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The Canterbury Tales

Page 145

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  o num adj and pron (see also on, oo, oon) one GP 738, Kn 1891+; that ~ man one man NP 3076; at ~ word in a word CY 1360

  obeisa(u)nce n obedience, respectfulness Kn 2974, Cl

  230, Sq 93+; do your ~ obey you Cl 24+; do his obeisaunces pay respectful attentions Sq 515

  obeisa(u)nt adj obedient Cl 66+

  obeye v obey WB 1255+; ~ to obey, submit to Cl 194, Mel 1550+; refl ~ to submit to Mel 1684

  obligacioun n ledge Mel 1767+

  oblige v bind Mel 1747+

  observa(u)nce n observance (of law), duty Kn 1316, Mch 1548; rite, ceremony Kn 2264; procedure, practice Fkl 1291; attention Mch 1564; do ~ take care Pars 747; do his/thy ~, kepe hir observaunce(s) follow custom, pay tribute to the occasion Kn 1045, 1500, Fkl 956; kepeth hise obser-vaunces pays attentions Sq 516

  observe v sanction Pri 631; observe Pars 947; take note of Pars 303; take care Pars 429

  occasio(u)n n cause, stimulus WB 740, Pars 338+; occasions of opportunities for Phys 66

  occident n west ML 297; West (Europe) Mk 2674

  of adv off Kn 2676, Mil 3811, Mk 2558+; com ~ come on, get on with it, hurry up Mil 3728, Rv 4074+

  of prep of GP 2+; from Rv 4253, WB 636, Cl 834, Sq 476, Fkl 1183, Th 923, Mel 1873+; by Rv 3959, WB 661, 706, Mch 2436, Fkl 768, Pard 449, CY 748+; for Sum 1868, Fkl 718, Sh 280, Mel 1019, Mk 1990+; with GP 345, Kn 1888, WB 1185, NP 3251; as to, about, concerning ML 90, Mch 2216, Fkl 1179, Mel 1083, NP 3329+; during GP 87, Mil 3415, ML 510; at Rv 4046; some GP 146; some of WB 187, Pard 910+; consentant ~ accessory to Phys 276

  offence n (see also offense) harm, injury Kn 1083, Sum 2058+; offence ML 1138

  offende v injure, do harm to, hurt Kn 909+; wound Kn 3065

  offense n (see also offence) harm, injury Cl 1197; offence Mel 1748+

  office n job, business Fri 1421, 1428; duty, business Mel 1269, CY 924; secular employment GP 292; service Kn 1418, Pars 438; role Fri 1297; employments Mk 2256; function, operation WB 127, 1137, 1144; office Fri 1577; office, (religious) service Kn 2836+; houses of ~ offices, kitchen and pantries Cl 264

  officer n officer Kn 1712+; servant Kn 2868, Cl 190, Pard 480+; official SN 497; officeholder in a monastery Sh 65, Mk 1935

  offringe n offertory, collection of alms in church GP 450+

  ofte adj frequent Pars 233+; many GP 485+; ~ time, ~ sithe often GP 52+

  ofte adv often GP 55+

  ofter comp adv oftener Cl 215+

  oght n (see also aught) anything Fkl 1469, CY 836, 1333; as adv at all Kn 3045, Pri 602, CY 597

  oghte v (see also oughte) ought GP 505+; impers: us ~ we ought Mel 998+; him ~ he ought Mel 1213+

  oinement n ointment GP 631+

  okes pl of ook n

  on pron (see also o, oo, oon): many ~ many a one WB 680

  on prep (see also an) on GP 12+; in GP 501, Kn 944, 2866, Rv 3993, ML 348, Mch 2370+; to Mch 2150; at Sq 348; at, about Sq 258+; as regards Mch 1424+; by Sq 29; over, against GP 594; (a)waitinge ~ waiting for Mil 3642, Fri 1376; konne ~ know about Sq 3, Fkl 786+; ~ reste at rest Sq 379

  one v unite Sum 1968, Pars 193

  ones, onis adv once Kn 1034, WB 10+; at ~ at once, at one time GP 765+

  on-lofte adv above, in heaven ML 277; flourishing Cl 229

  oo num adj and pron (see also o, on, oon) one GP 304, Kn 2733+

  ook n oak Kn 1702+; pl okes

  oon num adj and pron (see also o, on, oo) one GP 148+; someone Mil 3817, Rv 4290; alike, the same thing Sq 537; single WB 66; alike, the same Cl 711, Pard 333+; many ~ many a one GP 317+; after ~ of the same standard GP 341; equally, the same way Kn 1781; evere in ~ ever alike, constantly Kn 1771, Rv 3880, WB 209+; at ~ in agreement Rv 4197; in ~ in the same way Fri 1470; that ~ the one, one Kn 1013+; ~ and ~ one by one GP 679; ~ and oother all and sundry, this person and that Kn 2573; ~ the faireste the most beautiful Cl 212, Fkl 734

  ooth n oath GP 120+; pl othes

  oother adj (see also other) other GP 461; the other GP 427, Kn 899+; that ~ the other GP 113, Kn 1014+; noon ~ none other Mch 2323; not otherwise Kn 1085+; no other way Kn 1182; pl oothere

  ootherwey(e)s, ootherwise adv otherwise Cl 1072, Mel 1065+; in some other way Mch 1534

  operacioun n function WB 1148; effect Fkl 1129; operation, business Sq 130, Fkl 1290

  oppose v lay to (s.o’s) charge Fri 1597; interrogate SN 363

  oppresse v crush, suppress SN 4; encumber Mel 1216; ravish, violate Fkl 1385+

  oppressioun n oppression Sum 1990; rape, violation WB 889

  or conj (1) or GP 296+

  or conj (2) before Kn 1548, ML 289+

  ordeine v ordain, decree Pars 771+; arrange, prepare ML 415, CY 1277+; arrange, settle Mel 1056+; order, regulate Pars 218+; provide Kn 2253; appoint Sq 177

  ordinaunce n arrangement(s), plan(s) ML 250, 805, Mel 1068, Pars 19; order Cl 961, Pars 177, 260; provision ML 961, Fkl 903; disposal, control ML 763, 992, Mel 1725; order, decree Mil 3592, SN 445+; by ~ in due order Kn 2567, Mel 1113; according to the principle of order Pars 922; biset his ~ ordered his plan Kn 3012

  ordre n order Kn 3003+; (religious) order GP 214+; by ~ in order Kn 1934+

  ordred p ppl ordained, in orders Pars 782+

  ordure n filth, dirt Pars 157+

  orient n east Kn 1496; East (Asia) Mk 2314+

  orisonte n horizon Mch 1797+

  oriso(u)n n prayer Kn 2261, ML 537+

  orpiment n orpiment, yellow arsenic CY 759+

  Osanne interj Hosanna! ML 642+

  otes n pl oats Sum 1963+

  other adj (see also oother) other Kn 1136; the other Kn 1651+; pl othere other GP 759+; others Kn 2885, Mk 2154+; ~ two another two GP 794

  othes pl of ooth n

  oughte v impers (see also oghte): hem oughten they ought Mel 1731

  ounce n ounce CY 756+; by ounces in thin clusters GP 677

  out interj help! Mil 3286+

  out(e) adv out GP 45+

  oute v display, expose WB 521+

  outher conj (see also either) either Kn 1485+; or Sum 1828; ~… ~ either… or CY 1149

  outherwhile adv sometimes Mel 1543, 1667

  out of prep out of GP 181+; bereft of GP 452+; without GP 487, SN 46+

  outrage n excess, disorder, fury Kn 2012, Pars 834; injury, violence Mel 1525+; crime, evil deed Mel 1438+

  outrageous adj excessive, unrestrained Mch 2087, Mel 990, Pars 558+; outrageous, enormous Mel 1824+; superfluous, extravagant Pars 412+; extraordinary Pars 470; impudent Pars 992

  outrely adv utterly, completely, wholly Kn 1563+; in the extreme Cl 335; emphatically, plainly Kn 1154, Cl 768, Mel 1020; superlatively GP 237; al ~ to the utmost degree, completely, absolutely WB 664+

  outward adv outwardly Mel 1645+

  over adv over Mil 3177+; too Mel 1576+ (also with adjs: over-greet, over-hard, over-lowe etc.)

  over prep over Kn 1693+; above ML 277+; besides Kn 1563+; over, more than Pard 687; beyond Kn 2998, Pard 468+

  overal adv everywhere GP 216+; anywhere Kn 1207, Sum 2084; on all sides WB 264+

  over-muchel adj and adv too much Mel 1467+

  oversprede v spread over, overspread GP 678+; past over-spradde

  owe v owe WB 425+; own Pard 361; ought Mel 1501

  owene adj own GP 213+

  owher adv anywhere GP 653+

  paas n (see also pas) pace Kn 2901; (of a horse) walkingspeed WB 838 (see n.), CY 575; ?passage, section Pars 532 (see n.); a ~ at walkingspeed, at a footpace Kn 2217+; a sory ~ with dejected steps Mil 3741; a softe ~ at a relaxed speed, at a leisurely pace Mil 3760+; a sturdy ~ with determined strides, at a great rate Sum 2162; a strong ~ a tight corner, a critical situation Mel 1445; pl paces

  pace v (see also passe) pass, go, proceed GP 36, 175, Kn 1602+; depart Cl 1092; die Sq 494; surpass, exceed GP 574; ~ of pass over ML 205; ~ forby pass by Pri 569

  pacience n patience WB 436+; take in ~ accept patiently Kn 1084+

  pacient n patient GP 415+

  pacient adj patient GP 484+

  page n page
, attendant Kn 1427; commoner, peasant Kn 3030, Fkl 692+; servant Mil 3376+; boy Rv 3972

  paid p ppl paid Sh 366; satisfied, content WB 1185

  paine n (see also peine) pain, suffering Mk 2589; do (o’s) ~ take pains, do o’s utmost Fkl 730

  paire n (see also peire) pair Co 4386+

  palais, paleis n mansion Mch 2415; palace Kn 2199+

  palfrey n palfrey, saddle-horse GP 207+

  pan n skull, head Kn 1165+

  panade n a kind of large knife Rv 3929+

  panne n pan Rv 3944, Fri 1614+

  papejay n (see also papinjay, popinjay) popinjay, parrot Mch 2322

  paper n (see also papir) accounts, papers Co 4404

  papinjay n (see also papejay, popinjay) popinjay, parrot Sh 369

  papir n (see also paper) paper Pars 445

  par (French) prep by; ~ amour as a lover Kn 1155, with passion Th 743; ~ compaignye for company Mil 3839+; in accompaniment Rv 4167; ~ ma fay on my word Th 820; ~ char-itee for charity Th 891; ~ chaunce by chance Pard 606; as it happened GP 475; ~ cas by chance Pard 885

  parage n lineage, descent WB 250+

  paramour, paramours n love, amorousness Mil 3354, Co 4372+; mistress Mil 3756, WB 454+; lover Fri 1372

  paramour(s) adv: love ~ be in love Kn 1155, 2112

  paraunter, paraventure adv (see also peraventure) perhaps Rv 3915, ML 190+; by chance Cl 234+; for example Pars 1019

  parcel n piece, part Fkl 852+

  pardee interj by God! indeed, assuredly GP 563+

  pardo(u)n n pardon Mel 1773+; indulgence(s) GP 687, Pard 920+

  pardurable adj (see also perdurable) lasting, permanent Mel 1509+; everlasting Pars 669

  parementz n pl rich clothing Kn 2501; tapestries; chambre of ~ state room (hung with tapestries) Sq 269

  parfay, parfey interj by my faith, truly! Mil 3681+

  parfit adj (see also perfit) perfect, complete GP 72+

  parfo(u)rme, parfourne v (see also perfourne) perform Mch 2052, Mel 1212+; put into effect Sh 317+; fulfil Mk 1947, Mcp 190; complete Sum 2104, Mch 1795; celebrate Pri 456+

  parisshen n parishioner GP 482+

  parlement n deliberation, decision Kn 1306; conference, council Kn 2970, 3076

  part(e) n part Kn 2824+; share Kn 1178+; side Kn 2185; side, party Kn 2446+; have ~ of have an interest in, have a concern for Kn 2792; have a share in Co 4394, Cl 650, Pars 792; have ~ on take Sh 218; an hundred ~ a hundred times Sum 2062; by twenty thousand ~ multiplied twenty thousand times Sq 553

  parte v part Co 4362; depart, go Pard 649, 752; share, divide Fri 1534, Sum 1967+

  particuler adj specialized Cl 35+

  partie, party n part, portion Kn 3008, ML 17, Mel 1035+; side, party Mel 1014+; quarter Mel 1370; partial judge, partisan Kn 2657

  pas n (see also paas) footpace, walking-speed GP 825; pl steps, motion ML 306; esily a ~ slowly, in a leisurely way Sq 388; a ful gret ~ quickly Phys 164

  passe v (see also pace) pass, go Kn 1033+; pass (over) GP 464; proceed Kn 1461, NP 2939; pass by, come to an end, disappear Mil 3578, Mch 1315+; get through, get out of Mel 1445; exceed Kn 2885+; surpass GP 448, Mch 1504+; ~ of pass over Sq 288; ~ awey pass on from Mk 1923; ~ forth go on, continue Mil 3370, 3419; ~ over move on, skip over Mch 2115+

  passing adj excessive Mch 1225; excellent CY 614

  passio(u)n n emotion ML 1138; suffering, martyrdom SN 26+; (Cristes) ~ (Christ’s) passion Mil 3478+

  pasture n pasture Mch 1313+; (act of) feeding NP 3185

  patente n letters patent GP 315 (see n.); ecclesiastical licence Pard 337

  pavement n (paved or tiled) floor ML 85+

  payen n pagan ML 534+

  pece n piece Sh 136+

  pecok n peacock GP 104+

  pees n peace GP 532+; holde in ~ cease ML 228

  peine n (see also paine) pain, suffering Kn 1297+; torture Kn 1133; penalty Fri 1314; punishment Mel 1749+; endeavour Sq 509; difficulty Mel 1404; up(on) ~ of on pain of Kn 1707+; sette ~ in take trouble with CY 1398; do (o’s) ~ endeavour, take pains Mcp 330

  peine v torment, torture Mk 2604, Pars 213+; refl try, make an effort GP 139, ML 320+

  peinte v paint Kn 1934+; embellish Pars 610+

  peire n (see also paire) pair GP 473; set GP 159, Sum 1741; a ~ plates a set of plate armour Kn 2121

  peitrel n breast-plate, straps going from the saddle round the horse’s chest CY 564, Pars 433

  pena(u)nce n penance GP 223+; purgatory Sum 1724; suffering, distress, sorrow Kn 1315, ML 286+; punishment SN 446+

  penible adj assiduous Sum 1846, Mk 2300; devoted Cl 714

  peny n penny Fri 1575+; money Rv 4119; pl pens pence Fri 1576+

  peple n people GP 706+

  peraventure adv (see also paraunter, paraventure) perhaps Pard 935+

  perce v pierce GP 2+

  perdurable adj (see also pardur-able) everlasting Pars 75+

  perfit adj (see also parfit) perfect, true Pars 938

  perfourne v (see also par-fo(u)rme, parfourne) perform Mel 1066+; put into action Pars 529; ~ up make up, complete Sum 2261

  peril n peril Rv 3932+; upon my ~ may I be damned otherwise WB 561

  perilous adj dangerous Rv 3961+

  peris pl of pere n pears Mch 2331+

  perisse v perish Pars 75+; be ruined Phys 99; is perissed perished Pars 579

  perree, perrye n jewellery Kn 2936, WB 344+

  pers n blue, blue cloth GP 439, 617

  persevere v persevere WB 148; last Pard 496

  person(e), persoun n person GP 521+; parson GP 478, Rv 3943, Fri 1313+

  pertinacye n obstinacy Pars 391+

  philosofre, philosophre n philosopher GP 297 (punning on ‘alchemist’), ML 25+; alchemist CY 837+; astrologer, magician ML 310, Fkl 1561+

  philosophye n philosophy GP 295, Rv 4050+; alchemy, science CY 1058+

  physik n physic, medicine GP 411+; the medical art Pars 913

  pich n pitch, tar Mil 3731+

  pie n magpie Rv 3950+

  pietous adj (see also pitous) merciful Sq 20

  pike v pick WB 44a; pick over CY 941; clean, make neat Mch 2011

  pile v plunder, fleece Fri 1362+

  piled p ppl sparse, scrubby GP 627; bald Rv 3935, 4306

  piler n pillar Kn 1993+

  pilour n spoiler, scavenger Kn 1007+

  pinche v pleat GP 151; ~ at carp at, find fault with GP 326+

  pine n suffering, distress Kn 1324+; punishment Mk 2230; torment Sq 448

  pine v torture Kn 1746+

  pipe v pipe Rv 3876+; play the bagpipes Rv 3927; whistle Kn 1838

  pirie n pear-tree Mch 2217+

  pistel n Epistle Cl 1154; message WB 1021

  pit n pit Mil 3460, Pri 571+; grave Mch 1401+

  pitee n pity, tenderness, sympathy Kn 920+; grief, distress ML 292; lamentation Kn 2833; cause for pity Kn 1751+

  pitous adj (see also pietous) compassionate, merciful, tender Kn 953+ (in GP 143 with play on meaning ‘devout’); pitiable, pitiful, sorrowful Kn 955+; pious, devout Kn 2371+

  pitously adv with pity, mercifully ML 835, Sq 440+; pitiably, miserably, pitifully Kn 949+; devoutly, reverently Kn 2263

  place n (see also plas) place GP 623+; arena Kn 1895+; house GP 607, Sum 1768+; building Kn 1971+; manor Sh 273; rank WB 1164; in the ~ on the spot Mch 1991+

  plain adj plain Kn 1091+; smooth, level Mcp 229

  plain adv (see also plein adv (2)) plainly ML 219+

  plain(e) n plain ML 24, Cl 59+

  plas n (see also place) place Th 781

  plat adj blunt, plain Kn 1845; flat Sq 164, Pri 675; as n flat (side) Sq 162

  plat adv bluntly, plainly ML 886+

  plate n armour-plating Kn 2121, Th 865; plate Pars 433

  platly adv plainly, directly Pars 485, 1022

  plein adj plain, unadorned Fkl 720, Phys 50; full, complete GP 315+; ~ bataille open war Kn 988; ~ entente whole purpose Kn 1487+


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