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Liam's Best

Page 20

by Grace Kagni

  “Both of you lost everything in one night and it doesn’t matter how you picked up the pieces. The fact is that you did and are here now, helping others who have been less fortunate or who didn’t have the courage to stand up on their own.” Liam took Milania’s hand and brought it to his lips.

  “I agree with Liam. It’s not about how you got here but that you’re here now, ready to help others,” Dalton said, looking into Rachael’s eyes.

  They stayed a little while longer, finishing their cocktails until it was time for them to go to the restaurant. The walk to the restaurant was pleasant in the evening air and surprisingly they were stopped several times by people asking about the Foundation. Word had spread quickly that they were there and the people wanted to know more about it. Milania and Rachael talked to them, explaining they would address the town the next morning and after a few attempts to be on their way, they finally managed to get to the restaurant.

  The restaurant was packed with people from neighboring towns and the entire time they were there, people passed by their table to find out more about the Foundation to pass it on to friends and family who needed help. People didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to receive whatever information about available funding. The men sat back, watching as the ladies spoke patiently with the people. Many knew both Milania and Rachael so it was also a way to embrace the fact that they had survived the flood.

  As soon as their dinner ended, they walked back to the hotel, ready to discuss the meeting planned for the next day. They’d received tremendous feedback from the people and it showed the town was eager to get back on its feet. The only thing holding it back was the lack of funding.

  They met in Liam and Milania’s suite because it was the largest and it had a table to sit around. The moment they sat down, Milania took a deep breath feeling the energy from the events of the day.

  “It was amazing to see how many people knew about the Foundation. Word is spreading even before we do anything so it’s positive energy pushing us forward,” Liam said.

  “I was a little afraid we would be side washed by some bureaucratic paperwork but I’m happy to see it is easier than I thought,” Dalton commented.

  “Wait – we haven’t started yet and the paperwork we’ll need to do on the Italian side will slow us down incredibly,” Rachael said.

  “What do you mean?” Dalton asked.

  “I mean that the Italian government won’t just let us slide in and take over. There are Italian laws and regulations that we need to abide by in order to make it work,” Rachael continued.

  “Of course. We have laws and regulations in the US too and I’m sure once we plant our feet firmly on the ground, the Foundation will be up and running here in Italy in no time,” Dalton said.

  “Listen, I know my chickens and be prepared to find a lot of red tape before we get things moving,” Rachael insisted.

  “You know your chickens?” Dalton smirked.

  “It’s an Italian colloquial way of saying I know how things work,” Milania said.

  “Okay, now let’s not step too far from our objective here. This is why we’re all sitting around the table. Milania and Rachael know how to get around the Italian side of the operation whereas Dalton and I know the American and international side from the funding perspective,” Liam settled the matter.

  “In order to operate in Italy, no matter if you provide funding from another country, the accounts must be kept under the Italian system with a VAT registered number. Italy doesn’t allow the deduction of many expenses on the company books so we will need to run as much of the operation from the US side as we can. You don’t need to worry about that because I can deal with it. I’ll give you a weekly report to keep everyone up to date with what is going on,” Rachael explained.

  “I have already made a draft brochure with the pictures we’ve taken since we arrived,” Milania said, pulling it up on her laptop. “It still needs adjusting but this is what I’d like to present.”

  They all looked at the laptop and saw exactly how they felt about Vernazza. There was sunshine, fresh air, sea and hills in the background. It captioned activities that could be held in different locations such as the yoga on the hill overlooking the sea for stress therapy, hiking trails leading from the town to the sea, private beach locations offering a couple snorkeling and guided tours of the seabed. It was amazing and the colors on the brochure popped out, attracting everyone’s attention.

  “Baby Doll, these are fantastic shots. You took these when we went for our walk?” Liam asked, reaching over to kiss Milania on the lips. “I would be hooked by it and would be looking for a telephone number to book my trip. So maybe we should offer people the whole package - trip, accommodations, activities, leisure, restaurants, etc. How many people want all inclusive when they travel? I know I would.”

  “I think you’re on to something,” Dalton said.

  “Yes, we could offer a one time experience on the hills of Vernazza while enjoying the sun, beach and activities offered by the Foundation,” Milania smiled. “I like it.”

  “How long will it take you to make changes to this before we can print?” Liam asked Milania.

  “I can work on it tonight and ask the hotel to print out some color copies for me tomorrow morning. I could send it to our IT group back home and have them web-post it before the meeting.” She looked at her watch to figure out the time difference. The nine-hour time difference worked in their favor, giving them some extra time to get it on the website before their meeting.

  “Okay, Milania, why don’t you get to work on it while we get us a bottle of wine. I think we’ll be working late tonight,” Liam said, picking up the phone to call room service.

  They worked until nearly two in the morning, sending the brochure to the US in time to place it on the Foundation’s new website. Then they said good night, and Dalton and Rachael went to their own rooms.

  “I’m really proud of you, Baby Doll,” Liam said, taking her into his arms.

  “I feel like I’m doing something important again and it feels really good.”

  “What you’re doing will change millions of people’s lives when the Foundation really starts receiving requests from all around the world and you’ve made it happen.” He leaned down to kiss her nose.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.” She looked into his beautiful blue eyes and felt the depths of his eyes caressing her.

  “I’ve only brought in the funding. It’s your baby that we’re cradling right now.”

  She liked the ring around it – her baby. It felt she had started something special that would in turn change her life, as would giving birth.

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bed where they made love before dozing off in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, as they went off to their meeting, they knew it would be the beginning of something great. They walked into the town auditorium, which was still standing, and were overcome by how many people showed up to the town hall meeting.

  “Look at this,” Dalton whispered to Liam as they walked in after Milania and Rachael.

  People stopped them to shake their hand and the moment they were flooded by hands wanting to touch them, Liam and Dalton made way for the women to move to the front of the auditorium. The mayor shook their hands and asked them to sit down. The owner of the hotel was also there for his support and he sat down beside the mayor.

  Attention was requested and everyone was asked to take a seat quietly to start the meeting. The moment the mayor introduced them by name, a round of applause started before they stood to present their Foundation.

  Milania went to the microphone and started to talk. She explained how many already knew her and her friend Rachael Moore as town’s people but she stressed the fact that they were there by the good will of her husband, Liam, and the Miller family. Another round of applause broke the presentation and when everyone finally quieted down, Milania introduce
d Rachael who would explain the financial aspects of the Foundation. Rachael walked over to Milania and took the microphone from her to talk about what the Foundation offered and how businesses and individuals needed to request for financial aid. After the details were given, they gave the floor to the audience to have a round of questions and answers. The two women knew exactly how to answer each question and explain what needed to be done.

  Liam and Dalton stood to the side watching as the two women stood at the front addressing the crowd of eager people.

  “They’re incredible, aren’t they?” Liam turned to his brother.

  Dalton grinned and looked back at Liam. “I’ve never seen women this determined in life. It’s breath taking to watch.”

  Liam smiled. He knew his brother was quickly falling for the beautiful auburn Italian woman with dark eyes that could burn through a person. It wouldn’t be long before his brother took a step toward his future. He could see it in his eyes as he watched the woman he was slowly falling in love with.

  The women then asked the men to hand out the forms to those wanting to request financial assistance from the Foundation. On the form was the necessary information to put them on the list based on a number of requirements. The forms could be submitted to the Foundation electronically by email, filled out online on the website, or dropped off at the hotel for those who didn’t have access to a computer. The hotel owner had arranged a box in the lobby for people to pass by and drop it in without any questions. It was important that their contact information was on the form so the Foundation knew where to contact them when the time came.

  People shook Liam and Dalton’s hands regardless of the fact that they didn’t speak a word of Italian. They lined up to thank them before leaving the auditorium and once everyone had finally left, they turned to look at the two women still discussing things at the front with the mayor.

  They didn’t want to rush them so they took a seat, waiting for them to finish their discussion with the mayor. Liam pulled out his phone to check for emails and Dalton did the same.

  When Milania finally looked up, her face was bright with enthusiasm, which justified every step they’d taken. Rachael’s expression mirrored Milania’s as they shook the mayor’s hand before he left.

  “I think they’re done now.” Liam knocked Dalton’s elbow to get his attention while he was reading his emails on his phone. They got up and waited as the women walked to them to leave.

  “I can’t believe what a success this meeting turned out to be. I didn’t expect such a great turnout so we’ll really have our work cut out for us.” Milania took Liam’s hand as they walked toward the door.

  “There was a feeling in the room of hope and it feels great to be part of it.” Dalton looked over at Rachael as she yawned. “You look like you need a nap.”

  “Nap? There’s no time to nap. We have a lot of work ahead.” She smiled as they walked out into the warmth of the midday sun.

  “We’ve done it – we’ll actually made a difference in people’s lives. It feels great to do something this grand.” Milania turned to look at Liam and found him grinning. “Well, it is for me. I felt so helpless and now that we have the power to change people’s lives, it is a tremendous feeling.”

  “Yes, I agree and it is only the beginning.” Liam pulled her in to kiss her sweetly on the mouth. He was so proud when he saw her standing there addressing all the people. He’d never seen her like that before and it was a turn on to see her with so much adrenaline and passion.

  “Okay, so tomorrow we go back to the US to get things moving from there. Will you two be able to deal with things on this side? Dalton, are you sure you don’t need more assistance seeing you already have your hands full with the Miller Corporation?” Liam turned to look at everyone.

  “No worries – I have a team of people working back home on what I don’t need to deal with until my assistance is needed here. The time difference works in my favor because I’m able to handle both sides of the coin.” Dalton looked calm when he told everyone which meant he wasn’t worried in the slightest about the extra work. There was no question he had more work but it was how he was dealing with it that the others worried about.

  “Okay, we’ll leave it to you then. Just let us know if you need any help. We’re heading back to Rome now to fly out tomorrow morning.” Liam looked at Milania for her agreement.

  “Yes, I just need a few minutes to get my things and make sure I haven’t left anything behind before we leave.” She looked between Liam and Dalton a moment. “How are we getting back to Rome? We came with Dalton’s rental?”

  “I’ve hired a car and driver to take us back. We didn’t get much sleep last night so I don’t think we should be doing any of the driving today,” Liam explained.

  “Good choice,” Dalton agreed.

  When they returned to the hotel, numerous people who needed help understanding what to do with the form, greeted Milania and Rachael. Rachael took them to an office generously given by the hotel owner to help the people. Dalton stayed with Rachael in the event she needed any help but Rachael did all of the talking.

  Liam and Milania went upstairs to get their things and when they returned to the lobby, the driver was waiting to put their bags in the car. They said a quick goodbye to Dalton and Rachael, who were submersed by people’s questions, and then got into the car.

  The drive back to Rome was quiet as Milania fell asleep, resting her head against the window, while Liam worked on his laptop. He had some urgent calls he needed to make but they could wait until they reached James and Serena’s place where they would be staying the night.

  Occasionally, Milania would wake up but then fall back to sleep from pure exhaustion. She’s been running on adrenaline for a while and now that she was sitting, the exhaustion hit her hard.

  They arrived in Rome before dinner and Liam was grateful to be able to stretch his legs the moment the car pulled up to the house. They got out as James came out to help them with their bags.

  “Hey, I need to make a few urgent calls. Can I use your study?” Liam asked, turning to James.

  “Yeah, no problem. I’ll help with dinner while you make your calls,” James said, taking the bag from Milania. “How’d the meeting go?”

  “It was unbelievable. We’ll tell you all about it at dinner,” Liam said. Then he turned to Milania. “Baby Doll, I really need to make these calls. I’ll try to be quick.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll help with dinner and tell James and Serena about our trip to Vernazza,” she said, kissing him on the lips before he ran into the house.

  “You must be tired,” James said.

  “Actually, I feel great. I slept the entire drive. Liam on the other hand is a different story. He’s been working since we left Vernazza,” Milania said, knowing he’s not going to slow down.

  The minute they walked into the house, Serena hugged Milania and wanted to know all about their meeting. They followed James up the steps to the second floor and as he placed the bags in their room, the ladies sat on the bed talking in Italian about Vernazza. James tried to follow the conversation but they talked too fast for him to keep up so he decided to go back downstairs to light the barbecue. It would take the charcoal a little while to reach the right temperature to cook the meat so he dealt with that while Liam was on the phone and the ladies talked.

  Liam made the phone call as soon as he saw he was alone in the study. He didn’t want to say anything in front of Milania but as soon as he had a chance, he sent James a text to tell him to meet him in his study.

  James was placing charcoal on the barbecue when he saw Liam’s text. He wondered what it was about so knowing the ladies were still upstairs chatting, he went to his study to find out. The moment he walked in, he realized it was serious. Liam’s face was pale as he leaned on the desk. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I need your support on something important.” Liam rubbed his hand over his face.

  “Of course. What’s going on?”r />
  “I received a text message on my phone that said if we don’t stop the operation in Vernazza, Milania will die.”

  “What? Who sent it to you?” James said. “Can I see it?”

  “I don’t know who sent it but I have a terrible feeling about this,” Liam said, showing James his phone. It was in English and it was poorly written but it got the point across. It was typed up in capital letters: STOP WORK VERNAZZA OR WIF DIE.

  “Okay. Let’s stay calm. There’s a telephone number so if we find out whom it belongs to, we’ll know who sent it. Let me call my brother-in-law, Marco, to get his advice. He’ll know what to do.” James pulled out his phone and called him right away.

  Marco responded on the third ring and after a brief explanation of what was happening, Marco told them he was on his way to meet them. In the meantime, he would call an investigator he knew who could help find out who was behind it.

  When James hung up, Liam wasn’t any calmer than before and he wanted to get Milania back in the US where he knew she would be safer.

  “Liam, from this moment on, don’t leave her on her own. Make sure there is always someone with her no matter what she is doing or where she is. It may be a good idea when you go back home to contact the police to figure out a way to protect her. I’m sure we could hire someone to work undercover as her assistant.” James placed his hand on his brother’s shoulder to calm him down.

  “That won’t work. I just hired someone to be her assistant so I don’t have a reason to change anything at this time. Maybe someone could work in another capacity while still being close enough to protect her.” Liam’s mind was racing to figure out a way to protect her at all times.

  “Let’s think about it a few minutes. She has an assistant but what about an intern that needs to learn from the assistant? It could give the undercover cop the possibility to be near Milania at all times if she needs to learn from the assistant,” James thought out loud. “You know, it may just work.”


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