fast. The last thing Maddie needed was to see him with a raging hard-on at the hospital.

  As soon as the ICU doors closed behind them she stopped, turned, and marched straight back to him. Eyes flashing like a warrior Goddess.

  There would be the fury he expected.

  “Are you six kinds of insane?”

  He grinned down at her. He couldn’t say for sure what had happened back there. It was like some supersonic gravitational force pulled the words right out of him. And funny – but the thought of being with her, really being with her, intrigued the heck out of him.

  “Yes… Yes. Eight, actually.”

  “What. Were. You. Thinking?”

  Warmth flooded him. He wasn’t sure. Not that he’d tell her that. He raised his eyebrows. “Payback?”

  Her brows furrowed and she pursed her lips. He wanted to run his thumb over that sweet pout. She turned on her heel, walked six steps then stalked back to him. “Payback. This is payback? For what?

  He couldn’t help it. He was overcome with the grins.

  She rushed on. “You do realize that the entire town will know before we get back to Prairie. Did you think about that? For even a millisecond? About the unintended consequences of your… your… spontaneity?”

  He scowled at her.

  Of course he had. Sort of.

  He’d known she’d be pissed as hell.

  “I was thinking about the dying wish of an old man to see his only child settled and happy. Don’t you think he deserves that?”

  Her chest puffed up in indignation and she turned and stalked away, only to stalk right back. “I have a career, you know. What do you think’s going to happen if word reaches them?”

  “They’re going to congratulate you, like normal people do.” Jesus. Was he was chopped liver? He was a catch, dammit.

  A good one.


  A great one.

  She opened her mouth to respond, then snapped it shut, glaring at him. The more he thought about it, the better this idea seemed. Warren wouldn’t be out of the hospital anytime soon, which meant Maddie would be staying in Prairie at least a few more weeks. And God help him, he was intrigued. He wanted to get under that armadillo armor and discover the real Maddie. The passionate, irrational, emotional Maddie. He’d bet his favorite horse that when she came for him – on his mouth, on his fingers, on his cock – she’d go supernova.

  He took a step closer, his boots coming toe to toe with her little pointy shoes. Forcing her to tilt her chin. “Know what? Last time I checked, you were not the center of the universe.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she snapped like a polecat, her anger rolling off her in waves.

  “I mean, your father is an old man who just had a major health scare. Maybe, just maybe you should think about someone besides yourself for a change. Did you see how happy he looked in there? When have you ever seen him happy like that? You, Maddie. Yes you.” He held up his hand when she opened her mouth
to object. “You are the person most precious to him… his pinch point. He wants nothing more than to see you settled and happy. Are you so cold you’d deny a sick old man a bit of happiness?”

  Emotions flickered through her eyes as fast as clips in an old silent movie. Outrage. Guilt. Fear. Love.

  She scowled, then shook her head.

  Was he an ass for pressing her this way? For pushing her until she practically broke?


  He wasn’t.

  He was right about this. Right about his instincts. She might be a super scientist, but he was no schlump, and it was high time she took other people into consideration. He leaned into her, reaching to caress her soft cheek with this thumb. “You’re like an unbroke filly. You buck and run the second you get scared.” He let the iron enter his voice. “Dr. Hansen, you’re about to learn what it means to be a team player.”

  Who was she to impugn him? He was a Sinclaire for chrissake. His family started this community.

  “I know all about teams.”

  “Do you?” He raised his eyebrows. “I don’t think you do. You’re a team player only when it benefits you. Your goals. Your ideals.”

  She gasped, puffing up her chest. From this vantage point, he could see her luscious cleavage contained within the vee of her shirt. Every time she gasped like that, her tits pushed upwards a little more. He tore his eyes away before it became obvious and concentrated on a blob of paint on the wall behind her.

  He continued, talking to her as if she were his younger brother. “You don’t like being in a position where you’re dependent and out of control. Guess what? Neither do the rest of us. But that’s exactly the situation you’re in. So it’s time to sink or swim, darlin’.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, her eyes still flashing wildly. Then snapped it shut, crossing her arms, pushing her breasts up even higher. Thank God she was glaring at his face, because his dick would not stand down.

  “Fine.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. After a moment, she glazed up at him, eyes softening a fraction. “You’re right.”

  Of course he was, but how much had it cost her to admit that?

  She speared him with a heavy look. “But as soon as he’s back to himself, you’ll tell him we broke it off, and I go home.”

  She’d given a fraction of an inch, but he’d make it a mile by the time this charade was over.

  “So the cold scientist does have a little compassion.”

  Hurt flared in her eyes. She looked away. Then back to him, the determined fire back in place.

  “I’m not cold.” Her voice was low and thick with emotion.

  He raised his eyebrow skeptically.

  “I’m not,” she defended. “But I am pragmatic. Every problem has a solution. You… you keep… pushing. You fail to understand emotions cloud the possibility of finding the right solution. Solutions are found in facts, not feelings.”

  She glared at him mutinously, certainty and self-righteousness radiating off her in waves.

  It tugged at him. There was a passionate, loving woman inside her. He was certain. One even stronger than the woman in front of him. He’d figure out a way to mine that. He’d put his cock on ice if necessary. Let her make the moves.

  He snaked his arm around her, pulling her flush against him. “That’s where you’re wrong Dr. Hansen. You can’t make the right choice without emotions. And I aim to prove it to you.”


  “You owe me a bottle of twelve year Redbreast if Dottie knows about this,” Maddie said.

  She refused to look at him. Instead, she continued to stare out the window like his sister Emma did as a pouty teenager.

  “Give it up, Maddie. I’d buy it for you anyway. All you’d have to do is ask.”

  She snorted.

  Dottie must have been keeping an eye out, because before he he’d set the emergency brake, she’d bustled out the front of the diner and around to where they had parked in the side lot.

  Blake knew word traveled fast, but this must be a record. From Warren, to Martha, to Dottie… that meant the story was likely to be fairly accurate.

  Dottie waited, bouncing on her toes, dishtowel in hand, practically bursting with excitement.

  He should buy her two bottles of Irish whiskey for what she was about to endure. As soon as he opened the truck door, Dottie was there, beaming from ear to ear. She helped him and enveloped him in a squishy hug.

  “After all this time. I just knew you’d be perfect for each other.”

  He refrained from rolling his eyes. Dottie loved to gush. How many years had it been since she’d seen Maddie?

  Dottie grabbed his hand and pulled him around the front of his truck, opening the passenger door herself. “Maddie Jane, you are a vision!”

  She reached into the cab and pulled Maddie down into an enormous hug.

  The glare Maddie shot him over Dottie’s shoulder was hotter than a branding iron. It burned him all right, but not in the way she probably hoped.

  “You owe me,” she mouthed silently. He bit back a laugh.

  “I always knew you two’d be perfect for each other,” Dottie rattled on. “Ever since the day Cassie came home all those years ago and told me how Blake rescued you.”

  Dottie stepped away, giving Maddie a once over, then pulling her back into a hug. “You a big fancy doctor, and your knight in shining armor just waiting for you the whole time, under your nose.”

  Maddie narrowed her eyes at him, as she cleared her throat. “Umm. Yes. We’re…we’re so happy?” Her voice broke as Dottie thumped her on the back. “But I’m actually a–”

  “I bet your daddy’s fit to split. This is just the thing to make him pop up outta that bed in no time.”

  “Yes… yes, uh, he approves.” She smiled faintly, extracting herself from Dottie’s embrace.

  He turned his head to hide the shaking from his laughter. This was so much worse than he’d expected. Unintended consequences. Maddie had a point. He hadn’t thought this part through. Not that he’d admit to it ever. Not even hogtied and roasting on a spit.

  “Come here you two luvvies.” Dottie pulled them both into an embrace, her face glowing with joy and anticipation. “Now when were you thinking for your nuptials? It’s been so long since Prairie’s enjoyed a wedding. And now our two oldest families.” She sighed beatifically. “Destiny.”

  Maddie’s eyes were like saucers. Even this was a little much for him. He cleared his throat. “We’re waiting until Warren is out–”

  “Of course you are.” Dottie gave them both a little squeeze. “As soon as Warren’s home, you’ll have the wedding. Yes?”

  Maddie squeaked, quickly covering it by coughing. Blake swallowed nervously. He’d owe Dottie an explanation later. Clearly, she was swept away with the excitement of news.

  Dottie finally released them and stepped back, wiping her hands on her apron.

  Maddie pushed on her glasses, then pressed her hand to her cheek. To the average onlooker, the pink flush creeping up her neck would indicate she was overcome with excitement.

  But he knew better.

  She was pissed as hell and trying to think two steps ahead of everyone else at the diner. He had to admire her cool in a crisis. If there was one thing Maddie did brilliantly, it was think fast and not panic.

  “Dottie,” she asked. “Tell me how your girls are.” She inhaled and smiled, the cool facade of professionalism once again in place. It was a marvel to behold. Especially when he wasn’t trying to dig under it.

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” Dottie herded them across the parking lot to the front door.

  “Cassie’s a helicopter pilot over in Afghanistan right now. We’re so proud of her. Then Lydia is in New York City right now working for a shoe designer, and of course her twin Lexi’s just down the road in DC working as a lobbyist for some environmental group. It’s close enough they sometimes get together. And my baby, Carolina, is just about to receive her degree in physical ther
apy.” She beamed proudly as she held the door open for them. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to fly home for your ceremony. You can catch up then.”

  The smile didn’t quite reach Maddie’s eyes, but she nodded her assent.

  A white hot flash of possessiveness puffed up inside him again. He reached for her and pulled her close, laying his claim for everyone in the diner to see. This might be temporary, but she was his. For now. And he wanted there to be no doubt in anyone’s mind about that.

  As soon as they’d crossed the threshold to the diner, Dottie clapped her hands.

  “Listen up, everyone. We’re gonna have a country weddin’ real soon. I’m pleased as punch to introduce to you the future Mr. and Mrs. Blake Sinclaire.”

  He winced inside. He would be ten kinds of surprised if Maddie ever consented to change her name. Not that he cared about things like that. Besides, this was all a sham. And he had more important things to worry about, like how he was going to convince Warren to sell him his land back when it seemed like he’d just given into his demands.

  If Maddie ever had an inkling that Warren had considered trading her like a cow, she’d flee to Chicago and that would be the end of everything. She’d never speak to either of them again.

  “Well, well, well,” an acid voice dripped from the Formica counter that ran the length of the room.

  Maddie stiffened in his embrace. Kylee Ross, sitting on a stool in a pair of too tight red jeans, turned and glared at the two of them, pale blue eyes sparking venomously.

  “If it isn’t little Britannica, come home to lord it over the peons of Prairie.”

  “Hello, Kylee,” she replied evenly, with just the barest hint of steel in her voice. “So glad to see you’ve… made something of yourself.”

  “I’ve made more than you’ll ever know.” She turned her glare to him. “And you’d do well to remember that…”

  He shook his head the merest fraction at Kylee. More unintended consequences. Kylee was rarely at the diner. Her presence here this morning was bad luck. Plain and simple. But if he didn’t tread carefully, this whole thing would bite him in the ass. The best thing to do would be to smooth things over as quickly as possible.


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