The Canterbury Tales
Page 156
1888 diched surrounded by a trench
1889 compas a circle
1890 degrees steps (for sitting on) paas paces
1891 o one
1892 letted noght did not prevent
1893 marbul marble
1894 th’oposit the opposite point
1895 place arena
1896 space time
1897 crafty man craftsman
1898 ars-metrik arithmetic kan knows
1899 purtreyour painter kerver carver
1900 mete food
1901 devise construct
1905 Doon make had made auter altar
1908 largely of gold a fother a good heap of gold
1909 touret turret
1913 Hath… doon wroght has had made
1914 devise describe
1915 kerving carving purtreitures paintings
1916 contenance appearance
1919 pitous pitiful
1920 sikes sighs
1921 waimentinge lamentation
1924 hir covenantz assuren guarantee their promises
1926 Bauderye Gaiety
1927 Charmes Spells Lesinges Lies
1928 Despense Expense Bisinesse Trouble
1929 gooldes marigolds
1931 caroles carols (round dances accompanied by singing)
1932 Lust pleasure array adornment
1934 By ordre in order
1935 mo more
1936 Citheroun see n.
1938 purtreyinge painting
1939 lustinesse pleasure
1941 yore agon long ago
1945 hardy fiers corage bold valiant spirit
1946 caitif wretched
1948 sleighte cleverness
1949 holde champartie contend successfully
1950 as hir lust as it pleases her gye govern
1951 laas net
1956 fleting floating
1958 wawes waves
1959 citole a stringed instrument, plucked with the fingers (n.)
1961 wel smellinge beautifully scented
1962 dowves doves flikeringe fluttering
1966 bar bore kene sharp
1970 brede breadth
1971 estres interior
1974 soverein principal
1977 knarry gnarled
1978 stubbes stumps
1979 rumbel rumble swough sough, sighing sound
1980 sholde bresten were going to break
1981 under a bente at the bottom of a grassy slope
1982 armipotente mighty in battle
1983 burned burnished
1984 streit narrow gastly terrible
1985 rage blast of wind veze gust
1986 rese shake
1987 northren northern
1990 athamant adamant (a mythical rock of great hardness)
1991 Riveted crosswise and lengthwise
1992 togh strong
1993 piler pillar sustene hold up
1994 tonne-greet as thick as a barrel
1995 derke imagininge secret planning
1996 compassinge conspiring
1997 gleede coal
1998 pikepurs pickpurse Drede Fear
2000 shepne cowshed
2001 mordring murdering
2002 bibled blood-covered
2003 Contek Strife
2004 chirking creaking noises sory dismal
2005 sleere slayer
2006 heer hair
2007 shode crown of the head
2008 upright upwards
2011 Woodnesse Madness
2012 Outhees Outcry, Clamour Outrage Excess
2013 caroine corpse ycorve cut
2014 of qualm ystorve dead from plague
2015 yraft seized
2017 brent burned shippes hoppesteres dancing ships
2018 hunte huntsman
2019 freten gnaw right in the cradel in the very cradle
2020 for al in spite of
2021 infortune of Marte malign influence of Mars
2022 over-riden with run over by
2024 devisioun clan
2025 barbour barber bochier butcher
2026 stith anvil
2027 depeinted painted
2030 subtil twines threed fine thread of string
2033 Al be that although
2035 manasinge threatening figure stellar configuration
2040 thogh I wolde even if I wanted to
2041 carte war-chariot
2042 as he were wood as if he were mad
2044 been cleped are called scriptures writings
2048 eet ate
2049 pencel brush depeint depicted
2050 redoutinge reverence
2054 Depeinted painted
2055 Of with
2057 agreved angry
2058 til to
2059 lodesterre pole star
2060 ferre further
2062 Dane Daphne
2064 highte was called
2068 freten eat for that because
2069 forther moor further on
2072 wroghte him care and wo caused him hardship and sorrow
2074 Which I do not care to call to mind
2075 seet sat
2077 undernethe beneath
2078 sholde wanie soone was soon to wane
2079 gaude grene yellowish green
2083 travailling in labour
2085 pitously pitifully gan she calle she called on
2086 thow mayst best of alle you are best able to
2087 lifly in a life-like manner
2088 hewes colours
2090 arrayed adorned
2091 every del in their entirety
2092 him liked it pleased him
2093 stinte… of cease to speak of
2097 The bataille to darreine to engage in combat
2098 til to hir covenant their promise
2100 at alle rightes in every respect
2101 sikerly assuredly trowed believed
2102 sithen since
2103 knighthod of hir hond fighting ability
2105 There was no company made up of such small numbers that was so noble
2107 And would gladly have a distinguished reputation
2108 been of that game participate
2109 therto for it
2110 fille befell
2112 loveth paramours is in love
2113 Were it whether it was
2114 wilnen wish
2116 were would be lusty fine
2119 Som wol ben one wishes to be haubergeoun mail-coat
2120 gipoun surcoat (n.)
2121 a peire plates a set of plate armour
2122 Pruce Prussian
2125 There is no new fashion that isn’t an old one
2127 Each one as he thought best
2133 griffoun griffin (mythical beast with the body of a lion and head of an eagle)
2134 kempe shaggy stoute menacing
2135 grete massive brawnes muscles
2137 gise custom
2138 chaar chariot
2139 boles bulls trais traces
2140 cote-armure surcoat (g.) harnais armour
2141 yelwe yellow
2142 col-blak for old coal-black with age
2143 kembd combed
2144 for blak for blackness
2145 wrethe circlet arm-greet as thick as one’s arm wighte weight
2147 diamauntz diamonds
2148 alauntz hunting dogs
2149 mo more steer bullock
2151 mosel muzzle
2152 Colered with collars turrettes rings on a dog’s collar (by which a leash can be attached) filed rounde filed into a circle
2153 route company
2154 stoute valiant
2156 Inde India
2157 steede bay bay horse trapped covered with trappings
2158 diapred of patterned weave
2160 clooth of Tars Tharsian silk (?from Turkestan)
2161 Couched ornamented
2162 brend gold pure gold n
ewe ybete freshly hammered
2163 mantelet short cloak
2164 Bret-ful crammed full
2165 yronne clustered
2167 heigh prominent citrin brownish yellow, orange
2168 sangwin ruddy
2169 fraknes freckles yspreind sprinkled
2170 somdel partly ymeind mixed
2171 his looking caste gazed around
2172 caste estimate
2173 springe grow
2174 thonderinge thundering
2175 wered wore
2176 lusty delightful
2177 deduit pleasure
2180 save except for
2182 trusteth be assured
2183 gadred assembled
2185 part side
2186 leopart leopard
2187 alle and some one and all
2189 prime 9 a.m. (g.) alight dismounted
2192 inned provided with lodging at his degree according to his rank
2193 festeth feasts dooth so gret labour makes such an effort
2194 esen entertain
2195 yet men wenen people still think
2196 amenden improve on
2198 meeste greatest
2199 array splendour
2203 moost felingly most sympathetically
2205 liggen lie
2207 th’effect the essentials thinketh me seems to me
2208 if yow leste if it pleases you
2211 it nere nat day it was not daylight
2212 tho then
2213 heigh corage solemn frame of mind
2215 Citherea Venus (see n. to Kn
2216 digne revered
2217 a paas at walking speed
2218 ther where
2219 cheere expression
2220 soor aching
2223 gladere one who gladdens or cheers Citheron Mount Cithaeron in Greece (see n. to Kn
2225 smerte painful
2226 at to
2229 biwreye reveal
2230 confus confounded
2231 But except
2233 rewe have pity soore suffering
2234 wysly surely
2235 Emforth my might to the extent of my power
2237 so provided that
2238 kepe noght do not care yelpe boast
2241 pris renown blowen proclaimed
2245–6 see n.
2247 So that so long as
2248 thogh so be though it is the case
2249 vertu power
2252 auter altar wher wherever
2253 beete kindle
2257 rekke care
2259 effect purport ende aim
2260 Yif give blisful blessed
2261 orisoun prayer
2262 anon immediately
2263 Very devoutly, with every formality
2264 Al telle I nat although I do not relate
2266 took understood
2269 wiste knew boone prayer
2271 The thridde hour inequal see n.
2274 gan hie hastened
2275 ladde led
2277 clothes hangings
2278 longen belong
2279 meeth mead gise custom
2281 Smokinge reeking with incense
2282 debonaire meek
2283 wessh washed
2285 Unless in very general terms
2287 were no charge would be no trouble
2288 been at his large to be unencumbered (by the duty of narrating it)
2289 untressed unplaited
2290 ook cerial Turkey oak
2291 meete fitting
2292 gan… beete kindled
2293 dide hir thinges performed her rites
2295 pitous cheere pitiful expression
2298 sene visible
2301 woost know
2302 As keep me fro preserve me from
2303 Attheon Actaeon (see n. to Kn 2065) aboughte paid for
2307 yet still
2308 venerye hunting
2311 compaignye of man sexual relations
2312 sith ye may since you are able
2313 tho those thre formes see n. to Kn 2297–9
2315 soore deeply
2319 That so that
2320 bisy anxious
2321 Be queint may be quenched
2323 be shapen is ordained
2324 nedes of necessity
2330 a maide as a virgin
2331 brenne burn clere brightly
2333 queinte strange
2334 queinte died
2335 quiked kindled
2336 agon extinguished
2338 brondes firebrands
2341 so soore agast so deeply afraid
2342 gan to crye cried out
2345 weep wept
2346 gan appeere appeared
2348 stint thin hevinesse put an end to your sorrow
2350 write written
2352 care sorrow
2354 dwelle remain
2356 henne hence
2357 Thin aventure what is to happen to you
2359 clateren clatter
2360 made a vanisshinge vanished
2366 th’effect the long and the short of it
2367 houre of Mars see n. to Kn
2370 payen pagan
2371 pitous devout
2373 stronge mighty
2374 yholde considered as
2377 hem fortunest control their destiny
2381 thine your servants
2382 rewe have pity on pine suffering
2383 For for the sake of thilke the same
2384 whilom brendest once burned
2385 usedest enjoyed
2388 thee… misfille it turned out badly for you
2389 laas net
2390 ligging lying
2392 smerte bitter
2393 unkonning ignorant, untutored
2395 lives living
2396 dooth me… endure causes me to suffer
2397 Ne reccheth does not care wher whether fleete float
2398 heete promises
2399 moot must place arena
2405 do bring it about
2407 soverein principal
2409 In thy plesaunce to please you craftes stronge mighty arts
2413 finde provide
2416 offensioun violation
2417 shere shears
2419 routhe pity
2421 stint having ended (n.)
2423 faste vigorously
2424 him agaste was afraid
2426 That so that gan… for to lighte illuminated
2427 up yaf yielded up
2428 haf raised
2431 hauberk mail-coat
2433 dim faint, muffled
2436 unto his in is fare went to his lodging
2437 fain glad fowel bird
2439 graunting grant
2441 armipotente mighty in battle
2442 bisy concerned stente put an end to
2444 aventures vicissitudes
2447 elde age
2448 usage experience
2449 atrenne out-run atrede outwit
2451 kinde nature
2454 My (planetary) course, which makes such a wide revolution (n.)
2455 woot knows
2456 drenching drowning wan dark
2457 cote hovel
2460 groining grumbling privee secret
2461 plein correccioun complete punishment
2462 sign of the Leoun sign of Leo (in the zodiac) (n.)
2463 ruine toppling, falling
2465 minour miner (under walls)
2466 slow killed
2468 castes plots
2469 loking (astrological) aspect
2470 doon diligence take pains
2472 hight promised
2474 Bitwixe between moot must pees peace
2475 complexioun temperament, character (as produced by the predominance of one of the four humours) (n.)
2476 divisioun dissensionr />
2477 aiel grandfather
2478 lust desire
2479 stinten cease speaking of
2482 The grete effect the main point
2484 lusty delightful
2486 justen joust
2488 by the cause because
2492 harneis armour
2494 route company
2495 palfreys saddle-horses
2496 devisinge workmanship
2497 unkouth strange, exotic
2498 goldsmithrye goldsmith’s work browding embroidering
2499 testeres head-pieces, casques trappures trappings
2500 Helmets inlaid with gold, mail-coats, surcoats (see n. to Kn 1016)
2501 parementz rich clothing coursers battle-horses
2502 of retenue in service
2503 bokelinge buckling
2504 Fitting shields with straps and fastening of thongs
2505 Theras where nothing not at all
2506 fomy frothing (at the mouth)
2507 Gnawinge champing armurers armourers
2510 thikke as they may goon as thickly crowded as they can walk
2511 nakers kettle-drums
2514 questioun discussion
2515 Divininge of speculating about
2518 balled bald thikke-herd thick-haired
2519 he… he this one… that one
2520 sparth battle-axe wighte weight
2525 Held remained in
2526 iliche equally
2527 fet brought
2528 set seated
2530 preeseth crowd thiderward in that direction
2532 heste command sentence judgement
2534 ydo finished
2538 were would be
2540 emprise enterprise
2541 shapen ensure
2543 up upon
2544 No maner shot no kind of arrow polax (short-handled) axe
2546 stoke thrust
2549 But o cours more than one charge
2550 Foine let him fence were defend
2551 at meschief defeated
2554 abide remain
2555 if so falle if it happens that chivetein leader
2556 make opposite number
2557 turneyinge tournament
2558 spede yow give you success
2560 Go now youre way proceed
2562 mury stevene glad voice
2564 wilneth desires
2566 rit (= rideth) rides
2567 By ordinaunce in due order large wide
2568 sarge serge, coarse cloth
2569 gan ride rode
2573 Of all and sundry, according to their rank