Practice to Deceive

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Practice to Deceive Page 4

by Olivia Evans

  “I just…uh, I’ve seen you around campus, and someone mentioned your name was Skylar and that you worked here.” I kept my voice low so I’d sound nervous and unsure, though I was anything but. She may have startled me in the beginning, but I had a plan.

  “Okay,” she said, her brows pulled down. “So, are you just working on your stalking skills, or did you have a reason for coming here this morning?”

  She was like a pit bull. “No,” I chuckled. “I just wanted to meet you.” I stepped closer to her, noticing how her fingers flexed, her back straightened, and her breath caught. She wasn’t as immune as she pretended to be.

  “And then what?” Her voice was even, but I’d caught her reaction. She was better at this game than most girls, but she wasn’t better than me.

  “And then I’d see if you wanted to go out, maybe grab dinner, drinks, or whatever.” I leaned in a little closer, cocking my head to the side, a smirk on my lips as I shrugged.

  “And what if I’m not interested?” she shot back with a brash smile. I widened my eyes, bringing my free hand to my chest and covering my heart.

  “Ah, we just met, and already you’re breaking my heart,” I said playfully. If nothing else, she would make this interesting. She rolled her eyes before looking toward the door.

  “Right. Well, Brennan, it was nice to meet you. It’s not every day a girl gets her very own stalker.” She nodded once before adding, “I’m sure I’ll see you around.” She waved to the girl behind the counter before walking out the door. I stood there for a second until I realized I’d been dismissed. The fuck?

  “Hey, wait up,” I called, jogging through the open door to catch up with her. I reached out, hooking my finger into the belt loop of her jeans and pulling her back. Her upper body lurched forward, coffee spilling through the hole in the lid. She turned to look at me, her expression incredulous.

  “What the hell?” She twisted her hip, jerking my arm before pulling herself from my grasp.

  “You never answered my question.”

  “You never asked one.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but I realized I actually hadn’t asked her anything. This girl was quick; I’d give her that. I’d give her something else too, but we weren’t to that part yet.

  “Come out with me,” I said. She stared at me for a second, her eyes narrowing before her face smoothed.

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

  I stared at her, trying to figure out exactly what sort of angle she was working. There was no way she just wasn’t interested. No fucking way. She started down the sidewalk again, so I jogged ahead of her then spun around, walking backward while I faced her.

  “Are you seeing someone?” I smiled when she shook her head, clearly annoyed. She didn’t really think she was going to get rid of me that easily, did she?

  “If I said yes, would you go away?”

  I pretended to think about it for a second. I reached up and ran my hand through my hair. I hadn’t cut it all summer, so it was longer than usual. A mess of brown and blond from doing chores at my parents’ house in the hot summer sun. She followed my hand with her eyes, and she parted her lips slightly. Gotcha.

  “Probably not,” I chuckled. Definitely not.

  She stopped in front of a trash can, tossing her cup inside and letting out a loud sigh. I could tell she was giving in. This was going to be a lot easier than I thought. Matt sure did know how to pick ’em. He’d been dating this girl for months; I hit on her for five minutes, and she was already considering stepping out on him. Fuck, maybe they would both get what they deserved.

  Any admiration I had for her flickered and died. Just one more girl who pretended to be something she wasn’t. I walked over to her, stepping so close our bodies were nearly touching. If she was going to make it this easy, there was no reason to take my time.

  “So?” I whispered, hooking my finger through her front belt loop this time and pulling until she stumbled forward, her chest lightly pressing against mine. I felt her shiver and looked down in time to see her fist clench. She looked up at me, blinking slowly, darting out her tongue and dragging it across her bottom lip, the movement slow and intentional.

  My muscles clenched involuntarily, my own breath catching as I watched her lip glisten and eyes darken, a slow smile pulling at her lips. Fuck, how did I miss how hot this girl was? Her nose was a bit upturned, putting her full lips on display. Her eyes were the color of amber, and a smattering of freckles dotted her face. I felt my jeans tighten, suddenly not giving a fuck who saw us. I wanted this girl’s legs over my shoulders now.

  “I think,” she breathed, her palm coming to rest on my chest. “That you’re going to have to work a little harder than you’re used to if you plan on ever getting me to go out with you.” She pressed her palm against my chest, causing me to stumble back, a playful grin on her face.

  “What?” I choked out, laughing.

  “You heard me,” she said, stepping around me, still smiling.

  “That’s not a no,” I pointed out, realizing I had to get to class. I’d spent way more time with her than I’d expected. She paused and peeked at me over her shoulder before taking off again.

  Just as she rounded the corner, she called back, “No, that’s not a no.” Fuck yeah. I grinned and smacked my hand against the brick wall. I knew she wouldn’t disappoint me; she’d just take a little more time to expose. And time, I had plenty of.

  August 12, 2015

  I ran into her again this morning. She was all fire and flirt and smart-fucking-mouthed just like before. She tried to play cool, but I saw the way she looked at me, how her eyes moved over my body. She flirted, she laughed, but she still played hard to get.

  When I saw her again later in the afternoon, she was too busy being wrapped in Matt’s arms to notice. It disgusted me to see how she could flirt with me the way she did then go to him like nothing fucking happened. Maybe those two really were meant for each other.

  It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. ~Henry David Thoreau

  September 2015

  “What are you writing?” Rachel asked, leaning over my shoulder. I slammed my journal shut and twisted sideways in my chair, kicking my legs out and crossing my ankles.

  “Now, Rachel, don’t you know it’s not polite to snoop?”

  “Well, we both know I’m not polite, so it really doesn’t matter, now does it?”

  Fuck this. I wasn’t going to sit here and get into a sparring match with her. “I’m out.” I grabbed my books off the kitchen table and stood.

  “What’s going on with you, Brennan?” She shifted, moving in front of the door.

  “Nothing is going on with me, Rachel. I’m just busy.”


  I laughed. “What do you want from me? You want to sit down, talk about my feelings, braid each other’s hair?” I reached up and tugged on the end of her ponytail, causing her to scowl and bat my hand away. “That’s what I thought.” I stepped around her and walked to my room, tossing everything on my desk.

  I checked my watch for the tenth time. I was supposed to meet Jared later, and I couldn’t wait to get the hell out of this apartment. Rachel and Drew meant well, but I felt better than I had in a while. Of course, I also knew that had to do with Skylar. Skylar, Skylar, Skylar. She was a piece of work.

  It’d been a little over a month since I’d met her. She was good; I had to give her that. She almost seemed genuine sometimes, but then I’d see her around campus with Matt, talking and laughing, touching. She still hadn’t agreed to go out with me, but when I’d stopped by on Monday for a cup of coffee, she was there. And again on Thursday.

  It was the same scene every week. I’d try to get her to agree to a date, and she’d play hard to get, but it was all a game. She wanted to say yes, because every Monday and Thursday she was there, just like the week before. Each time, her smile was a little wider, her mood a little lighter, and my opinion of her a little lower when I reme
mbered she had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who knew nothing about me.

  I grabbed my keys and hat, slipping out the front door for Jared’s place before Rachel could corner me again. We’d decided to hang out at his place for a while then hit up a couple bars near campus. I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea considering I planned on getting laid, but I’d worry about the details later. I couldn’t have anyone who’d seen me talking to Skylar say something and fuck everything up.

  “So, how’s it going with Skylar?” Jared asked as we popped the tops off our beers.

  “The same. She fucking infuriates the hell out of me, man. I don’t get it. She’s obviously interested, but she just keeps playing games.”

  “Maybe she’s just a tease,” he laughed, downing the rest of his beer.

  “Oh, no doubt. But it’s time. No more bullshit.” I chugged my beer and stood from his couch. “C’mon, man. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  We ended up at a bar a little farther from campus than we’d normally go, but I didn’t want to chance having a bunch of people from school around. We’d been there a few hours by the time the place slowly filled with people, the smells of cheap beer, cheap perfume, and cheap girls polluting the air. I’d just started talking up a girl when Jared reached over and bumped my shoulder.

  “Dude, that chick over there is watching you like a hawk.” I looked in the direction he was pointing and, fuck me, it was that damn girl from the coffee shop, the one who’d waited on me that first morning I’d come in asking about Skylar.

  “…out of here?” the girl in front of me asked. I had no idea what she was talking about, and it didn’t make a damn bit of difference anymore.

  “You need to go,” I interrupted, turning and facing the bar, cutting her off.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Look, don’t make this any more uncomfortable than it needs to be. I’m not interested.”

  “You’re an asshole,” she spat before storming off. Good riddance. She wasn’t that hot anyway. Besides, before she left tonight, she’d be all up on some other dude’s dick anyway.

  “What did you do that for? You interested in that other girl?” Jared asked, looking back at the girl who was still staring at me.

  “Fuck no, she works with Skylar. I can’t have her running her mouth about me fucking with some other girl.” No fucking way. I had not spent the last month biting my tongue every time Skylar leaned into me, brushing against my chest, or each time she reached out and touched my arm, batted her lashes, or popped off that smart mouth of hers, just to have it ruined by Skylar’s jealous coworker.

  “Well, she’s coming over here,” he said into his glass, looking away. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Time to put on my game face.

  “Hey.” She smiled, resting her hand on the back of my chair.

  “Sup.” I nodded, glancing at Jared, who was covering his mouth with his hand to hide his laugh.

  “You’re the guy who’s been hanging around the coffee shop with Skylar, right?”

  I chuckled; she knew damn well who I was. “In the flesh,” I said, tipping my beer at her.

  “I’m Laura.”

  “Brennan.” I waved to the bartender for another beer.

  “So.” Her eyes flickered between Jared and me. “Is she here with you tonight?”


  “You seeing her later?” she asked, biting her lip.

  I grinned. “What are we doing right now? Are you fishing for your friend?”

  She rolled her eyes, annoyed. “We’re not exactly what you’d call friends,” she answered, taking a sip from her drink.

  “No? You seem awfully interested to not be her friend.”

  “It’s not her that interests me so much.”

  This girl was either lying her ass off or was a complete idiot if she thought I was going to fall for this shit. “Now, Laura, what kind of guy would I be, flirting with you when I am obviously interested in your non-friend?” I shook my head in mock disappointment. She smashed her lips together.

  “Well, I hope you realize you’re not the only guy I’ve seen her with,” she sneered. My jaw tensed. I knew I wasn’t the only guy Skylar was talking to. That was the whole motherfucking point, but Laura didn’t know that. I took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. I couldn’t let on that I knew anything. I was just a nice guy interested in a nice girl. No hidden agenda.

  What a bunch of bullshit.

  “We’re not dating,” I said with an easy smile. “Although, I hope she’ll give me a chance. I really like her.” I ducked my head, pretending to be embarrassed as I brought one hand to the back of my neck, rubbing up and down a few times. I peeked up, noticing her lips had parted, her eyes round with surprise.

  “Wow,” she exhaled, pulling her hand off the back of my chair. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I am. I just hope she’ll give me the chance to prove that to her.” I knew better than to look at Jared. The entire bottom of my chair was already shaking where his foot rested as he tried to hold in his laughter. If he messed this up for me, I was going to kick his ass.

  “Well,” she sighed. “She’s a fool if she doesn’t. You know where to find me if you change your mind.” Smiling, she walked back to the other side of the bar. As soon as she walked away, I swiveled in my chair and punched Jared in the arm.

  “Ow, what the fuck?”

  “Don’t ‘what the fuck’ me, dude. Reel that shit in. If she sees you laughing, she’s going to know I’m full of shit. Then everything is fucked.”

  “Aw, man, I’m sorry. But damn, how the hell did you do that shit with a straight face? I think you missed your calling. You should have majored in acting,” he chuckled. I couldn’t help but laugh with him. That really couldn’t have played out any better if I had planned it.

  “Let’s go. I obviously can’t hook up with anyone here.” I downed the rest of my beer as Jared slid the stool back and jumped to his feet.

  “I’m hungry. Let’s grab some food then hit that bar on the other side of town.”

  I nodded. That sounded like a plan. We cashed out and headed toward the door. I looked around one last time and caught Laura watching me. I smiled shyly and gave her a small wave. She waved back before leaning over to her friends and whispering. Perfect. She noticed me leaving by myself. With any luck, she’d tell Skylar all about it.

  We stopped at a twenty-four-hour diner before catching a cab to a bar across town. It wasn’t a place I’d often run into people from school, but I still made a point to check out everyone around me just in case.

  After about an hour, two girls came over to where we were leaning against the bar. They were giggling, flirty, and half naked. They were exactly what we were looking for.

  “You here by yourself?” one of the girls asked, stepping closer to me. I smiled, relaxed and easy, as I took a small sip of beer, giving myself a chance to look her over before I spoke.

  “You go to UDub?” I asked instead.

  “No,” she answered, her brows pulled down in confusion. I tipped my beer toward her friend.

  “What about her?”

  “Nope,” she said, her confusion morphing into a smile.

  “Then, no, I’m not alone.” I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her body flush with mine. “Not anymore.” She giggled, bringing her arms around my neck and lacing her fingers together.

  “You guys want shots?” Jared asked, his hand resting on girl number two’s ass.

  I grinned. “Fuck yeah.”

  “I’m Macy,” girl number one whispered, her breath fanning across my neck and making my dick hard.

  “Well, Macy, let’s do shots,” I laughed, patting her ass. We stood around talking shit for about an hour. In that time, we’d managed to down four shots each. Everyone was completely fucking tanked.

  “Dude,” Jared slurred, a sloppy grin on his face, an equally sloppy girl on his arm.

  “I know.” It was definitely time to go.
“Let’s get out of here, Skylar,” I whispered, palming her ass.

  “Who?” she asked, pulling away from me. I looked at her in confusion. What the fuck was she talking about? “You called me Skylar. Who’s Skylar?” She sounded pissed. Holy shit. I just called this girl Skylar. Goddammit. I licked my lips and chuckled, bringing my hand up and pushing her hair back over her shoulder.

  “You misunderstood,” I murmured, skimming my lips over her shoulder. “I said Tyler. That’s Jared’s last name.” I ran my hand down her back to her waist and pulled her body flush against mine. “It would be impossible to think of another girl when I have you next to me, beautiful.” I pressed my lips to her skin and sucked lightly. She let out a small moan and gripped my forearms tightly. Check fucking mate.

  “Let’s get out of here, yeah?” I asked.


  I nodded to Jared and strolled out the door just like I’d planned, with a girl on my arm. I should have gone home instead. We hadn’t even made it out of the parking lot in the cab before I was covered in vomit and the driver was screaming at us to get the fuck out. She tried to convince me she was fine, but fuck that noise. I tossed my shirt in the trash, called two cabs and sent her and her drunk-ass friend home. The entire night had turned into one big fucking disaster.

  The next morning, I woke to the sound of Drew yelling something about a bullshit offside penalty. Christ, did he always have to be so loud? I groaned and rolled out of the bed. I smelled like tequila, cheap perfume, and vomit. I needed a hot shower—now.

  “You look like a homeless person and smell like a fucking prostitute.” Rachel wrinkled her nose as she sidestepped me in the hallway. “Thanks for not bringing her here,” she added, disappearing into the living room.

  After I showered and brushed my teeth until the bristles bent, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and stumbled into the living room, falling onto the couch.

  “Dude, you look like shit,” Drew said.

  “Thanks, Captain Obvious,” I shot back, bringing my forearm over my eyes and letting one leg fall off the couch, my bare foot resting on the floor.


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