Practice to Deceive

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Practice to Deceive Page 9

by Olivia Evans

  December 2015

  I grabbed my tray of food and walked to the booth where Jared waited for me. “You’re an idiot,” I said, falling into the seat and shoving a fry into my mouth. “You know that, right?”

  He looked at me, his mouth hanging open, almost like he expected me to say I was kidding. Yeah, not fucking likely.

  He cleared his throat. “And why exactly am I an idiot?” he asked. “Was there some sort of drawing I was unaware of, and I ended up with the short straw?”

  I shook my head. “You know what, my quota for smartasses in my life is all filled up. There is, however, room for a dumbass. I think you’ll fit nicely there.”

  He set his cup on the table and stared at me, his jaw tightening. “Are you going to tell me what I’ve done, or are you just going to continue to insult me?”

  “They’re not together,” I deadpanned. He scrunched up his face in confusion.

  “Who’s not together?”

  “Skylar. And Matt. They aren’t together.”

  “Shit, dude, really? What happened? Did they break up? Did you have anything to do with it?”

  “They have never been together. Never dated. Nothing,” I emphasized, watching as what I said registered with him.

  “B-but,” he sputtered. “How is that—we’ve seen them. Who told you that?”

  “Matt,” I answered. Jared’s jaw dropped.

  I filled him in on my conversation with Matt, leaving out what happened after with the brick wall. Explaining that shit to my family when I’d gone home had been hard enough. I’d settled on a partial truth and told them I’d had a run-in with Matt. They dropped the questioning after that.

  “Well, fuck, man, that changes shit for sure.”

  I agreed. “I have to tell her about Matt now, at least some version of the truth. If I don’t, and he brings it up, she’s going to be suspicious. I’m finally getting to where she’ll actually talk to me about shit. I don’t want to move backward now.” I sighed and ran a hand over my face; this shit was fucking complicated.

  “What are you two fucknuts talking about?” Drew asked, pulling a chair from a nearby table and dropping into it.

  “Brennan was telling me how Skylar and Matt aren’t really dating. That’s some crazy shit, right?”

  Damn it. I hadn’t said anything to Drew about what happened because I wasn’t sure what I was going to tell him.

  “What?” Drew asked.

  I glared at Jared, the side of my lip curling up in a snarl. “Yeah, it seems Jared didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about after all.”

  “So, what now? It’s over?”

  “Hell no, he’s going to keep seeing her,” Jared laughed.

  I kicked him under the table. Hard. “Would you let me answer his damn questions?”

  “Yes,” I said quickly. “I am going to keep seeing her.” Drew stared at me for a second, his brows pulled down low.


  This was it, moment of truth. My answer could completely put Drew in the clear or keep dragging him along with me. I ducked my head and brought my hand up to the back of my neck, rubbing it back and forth.

  “I like her,” I answered quietly. I chanced a glance at them, and it took everything in me not to laugh at their expressions. Jared with a fry hanging out of his mouth, and Drew, yeah, his face wasn’t so funny, and it hadn’t changed much either. He was about to call bullshit.

  “You like her,” he deadpanned.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, she’s not cheating on Matt like I thought she was, and you know how much time I’ve spent with her. Why wouldn’t I?” I pulled my hands in front of me and picked at my thumb. I knew better than to look him in the eye.

  “So, your idiotic plan for revenge against Matt is done? Just like that?” He wasn’t buying it.

  “It wasn’t idiotic,” I argued. “And am I really the only one who thinks that motherfucker deserves a little hurt?” It seemed like everything I did was met with disapproval from someone. I was so tired of that shit. Well, everyone but Jared, and right now he was more of a liability than anything else.

  “No,” Drew said slowly. “I do think he deserves a little hurt. And you did that. You beat his ass. Now you move on. Karma has a way of taking care of the rest.”

  “Maybe that’s what I’m doing,” I shot back, arching my brow in challenge.

  He wasn’t backing down. “So, what? You’re going to bring her around now? Let me meet her?”

  I wanted to yell and hit something. Tell him to mind his own business, that I was doing him a favor by letting him believe I really liked her.

  “Sure. Rachel has already met her. You might as well.” I shrugged, my leg bouncing under the table, my teeth biting the inside of my cheek.

  His eyes widened slightly, and I knew I’d convinced him. I felt a little bad about lying to him, but it was for the best.

  “Well, damn. Does this mean I might actually get my old brother back?”

  I leaned back in my chair and sucked my teeth. “I’m actually pretty fond of who I am right now,” I answered with a smirk. “Getting pussy versus being a pussy is much more fulfilling.”

  Jared laughed as Drew shook his head and stood from the table, a slight grin on his face.

  “It doesn’t have to be one or the other,” he said, reaching out and bumping his fist against mine. He nodded to Jared and left through the front door.

  I eyed Jared for a second, waiting for him to start with the damn questions. He did not disappoint.

  “Why don’t you want Drew to know? What are you going to do about Skylar? Do you think Matt will say something to her?”

  Jesus fuck. I licked my lips, trying to figure out how to answer his questions quickly so I could get the hell out of there.

  “I want Drew to have plausible deniability so Rachel doesn’t beat his ass if all this comes out. I’m going to tell Skylar a version of my run-in with Matt.” I held up my hand when he opened his mouth. “I don’t know what I’m going to say. I have to figure it out.” I stood from the table and grabbed my bag. “And no, I don’t think Matt will say anything. I think he’ll wait for me to fuck up.”

  I tossed my trash and turned back to Jared, who was also gathering his stuff. “I’ve got to go. I don’t have to tell you not to repeat any of this shit, right?”

  “C’mon, man. Yeah, I was wrong about them dating, but you know I’ve got your back. I wouldn’t fuck shit up for you like that.”

  I did know. He’d been a good friend through this entire mess—a chatty one, but still a friend.

  “Yeah, I know,” I sighed. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  I headed to my apartment. It was as good a place as any to figure out what to do about Skylar. I was relieved when she called last night and said she was staying at her dad’s one more night. It meant she wouldn’t make our regular Monday morning coffee date, but it gave me time to think about how to approach the Matt situation.

  I had to bring it up. If I didn’t, Laura would. Hell, Matt might even bring it up. Not that I thought he’d tell her the details, but enough for her to be suspicious as to why I hadn’t said anything.

  I walked through the door and went straight to my room, falling face first onto my bed. I’d slept like shit the past few nights, and it was starting to catch up with me. I tucked my pillow under my head and decided a nap sounded better than thinking about all this bullshit.

  I woke a few hours later to the sound of my phone alerting me to a text message. I flipped it over, my pulse pounding when I saw it was from Skylar.

  I’m back early. Want to hang out?

  I figured since my ability to bullshit hadn’t let me down yet, I’d be better off just winging this shit and having her come over here to talk.

  Hell yes. Come over?

  I got up and started picking up my dirty clothes when she replied back.

  Be there in 30.

  Thirty minutes. I had thirty minutes to figure out how to bring up Matt an
d not fuck things up. I went to the bathroom, stripped off my clothes, and jumped in the shower. If I screwed up and couldn’t figure out what to say, having a smooth face and a clean body could at least distract her for a while.

  I’d just stepped out of the shower when I heard a knock at the door. The fuck? Had it been thirty minutes? Either it took a lot longer to rub one out than I thought, which was highly unlikely considering I hadn’t had pussy in months, or someone was eager. I smirked and grabbed a towel before sticking my head out the bathroom door.

  “Come in!” I waited until I heard the front door open and close before ducking back into the bathroom.


  “I’ll be out in a minute. Make yourself at home,” I said as I finished drying off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked down the hall to my room, where Skylar had decided to go, instead of the living room. She was standing near my dresser, her back to me.


  She let out a yelp and spun around. “Hey.” She widened her eyes, roaming them over me. I had to admit, it was kind of fucking nice.

  “Sorry, I just jumped in the shower real quick. I didn’t realize you’d be here so fast.” I wasn’t sorry. This was why I called her over here without figuring out what to say. Things always worked out better if I didn’t try to force it.

  “Shut up. You’ve been standing in the bathroom like that since we texted, just waiting for me to get here so you could parade around like that,” she accused, waving her hand wildly in front of her.

  I held up my arms, a picture of innocence. “I swear I didn’t. This place was a pigsty. I straightened up and got sweaty and shit. I wanted to take a quick shower before you got here. Plus,” I added, stepping closer to her, “you’re the one who decided my telling you to make yourself at home meant waiting in my bedroom.” I licked my lips and crossed the room until I was standing directly in front of her.

  “Is there a reason you chose my bedroom to wait for me, Skylar?”

  She smirked and reached for the edge of the towel. The tips of her fingers ghosted over the top and dipped down. My muscles clenched, causing a gap between me and the towel. Skylar curved her fingers in between and tugged slightly.

  “Maybe I was hoping to find you exactly like this,” she whispered and pulled until our chests touched.

  “And what exactly did you plan on doing with me once you found me?” I asked, my breaths coming in short bursts. I could already feel my erection pressing against the towel. There was no way she missed that shit.

  “A little of this,” she sang and rolled up on the balls of her feet, kissing my lips. “And a little of this.” She pushed her chest completely against me, her leg slipping between mine and pressing fully against my dick. She was seriously trying to kill me.

  I slid my arm under hers and around her back, until my hand was splayed flat in the middle of her shoulders. I dipped my head and brushed my lips over hers, barely touching before pressing them firmly against hers. I snaked out my tongue and traced her bottom lip, moistening it. She parted her lips, and I let my tongue drift over the bottom row of her teeth before pushing it into her mouth and tasting her.

  I wanted to be inside her so fucking bad. The knowledge that she was single and was with me without anything or anyone in the background made it so much worse. Our teeth knocked together as she flexed the fingers holding the towel and wrapped her other hand around my back, her nails digging into my bare flesh.

  I pulled back slightly, my erection pressing into her stomach, her chest heaving against mine. “God, Skylar. Fuck. What are you doing?”

  “I missed you, Stalker. And I can’t be held responsible for my actions when you’re standing here practically naked,” she breathed, grinding against me.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. My dick was so sensitive it was painful.

  “Anyone home?” Rachel yelled from the front door as it closed behind her.

  “Goddammit,” Skylar swore, her nails digging roughly into my back, causing me to arch into her.

  “You can’t do that with Rachel here,” she scolded, pushing away from me.

  “What the fuck, Skylar? You tried to claw my skin off. I was trying to get away from your death grip,” I shot back, reaching around and running my fingers over the indented skin her nails had pierced.

  “Oh baby, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it rough.” She smirked. It wasn’t fucking funny.

  “Oh, I like it rough. I’d just prefer to be the only one who hears you scream.”

  She shot me a glare as footsteps moved closer to my door. I took two wide strides and locked it, right before Rachel twisted the handle.

  “Hey, are you in there?”

  “Yes, Rachel,” I answered. “So is Skylar.”

  I looked at Skylar, who had a brow raised, a half smile on her face. She was waiting to see what I would say.

  “We’ll be out in a minute. I just need to put some clothes on.” I smirked when Skylar’s mouth dropped open.

  “Okay,” Rachel drawled.

  Skylar marched toward the door and snatched it open before I could catch her. “Hang on, Rachel. Brennan was taking care of something before I got here. I’ll come hang out with you while he finishes.”

  I scowled and slammed the door behind her before pulling on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. My erection pressed painfully against my jeans, my boxers rubbing uncomfortably.

  I walked to the living room where Rachel and Skylar sat chatting like old friends. Rachel never had acted like this with Terri. Never took the time to talk to or relate to her. Yet, there she and Skylar sat, acting like they had been friends for years.

  “Hey.” Skylar smiled. “Rachel invited us out Thursday night. You want to go?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I answered, eyeing her warily. We still needed to talk.

  “Hey, Rachel? If you don’t mind, I’m going to steal Skylar from you for a little bit. I promise to return her soon.” I tried to keep my tone light, easy, but something felt off, not right. Skylar eyed me for a second before standing from the couch and crossing the room to where I stood.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing bad,” I answered quickly. “At least, I don’t think so.”

  “Okay,” she said, her voice uncertain. “Well, come on, I’m sure we can have an actual conversation now that you have your clothes on.”

  I laughed and led her to my bedroom, closing the door behind us. She walked over and stretched out on my bed, which, honestly, was not helping my situation in the least. I moved to my desk and pulled out the chair, falling into it. My brain was working in overdrive trying to figure out how to start this conversation.

  “I saw Laura over the holidays,” I blurted out.


  “Not like, saw her, as in we went out. I went to the coffee shop, and she was there,” I said in a rush. Why was I having such a hard time with this? I needed to calm down.

  I leaned back in my chair and let my elbows rest on the arms. “Laura was being her usual sweet self,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  Skylar stared expectantly, not interrupting with a million questions. I couldn’t help but notice how much better she handled herself than Jared.

  “She was talking to a guy. About you.”

  Skylar sat up straighter, her feet landing on the floor. She looked nervous, and if I didn’t know the deal, I’d think she was guilty of something. She really needed to work on her reactions.

  “Who?” she asked, her voice wary.


  “Fuck,” she whispered, propping her elbows on her thighs and leaning her head into her hands. She drew in a deep breath, then looked up at me. “What did she say?”

  “She introduced me to Matt, as his competition,” I explained, my tone casual.

  “She did not.”


  “Brennan, I’m not dating Matt,” she said, her voice clear, strong, adamant.

  I leaned forward. “I know.”

  “You do?” Her voice had risen a little, sounding confused and maybe a little shocked.

  Here it was, the fine line I had to walk. Where I told her enough of the truth not to contradict anything Matt might say, without telling her everything. I couldn’t make Matt out to be a dick or let on that I hated him, because she’d want to know why. I was pretty sure if she wanted answers I wasn’t willing to give, she’d go to Matt. I didn’t think he’d tell her on his own, but he wouldn’t lie to her if she asked him outright.

  “Skylar, I know Matt. He and I are part of the same fraternity…” I trailed off, letting my face fall into my hands.


  I blew out a breath and looked at her. “Yeah, we used to be friends, but we kind of went our separate ways. There’s not really a lot to tell, just two guys who didn’t really have much in common. Well, except for you, it seems,” I added with a small grin.

  “I met Matt a few days after I started working at the coffee shop. I was stressed about my dad and other stuff I was dealing with. He was nice to me, offered to show me around.” She shrugged. “We started hanging out and became friends.”

  “Why didn’t you mention him before?’

  “No reason in particular. You’re kind of an attention whore,” she joked. “I find it difficult to concentrate on anything other than you when we hang out.”

  I chuckled and moved to the bed. I sat down and pulled my knee between us so I was facing her. “Matt seemed pretty shocked. Why didn’t you ever mention me to him?”

  She rolled her eyes and mimicked my position. “See, attention whore,” she laughed. “Honestly, I know Matt feels more for me than I do for him. He’s tried to cross the line from friendship to relationship, but it’s not there. You know?”

  “Yeah, I get that. But why not tell him?”

  “I guess I didn’t want to hurt him. He never said what, but something happened to him right before we met that hurt him badly. I didn’t want to add to that.” She sounded so sympathetic. I wanted to fucking vomit. I tried to keep my expression neutral, but I could feel the tightness in my jaw, my entire body rigid.


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