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The Canterbury Tales

Page 133

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  alle pl of al adj: ~ and some one and all Kn 2187+

  aller gen plof al adj GP 586+; at oure ~ cost at the expense of all of us GP 799

  allia(u)nce n alliance Kn 2973+; marriage Cl 357; relationship created by marriage Sh 139

  allye n kinsman WB 301, Mk 2403+

  allye v make an alliance Mch 1414; ~ in (s.o’s) blood marry into (s.o’s) family Rv 3945; been allied have friends or connections Mk 2530

  almes-dede n alms-giving ML 1156+

  almesse n alms, alms-giving, charity ML 168+

  als adv (see also as) as Rv 4177+; also Rv 4317+

  also adv also GP 64+; as GP 730, WB 1243, Cl 124+; in asseverations: ~ mote I thee/thrive as I hope to prosper WB 1215+; ~ wysly God my soule blesse as truly as God may bless my soul Mel 922

  altercacioun n dispute, wrangling Mch 1473+

  alway, alwey adv always, continually, all the time GP 185+; still Rv 3888, WB 602, Pri 462+; steadily Pars 11; in all circumstances WB 1113+; ~ forther still further Rv 4222

  ambes as (French) n (see also aas) (in the game of dice) two ones, a double ace (the lowest possible score, and hence an emblem of bad luck) ML 124

  amende v improve (on) Kn 2196, Mil 3799+; surpass, excel Cl 1026, Sq 97+; correct, remedy, put right Kn 910+, refl Pars 305; increase Kn 3066

  amendement n amendment, improvement Pars 443+; reparation Rv 4185; do ~ make amends Pars 443

  amenuse v diminish, reduce Pars 359+

  amerciment n penalty, fine Pars 752+

  amis adj wrong Mil 3736, Sum 2172

  amis adv wrongly Mil 3181+; badly Fkl 1298+; wickedly Pard 642

  amoneste v admonish Pars 76+; recommend Mel 1294

  among(es) prep among, amongst GP 759+; in the midst of Kn 2939; in NP 3313; between Pard 812, 814; ~ al this meanwhile Cl 785

  amorwe adv next morning GP 822+; in the morning Mch 1214

  amounte v mean Kn 2362+

  an prep (see also on prep) on; ~ heigh on high, up above Kn 1065, Mil 3571+

  and conj and GP 3+; if GP 829, Kn 1214, 1821, Mch 2433, Mk 1950+; even if WB 387, Fkl 1471

  angle n angle Sq 230; name given to four of the twelve ‘houses’ of the zodiac ML 304 (see n.), Sq 263

  anhange v hang Phys 259+

  a-night(es) adv at night, by night Kn 1042+

  annexed p ppl: ~ (un)to connected with WB 1147+

  anon-right(es) adv at once, immediately Mil 3480+

  ano(o)n adv at once, immediately, without delay GP 32+; right ~ Kn 1408+

  anoy n trouble Sh 130+; irritation, vexation (of at) Pars 678+; hardship Pars 720; harm Mel 1489

  anoye v do harm, be harmful (to) Fkl 875+; disturb, trouble ML 492+; vex, irritate Mel 1044+; be anoyed be reluctant (to do Pars 687

  anoyous adj troublesome Mel 1243+; irritating Mel 1044; harmful Pars 365

  anything adv at all Kn 2285, CY 1477

  apai(e)d p ppl satisfied Pars 900; wel ~ satisfied, pleased Mch 1512, Fkl 1548+; holde (o.s.) ~ be content Kn 1868+; ivel(e) ~ dissatisfied, discontent, displeased Fri 1282+; sorry Mch 2392+

  apaise v (see also apese, appe(i)se) appease Mel 1100

  apalled p ppl (see also appalled) enfeebled Sh 102; lack-lustre Pars 723

  ape n ape Rv 3935+; dupe, fool GP 706+; putte an ~ in (s.o’s) hood make a fool of (s.o.) Pri 440

  apeire v slander Mil 3147; harm Pars 1078

  aperceive v perceive Cl 600+

  apert adv openly, in public WB 1114+

  aperteine, apertene v belong Mel 1269+; ~ (un)to be fitting, proper for Mel 981+; be connected with Mel 1335, Pars 410+; be a sign of Pars 1068; concern Mel 1540+

  apese v (see also apaise, appe(i)se) alleviate Cl 433

  apointe v refl decide Mch 1595; be apointed have resolved Mch 1616

  apothecarye (see also pothecarye) n pharmacist, druggist GP 425+

  appalled p ppl (see also apalled) enfeebled, wan Kn 3053, Sq 365

  apparaille n clothes Cl 1208; trappings Pars 432

  apparail(l)e v prepare Mk 2607+; dress WB 343+; furnish Pars 462; refl prepare o.s. Mel 1342+

  apparaillinge vbl n preparation Kn 2913+

  apparence n illusion Sq 218+

  appe(i)se v (see also apaise, apese) remedy Mcp 98; refl grow calm Mel 1861

  approche v approach Kn 2095+; be involved Sq 556; ~ to have sexual intercourse with Pars 579

  aquitaunce n (see also acquitaunce) deed, document in evidence of a transaction Mil 3327

  arace v tear away Cl 1103+

  areest n confinement Kn 1310; restraint Mch 1282; make ~ seize NP 2900

  areste v stop GP 827+; seize Fkl 1370

  arette v (see also arrette) blame (on), attribute (to) GP 726+

  argument n argument ML 228+; manipulation of logic Rv 4123+; ‘angle or arc used in calculating the position or motion of a planet’ (MED) Fkl 1277 (see n.)

  aright adv properly, correctly, well Sq 336+; right Rv 4254; exactly GP 267; indeed, assuredly Mk 1945+; rightly GP 189; it stondeth not ~ all is not well Mil 3426; go ~ to go well Mil 3115+

  arist 3 sg contr pres of arise v

  ark n arc, part of a circle from one horizon to the other which the sun appears to pass through each day ML 2, Mch 1795

  armipotente adj mighty in battle Kn 1982+

  armoniak n: bole ~ Armenian bole (a red clay) CY 790; sal ~ ammonium chloride CY 798+

  arm(o)ure n armour ML 936+; arms Th 819; armaments Mel 1333

  arn 3 pl pres of be v

  array n clothing, turn-out GP 73+; equipment, accoutrements, fittings GP 73, Mk 2303+; gear CY 567; state, condition Kn 1538, Mil 3477, ML 299+; adornment, finery, splendour Kn 1932+; pomp Cl 273; preparation Mil 3630, Cl 275+; appearance ML 775; way of behaving WB 235; treatment Cl 670; put in ~ made to look nice Cl 262

  arraye v clothe, fit out Kn 1389, Mil 3689+; adorn Kn 2090+; prepare Cl 961, ML 252+; dispose, arrange Kn 2046, 2867; equip Fkl 1187; be wel arrayed be in a fine condition Kn 1801

  arrette v (see also arette) impute (to) Kn 2729; ~ to/upon attribute to, blame on Pars 580, 1082

  arrive v touch land ML 469; arrive ML 386+

  ars-metrik n arithmetic Kn 1898+, (?with pun on ers) Sum 2222

  art n art, skill GP 476+; (one of) the liberal arts, as basis of university courses, subject of university study Mil 3191, 3209, Rv 4056, Cl 35; (specifically) logic Rv 4122; profession Mel 1014; body of knowledge Mch 1241; way of life Kn 2791; way Fri 1486; stratagem Kn 2445

  art 2 sg pres of be v

  artow controf art thow

  arwe n arrow GP 104+

  as adv and conj (see also als) as GP 152+; such as WB 345; like ML 670+; as if GP 81+; that Kn 1858, WB 270+; since Kn 2810+; so WB 805; ~ by, ~ of, ~ to as regards Cl 924, Sq 17+; so ~ as GP 39+; with concessive force: ~ many a yeer ~ it is passed henne though many years have passed since then Rv 3889; in asseverations: ~ help me Crist so help me Christ Sum 1949; redundant ‘as’ (no equivalent in modE) (1) in commands and wishes Kn 2302, Mil 3777, Cl 7+; (2) in expressions of time GP 87, WB 473, Mel 977+; ~ nouthe/now at the moment, just now GP 462+; ~ swithe at once, without delay, in a trice ML 637+; ~ in this cas in this situation ML 305+; ~ who seyth as if to say Mel 1084; ~ s/he that is/was being, since s/he is/was GP 851, Fkl 1053+; ~ he that hath/hadde having Kn 964, 1817; ~ he that like someone who Kn 1261; as someone who Mch 2404+; as the one who Mel 1528+

  ascaunce(s) (that) conj as if Sum 1745; if CY 838

  ascende v (of the sun, a planet, or sign of the zodiac) to rise above the horizon Sq 264, NP 2857+

  ascendent n ‘that degree of the ecliptic or zodiac which is arising above the horizon at a given moment;… also, the attendant configuration of signs, houses and planets supposed to determine the fortune of a child born at the time of the degree’s ascending [cf. WB 613] or to determine a propitious time for various operations [cf. ML 302]’ (MED); astrological background WB 613; lord of the ~ planet with influence connected with a particular ascendant ML 301–2; fortune the ~ choose a favourable ascen
dant GP 417

  ascensioun n rising above the horizon of part of the equinoctial circle or celestial equator NP 2855; increasing elevation of the sun in the sky between spring and summer NP 2956; vaporization CY 778

  aslake v grow calm, subside Kn 1760, Mil 3553

  asonder adv asunder, separated GP 491+

  assaut n assault Kn 989+

  assay n test, trial WB 290, Cl 621+; attempt CY 1249+; putte in ~ make trial of Cl 1138, test CY 1338

  assaye v test, make trial (of) WB 942, Cl 454+; try, attempt Fkl 1567+; try out Kn 1811, WB 286

  assemble v assemble GP 717+; copulate Pars 939+ (also be assembled)

  assemblee n assembly ML 403; copulation Pars 907

  assent n consent GP 852+; opinion Mch 1532; ful ~ whole-hearted opinion Kn 3075; by oon ~ by common agreement GP 777+; by noon ~ on no account Kn 945; be of ~ be in league (with) Fri 1359, Pard 758; of hir ~ with her connivance WB 234

  assente v consent (to), approve (of) GP 374, Kn 3092+; agree Mch 1575, Phys 146+; yield, submit Cl 494

  assoil(l)e v absolve from sin Pard 387+; resolve, explain Mch 1654

  assure v promise Cl 165+; guarantee Kn 926, 1924; reassure, make confident Cl 93+; entrust Mch 2191

  asterte v escape Kn 1592+; elude Fri 1314

  astoned p ppl amazed Cl 337; dismayed Kn 2361; stunned Fkl 1339; rendered lifeless Pars 233

  astrologye n astronomy, study of the stars Mil 3192+

  astromye, astronomye n astronomy, study of the stars GP 414+

  asure n lapis lazuli, bright blue stone Cl 254+

  aswage v subside Mch 2082+; subdue Mk 2644

  aswowne adv in a swoon Mil 3823+

  at prep at GP 20+; from CY 621; with GP 42, Th 785+; by Sum 2095+; to Kn 2226, Mch 1489; ten ~ the clokke ten o’clock ML 14; ~ al at all WB 1078+; entirely Pard 633; in every respect Mch 1222; ~ o word in a word ML 428+; ~ his power to the best of his ability Pars 306

  atake v overtake CY 556+; wel ~ well met Fri 1384

  atempree adj (see also attempree) moderate Pars 481

  atemprely adv (see also attemprely) moderately, with restraint Sh 262+

  aton adv (see also oon) at one; bringe ~ reconcile Cl 437

  atones adv at once, instantly Mil 3280+; together GP 765+; at a stroke Mil 3470, ML 670

  attaine v (see also atteine) reach Mk 2584; ~ to achieve Pars 469

  atte contr of at the (in set phrases): ~ beste in the very best way, to (o’s) heart’s content GP 29; ~ fulle completely GP 651+; in full Rv 4133+; to the hilt Rv 3936; fairly and squarely Rv 4305; ~ laste finally GP 707+; ~ le(e)ste at least Mil 3683; ~ ende in the end WB 404

  atteine v (see also attaine) attain, achieve Kn 1243, Fkl 775; ~ to achieve Mel 1206+; ~ unto succeed in having Cl 447

  attempera(u)nce n moderation Phys 46+

  attempree adj (see also atempree) moderate, restrained Mel 988+

  attemprely adv (see also atemprely) moderately, with restraint Sum 2053+

  atwinne adv apart Mil 3589+ atwo adv in two, asunder Mil 3569+

  auctor n (see also auctour) writer NP 2984 (with plural meaning)

  auctoritee n written testimony, authoritative book or passage Kn 3000, WB 1+; authority, influence, reliability Mel 1165, NP 2975; authority, power Pard 387+; of (o’s) owene ~ on o’s own responsibility Mch 1597, Mel 1385

  auctour n (see also auctor) author, writer WB 1212+; originator Mcp 359, Pars 882

  audience n hearing Cl 329+; audience, opportunity to be heard, a hearing Cl 104+; court hearing WB 1032, SN 466; in general/open ~ in the hearing of everyone, publicly ML 673, Cl 790+

  auditour n hearer Sum 1937; auditor GP 594

  aught n (see also oght) anything GP 389+; as adv by any means ML 1034

  auncestre n ancestor WB 1156+

  aungel n angel Kn 1055+

  auntre v take a chance on Rv 4209; refl take a chance Rv 4205

  auter n altar Kn 1905+

  avail(l)e v help, be of use (to) Fri 1366+; be sufficient Kn 2401; have power Kn 3040; impers be of use, benefit (to) Mil 3385, ML 589, Mch 2107+; wher him mighte ~ where his profit might lie Fri 1324

  ava(u)nce v improve (s.o’s) position GP 246+; promote Pars 786; be avanced win promotion Pard 410

  ava(u)nt n boast GP 227+

  ava(u)ntage n advantage Kn 1293+; benefit Kn 2447; greatest convenience ML 146; gain ML 216; profit CY 731, Pars 851; do (o’s) ~ get o.s. into good favour ML 729

  ava(u)nte vrefl boast WB 403+

  avaunting(e) vbl n boastfulness Rv 3884+

  ava(u)ntour n boaster NP 2917+

  aventure n chance GP 25+; chance event, occurrence Kn 1235, Fkl 1483; accident Kn 2703+; lot, fortune ML 465, Fkl 940+; vicissitude(s) Kn 2444, ML 1151; notable event, strange happening GP 795, Cl 15+; min/his ~ what happened to me/him Kn 1160+; thin ~ what is to happen to you Kn 2357; by/of ~ by chance Kn 1506+; take (o’s) ~ take o’s chance, accept the risk Kn 1186, WB 1224; putte in ~ risk Mch 1877+; be in ~ be at risk Pars 1068

  avis n judgement, opinion Kn 1868+; advice Mel 1786; deliberation GP 786, Mel 1252; take (o’s) ~ take thought Mel 1726, 1787

  avise v consider Cl 797+; think about Mel 1348; refl reflect, take thought, consider Mil 3185, Rv 4188, ML 664+; ~ upon ponder on Cl 238+; be avised take thought, take care Mil 3584, Co 4333+; be avised of reflect on Pars 979; wel avised wise Mel 1324; yvele avised ill-considered Mcp 335

  avisely adv with forethought Mel 1298+

  avisement n thought, reflection Mch 1531+; of ful ~ deliberately ML 86

  avisioun n vision Sum 1858; dream NP 3114+

  avouter n (see also avowtier) adulterer Fri 1372

  avoutrye n (see also avowtrye) adultery Fri 1306+

  avow n vow, pledge Kn 2237+

  avowtier n (see also avouter) adulterer Pars 841+

  avowtrye n (see also avoutrye) adultery Pars 840+

  await n: ligge/sitte in ~ lie in ambush Fri 1657+; have/keep in ~ watch suspiciously Mk 2725+

  awaite v: ~ on watch Sum 2052; wait for Mil 3642, Fkl 1299; ~ after wait for Pri 586

  away adv (see also awey(e)) away Kn 2819+; gone Rv 4071

  awe n fear GP 654; have in ~ fear Mk 2559; putte in ~ intimidate Mk 2685

  a-werk(e) adv: sette (s.o.) ~ put (s.o.) through the mill Co 4337, WB 215

  awey(e) adv (see also away) away Kn 1180+; gone ML 609, Fkl 1064+

  awook sg past of awake v

  awreke(n) p ppl avenged Mil 3752+

  axe v ask Kn 1347+; require Mil 3545+

  axing(e) n request Kn 1826; question SN 423

  ay adv always Rv 4128+; all the time Mil 3472, Rv 4030+; continually GP 646+; every time GP 63; for ever ML 843; all along Mil 3453; ~ ner and ner ever nearer and nearer Rv 4304

  ayein adv (see also again, agein) again Kn 892+; back Mch 2260

  ayein(s) prep (see also again(s), agein(s)) against Cl 320; set against Mil 3155; ~ the sonne in the sun Kn 1509

  baar 1/3 sg past of bere v

  bacheler, bachiler n young man in knightly service, young knight GP 80, WB 883+; unmarried man Mch 1274; knight of lower rank than a knight banneret Kn 3085; holder of bachelor’s degree Fkl 1126

  bachelrye n knighthood Mcp 125; knights in attendance Cl 270

  bacin n basin WB 287+

  bacoun n bacon, salt pork WB 217+

  bad sg past of bidde v

  baillif, bailly n agent of a lord GP 603+; officer of a court Fri 1392

  baite v feed ML 466+

  bakbite v slander, defame Pars 1018+

  bake-mete n pastry-dish, pie GP 343+

  bala(u)nce n pair of scales Mk 2586; leye in ~ wager, stake CY 611

  balke n beam Mil 3626, Rv 3920

  balled adj bald GP 198+

  baly n (see also bely) belly Sum 2267

  bane n slayer, destroyer Kn 1681; be (s.o’s) ~ cause (s.o’s) death Kn 1097+

  bar 1/3 sg past of bere v

  bare adj bare Kn 1758+; bareheaded GP 683; scanty, poor Fri 1480; simple Fkl 720; empty Co 4390; poor CY 732
; ~ of devoid of Mch 1548; in my kirtel ~ stripped down to my tunic Fkl 1580


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