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Seven Wicked Nights

Page 47

by Courtney Milan

  If he’d only listened to her in the first place. Must people look upon her unmarried status as something to be pitied or remedied? Before her father had died, she had seen all too well the life of a married woman. That was something to be pitied—not her perfectly lovely life. Besides attending to Aunt Margaret’s comforts, no one ever told Eleanor what to do, how to act, or what to say. No one ever humiliated her, laid a hand on her, or made her cry.

  She was free, and she intended to stay that way.

  A quarter of an hour later, Eleanor let herself into the empty library, carefully pulling the glass door closed behind her. The cool interior felt good against her flushed cheeks, and she went straight to the nearest chair and collapsed in it. If she were very, very lucky, perhaps no one noticed her coming back to the house. She wasn’t ready to face her uncle just yet. She wanted a chance to think of what to say—


  The door banged open, startling her into sitting up straight. Uncle Robert stalked into the room, his heavy grey brows lowered over narrowed eyes. With his full grey beard and patrician nose, he was only a toga away from looking like a vengeful Zeus.

  So much for having time to gather her thoughts.

  “For God’s sake, Eleanor, have you lost your mind? What would possess you to turn down the suit of such an advantageous match?”

  Advantageous? For whom, exactly? Indignation flared to life, trumping her apprehension. Her own brows pinched as she lifted her chin. “I am sorry, Uncle, but I did make it quite clear I had no intentions of marrying Lord Kensington.”

  “And I made it abundantly clear that Kensington is a valuable political ally with whom I wish to align myself.”

  “I’m certain he is a fine politician. I am less certain, however, as to his suitability as a husband.” The very thought made her stomach ache.

  “He’s a suitable husband because of his politics,” he snapped, coming to stand directly in front of her. “This isn’t some fairytale, Eleanor. Marriage is a vehicle for strengthening bonds between allies, as you well know.”

  How could she forget? In the three months since she had come out of half-mourning, he had spoken of little else. Eleanor drew a calming breath, trying to sound rational. “I can appreciate that. However, I am not prepared to sacrifice my entire life so that Lord Kensington feels obligated to vote more favorably. The politics should stand on their own merits, should they not?”

  His nostrils flared, though the rest of him remained unnervingly still. “You have no idea of what you speak, and quite frankly, you are far too old for this sort of selfish childishness. Thank God my sister is not around to see the sort of ungrateful person you have become.”

  His words pierced her armor like a well-placed blade. He knew exactly how to flay her, leaving her breathless. “I will not believe Mama would have wanted me to suffer the same fate as she.” Her words were raspy, filled with barely leashed emotion.

  The muscles of his jaw hardened, same as his eyes. “And what fate was that? To become a respected member of society? To have children and be the mistress of a great house? To attend the most exclusive balls and dine at the Prince Regent’s own table? You should be so lucky to ‘suffer’ a fate such as hers.”

  She swallowed hard against the need to lash out. To baldly state the truth they all knew but no one ever said. Antagonizing her uncle at this point would only make things worse. Straightening her spine, she nodded. “I am sorry I have failed your expectations, Uncle. It was never my intention to disappoint you or this family.”

  He shook his head, regarding her as one might a convicted horse thief. “You’ve gone too far this time, Eleanor. Your streak of independence must be nipped in the bud. You have a duty to this family, as do I.”

  She bit her tongue, literally, and nodded. When he set his teeth like that, she knew from past experience it was best simply to agree—no matter how idiotic the statement. So long as she didn’t anger him before she left, she could stay out of sight until he cooled down, and he’d likely forget it.


  He did look particularly agitated this time.

  Linking his hands behind his back he circled her, his pace slow and deliberate. “As the head of this family, I am responsible for the wellbeing and future of each and every one of us. And it’s a good thing, since you have so clearly demonstrated you haven’t the sense God gave you.”

  Her head stilled, unable to bob in agreement to this particular statement. How dare he say such a thing to her? A dozen arguments sprang to mind, but she steadfastly clamped her mouth shut. She mustn’t fight with him. He was puffing up like a riled cat, and she didn’t want to feel the sting of drawn claws.

  “Whether you like it or not, Eleanor, it is past time for you to apply yourself to finding a husband. We should have done so the moment you were out of half-mourning. We are fast approaching the time you will be viewed as unsuitable for marriage, rendering yourself useless to this family.

  “You’ve ruined our chances with Kensington. He has already announced his intention to leave.” He made no effort to hide his resentment, pinning her with his furious gaze. “Fortunately, there are three other suitable candidates for marriage who shall be attending the party. Therefore, I have a proposal for you.”

  He turned to her, waiting for her to acknowledge the statement. He loved to do this—forcing her to bow to his will. Lifting her chin, she said, “Oh?”

  “I had thought to announce your betrothal at the welcome dinner tomorrow night, but obviously that won’t be the case. However, a betrothal announcement will be made by the end of the party. The choice is yours: Lord Henry, Lord Netherby, or Lord Shevington.”

  Anger coursed through her, turning her blood cold. He couldn’t demand such a thing—it was absurd! “Surely you can’t be serious. Please, be reasonable, Uncle.” Her tone was remarkably composed, thank goodness, despite the fury that had her digging her fingernails into her palms.

  “You dare speak of being reasonable to me? After denying Kensington’s suit?” Indignation stiffened his shoulders. “I’ll have no more of your stubbornness. You will choose a husband who will strengthen this family’s future, or I will do it for you.”

  Her lungs couldn’t seem to remember how to function. Her breath came in short, inadequate bursts, starving her of the air she so desperately needed to clear her mind. “And if I refuse?”

  He smiled for the first time since entering the room. “Then I suppose I’ll have to summon your sister home from Hollingsworth. She’s always been so delightfully biddable.”

  Eleanor’s breath left her body in a whoosh. He wouldn’t. Libby was barely seventeen—months still from her first Season! Surely he wouldn’t force her into marriage with some dry, aged member of parliament who was two or even three times her age merely to secure a favorable vote for his proposed bill.

  Surely nothing. The icy blue steel of his gaze plainly told her the truth of his warning. He was dead serious.

  Her first instinct was to lash out, to tell him exactly what he could do with his threats. But she couldn’t. To do so would only make things worse. She needed time to think, and that meant she had to have him think she would bow to him and his dreadful demand. “I see.” Her throat was tight, her words strained. She swallowed and tried again. “If you’ll excuse me, it would seem I have much to prepare for in the coming days.”

  Smug satisfaction lifted the corners of Uncle Robert’s full lips. “Excellent.”

  She couldn’t escape the room fast enough. Holding her expression neutral until she made it out of his sight, she dashed down the corridor, heading for the massive staircase that led to her bedchamber. Tears of frustration burned at the back of her eyes, but she refused to let them spill over. She would not fall to pieces at another of Uncle Robert’s demands.

  She finally made it to the entrance hall and was only steps away from escape when the front door opened. Please, please don’t let it be Kensington! She was not in the state of mind to greet anyone, but
most especially not him.

  Tolbert, uncle’s butler, stepped inside, and her shoulders wilted with relief. But of course she couldn’t be that lucky. As the servant stepped aside, the silhouette of a tall, broad-shouldered man came into view.

  She blinked. Definitely not Lord Kensington. The bright sunshine behind the man hid his face, but she could make out close-cropped hair and an exceedingly fine figure. His upper body, encased in a tightly fitting jacket, narrowed from those wide shoulders down to a lean waist.

  For half a second, her distress eased as curiosity flared. Who was this ma—

  Oh Lord. It couldn’t be.

  “Well, well, look who’s come to greet this weary soldier. Your dedication truly warms the heart, coz.”

  “Nicolas?” She gasped. He looked so different—if it weren’t for the insolence of his tone, she wouldn’t have recognized him at all.

  He had always been such a scrawny boy, and had never really changed much as an adolescent, save for his growing taller. He’d only been gone two years. Was it possible to double one’s weight in that amount of time? His arms, once thin and lanky, were now padded with muscle, visible even through the fabric of his crimson coat, while his ivory breeches did little to hide his long and powerful legs.

  She gave her head a little shake. None of that mattered, for heaven’s sake. This was Nick, and as was his talent, he had shown up at the worst possible time. “What are you doing here?”

  He set his satchel on the tiled floor and handed over his gloves and hat before offering a careless little grin. “I knew how much you must miss me, so when I had the opportunity to come home three weeks early, I jumped at the chance. Oh, I know Mama will be thrilled, but I’m sure that’s nothing compared to the delight wending its way through your pitter-pattering little heart at the very sight of me.”

  “That’s dread, Nick. I know they start with the same letter, but I’m certain you can tell the difference if you apply yourself.”

  “No, no—your face says it all. You’re beside yourself with joy.” He stepped toward her, spreading his arms wide. “Come now, give us a kiss.” He puckered his lips like a particularly surprised fish and leaned toward her. It was the same annoying greeting he always gave her, loving as he did to remind her of their first meeting. Having this small bit of normalcy after such a terrible day was oddly comforting.

  Rolling her eyes, she put a hand against his chest, blocking his advance. Good heavens, was he hiding a metal breastplate beneath his shirt? She gritted her teeth and blew out a breath. Surely she only noticed these things about him because she was so frazzled from her encounter with her uncle. “I am not in the mood, Nicolas.”

  He angled his head, his gaze far too observant for her peace of mind. “Shall we proceed directly to the joyful weeping, then? I do believe your eyes are dewy already. Yes, I know, two years is simply too long to do without my company.”

  Eleanor stiffened under his scrutiny. Yes, her eyes were a little teary, but it had absolutely nothing to do with him. She yanked her hand away and backed up a few steps. “I’m very happy you are alive, intact, and returned to the bosom of your family. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Before she could flee up the stairs, he reached out and snagged her arm. “Elle, is everything…all right?” His ever-present grin slipped and for the first time, she could see him for the officer he was.

  Blast it, now the tears were threatening all over again. This was Nick; he hadn’t a compassionate bone in his body. They teased, mocked, and riled each other, but they didn’t do…this, whatever this was. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and nodded briskly. “Yes, of course. I’ll see you at supper, I’m sure.”

  He didn’t try to stop her when she pulled away, and she dashed up the stairs, not daring to look back. With the mess Uncle Robert had just dumped in her lap, dealing with her annoying cousin was the last thing she needed to worry about.

  No matter what strange feelings the sight of him had roused.

  Chapter Two

  FISTING HIS HAND AT HIS SIDE, Nick watched as Eleanor fled up the stairs, clutching handfuls of her skirts as she rushed to escape him. His heart pounded like a battle drum despite the brevity of the encounter.

  He’d waited so long to see her, and even in her plain white gown and simple coiled braid holding her straight dark hair in check, she still looked better than he remembered.

  And he remembered her looking pretty damn good.

  He took a long, deep breath. Not exactly the best homecoming in the world. He had always been a burr beneath her saddle, but she’d been particularly agitated, especially considering how long he’d been gone. Something was definitely bothering her, and for once, it wasn’t him.

  Yes, they rarely shared a civil word, but it was never with any real heat. It was a challenge of sorts to see who could trump the other’s barbs most effectively. He learned early on it was the most effective way to engage her, and over the years it had become the norm.

  Her scent still lingered in the air, a delicate mix of lavender and honey, the same blend that haunted his dreams. He certainly couldn’t do anything now, but perhaps he could wheedle the problem out of her at dinner. Besides, it was a long ride here, and he very much needed a change of clothes and a hearty drink.

  He had made the trip from London in record time, pushing Caesar, and later a rented mount, much harder than he should have, but unable to force himself to pull back on the reins. It had been too long, and he had seen too much, to want to delay his homecoming even another minute.

  Footsteps in the corridor leading to the west wing jarred him from his woolgathering, and he unfurled his hand and straightened his spine. His stepfather emerged, his gaze already assessing as he approached.

  Exactly the person Nick didn’t wish to see.

  “Malcolm,” he said in neutral greeting, offering a slight nod. “I hope you are well.” Or not. Either would be fine with him.

  “More or less. You’re early.” It was more accusation than observation.

  “Indeed. My plans changed, so I thought I would surprise my mother with my illustrious presence.” He heartily wished she was here now, but Tolbert had informed him Mother was visiting the village for the rest of the afternoon.

  “Yes, well, try to make yourself presentable before she returns. You could pass for a highwayman in those filthy clothes.”

  Because no one else on earth would possibly gather a speck of dust on them after a pounding eight-hour journey. “Didn’t you know? That’s the fashion these days.” He grinned simply because he knew it would irk his stepfather.

  And it did.

  The earl set his jaw, narrowing his eyes for a brief moment. “And here I thought the military would be able to make a man of you.”

  He always had gone straight for the throat. Good thing Nick had a lifetime of acclimation to such comments. “Well, if you couldn’t, what hope did the army have?”

  Malcolm’s gaze would have frozen lava. “Clearly none. Some people are beyond hope.” Without another word, he strode from the room and out the front door.

  Evidently nothing had changed.

  Relaxing the tense muscles of his shoulders, Nick shook his head. It was ironic, really. During the past few years, Nick had had the meaning of respect drilled into him. As a commissioned officer, he’d been taught to earn the respect of his men, as well as possess a healthy dose of it for his own superiors. But apparently, he still had a blind spot when it came to his stepfather, who incidentally had paid for Nick’s commission. Not that he felt bad about it, since clearly the feeling was mutual.

  The lofty Earl of Malcolm had never quite forgiven Nick for being part of the package that was his mother. Raising—no matter how loosely such a word could be applied to their situation—another man’s orphan wasn’t quite what he had in mind when Nick’s mother had ensnared the earl all those years ago.

  The purposeful clearing of a throat had him looking over to Tolbert. He’d completely forgotten the ma
n was even there. “Yes?”

  “Shall I have your room readied, sir?”

  There was no missing the censure in old Tolbert’s tone. Fantastic—Nick’s arrival had upset yet another member of the household. The butler hated surprises just about as much as he hated laughter, gossip, and puppies. All of which led to the disruption of his schedule, which was worse than any cardinal sin.

  Nick nodded, infusing a healthy dose of humility into his expression. “Please, though if it is too much to ask, I am quite adept at making do. I’ve even slept on God’s own dirt a time or two in the not so distant past.”

  Such a thing would seem the worst possible fate to Tolbert, but in truth, those nights hadn’t bothered Nick. When surrounded by people who respected him, even the worst conditions were preferable to this house and its self-important master…except for when Eleanor was in residence, of course.

  The butler’s stiff brow relaxed slightly. “I’m certain we can find something more comfortable than that, sir.”

  Well, well—was that a bit of dry humor he heard? “So glad to hear it.”

  “And may I be so bold as to say, welcome home, sir.”

  His first genuine greeting. Nick smiled and nodded his acceptance. After a distressed cousin and a contentious stepfather, he’d happily take a kind butler right about then. With a sigh, he retrieved his satchel and trudged up the stairs to the rooms he’d so infrequently used these past five or so years.

  So far his homecoming was going bloody brilliantly.


  Step two: Purchase a cottage beside the sea.

  Step three: Tell uncle to go to the devil.

  A perfectly reasonable plan, as far as Eleanor was concerned. There was only one problem: she was fairly certain no undiscovered treasure troves languished on the estate’s grounds.

  It just seemed so hopeless. She had been unable to come up with any real plan in the two hours since her uncle laid down his ultimatum. It was incredibly frustrating to know he held all the cards. As he well knew, Eleanor would do anything to protect her sweet sister.


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