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The Collectors: Revenge Becomes Her

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by Hargrove Perth



  Hargrove Perth

  The Collectors Copyright 2015 Hargrove Perth

  Kindle Edition. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No portion of this work may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without the explicit written consent of the author and the author's publisher. This work contains people who have been used in a fictionalized setting for the purpose of historical reference. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is used strictly for the embellishment of the story to lend creditable influence to the fictionalized work. The copyright laws of 1988, namely the Berne Convention Copyright Laws of 1988, and the Digital Millennium Copy Right Act of 1998, enacted by Congress protect this work from piracy and any transmission, trade, or sale through means electronic, printed, shared, or otherwise is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  Cover art Design by Dark Water Arts Designs.

  The final approval for this work was granted by the author. Published under Twilight Terror Press at Celestial Waters Publishing.

  In loving memory of Carol Lewis White…

  Your eyes laughed when you were happy, and your smile could brighten the darkest of days. I will never forget you or the friendship we shared…

  If you are a victim of domestic violence, you are not alone, and it is not your fault. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation or feel that you somehow deserve the treatment you are receiving, please seek help immediately. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  You can chat online at or call toll free at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) Advocates who are deaf are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PST) by videophone (855-812-1001), or email (

  Every person has a hobby, they say. Greg Johnson had collected various items throughout his life. Rare and exotic cars, coins from ancient shipwrecks, and artifacts from old world civilizations were only a few of the items he spent his amassed fortune on out of sheer boredom. It was not until he met James Griggs that he found out how exhilarating the art of collecting could be when it was combined with something so illicit that he himself could not believe he was involved. Nor could he believe how much pleasure he took from each time they began a new collection.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: The Players

  Chapter Two: The New Recruit

  Chapter Three: The Selection

  Chapter Four: No Longer Nameless

  Chapter Five: Deception

  Chapter Six: The Plan

  Chapter Seven: A New Beginning

  Chapter Eight: Jack

  Chapter Nine: Revenge Begins

  Chapter Ten: Letters and Photos

  Chapter Eleven: Computer Programming

  Chapter Twelve: Clues, Questions, Closure


  Chapter One

  The Players

  Greg Johnson walked through the halls of his over-priced and highly prized house as if he was a king. He was a firm believer that money could buy you happiness, and so far, in his case, it had. His home was furnished with various artifacts he had collected since his college years. There really was not any article that he considered taboo when it came to collecting. If it had value, and there was someone else in the world that would pay him a large sum of money for it, then it was worth it regardless of what the object was.

  Greg was born into a very wealthy family in New Hampshire. Money never was an object of concern for the Johnson family. Their money was old money and it had been managed well throughout the many generations it had been handed down. The Johnson family owned a large estate of nearly forty acres along with the Windhill Country Club, which was more of a hobby and a tax write-off for the family than it was a money maker.

  Greg did not know the meaning of the word no, essentially because no one ever refused him due to his family’s standing in the community. This included getting into trouble with the local authorizes - who often looked the other way where Greg was concerned. His offenses, no matter how grave, never amounted to more than a slap on the wrist and a cautionary lecture from the local Police Chief.

  If Greg wanted something badly enough, he either used his family’s wealth and influence to obtain it or he just used his money to buy it. Either way, he was bound to get what he wanted, and women were not an exception to the rule.

  Greg had the finest that money could buy as he was growing up. His father had a ‘money is no object’ attitude when it came to Greg. He rarely drove a new car for more than two years at a time and kept a long list of luscious lovelies at his disposal. He was never without a beautiful woman on his arm or close in tow, but he also never kept them around long enough for them to become attached to him.

  He had always had a voracious appetite when it came to sex, even when he was in college. It was his appetite for sexual conquests, and a chance meeting with a stranger, that would lead to the darker side of his personality emerging.

  Greg learned quickly from his dealings with rare artifacts and ancient treasures that there was a market for anything that a price could be put on, even sex. When he found out just how many people were willing to pay for his newfound profession, Greg found a new niche that paid handsomely and gave him an immense amount of satisfaction.

  Greg first began his enterprise only a few short months after meeting James Griggs. James owned a local strip club that Greg frequented, and it was not long before the two of them struck up a friendship. James could supply Greg with and endless stream of woman who were more than willing to entertain him, especially with the lavish tips he often gave them. Greg and James both had a common interest and a desire to see that interest launch into a successful business laden with sex and money.

  James Griggs had owned various strip clubs and gentlemen’s establishments all over the country, including Las Vegas and Reno. He had once owned a whorehouse outside of Vegas and had his license revoked after not compensating the women in his employment with what was considered to be a fair wage by the state of Nevada. He knew that sex sells regardless of the area he resided in and had made a fair living from peddling it from the very beginning.

  James came from an ordinary and rather average middle class family. Unlike Greg, who was an only child, James had two sisters and three brothers in his immediate family. He also had two half-brothers from his father’s first marriage who were a few years older than him. He was not the star quarterback in high school or the good-looking charmer like Greg Johnson. Griggs was a Texas farm-boy who did nothing but dream about getting out of the small town where he had been born so he could make his fame.

  James did not go to college like Greg or his friends or even attend a small community college, even though it was his mother’s greatest wish. As soon as he graduated from high school, he took a job as a bouncer at a club in one of the larger towns away from his small town upbringing. It didn’t take James long to learn that there was a great deal of money to be made on the side by arranging private meetings between the dancers and the men who frequented the club. It also was not long before James worked his way up through the ranks of the club and became the club manager. Though the money was good, James knew the real money he desired lied in the more seedy side of a club, and if he wanted to make that kind of money, he would have to branch out on his own as a club owner.

  James met Greg at the grand opening of his bar called ‘Big Jim’s Gentleman’s Club’. It was not long before the two of them realized they had two similar interests; sex and money.

  One night after a series of drinks, and perhaps a few too many shots of tequila, Greg told James about h
is idea. The two of them set out to make what was a drunken dream between two acquaintances into a reality.

  Jack Stryker had attended college with Greg and Jonathan at Bishop Martin. Jack was a relative newcomer to the group of friends and met them when he was in his junior year at college. Jack had met Jonathan first, in one of the same law classes they shared together. Jack was required to take at least one class in under-graduate law as a medical student. Jack quickly befriended Jonathan shortly after the first class. Jonathan was a quiet sort, but extremely dedicated, and Jack admired how hard Jonathan worked. Jonathan Masby had grown up with Greg and so had Bill Hyndes. Bill and Jonathan did not come from the same type of family as Greg. Their friendship had begun as a necessity so Greg could pass several courses he was failing, and Jonathan and Bill were his tutors on a frequent basis. Bill had a bit of a wild side to him that was slightly unpredictable and Greg liked that, so he kept him around. Jonathan was like Greg’s little brother, innocent and naïve, which Greg found to be somewhat amusing.

  Jonathan attended Bishop Martin College on a scholarship program. He had worked hard the whole way through high school to make perfect grades so he could one day provide his mother with a better life. Jonathan came from a single parent family, and his only hope of attending college was on a scholarship so he understood the importance of his grades long before any of his other high school mates were even considering college. Greg’s family made a large donation to the college to secure his placement, and so the two friends were able to attend the same college. Greg knew he would graduate with Jonathan’s help so he had little to worry about when they were in college. For Greg, it was a win-win situation. His best friend would be there to ensure his grades the same as Jonathan always had, and it he couldn’t rely on Jonathan he always had Bill as a second choice.

  Jonathan found it hard to maintain his grades the entire time he was in pre-law and law at Bishop Martin. Greg’s constant antics did not help the situation. Their dorm room was the host of every single frat party held on campus. Jonathan was accepted into the same frat at Greg’s request. As usual, Greg used his money and his family name to get what he wanted, which was to have Jonathan close-by in case he needed him.

  When Jonathan introduced Jack, who was in his junior year of his medical doctorate, he proved to be a valuable asset to Greg. It was easy for Jack to get Greg prescriptions for drugs through his elder medical students. Jack soon became the favorite friend of Greg’s at the fraternity for one reason, which angered Jonathan.

  Jack’s family was not extremely wealthy, but they had more money than the families of most of the students at Bishop Martin. He used his affluent stature in the community to benefit the college instead of manipulate it and that was something that Jonathan could admire. He did volunteer work on a regular basis, which Jonathan often accompanied Jack to lend a hand. Jack and his family’s money were a stark contrast to Greg’s. Jack used his wealth for the betterment of man-kind, whereas Greg used it for the benefit of himself.

  Bill Hyndes was attending college on a scholarship the same as Jonathan. He was learning computer programming, design, and software creation. Jonathan befriended Bill a few weeks into the first semester when he saw Bill and recognized him from high school where they had been more acquaintances than friends, but they still knew each other fairly well. Greg had monopolized most of Jonathan’s time in high school, so he had little time to socialize with others. Bill was wandering around with a lost look on his face when Jonathan first saw him at Bishop Martin, which reminded him of how lost Bill always looked in high school. Jonathan could remember more than one occasion when Greg had paid Bill to do his classwork for him so he could time to do whatever he wanted.

  Bill came from a middle class family the same as Jonathan and wanted nothing more than to have a better life than his parents did. He hoped to start his own software company after graduating and already had a steady business on the side, which he operated out of his parent’s garage doing webpage design and computer repair when Jonathan met him in school. Bill’s dad owned a computer repair shop and Bill did freelance work reformatting drives and loading software for some of his father’s clients after school. Greg, of course, found a use for Bill that involved hacking into several of the Professor’s computers and retrieving the answers to the end of the semester exams.

  The four of them had remained close a few years after they graduated, but eventually lost touch with each other as time moved on without them.

  Jonathan went on to work at a fairly prestigious law firm in New York, where he was working his way up to being a full partner. Bill and Jack moved to Seattle together and were roommates for several years until Jack moved to New York after finishing his doctorate in Seattle, and opened a medical practice, got married, and had kids. Bill was still working in the computer industry and had become fairly successful with several programs he had created, including an anti-virus and spyware program that Bill had been able to sell to one of the industry leaders.

  Only Jonathan and Greg had stayed in touch after college, but that did not last for long after Jonathan started at the law firm. He preferred to gain his partnership through his own hard work and not because of his association with Greg. Jonathan eventually cut his ties with Greg until he received an email from him that was unexpected.

  Greg asked Jonathan to meet him so he could introduce him to his newest collecting endeavor. Though Jonathan knew it was in his better interest to refrain from answering the email, he did anyway. It was a decision he would later live to regret.

  Chapter Two

  The New Recruit

  Jonathan Masby sat at the bar and swirled the remaining ice in his rock glass as he debated whether or not he should have another drink or if he should just cut his losses and leave. He could not remember ever having been this nervous since his old college days. Jonathan motioned to the bartender to bring him another scotch on the rocks as he awaited the arrival of his old friend. He knew he had to calm his nerves somewhat before his old college roommate arrived. It had been at least six years since he had seen Greg Johnson.

  Greg had made a name for himself procuring rare antiquities from all over the world. On occasion, Greg would put pieces of his collection up for sale at Lloyd’s of London and Christie’s in New York, where he could fetch a hefty price for his obscure collections. He had called Jonathan unexpectedly about a new collecting escapade after Jonathan responded to his email. Greg was about to embark on what he had called a collectors dream and wanted Jonathan to accompany him.

  Jonathan sat the empty rock glass on the bar as the bartender brought him his new drink. It was unusual for Greg to call him like this. Jonathan had accompanied Greg on a few of his collecting excursions during college, but it was not a regular routine, which included going on a few dives during college, and on a dig in South America, but that had been the extent of his involvement. He wondered why Greg would want him to be involved now after so many years had passed.

  Greg Johnson crept up behind Jonathan as he sat at the bar and hit him on the shoulder. Jonathan was so deep in thought; he nearly leapt off the barstool.

  “Same ole’ Jonathan. Just as jumpy as ever,” Greg said as he chuckled.

  “You always were an ass,” Jonathan replied and hugged his long lost friend. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  Jonathan motioned again to the bartender and ordered a Jack and Coke for Greg. Greg unbuttoned his suit coat as he turned around with his mixed drink in his hand and leaned against the bar to survey his surroundings.

  He carefully studied all the women in the bar as he leaned against it. Jonathan watched his friend closely. Greg had not changed at all since college. All he cared about then was getting laid, and apparently that was all he still cared about now by the way he was behaving.

  “So how has the wonderful world of Briggs, Dalton, and soon to be Masby Law Associates been treating you?” Greg asked.

  “It pays the bills Greg and that is all I care about. Though I mu
st say it obviously does not pay as well as your collecting endeavors,” Jonathan said as he flicked Greg on the shoulder as he alluded to the Armani suit his friend was wearing.

  “Yeah, collecting is good. Much better than I could have ever dreamed.”

  Greg’s eyes never left the blonde-haired woman who walked by them. His eyes followed the length of her legs as she passed him by, and he leaned forward so he could see her ass. After watching her for nearly five minutes, Greg lost interest.

  “Fake,” Greg said and smiled.


  “Her breasts, they’re fake.”

  “How can you tell?” Jonathan asked.

  “Man, you are still so naïve. Real breasts have a nice bounce to them when chicks walk; they jiggle. Fake ones just plain bounce.” Greg laughed at Jonathan as he shook his head.

  Jonathan did not respond to Greg’s comment. He knew what his friend was like. Every woman was a conquest and he was not happy unless he was balling his most recent trophy. Jonathan had envied Greg when they were in college. Greg was always screwing some super-hot co-ed and usually they were the upper Escalon of one of the top three sororities. Jonathan had only a few girlfriends while they were in college and each one of them had been long-term relationships. He just could not bring himself to treat women the way Greg did, though he envied how easy it was for Greg to attract women.

  The one thing that Jonathan had noticed was that the women were never mad at Greg afterwards. It was almost as though they were proud of being able to say they had screwed the richest and best-looking guy at Bishop Martin College.

  “So what exactly is this big secret that you are going to let me in on? Find some ancient shipwreck?” Jonathan asked.

  “Oh no, it’s so much bigger and better than some old shipwreck. First, I have to make sure you’re up for the challenge,” Greg said.


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