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Summer Pleasures - The Capture

Page 2

by Anya Bast

  Hap’s eyes narrowed. “You’re going to pay for what you did, whore, right here and now by easing my cock within you,” he growled at her. “We can both take her, my lord,” he said to Rue. “Then we can kill her...slow.”

  Rue smiled coldly. “I don’t share.”

  Hap stared at Rue, a snarl trickling from his fat lips. He hefted his sword and Rue took the man’s invitation. They engaged.

  Lilane stepped out of the way, shocked by Rue’s action. With several fast and well-placed blows, he defeated Hap.

  Rue turned to her. His shoulders were hunched like a wolf’s raised hackles and his face was bathed by the shadows. “You’re mine and no one else’s,” he stated.

  Lilane whirled and ran, her feet pounding against the earth in a desperate attempt to make it to her mount. Goddess, why hadn’t she fled when she’d had the chance? Like an idiot, she’d just stood there in awe of his fighting ability.

  Strong arms came around her waist from behind, toppling her to the ground. She kicked, bit and screamed at him. He merely covered her body tolerantly. She felt tiny and fragile pinned down by him. Hot blood from the gash she’d made on his stomach soaked through her shirt at the small of her back. With infinite patience, he let her rail against him until she realized she merely tired herself out. She went still, breathing heavy. A strand of hair blew in and out of her mouth.

  He pried the sword from her fingers and eased his weight up. “Take it easy now. I’m not going to hurt you. That’s more than you could say.”

  He flipped her. She brought her fisted hands up to strike at his tender throat and eyes, but he had her wrists in a flash and pressed them to the ground on either side of her head.

  With a gasp she realized the hard length of his cock pressed up against her pubic bone where he straddled her…hard being the most alarming realization. “Wha…what are you going to do with me, Lord Rue?” she choked out.

  He leaned down and nuzzled her throat. A thrill went through her at the feel of his hot breath on her skin and his full lips brushing against her. What was wrong with her? Was she some twisted woman to enjoy a man’s mastery over her? And at the hands of a Sudhraian male no less?

  “Anything I want, my lady,” he murmured. “You stalked me, intended to kill me. Indeed, you made every effort to do so. By all rights I could kill you now, but I will not. Therefore, your life is mine. You’re my prisoner, to do with as I see fit. My possession.”

  She shivered and it had little to do with fear. Blood of the Goddess! What was wrong with her? She blinked against the wetness that suddenly filled her eyes as she tried to deal with the slickness coating her sex. “Will you take me unwilling?”

  He nibbled at her earlobe, and then trailed his tongue down over her skin to nip in a proprietary way at the place where her shoulder and throat met.

  “I have a heightened sense of smell, my lady, far better than most,” he murmured against her skin. “I can smell that you’re not unwilling. You can’t tell me if I pulled those trews down now you wouldn’t be hot and wet. If I slid my cock into your undoubtedly pretty little pussy, you wouldn’t welcome me? I could even make your mind willing, as well as your body, if you gave me a little time to…convince you.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to deny it and failing.

  “But no, of course I would not take you while you were unwilling,” he said, releasing her wrists. “When I take you, it will because you begged for it.” He stood and fished something from the back pocket of his trews.

  Her eyes widened as she glimpsed a pair of wrist shackles. The sight of them stole the indignant response that had been burbling up from her throat. She hadn’t thought her hunted was a slaver, but perhaps she’d been wrong. “Who are you? Why do you have those?”

  He knelt, grabbed both her wrists and held them easily with one hand while he snapped the shackles in place. “That’s far too many questions for a captive, don’t you think? In any case, as to the question of who I am—you should’ve sought the answer to that before you stalked and tried to kill me.”

  He stood and helped her up. She shot him a look of scorn. “I’ll find a way to escape, you know.”

  His gorgeous mouth parted in a slow, easy smile. He smoothed a strand of hair away from her face. “Well, then maybe I’ll find a way to entertain you while you’re in my care. Maybe you won’t want to escape then, hmmm? You smell ripe for the plucking. Maybe I should take a taste and find out for sure.”

  His mouth came down over hers and took her breath. His lips skimmed hers, touching, tasting. Then he parted her lips with his tongue and slid inside, branding the inside of her mouth with skillful swipes. Lilane stiffened and then melted as his tongue wove magic within her mouth. He kissed her hard, possessively, and it sent a thrill of lust straight down her spine to her already aroused pussy.

  He pulled away, his light blue eyes surprisingly dark, desire gleaming in their depths. “Ready to be consumed whole. You’re mine now, my lady. Make yourself ready to pay for your transgressions.”

  Chapter Two

  Thick cloud cover masked the moon by the time Rue finally got the woman to his campsite just beyond the Nordanese-Sudhraian border. It was one of many stopovers he had. A roof made of tree branches sheltered this one. He kept a cottage nearby, but it was just far enough away that it would be dangerous to risk traveling to this eve. Sudhraian soldiers prowled the forests this night. The air was heavy with the scent of rain and this shelter would keep them dry.

  He halted his horse and lifted his captive down. He’d tied a rope to her manacles so she couldn’t go far if she slipped off the back of his horse.

  He dismounted carefully. Sweet God, he’d been hard since the first time he’d looked into her green eyes, smelled the luscious scent of her arousal. Having her succulent body against him on the horse—every movement had brushed her sweet ass against his shaft—had been pure torture. He wasn’t sure why this woman of all women aroused him like he was some youth without control, but she did. His cock ached to sink into her, piston in and out of her tight, wet heat until she came apart in climax beneath him.

  Was there such a thing as lust at first sight? Rue didn’t know for certain, but he did know that the woman also felt whatever strange, sexual spell had woven between them. She fought her impulses, but they were definitely there.

  Though what he’d seen in her eyes had given him pause. He needed to be sure about that.

  He had to remember that even though he wanted her badly, the wench had stalked him, followed him, and plotted his death. The pain of the shallow gash on his stomach was proof enough of that.

  Was that why he wanted her body writhing under his? Did he wish to dominate her somehow, put her in her place? No, it went beyond that. He stifled a groan. No matter the reason behind his desire, the best place for her was pressed against him, naked and at his mercy, her legs spread as wide as they could go.

  He led both the horses and the woman over to the tree line. He tied the horses to a tree, leaving them enough rope to pull up grass, and unhooked the saddlebag that held his provisions.

  He glanced at her as he led her to his burned out campfire. “What’s your name?”


  Rue set his bag down near the small fire pit and led her to a large tree. “Tell me your name, woman.” He picked up the length of her makeshift leash and tied it to a high tree limb so that her arms were extended straight up.

  “You’re not going to leave me here like this all night, I hope,” she snapped.

  He smiled at her. “You’re not in a position to dictate how I treat you.”

  “At least be humane!”

  He looked her up and down. The position she was in stretched her trews over the gentle flare of her hips and accentuated the luscious line of her ass. Her shirt, with all its little buttons running down the front, was pulled tight across her small breasts. He could see the outline of them as they thrust outward, and saw clearly how hard her dark pink nipples were, such
a telling sign on this heated summer night.

  Though he didn’t need any other indicators of her body’s state of need, he smelled her sweet perfume wafting on the air. She was wet for him. He’d bet anything. He’d love to taste her and find out how much wetter she could get.

  He closed the distance between them and slid a hand around her waist. Her breasts brushed against his chest and he made sure he rubbed her nipples just the right way through her shirt. God, his fingers ached to undo those buttons one-by-one-by-one.

  He dipped his head to her ear and whispered, “I can be very, very humane. Would like to see a demonstration?”

  She shivered and he absorbed it with pleasure. “Stay away from me,” she warned.

  He tapped his nose. “Again, your sex betrays your tongue. You don’t want me to stay away.” He laid a gentle kiss on her collarbone. “Now what’s your name?”

  “I won’t tell you my name until you’ve answered my questions.”

  He sighed. “Fair enough.”

  “You are a Sudhraian, correct?”


  “Are you spying on my country for yours? I saw you at Lord Marken’s Lorddom. Then you left and traveled south into Sudhra, then back into Nordan and now you’re headed to Sudhra again.”

  “No, Lilane. You’ve presumed wrong. Though at first glance, your reasoning would appear solid. I am Sudhraian, yes. I was raised in that culture. But I am an Aviat, first and a Sudhraian second. Do you understand? Do you know what an Aviat is?”

  She nodded slowly. “I think so. I saw you…your…uh…wings back at the lorddom.”

  “Lord Marken and I have an arrangement. If I help him complete a certain…project, he will provide my people with a safe place to live. He says he will do this regardless of my aid, but I intend to hold it as leverage against him, insurance, you could say. So, I’m working for the Nordanese now, not the Sudhraians. You were plotting to kill someone on your side, love, someone whose mission might just mean the failure or the success of the Nordanese in this war.”

  Her eyes glittered wildly. “Why should I believe what you tell me?”

  He shrugged. “You’re the one who asked. I merely answered. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t make it any less true.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What is the mission?”

  He laughed. “Don’t push your luck.” He fingered her manacles. “You’re not in a position to. Now what’s your name?”

  She sighed almost in defeat. “Lilane. My name is Lilane.”

  “Lilane.” He tested the name out on his tongue and found it tasted just right. “Lilane,” he breathed against the skin of her throat. She shivered again. “You should know by now I’m not a Sudhraian slaver, Lilane, and I won’t sell you to one, or rape you. You’ve got my promises on those two counts.”

  Her body relaxed against him. “Thank you,” she breathed.

  His hand found the waistband of her trews and she stiffened again. “But I want you. Make no mistake. I will have you. If you say no, I’ll stop instantly, but until you do….” He slipped a hand beneath her shirt and rubbed a hard, pink nipple back and forth with the calloused pad of his thumb. She gasped.

  “Does that feel good, Lilane?” he purred into her ear. “Are you going to let me play with your body? Remember, you can say no.” He held his breath, hoping she wouldn’t.

  She only whimpered in response.

  He palmed her breast, holding its slight weight in his hand and flicking the nipple back and forth teasingly. The scent of her arousal intensified, perfuming the air and tightening his shaft.

  He stepped away from her. He wanted her naked. With deft fingers he undid the braid down her back and spread her long, blond hair around her shoulders. It fell nearly to her waist in thick, curling waves. He ran his fingers through the silky length, taking his time and indulging himself in the sensuality of it. He wondered how it would feel to have that hair loose and brushing over him as she sucked on his cock. He groaned at the thought and his hands tightened in her hair.

  His hands found the top button on her shirt and undid it. She looked away and he cupped her chin, forcing her pretty green gaze to his. “Watch me as I undress you.”

  Her gaze flicked away, back, and then steadied. Even her eyes betrayed her lust.

  One-by-one he undid the buttons. He held her gaze the entire time. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, her pupils dilated, and his confidence grew.

  “It’s very arousing to see you bound and waiting for me to take you. I’m going to spread those pretty thighs, my lady, and thrust my cock into you. I’m going to take you slow. Slow enough to keep you and me on the edge for a long, long time. I’m going to shaft you so slow and easy, it’s going to feel like torture. You will break apart beneath me, crying out my name. Do you want to say no?”

  Her breathing quickened and her lips parted, but she didn’t look away and she didn’t say no. He reached the last button and looked down. A narrow swath of pale skin between her breasts was revealed, along with the gentle curve of each luscious mound. He could see her nipples through the material that lay lightly over them. They were thrust up hard, demanding attention.

  He bent and removed her boots, then made quick work of the belt of her trews. He slid her leggings down and off, taking her small scrap of damp undergarment along with them. He extracted his dagger from his belt to cut the shirt from her body.

  She gasped at the sight of the blade.

  “Easy, Lilane. I said I wouldn’t hurt you.” He made quick work of the shirt.

  Now that his handiwork was done, he stepped back to admire the results.

  Dear God, she was incredible. Her small breasts were full and firm, begging for his touch. Her stomach was flat and her hips flared. He fisted his hands in an effort not to jump on her and rut with her like an animal.

  He drew a breath and fought for calm. Rue walked around her, like a wolf on the prowl, drinking his fill of her body.

  There was heaven in the perfectly rounded cheeks of her ass. His hands itched to redden it and he wouldn’t deny himself. He understood that a little bit of pain heightened sexual pleasure. He also knew how much pain to give without hurting.

  He laid a smart slap to one cheek and his cock twitched when it flushed red and she cried out in surprise. The air perfumed with a sudden rush of her cream and he knew for certain then that she did enjoy being under a man’s sexual control.

  He pulled her up so her back was against his chest. “I’ll never hurt you, Lilane. Understand?”

  She nodded.

  “That doesn’t mean I won’t punish you.” He laid another stinging slap to her ass and she moaned. “Like that, do we, love? Do you like it? Tell me,” he commanded.

  Thunder rolling in the distance was the only sound.

  He delivered another smack to her ass and he nearly echoed the low moan that it elicited from her. “Tell me. Do you like it?” he growled. He rubbed her cheek with the flat of his hand, promising without words retribution if she dared not answer.

  “I…I like it,” she said under her breath.

  He circled around to stand in front of her. He ran his hands over her breasts, then bent his head and licked and sucked on one as though it were a piece of rock candy. He rolled the other nipple between his fingers. He felt Lilane’s body tense and her heart rate and breathing up their tempos.

  He knelt, kissing along her stomach, and headed down, straight for the honey pot. “Let it go, Lilane,” he murmured against her skin. “You’re Nordanese, you should be at ease with your sexuality. There is no shame here.”

  “But there is,” she blurted.

  He stilled and looked up her.

  She glanced away. “I—I’ve fought my whole life against men who sexually dominate women—slavers from Sudhra.”

  He laid a hand on her thigh and moved it up toward her sex inch-by-inch. “There is a difference in this, Lilane. You fought against slavery and unwillingness.” He dipped a finger through her
wet folds, and put his finger into his mouth. He groaned as the flavor of her arousal spread over his tongue. “And this, Lilane, is nothing but beautiful, unrestrained, willingness.”

  His finger circled her clit, using her own moisture as a lubricant, and her head fell back on a moan. Her clit was full, swollen, and ready for a climax. With his other hand, he slipped a finger inside her. Encountering no virginal barrier, he inserted another finger and slowly fucked her with both while circling her clit.

  Lilane panted and purred.

  “So very willing,” he murmured. “And so very wet. All I want to do is slide my cock inside you.” In truth, he was ready to explode. He felt her vaginal muscles tensing around his fingers, her body readying itself for the impending explosion. It took a supreme act of will power to pull away from her and stand. He leisurely licked every luscious drop of her warm body’s essence from his fingers, groaning at the taste of it and wanting more.

  Rue turned and walked away. “Punishment, my lady,” he called over his shoulder.

  “No!” she cried.

  He knelt beside the burned out fire and contemplated how to get it going again, and at the same time trying to tamp down the raging one in his body. “Doesn’t work that way, Lilane. You say ‘no’ when you want me to stop, not when you want me to continue.”

  She pulled on her bonds, causing the limb to which her rope was tied to swing and rain leaves. “You bastard!” she cried. “Finish what you started, at least!”

  Thunder boomed once more in the distance. He leaned back against a log and looked up at her with feigned nonchalance. His body burned to take her. He waved a hand noncommittally. “Oh, I will. Later.”

  He smiled as she huffed out an angry breath. She was even prettier when she was spitting mad.

  Rue removed his shirt and looked down at the band of red that coated his abdomen. The wound itself was shallow, but still sore. He winced. It ran parallel to the white, mottled scar that marked him from shoulder to hip. Yet another decoration for his chest, it seemed.

  He treated the wound with ointment from his saddlebag and put his shirt back on. Then he gathered some wood, and caught a rabbit.


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